magic eye doctor

Chapter 272: Mini Little Ink Monkey

Chapter 272: Mini Little Ink Monkey

Yan Xing had too many doubts in his heart, because the little loli ran away and didn't explain, so he could only follow closely, and fortunately he was a military man, otherwise he would definitely be thrown ten streets.

He is also very depressed. Little Loli is petite, flexible and light, so in the same gap between the trees, she slips through like a loach, very relaxed, and when it is his turn, sometimes she gets stuck, and sometimes she has to jump up or crawl. Moving forward, it will also delay a little time, so it is always on the road of chasing, which makes people feel full.

Handsome Yan, the little follower, was full of resentment in his heart. Le Yun, who was running ahead, took the lead and kept rushing for a while. There was no time to worry about whether Handsome Yan could keep up. It is better to go home and grow sweet potatoes if you stay in the army to occupy a position.

She rushes for time, chooses no route, and tries to walk as straight as possible. She takes a detour only when she has to avoid it. Then, she drills out of the woods to reach the river valley. in the stream, wading across the river.

After crossing the previous one, there is a large narrow valley behind. The river is not wide, about three meters. There have been no major flash floods in recent years. Most of the riverbed has been covered with vines, grasses and shrubs, and further away is the edge of the woods. .

The little loli hurriedly waded across the river, but the swallows were not in such a hurry. She jumped left and right, jumped over the river from the stones, and then ran wildly, catching up with the little loli who was running away on the dry river bed covered with green plants. .

The little loli is light and slender, sometimes has advantages, and sometimes has disadvantages. She is so petite, sometimes she will get caught in the net when she gets into the vine, and she can't even see her head. She is tall and tall and has long legs. Ah, the long legs can hold down the vines with one step, and step over them easily.

Therefore, Yan Xing easily caught up with Little Loli, and sometimes helped her to push aside the vines and grasses that were as tall as hers and let her get through.

After finally getting out of the place full of rattan and thorns, Le Yun ran for another four or five meters, standing in the weeds, looking up at a big tree at the edge of the forest.

Yan Xing, who was half a beat behind, rushed to the front and looked forward, not surprised: "Forest python?"

On the edge of the forest adjacent to the riverbed that had turned into a wilderness, the trees were scattered and taller. There was a large tree about one meter in diameter on the edge. A big python.

The big python was black with yellowish brown, and white and white, with colorful patterns, and its body was very thick, thicker than the standard rice bowl used today. Branches bend down.

The piebald python was probably full and slept on a tree with its tail hanging down like a thick vine. Because the trees were relatively dense, the sunlight could also shine on its scales, reflecting a little light.

Yan Xing's eyes jumped when he saw the big python. The big limpet is a protected animal, so Little Lolita wouldn't think of it, right?
He was about to ask, remembering that he had said that no matter what she did, he would turn one eye and close the other, keep his mouth shut, and didn't ask a hundred thousand whys.

Le Yun looked at the python on the tree, quickly untied her backpack and put it on the grass, carrying a hatchet, and swooping towards the tree, shouting as she ran, "Brother Yan, I want to catch this guy, you Help, find a way to grab the tail or head and not let it roll up."

what? !

Yan Xing, who originally wanted to stay out of the matter, couldn't help but be a little dumbfounded when she heard what little Loli said. Little Loli did something to the animal and dragged him into the water. This...this is really unkind!

He said that he opened one eye and closed one eye as if he didn't see it, why did he drag him into the water for fear that he would inform him?

Looking at the big python with sympathy, Yan Xingsong's own backpack, the little loli has a request, what can he do?Of course, it is unscrupulous to help the Zhou and the tiger once, so I can only shed tears of sympathy for the big snake. Whoever finds it bad, it arouses the interest of the little loli, and he can't help it.

Deep in the mountains and forests, isolated from humans, the boa constrictor had probably never seen humans before, and didn't care about the arrival of the two-legged beast. Hearing the swaying sound of the grass and trees as people ran, it stretched out its big head and waited lazily.

Le Yun ran to a bunch of vines, cut a few thick vines, chopped off the branches and stitched them together, threw away the hatchet, rushed under the big tree, took the vines, hugged the tree and climbed up. .

The python is not interested in the two-legged beast, which does not mean that it is still indifferent to the animal approaching. It slowly slides, stretches its head, and opens its mouth condescendingly at the animal that climbed up, making a protest sound.

