magic eye doctor

Chapter 2725 Trapped again

Chapter 2725 Trapped again
Yan Shaoxuan watched for a while, and learned from the conversation of a group of monks that those people saw that there were rare spiritual plants in the mountains in the water pool, so they had been waiting by the water.

Later, when their spirit boat appeared, because the spirit boat had opened its protective cover, the group of people thought that the strange treasure had come into the world, so they besieged it. They found that the spirit boat was owned by the owner, and turned to compete for the spiritual plants in the water pool.

Who knows, whether it is the exotic treasure or the spiritual grass, they are all false, and the group of people finally "drawing water from a bamboo basket" after a lot of work.

Knowing the reason for the gathering of the monks, Yan Xing didn't stop any longer, and hurriedly drove the spirit boat to take off.

The team of monks who had set up their own defensive formations quickly set up the formation because they were afraid that the master of the spirit boat would ask them to settle accounts for their siege of the spirit boat, so they avoided it first.

When they saw Lingzhou leave, they all secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

As for blocking the spirit boat from robbery or something, heh, what do you think? !
Who doesn't know that killing people and stealing treasures in the secret realm is a common occurrence. The monks who have no strength or no support, who carry heavy treasures must be cautious and dare not let people find them. Once the traces are exposed, they will definitely find a safe place to hide and wait for the secret realm to end.

Those who dare to drive a spirit boat to fly around in the secret realm are either the true disciples of the Great Immortal Sect, or the oldest family of immortal cultivators or immortal masters. They have enough confidence and are not afraid of grabbing.

Of course, no one dared to grab it.

Those young cultivators with backers left soul lamps before entering the secret realm. Once they died, if their teachers or family elders traced and found out who was killed by secret methods, waiting for him would be a dead end.

I thought that I had discovered the Pure Spirit Grass, but it turned out to be an illusion. I thought that the heavenly treasures were actually owned by the owner. The busy work was purely "planting green onions on the slate -- wasted effort", one can imagine the mood of the monks. How frustrating.

The aggrieved teams discussed their next route and action plan.

Yan Xing didn't know that the cultivators were afraid of them. He was worried that he would be attacked by the crowd again, so he hurriedly ran in the dark.

One of the little loli quotes is not to go to crowded places!Especially in places you don't know, let alone run to crowded places.

There are more than 200 adventurers in the valley. Even if they find something good, so many people divide it up, and the share is very small. It is better to go to a sparsely populated place to find resources.

Due to the sequelae of the soul left by the teleportation array being pulled away from the body sensation, Yan Xing's original intention was to stay away from the valley for thousands of miles, and then find a suitable place to pause and rest for a while. After flying for a while, it didn't feel right.

The spirit boat was clearly flying in a straight line, but he felt that something had pulled it and turned it around.

Xuan Shao has already settled, and Yan Xing has no one to discuss, so he thought about taking out the Sinan plate.

Sinanpan works fine.

After testing the Sinan Pan, Yan Xing adjusted the direction again and flew straight again, staring at the Sinan Pan to see if there was any change.

The spirit boat flew forward for less than twenty miles, and the feeling that the bow of the boat was pushed by some force came again, and the spirit boat also turned its direction silently.

Sinanpan's key needle also turned the angle.

Yanxing flew forward again for a while, and then adjusted its direction to fly, and soon the spirit boat changed direction unconsciously.

This time, he confirmed the guess in his heart, and he stopped tossing about it. He drove the spirit boat down to the ground, and flew at a low altitude above the forest.

After searching for a while, I found a place with sparse trees in the forest, drove the spirit boat into the sparse forest, parked in a treeless place, and then opened the psychedelic array of the spirit boat.

The defensive formation of the spirit boat is golden, which is too conspicuous in the night, and it is easy to attract messy creatures.

After checking that there was no danger around him, Yan Xing reassured himself to withdraw his consciousness and meditate in peace.

The four who stayed in the spirit beast bag were quiet and did not appear.

In the valley, there was originally a refining virtual realm and two demon beasts of the Yuan Ying rank, but they were killed by the adventure team that entered the valley. The highest rank of the remaining demon beasts was Jindan.

The monsters at the Jindan level and below, aware of the danger, hid themselves for the sake of their lives.

The valley is very quiet, and only wild animals are foraging.

It was the end of autumn, the temperature in the second half of the night had dropped a little, and dew had condensed. As dawn approached, the valley was foggy.

The fog is very thick.

Soon the ground and the foliage of the plants are wet.

At the break of dawn, the monks perched by the water pool finished their practice and observed the water pool again. The pure spirit grass on the stone mountain in the water pool and the spiritual plants growing on the stone mountain were covered with dewdrops.

Fantasy is more real than reality.

The monks felt regretful and lost. Who would have thought that such a real scene turned out to be an illusion!
In the early morning, the valley is misty and hazy.

The members of each team watched the weather and went their separate ways.

Xuan Shao practiced for a long time, and he also recovered from the after-effects of the soul being torn apart during the teleportation, and ended the practice at the dawn of the sky.

He observed that there were no hidden monsters outside the spirit boat, and quietly got out of the spirit boat, cleared a piece of weeds, put a formation plate, and set up a pot for breakfast.

Although I also cook in the gray world, there is no difference between day and night, and there is no plant or water source. I always feel that something is missing, which makes people uncomfortable.

Now back to the normal state of nature, with fresh air and green plants, it makes people feel real.

Xuan Shao happily prepared breakfast.

The four beasts that stayed in the spirit beast bag also ran out, ran out of the formation plate barrier, and slipped into the jungle to gather medicinal plants, wild fruits, grass seeds, and mushrooms that could not be harvested.

The storage bags they carried were full of ore, and there was no more space, but the storage container for spiritual plants was not full, and there was still a lot of space for spiritual plants.

