Chapter 260

I searched for her thousands of times in my dream, and when I looked back, the man was in the dim light.

Milo's eyes were fixed, a few lines of Song Poetry that his godfather taught him resounded in his mind, and something was surging in his heart.

At this time, it was almost noon, the autumn sun was in the sky, the light in the Panjiayuan was bright, the people in the greenhouse were crowded, and there were people coming and going in the passage outside, and the voices of people were vaguely heard.

And what echoed in his mind were the words and phrases that were famous for the ages, which just happened to confirm his mood. He wanted to see Xiao Lele very much, miss her pure and innocent smiling face and clear and sweet voice.

When Milo stopped, Roberto also looked at the opposite greenhouse, and saw two young people and a girl outside the greenhouse diagonally opposite, his eyes flashed a ray of light, is that child?
He looked back and saw Milo's eyes looking away, his pupils bluer than the summer sky shining, Roberto smiled leisurely: "Milo, it's that child, right?"

"Godfather, yes, it's her." Milo's traveled mind was instantly pulled back, and a smile appeared on his handsome face: "Godfather, wait a moment, I'll go over and say hello."

"It's called meeting a thousand miles, Milo, go ahead, the little girl may be too shocked that you are here, you should take the initiative to say hello to your little friend." Roberto's eyes flashed a strange light, supporting Milo. Luo's actions.

"Okay, I'll go." Milo suppressed his joy and excitement, smiled prudently, adjusted his appearance, and strode towards the opposite side.

"Father, is that the little oriental beauty over there that brother Milo knew?" Oscar didn't know who he was talking about at first. When he saw Milo walking diagonally across from him, he looked over and saw an oriental girl. The child was so small. Wearing an inky black medium-short coat, with a bag slanted in front of him.

"Yes, it's that child, let's wait on the side." Roberto nodded with a smile, and let him go to the side so as not to interfere with other people's communication.

Enzo's old butler smiled lightly, supported his husband and stepped back a few steps, and stood near the edge of the greenhouse.

Oscar's pupils lit up, looking in the direction of Milo and the little Dongfang girl.

When Le Xiaoxue suddenly stopped, Yan Shao and Liu Shao who accompanied him also stood up in surprise, looked around, and saw the direction that Little Loli was looking at, their hearts froze, foreigners?
Le Yun looked at the four foreign Taobao shoppers more than ten meters away from the slash, and when she met Mi Luo's eyes, she was sure that it was Mi Luo, and the joy in Mi Luo's eyes.

She heard Milo's heartbeat, and also heard Milo talking to the people who were traveling with her, but she knew too little Italian and understood only a limited amount of it.

When she saw the handsome young man striding over, she knew that he didn't think he didn't know her.

"Brother Yan and Liu, I've met a friend. I'm going to talk to my friend. You can go back first, you don't have to wait for me." Le Yun took a step forward, turned back and showed a bright smile to the two handsome guys. ran to the handsome foreigner.

Liu Xiangyang almost wanted to jump, that foreigner is a little beauty friend? !
Not scientific!
Yes, very unscientific, when did the little beauty meet foreigners and become friends?More importantly, that foreign youth is very handsome!
Liu Shao wanted to scold someone, when did that guy meet the little beauty, and can he kill him?
Foreign handsome guy?


Two question marks flashed in Yan Xing's mind, and then there was Lightning. The foreigner was the one who knew Little Loli in Shennong Mountain.

Thinking about the Shennong Mountain, his long eyes became darker and darker. The handsome foreigner was a little loli he met in Shennong Mountain, so his purpose of coming to China at the beginning and now is worth thinking about.

Little Loli didn't mean to let them know each other, and he didn't follow up, and decided to wait.

Seeing Xiao Lele running over, Milo couldn't hide the joy in his heart. He was overjoyed, and regardless of whether the godfather would say that he was unstable, he trotted a few steps, met the petite and sweet little girl very quickly, and opened his arms. : "Lele!"

"Miro." Le Yun's eyes are curved, and the reunion of friends after a long absence is one of the joys of life.

Milo rushed to the front of the little girl, folded his arms, and gently hugged the long-lost little girl. When he hugged the little girl to his chest, he heard the cheerful cheers of his heart.