As soon as Le Yun climbed halfway, the python entered an attacking state and could only pause. Looking at the tree fork, he was still about two meters away. He crossed his legs and hounded the tree to stabilize himself. , wait for the vine to drop over the branches, grab the head, and make a loose and tight loop.

The rattan was thrown into the air, the boa constrictor swayed its head, and its long body hung in the air, approaching the invasive animal.

Yan Xing put down her backpack and saw Little Loli climbing up the tree, her face darkened, and there was a python on the tree. Is Little Loli trying to send sheep into the tiger's mouth?
The little loli is so thin, it is probably more than enough for a big snake to swallow her in one bite. It is not uncommon for pythons to swallow pigs and sheep if you know that pythons can swallow things bigger than them.

When he saw the big snake holding its head and looking down at the little loli, he sweated for it, for fear that the big python would have a huge mouth and swallow the little loli like a bun.

The python's head stretched out, but Le Yun didn't flinch. Instead, she stretched out her small claws and waved. The python was provoked, opened its mouth, and stretched out to pounce on its prey.

Yan Xing shouted: "Jump down!"

What to do?

Le Yun hummed disdainfully, she just waited for it to come over, okay?
When the big python attacked, her small claws, which were already ready to go, stretched out like lightning, grabbing the seven-inch position of the big python with great precision. Close up, you can't pinch the snake's neck in a full circle.

Even so, it's enough, all she wants is a little time, when she grabs the snake seven inches with one hand, wraps the vine in a circle around the snake's neck, tightens the vine, loosens the grip on the snake's neck, and grasps it with both hands. Rattan on the other end.

The snake hits seven inches. Seven inches is the fatal point of the snake. The boa constrictor was chained seven inches, its body twisted, and the long body resting on the tree fell. was suspended in the air.

Its big tail hit the ground and rolled back up, trying to wrap the cane.

When Little Loli grabbed the snake seven inches, Yan Xing's eyes stared into copper bells, her hands were so fast!Exactly!Little Loli is a good snake catcher!

When he saw the boa constrictor being hung up, he hurried out and rushed to the bottom of the big tree. He stretched out a big arm like an iron hoop around the boa constrictor's tail, and straightened the boa constrictor into a line.

The python's head was tied, its tail was pulled, and its body kept arching and struggling.

Handsome Yan is very powerful. Le Yun grabbed the rattan and slid down, landing on both feet, and extended the rattan so that the python was closer to the ground. He pressed the python on the tree, wrapped the rattan around a few times, and then wrapped the rattan. The strip is tied to the tree.

The life force of the snake is very long. Even if it is tied to a tree, the second half of the python is still violently pinched. Yan Xing stepped on the tail of the snake with his foot, and then pinched a section of the snake's body to prevent it from rolling into a circle.

The big python was tied up half-dressed, and the tail was bound by an iron man in the army, becoming a lamb to be slaughtered.

Le Yun did not hesitate for a moment, took out the scalpel, stabbed it at the weakest midline of the python's abdomen, cut open the snake's abdomen with one knife, and dissected it downwards.

She didn't take the gallbladder or the fat. She reached out and took out the snake's stomach. It didn't take long for it to eat, and its stomach swelled.

Turning out its stomach, Le Yun didn't blink, the scalpel was pulled on the snake's stomach, and when the knife went down, the stomach was dissected open. It ate several kinds of food, including pheasants, birds, mice, and some small animals. Just eaten, some of them were digested in half, leaving stumps, broken arms, and feathers and bones.

Stomach is messy and smelly.

Yan Xing held his breath and observed what Little Loli wanted to do. He once thought that she wanted to take snake gallbladder, or to make oil with fat, but he never expected that the result would be unexpected. Little Loli was actually dissecting the snake stomach.

She cut open the snake's stomach, Le Yun stabbed the scalpel on the tree, carefully turned over the food in the snake's stomach, and quickly found two small fluffy things, two very small, more than human His thumb was a little smaller, the gray hair was wet and sticky, and there was also a layer of snake stomach juice and the digested residue of the animal.

"It's a pity." Le Yun sighed in shock after holding the two groups of small things in her palm. Even if she tried her best to rescue her, she was a step too late. One small animal died, and another was dying. Okay. It's a blessing in a misfortune to be alive in it.

She couldn't do anything about the dead animals. Holding the dead and seriously injured animals, she ran to the place where she put her backpack: "Brother Yan, you can let go. Come and help me get some water."


