magic eye doctor

Chapter 256 Losing something important

Chapter 256 Losing something important
The inmates in the prison have to work, and sometimes the people in the detention center also do the work, sometimes they don't. The suspects have stayed in the dormitory because they haven't worked in the past two days.

In the afternoon, Le Qianjin was cut and slashed again. When they went to the toilet, they asked her to wipe her fart suit, clean the toilet pit, and clean the toilet. They asked her to help her back, pinches her legs, and massaged the soles of her feet.

Le Qianjin, who was tossed and tired even more than a dog, vomited at the thought of helping someone wipe the stool with his chopsticks during dinner.

That vomit was not a good one, and she was so severely criticized that she had to fight back the feeling of vomiting, clean up by herself, and then resume eating.

Because she vomited, it affected the appetite of others. On the way back to the dormitory, everyone who passed by her stepped on her foot severely, causing her back to numb.

When she got back to the dormitory, Sister Bing and others gave Le Qianjin the gentlest punishment, asking her to squat in the toilet and spit out enough. Facing the dirt in the toilet pit, she spit out everything she ate, and vomited too. He was half-dead, had to clean up, and then crawled back to the bed, standing like an unconscious mummy.

When Le Qianjin was enjoying inhuman tossing in the detention center, Liu Dashao, classmate Chao and others who left her to the detention center lived happily on campus.

On the afternoon of the day when Le Qianjin was suffering, Milo accompanied Roberto to the Chinese Medicine Hospital for an examination. They waited for more than half a month and finally waited for the registration line at the hospital.

In addition to filming, the examination in the traditional Chinese medicine hospital included the traditional Chinese medicine diagnosis of pulse diagnosis by traditional Chinese medicine. I still took the film and did the laboratory tests. The test results were not much different from those in the Yi country. medicine for the patient to take.

Milo and Oscar get the Chinese medicine and accompany Roberto back to the hotel where they are staying.

Roberto is not short of money, and Milo is not short of money. The four people live in a hotel suite, which is very spacious. There is a study room, a master bedroom and a second bedroom. Roberto lives in the master bedroom, and the old housekeeper Enzo lives in a second bedroom. Luo and Oscar live in one room.

When I brought back the traditional Chinese medicine, I started to boil it. I used the electric casserole I bought to cook it, which also made the house smell of traditional Chinese medicine. Fortunately, there is an air conditioner to change the air.

"Father, when are we going to find that magical little Oriental girl?" Oscar asked while waiting for the medicine.

Oscar is Roberto's adopted child and heir to his property. He is a little younger than Miro. He is just 22 years old. He studied interior design and started freelancing after graduating from university.

Oscar is a very beautiful big boy, with naturally curly black hair, dark blue eyes, a straight nose, and a small dimple on the left side of his face when he smiles. Art of human beauty.

"I have to wait, wait until I finish taking the medicine and see the effect." Roberto smiled gently: "If Oscar is bored, go on a trip, I don't need you to take care of me, just go and see which city you want to go to. "

"That won't work, I'll wait for my father to finish his illness, and we'll go on a trip together." Oscar didn't want to travel alone, he wanted to go on a trip with Milo. Milo knew Chinese, but he would be embarrassed if he wasn't proficient in Chinese.

Roberto didn't force it, Milo looked at Oscar with a smile on his face, and under the influence of the godfather's words and deeds, Oscar also developed a strong interest in Chinese culture. Come.

Oscar is also very interested in the capital of China. He likes the ancient buildings of the Forbidden City in Huajing, the Great Wall representing the crystallization of human wisdom, and special snacks. It's been a long time coming.

Of course, Oscar is most interested in Xiao Lele, who he and his godfather are looking for. It is impossible for Oscar to travel alone before seeing Xiao Lele.

In fact, he wanted to find Xiaolele more, but it was not the time, so he could only wait, and he didn't know what Moritiy was thinking. When he arrived in Huaxia, Moritiy didn't make any movement. I have to say it was a bit strange.

Where is Moriti?
Moriti, whom Milo was thinking about, was at the moment in a deep mountain in Shennong Mountain in the North E-Province of Huaxia, and was exploring on foot in the dense forest.

He only carried a small backpack and a small instrument. The instrument was the favorite detector for tomb robbers to measure the presence of metal in the ground.

He has been searching deep in the mountains for nearly two months.

That day, when he brought down Milo and wanted to make up for the knife, he was chased by the black bear. He abandoned Milo and ran all the way. He thought he could easily get rid of the black bear. Chasing him to the death, he had to play the game of you chasing me with the bear.

When the black bear chased him up a hill, unfortunately, he encountered another black bear. At that time, he guessed that the two black bears might be a couple.

The latter black bear also joined the pursuit, because the mother bear chased like a madman. When it was dark, he couldn't get rid of the black bear. When he was over a cliff, he slipped and fell down the cliff.