Liu Xiangyang almost exploded, and the handsome foreigner actually hugged the little beauty!What made him want to jump even more was the fact that the little beauty didn't shoot the young foreigners, it's not fair!
They didn't take advantage of her, and they were scorned. The foreigner hugged her, but the little beauty didn't get furious. This...this is...a foreigner!

Liu Shao was furious with jealousy.

Yan Xing's pair of dragon eyes stared at the tall and handsome young man and hugged the little loli, his big hands clenched into fists, he wanted to knock that young man away!I want so much, I want to beat someone so much that they don't even recognize their parents!

Le Yun was hugged by the handsome guy, and she was a little confused. Milo didn't say that Yi people should hug when they meet with friends. She remembered that it was the French etiquette to meet and hug a veneer.

She didn't expect to be taken advantage of, because Milo's arm was lightly wrapping her shoulders, and there was a backpack in front of her, separated between the two, it was impossible to show the chest-to-chest picture.

"I haven't seen you for a few months, Lele has grown taller." Milo gently hugged the cute little loli, and let go of his arms politely. Xiao Lele is still so fragrant, and the smell on his body is still so good, even if his skin In this dry autumn is also so white and tender.

If Xiao Lele was a little older, he would definitely give him a fierce hug, and then a French greeting, first veneer, and then kiss.

He was afraid of scaring his own children, so he only hugged a friend who smiled and admired it very tenderly. She was still a little girl. She had grown better. When such a figure walked on the streets of European country D, it was easy to be attacked by young people. buttocks.

Handsome Milo let go, Le Yun was freed, and she breathed a sigh of relief. She really couldn't bear the meeting etiquette of foreigner friends.

Looking up, he saw that the blue in the eyes of the handsome guy was as clean as the sky after the summer rain, his handsome face was dazzling, and he couldn't help squinting: "Miro, in a few months, you will be even more handsome and charming. , and congratulations on your recovery."

The appearance of the foreigner Shuaiguo was originally impeccable. After he returned to China, he recuperated well. After the wound on his abdomen healed, he left only thin scars, similar to those left by cesarean section. Of course, Milo's scars should be Much thinner, like a thin gray line.

The large and small intestines that had been injured in his abdominal cavity were also completely healed, without the slightest scar, which shows how miraculous the plaster she prepared at the time was.

In comparison, handsome Yan's injury recovery was slower than that of handsome Milo. It wasn't her medicine that had a problem. Most of the reason was due to handsome Yan himself. His broken body was tossed by the poison and the absorption function was a bit weak. Its self-healing function is stronger than that of handsome Yan.

"It's a great honor to be praised by Lele." Mi Luo's eyes brightened and his spirits were high, and it was a blessing for Sansheng to get Xiaolele's praise for his beauty.

He was beaming with laughter, and gave a thumbs up to praise the little girl's medical skills: "Lele's medical skills are excellent, I only recovered so quickly."

"That's because you have a good foundation and good self-cultivation, so you can recover well. Your body just ran out to travel again. You don't take care of yourself very much. This is not very good. outdoor sports." Le Yun is still very modest, and she is also very concerned about her experimental subjects.

"I didn't come to travel this time, but to accompany my enlightenment teacher and named godfather to China to seek medical treatment. My parents died when I was very young, and my godfather was also my supervisor. The godfather loves Chinese culture. My Chinese is He taught us. We arrived here before your National Day, and we have been waiting in line to see a doctor. Yesterday we went to the traditional Chinese medicine hospital for a treatment. There is still a hospital number to wait for next month. I originally wanted to wait a while. Look at you, I didn't expect to meet you here, I'm so happy!"

Milo explained to the little girl why he would come to Huaxia Kingdom. He was a little worried that Xiaolele would be angry. He said that the appointment would be for a year, but within half a year, he set foot on the land of China again, and, here comes I haven't seen her for so long.

The chance encounter at the flea market made him happy, but he also felt that he wanted to do something bad and was caught, and asked in a low voice, "Lele, I haven't visited you for so long, you won't be angry, will you?"

"No, why are you angry?" Le Yun reunited with handsome Milo after a long absence. Le Yun was in a good mood, her eyes curled with a smile: "It's just a bit of an accident. At first, I thought I was dazzled, but I was wrong."

"I didn't expect to meet you here either," the little boy didn't get angry, Milo grew out of a smile and smiled warmly: "Lele, my godfather admires Huaxia Traditional Chinese Medicine, and would like to meet you very much, you would like to meet my godfather. For a moment?"

