magic eye doctor

Chapter 2720 Five Spirit Trees

Chapter 2720 Five Elements Spirit Tree
In order not to be disturbed by her plan to dig meteorites, Little Loli set up a formation outside the valley, and even if someone came to the vicinity of the valley, they walked around.

It took half a year to collect a large number of meteorites. Little Loli set off again. In order not to be found by people or beasts, she dug for spiritual plants or inaccurate medicinal plants in the deep mountains and jungles during the day, and traveled at night.

Day and night out, and after four nights of travel, I finally reached my goal.

The place that Le Yun found was probably the central area of ​​the Yaoguang Palace, which had never been born in the mystical realm of Fluctlight, that is, the important places like the Fluctuating Palace Group and the caves of the immortals.

The land was hidden between the mountains by the immortals in a way of shrinking into an inch, and a five-element array was set up to protect it.

That mountain range, which the Yinjiao tribe had explored, named it "Misty Mountain" - its mountain range is foggy all year round, with many swamps and fog barrier poisonous gas, and there is an area that is still poisonous swamp.

Its location is about the neck of the gourd in the gourd-shaped map drawn by the Yinjiao tribe.

The mountain area that hides an important part of the Palace of Light, the Black Mercury Jiao Clan has not yet explored, and that area is not within the map they drew.

Le Yun found her destination in the middle of the night, and waited until dawn to enter the protected secret place.

Walking into the mysterious place protected by the formation, the void in front of me was first distorted, and then after a brief sense of turmoil, a large plain appeared in the field of vision.

Appearing in the rhythm of the void, looking back, I can see that it is about a hundred miles away from the protective defense formation of the secret place, and there is a vast and expansive plain under my feet and in the distance.

The endless plains are densely forested, with towering ancient trees, grasslands spread out like blankets, wide rivers meandering, lakes and hills dotted.

It's already August, and it's mid-autumn. All kinds of fruit-bearing plants are full of fruit, and many herbs are also sturdy and long-spiked. The green forest is bubbling with wet mist, and the green plants are still stained with morning dew, which is even more alive. abundant.

The beasts that have spent the night safely, some begin to dormant, and some start a new day's foraging journey.

The fresh air, the green that represents hope, is endless and refreshing,
Le Yun looked at the environment, took out the spirit boat, and pasted a few talismans on the spirit boat.

The dormant monsters just felt the temptation of the new creatures and wanted to hunt for a change of taste, but then they felt the tyrannical aura of the new creatures, and they all died down.

Deterring the monsters, Le Yun drove the spirit boat around the sky for ten days and ten nights. After field surveys, the entire secret place has a radius of more than 2000 billion [-] million miles.

The main buildings of the Yaoguang Palace and the caves of the many immortals of the Yaoguang Palace were all hidden in the secret place. The part of the Yaoguang Secret Realm that was opened was actually the southern mountain range and the western part of the outer periphery of the Yaoguang Palace.

Most of the western and northern parts of the Yaoguang Palace are still banned. If there are no special circumstances, they will only be born when the natural conditions meet the opening conditions set by the Yaoguang Jinxian.

Not to mention the central area of ​​Yaoguang Palace, the day it will be released is far away, and only special people or beasts who are not bound by rules can find or enter the hidden secret place.

The peaks in the secret ground soar into the sky. The main peak is about 25 feet high from the surface of the ground. There are 87 peaks in the main peak.

The Yaoguang Palace is built on the halfway of the main peak, and the other branch peaks are the caves or dojos of the Golden Immortals.

Mountain peaks have their own characteristics, or majestic and dangerous, or towering and tall, or beautiful and colorful. The palaces of each peak are built according to the shape or terrain of the mountain.

The main hall of the Yaoguang Palace and the palace buildings on each peak are protected by the formation. Even though more than one billion years have passed, the formation is still running as usual. Because the building has not been eroded by wind and rain, it is still intact.

Le Yun rode the spirit boat in the air and traveled all over the secret land. She knew exactly where there were precious spiritual plants, which cave house contained treasures, or which mountain range contained spiritual stone veins or rare spiritual minerals.

After surveying the terrain, he did not immediately go to the Yaoguang Palace or Xianshi Cave, but left the mountain where the Yaoguang Palace was located and entered another mountain range in the east. There was something more attractive than the Yaoguang Palace. At the natural boundary.

The mountain system with natural enchantment should be the forbidden area of ​​the Yaoguang Palace. It has been set up with the Five Elements Array, the Tianluodi Net Array, the Taiyan Jiuzhuan Qiankun Wuji Array, and the Dayan Jiuqu Serial Ecstasy Array.

Several large formations protect a piece of the area so that no water leaks.

After entering the mountains and outside the outermost Dayan Jiuqu Serial Ecstasy Formation, Le Yun received the spirit boat and walked into the formation by herself.

After passing through the miscellaneous nine-curve serial ecstasy array, it is the Tianluodi net array that makes people nowhere to escape, then the five elements array, and then the Taiyan Jiuzhuan Qiankun Wuji array.

Taiyan Jiuzhuan Qiankun Wuji Formation is more tossing people than Jiuqu Serial Formation. "Jiuzhuan" is a virtual finger. There are actually [-] kinds of changes.

In order to experience the power of Xian Shibu's great formation, Le Yun obeyed the natural rules, did not take shortcuts but followed the changes of the great formation, so it took a full two hours to walk out of the great formation.

The area protected by the four major formations has a radius of more than 12 million miles, and the highest peak is about [-] feet above the surface. Generally speaking, it belongs to a relatively delicate mountain system.

After entering the array, Le Yun took out the spirit boat again, flew in the air for a long time, and found the natural enchantment.