When he woke up again, he was in a mountain stream, his hand was broken, and his body was covered with large and small injuries. At the same time, he realized that what Milo gave him was missing!
Moriti dragged his body full of injuries, and searched around the place where he fell, but found nothing. Because of too many injuries, he had to find a way out and go outside the mountain to find a place for treatment.

He tried his best to leave the mountain stream, because when he fell down the mountain stream, he fell hard, his mobile phone and compass were scrapped, and he had no tools to tell his direction. Bone setting and plaster cast in private practice.

He didn't live in a shop, so he used a bank card to withdraw a sum of money, exchanged it for Chinese yuan, bought some things, went into the mountains again, found an abandoned village, and recuperated in an abandoned house.

It took him nearly two months to take care of his whole body. During that time, he got a mobile phone to use for the Internet to understand the result of the task, from secret contact with secret words to him. It was discovered that Milo was not dead and returned to Florence safely.

The news that Milo was alive made Moriti sleep sleepless. He didn't know why Milo was still alive, and he didn't know how Milo explained to the organization after he returned, even if the S organization did not issue a killing order for him or find him. Whereabouts, he knew he couldn't go back unless he found something like that and took it back.

The fact that Milo was alive was like a thorn, deeply pierced in his heart, Moriti modified himself, bought some equipment, and went into the deep mountains to find what he had left behind.

Today, he wears burgundy hair, and his skin is slightly dark. He is a brown race. He travels through Shennong Mountain as a freedom lover. In fact, he sneaks into the deep mountains to search for lost items.

He first searched the place where the cliff fell, but he couldn't find it after turning three feet on the ground. Then he searched for the mountains he might have walked through. After two months of searching, he still had no clue.

The only thing that reassured him was that according to the reactions of certain organizations, no one had gotten it, and it should still be somewhere deep in the mountains.

Moriti couldn't remember where he lost it. He was clearly in the pocket of his arms and hid it well, why did he disappear?

Logically speaking, if something is missing, he should know it immediately, because it has a little weight. If the weight placed against his chest suddenly disappears and loses that weight, he will definitely find out, and if something falls out, He always had to bump into clothes and bump into himself, so he could feel it.

But in fact, he didn't even notice that the thing was lost. In retrospect, he could only be sure that the thing was still on him before he met the second black bear, and presumably lost it after he met the second black bear.

Back in the mountains, Moriti used the mountain direction in his memory to include the mountain stream between the cliffs and the place where the second black bear appeared into the search range, and launched a ground-hair-style search.

I searched inch by inch, and found coins and small metal objects. I don’t know if they were dropped by planes, people who watched the mountains, or things that small animals took from other places. Anyway, they appeared in the deep mountains and old forests. .

The unknown, the things that were so corroded that they couldn't recognize what they were all found, but the things they lost were still sinking into the sea, and there was no news.

After searching for so long, Moriti was a little discouraged, but when he thought about Milo, he regained his energy and continued to search reluctantly. Only when he found something would he have the opportunity and qualification to choose where to go.

As long as you find something, even if you don't go back to S, you can bring something to country M without him asking for it. The organization in country M will take the initiative to win him over, and he will be able to win his own place. If you don't find something, if you join another organization, you will betray S, and you will definitely betray S. Will be on the most wanted list, and will be on the road of being hunted down by bounty hunters.

If he didn't find anything, he couldn't go back to S. Milo was alive, how should he explain it when he went back?
Carrying the detection equipment, Moriti scanned carefully, hoping for a surprise in the next moment. Unfortunately, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. Seeing that the sky was getting dark and the woods were dark, he could no longer see, so he could only call it a day.

Carrying the instrument, he returned to his small tent on the edge of the woods, took out the gadgets he made, searched for satellite signals, connected to the mobile phone, and communicated with the Internet world.

Wandering around in the Huaxia Internet world, Moriti went to a place that he paid more attention to, and saw the Facebook of someone he followed, and was suddenly shocked, Milo came to Huaxia? !
He didn't pay attention to the outside for three days, and Milo actually came to China?

Moriti was shocked, and the first thought was that Milo must have come to him!He hasn't appeared for so long, the leader of the organization will definitely suspect something, and send someone to Huaxia to find his whereabouts.

He quickly flipped through the information, and became more and more surprised. The whole person was silent. Milo didn't just come to Huaxia, but he had been here for more than [-] days. He was not alone. The godfather who accompanied him was staying in Huaxia. At the Kyoto Hotel, waiting for the hospital number, he posted on Facebook how he accompanied his godfather to see Chinese medicine in the Chinese medicine hospital today, expressing his admiration for the magical Chinese medicine.

It took more than [-] days for people to arrive in China, and he didn't even know!
Moriti was holding the phone and frowned slightly. Milo really came to seek medical treatment, or was it for the little girl?

(End of this chapter)

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