"Okay, but I don't understand the etiquette of your country. If there is something rude, I hope you don't mind." Le Yun understood in seconds that Milo's godfather also wanted to ask her to see a doctor.

"It's great, Lele, go this way." Milo turned sideways happily, and looked at the other two young people who were walking with the little girl: "Little Lele, the two over there should be your friends or Relatives, why don't you invite them to come and get to know each other?"

"Forget it for now, my two friends have a special occupation." Liu Shuai and Yan Shuai are soldiers, so it's better to deal with foreigners less, so as not to be smeared by fake rumors.

"Then listen to Lele, I can only be rude to your friends." Milo did not force himself, and accompanied the children to see his elders. He understood Xiao Lele's scruples in his heart. Those two were the Huaxia National Army. People, it's a bit inappropriate to casually be friends with foreign travelers like them.

Little Loli hugged and talked intimately with the handsome foreign guy, and went to see the handsome foreign guy together. Yan Xing's sour water was about to drown people. It was too unconscionable. .

"Xiao Xingxing, I'm hurt." Liu Xiangyang stared at the back of the little beauty and the handsome foreign guy. The little beauty is good to everyone, so she just picks noses and eyes on them, which makes people feel heartbroken.

"Let's go." Yan Xing turned around pretending to be calm, and turned to the other direction. It's good for Little Loli not to let them see the foreigner, and it's less troublesome.

Liu Xiangyang reluctantly glanced at the direction where the little beauty was going, and walked with Xiao Xingxing. He thought that he would go back so early and eat the meal made by the little beauty at noon. People cut off the hustle, and their lunch went to waste again.

Roberto stood by with Oscar and Enzo. When he saw Milo accompanied the little girl Lefang, he was very happy. There is an old Chinese saying, "It is better to come early than to come by chance". chance encounter.

Oscar's eyes have always been on the little girl. Brother Milo is handsome, handsome, and athletic. He is an elegant gentleman. The little girl from the East is small and cute, standing next to brother Milo. In the words of his father, he is called "Little Bird Yiren".

Although his adoptive father is a lover of Chinese culture, for various reasons, Oscar himself is not often influenced by Chinese culture, and his understanding of Chinese is far less than that of Miro, but he is still quick on the idiom of "little bird depends on man" Understandably, the meaning of that sentence is that a tall one is petite, and a small one needs the protection of a tall man.

Milo accompanies the little oriental loli child he knows to the godfather three. When he is about to approach, Roberto takes the lead to greet him with a kind smile and kindness.

Bearing in mind the gentlemanly teachings taught by the godfather from childhood to adulthood, Milo first introduced his godfather to Little Loli, then introduced the old housekeeper and Oscar in turn, and then introduced Xiao Lele to the godfather.

Le Yun didn't embarrass her own people, she didn't feel frightened, she stretched out her slender hand generously to shake hands with foreign friends, and said, "Welcome to China, it's a pleasure to meet you. ".

"Oh, my God, Miss Beauty can actually speak Italian!" Roberto laughed in surprise, took the little girl from the East and shook it, bent down slightly, raised the lady's little hand and put it on his lips Side kiss: "Nice to meet you, lovely child."

"I only learned three or two sentences, which made you laugh. Sir, you speak Chinese fluently, which shocked me." The old gentleman used the European kissing ceremony, because it was the first time that an old gentleman was so eloquent. Politely kissing the back of her hand, Le Yun was a little shy.

Roberto smiled brightly and asked the housekeeper and Oscar to greet the little girl.

The old housekeeper Enzo also kissed and greeted Master Milo's friend. Oscar gave the two elders a kiss. He couldn't help being surprised. The little girl in the East had a beautiful hand, like a work of art, delicate and delicate. , exquisite and gorgeous.

Because the little girl is too delicate and beautiful, a big boy blushed, and all the words he had prepared to say to make friends with the little girl were all forgotten.

After getting acquainted with each other, Milo proposed to go to the tea shop outside for a cup of tea. Roberto readily agreed, and Oscar was also full of expectations.

Le Yun also has no objection. She doesn't know what handsome Milo said to his godfather, but she can clearly feel that the old gentleman wants to chat with her and diagnose the pulse, and she does not refuse. This is to show Huaxia Timing for the magic of TCM, isn't it?

(End of this chapter)

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