Yan Xing's mind was full of questions. Little Loli did not hesitate to kill the python, just to get two small animals for the dissection of the snake's stomach?What kind of little animal is that, is it worth a little loli to do this kind of thing like killing chickens and retrieving eggs?

He was so full of questions that he couldn't ask any questions, so he let go of his hands and feet decisively, dropped the big python, caught up with the little loli, ran to the backpack, wiped his hands on his clothes, took out the mineral water from his backpack, and unscrewed it. cover.

Le Yun sat on the vine grass, put the dead animal in a leaf, carefully took the dying animal, and let Handsome Yan help it to wash it and gently rinse it.

Yan Xing, who acted according to the wishes of the little loli, poured water while observing the small animals, and waited to wash away the mucus of the snake stomach juice. The small animals were vaguely recognizable.

A shrunken miniature monkey?
A few question marks flashed in his mind, and Yan Xing blurted out: "Black Monkey?"

"You don't have a blind eye, what you see is the black monkey cub, otherwise I can kill the protected boa constrictor, I'm not crazy, I don't have a hobby for dissecting snakes." , It's really embarrassing to be so restless.

"Is it really a black monkey?" Yan Xing didn't care after receiving a sentence, and looked at the small animal in Little Loli's palm in surprise: "Isn't the black monkey extinct? Hey, monkey face monkey paws, yes, it is a monkey It looks like he's going to die..."

"Bah!" Before he was finished, Le Yun interrupted him angrily: "If you don't speak, no one will treat you as a mute. If you talk nonsense, I will kill you."

Yan Xing shut up, Little Loli is so cruel!Forget it, a good man won't fight with a woman, and a seven-footed man won't be fussing with a stinky little girl.

Ink monkey!
He was a little bit overjoyed after rubbing it secretly. The black monkeys once attracted countless famous people to compete, but unfortunately, due to endless hunting, their living space was destroyed, and their reproductive ability was low, and they were announced early on. The loss of traces in the country has made countless people who have no chance to see them sigh with embarrassment.

In the past, many people guessed that there may be black monkeys in the deep mountains of Wuyi, but no one found it, and it was just a guess. I didn't expect that he could see such a cute little creature with his own eyes in his lifetime.

Now, I have a deep understanding of Little Loli's behavior of killing the big python. If he finds that the big python is catching the ink monkey, needless to say, he will also kill the big python to save the ink monkey. The big python is not in danger of extinction. Included in the extinction list, the black monkey is much more precious than the second-class animal python.

Yan Xing watched the little loli gently bathe the little black monkey. The little monkey was smaller than the little loli's thumb, so tender, it could be crushed with a little force.

After washing the little black monkey, Le Yun first put some life-saving ginseng slices in its mouth, and then wrapped it in a towel to wipe the water.

One of the forelimbs of the little black monkey was fractured, and the lower back and hind limbs were also scratched and strained. It was very weak. When it was treated, only its eyes were turning. When the snake stomach juice was washed away, it became a little more active, and the other arm could also move a few times.

The ultra-small miniature monkey has dark eyes. Even if he is seriously injured and has no spirit, a glance at those eyes can make a person's heart bud.

Even Yan Xing, the old and rough soldier in the military, willingly bowed to its charm, and worked diligently as a horse. He heard that he needed to roast the monkey's hair. Make a fire to keep the little monkey warm.

The hair of the little black monkey was dried, white and gray, and the hair was slender. It was estimated that it was only three or two months old when it was born.

Le Yun wrapped it in a towel for the protection of handsome Yan, and found out the copper pounding bowl she was carrying, picked up some medicinal materials and mashed it, mixed with the previously boiled medicine, mixed it into a paste, and helped the little monkey cut the hair of the injured part. First, the broken forelimb was boned, wrapped in plaster, fixed, and bandaged.

The little black monkey is too small, and it is inconvenient to apply medicine in some places. She simply put plaster on its front, abdomen and back, and then wrap it up, and then apply medicine to its two legs. A black monkey was wrapped in a zongzi, and only one arm and neck could move.

To help the little black monkey deal with the injury, Le Yun used a rattan to weave a small round basket, put some soft grass leaves on it, cut the towel into several pieces, and spread a piece on the grass blade for the little black monkey to use as a nest, and then she would meet up with the little black monkey. Handsome Yan eats some dry food first, and then chooses a place to camp.

(End of this chapter)

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