The natural enchantment is in a huge sinkhole.

The tiankeng is located in a mountain. The mountain is only 600 to [-] feet high, but it occupies a lot of land. It is more than [-] miles long from east to west and more than [-] miles wide from north to south. The whole is a relatively regular rectangle.

The middle of the mountain sank down, forming a huge tiankeng, and the stone walls around the top of the tiankeng were cut like knives.

The tiankeng is in an irregular prismatic shape. The widest point from north to south is about 220 miles, and the longest from east to west is about 380 miles. The tiankeng is covered by a natural barrier, and the true appearance of the tiankeng and the surrounding peaks cannot be seen from the outside. , I saw a vast white mist.

Le Yun put away the spirit boat and happily entered the thick layer of white mist.

There is really a layer of white mist on the surface of Tiankengkou, and the natural enchantment and the white mist are fused together.

The white light flashed in front of her eyes, and Le Yun had entered the natural enchantment.

The natural enchantment is equivalent to a basin, which is divided into two layers. The first layer is located in the southeast area, starting from the position of due east and south, and the other end extends to the fan-shaped area formed by the southeast and due south. The shape is like A terraced field.

The terraced tiankeng layer is about [-] feet away from the edge of the tiankeng mouth, about [-] miles at the widest point, about [-] to [-] miles wide on average, and the terrain is flat.

The bottom of the tiankeng is about [-] feet away from the terraced field, and it is irregularly circular.

On the first terraced steps and the bottom of the Tiankeng, there are various plants, ranging from towering ancient trees to dwarf shrubs, all over the place.

Among the green and green, there are several kinds of small shrubs with dazzling colors, ranging from a few inches high to three or four feet high. The height of the small trees is no more than four feet, and the branches are alternate.

The small trees are similar in shape, with leaves in the shape of pear leaves, clustered phyllotaxis, with five leaves in each node, and the five leaves on the same node are of different colors, one is a shiny gold leaf, and the other is blue like a leaf. In the sea, one leaf is yellow-brown, one leaf is green as jasper, and one leaf is red as fire.

Where the small trees grow, no grass grows within forty or fifty feet, and the exposed soil is pitch-black or gray-brown.

The small trees with colorful leaves are like canopies, and the pavilions are like standing. Some small trees are hung with fist-sized fruit. The color of the fruit is similar to the color of the leaves, including blue, green, red, gold, and brown.

The fruit on the small tree, at most five, is mostly one or two.

"Hi-" Le Yun's eyes touched the colorful leaf tree, and she took a deep breath. The beauty's apricot eyes widened, and she couldn't help muttering to herself: "My God, the Five Elements Spirit Tree?!"

The small tree with colorful leaves growing in the Tiankeng is a rare treasure tree in the world of cultivating immortals - the Five Elements Spirit Tree.

Cultivation of immortals requires spiritual roots. Spiritual roots are innate. Although some people are born without spiritual roots, they may develop spiritual roots later, which are also naturally grown spiritual roots.

If a person or beast without spiritual roots wants to practice, they must first have spiritual roots. If they want to grow spiritual roots, they can only eat the five elements spiritual fruit.

The Five Elements Spirit Fruit is the fruit of the Five Elements Spirit Tree. The Five Elements Spirit Tree is a spiritual tree with five attributes of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth.

The properties of the fruit of the Five Elements Spirit Tree are also difficult to predict, even if the fruit produced in the same year has different properties.

Mortals or beasts who cannot cultivate can grow spiritual roots by eating the spiritual fruit of the Five Elements Spirit Tree, and the attributes of the spiritual roots are also uncontrollable. Eating golden fruits may not necessarily grow golden spiritual roots, but may also grow unearthed golden fire wood spiritual roots, or It is one of the mutated thunder, ice, light, dark, and wind spirit roots.

The first time a person or a beast eats the Five Elements Spiritual Fruit, it will inevitably grow a spiritual root, and there is only one kind of spiritual root, even if it eats ten or eight spiritual fruits at the same time.

In addition to eating the living root, the fruit of the Five Elements Spirit Tree is also the best natural panacea for immortals to repair their bodies and souls, and restore their immortal energy. It is also the main medicine for refining Feixian Pills.

The Flying Immortal Pill refined from the Five Elements Spiritual Fruit is not the kind of pill that can be eaten during the ascension of the Mahayana realm, but the elixir of the golden immortal when ascending to the Immortal Realm.

Yunlan Spirit Realm, the Mahayana Realm to cross the Immortal Thunder Tribulation to become a Immortal is considered a small ascension, and the Golden Immortal ascends to the Immortal Realm is called Feixian, which can make the Mahayana Realm Transcend Thunder Tribulation to eat the pill that repairs the soul, also called Transcending Tribulation Pill.

The leaves and flowers of the Five Elements Spirit Tree can also be used for alchemy, and the tree stem is a good material for making fairy artifacts.

The Five Elements Spiritual Tree is also a treasure in the Immortal Realm, not to mention the Spiritual Realm. Who would have thought that there are five Elements Spiritual Trees in the Fluctuation Secret Realm, not just one or two, but hundreds!

After discovering the Five Elements Spiritual Tree, Le Yun finally understood why Yaoguang Jinxian hid the Yaoguang Palace before ascending to the Immortal Realm. She also came to a secret realm and set up a four-level array for the mountain system where the Five Elements Spiritual Tree is located. .

Such a precious treasure tree, no one can worry about it, and will try to protect it secretly, so as not to be wiped out by the greed of greedy people.

At this moment, Le Yun also guessed the true body of Yaoguang Jinxian - Yaoguang Jinxian's body is a five-element spirit tree.

(End of this chapter)

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