When Xuan Shao left the spirit boat, Yan Xing also woke up from the meditation. He did not go out immediately, but first checked himself, his dantian, and the sea of ​​consciousness.

The dantian and the meridians were widened, and the golden rod quietly floated in the sea of ​​​​knowledge.

If it weren't for the golden rod in the sea of ​​​​knowledge, even if the changes in his dantian and meridians were real, he still suspected that the torment in a certain crack in the ground was a dream.

After checking his changes, Yan Xing used a dust removal technique for himself, and then exited the spirit boat, closing the spirit boat's defense formation.

He is a kitchen killer, and it is not his turn to wash hands and make soup. When Mr. Xuan was cooking, he took a chair and placed it by the stove to help set the fire.

Xuan Shao quickly baked the pancakes and fruits. Seeing that Young Master Yan did not say a word, there was no joy in seeing the sun again, and asked him, "Young Master Yan, do you have something on your mind?"

"No." Yan Xing denied Young Master Xuan's speculation and said what he found last night: "Last night I was driving the spirit boat to stay away from other teams, but I found that I was blocked by some kind of force. In a big formation, you settled in last night, but I didn't wake you up to discuss countermeasures, so I found this place first."

"Falling into a big formation is better than falling into a place where the sun cannot be seen. Even if you are stuck here and can't get out, you will naturally go out when the secret realm closes."

Xuan Shao has a good mentality and is super optimistic: "After staying in the dark world for a few years, I wanted to take a bath when I came out. The only disadvantage of this place is that there is no water source. After breakfast, we will go to survey the terrain. If we are really trapped Now, find a place with a river and a forest to stay."

"I'll go check how wide the formation is in the morning. Last night, I expected to fly about [-] miles before I encountered a blockage. I guess the formation may cover an area of ​​more than [-] miles."

Yan Xing has no problem, it doesn't matter if he is trapped, and he will be ejected when the secret realm is closed.

The gourd baby, Bai Yinyingsheng, and the giant python circled in the forest, ran back to the place where they settled down early, and set up tables and chairs to sit and wait for the meal.

Xuan Shao made pancakes and fruits in the morning, boiled green shell rice porridge, and stewed a few chickens. He and Yan Shao each had a whole chicken, and each of the four beasts had ten whole chickens.

After spending a few years in the dark and gray world, and finally appearing under the blue sky and daylight, eating in the natural breath of plants, it feels so natural and beautiful.

Ten whole chickens couldn't even fill the stomach of the Yuan Ying-level monsters, but they felt satisfied, and the four beasts enjoyed it very much.

After eating the morning meal, Young Master Yan also told the four beast friends about the guess that he might fall into a big formation and be trapped.

Huluwa Baiyin Yingsheng is more optimistic than Xuan Shao. If you are trapped, you will be trapped. There may not be rare spiritual plants in the valley, but there are many spiritual plants that are not of good quality. If you can’t get out, let’s collect ordinary spiritual plants .

The python was a little sad, but it was only a little bit. In a blink of an eye, he discussed with Bai Yin and the others to judge which spiritual plants were in the valley by smell.

After a break, Master Xuan packed up his supplies, and a group of friends boarded Master Yan's spirit boat again.

Young Master Yan opened the protective cover of the spirit boat and took off on the spirit boat.

He flew the spirit boat high into the sky, and with his actions, he found that the height of the large formation was [-] meters high. People and beasts could travel freely in the [-]-foot-high void on the surface of the ground, and then they would be deflected by the mysterious force.

Test the height of the large array, and then test the width.

The speed of the spirit boat was fast, and the test results were obtained in less than three hours. The large formation was rectangular, running north-south, about 100 miles long, and more than [-] miles wide, covering a grand canyon and five medium-sized canyon.

The pool where there was a group of monks last night was located in a medium-sized valley, slanted to the east. The direction Yan Shao flew at night was the north, and its ground was less than [-] miles away from the northern edge of the formation.

The spirit boat was flying in the sky, Yan Shaoxuan was in the bow of the boat to investigate and study the terrain of the mountains, and the four beasts stayed in the cabin, only attaching their divine sense to the defensive cover to observe the outside.

They were in the air and looked down, so they could easily observe the scene on the ground. They found several small teams of expeditions that were not by the water pool last night, and also saw a few teams that were by the water pool last night.

Of the teams that were at the water pool last night, only one or two teams left without making any stops, but they found that they never flew out of the valley, and noticed that the valley was different.

Most of the team encountered high-grade Lingzhi on the way and collected them. For the time being, they have not reached the edge of the valley, and have not found any clues.

When a team saw the spirit boat in the air, they thought that the owner of the spirit boat was worried about what happened last night, and they chased and killed them one by one while they were scattered.

When they were on full alert, the spirit boat turned a blind eye to them and flew over slowly.

Several teams saw the spirit boat flying from north to south, east to west, and hovering over the Grand Canyon. They were very puzzled and could not guess the purpose of the spirit boat.

Yan Dashao drove the spirit boat for a few laps in the air, measured the width of the area protected by the big circle, circled the center of the valley a few times, studied the terrain, and then flew to the grand canyon to find a suitable landing place. .

There are dense forests on both sides of the Grand Canyon, and the ancient trees in many places are more than [-] meters high, with interlaced branches and leaves, and the inner area is dense and opaque.

A large river overcame many obstacles and shuttled through the mountains and forests. When passing through the Grand Canyon, the widest part of the river was about 900 feet, and the narrowest point was more than [-] feet.

The terrain of the canyon is relatively flat, the river flow is gentle, and the river flow in autumn is not as abundant as that in spring and summer, exposing a large riverbed, and beyond the riverbed there are weedy rocky beaches.

Yan Shao and Xuan Shao flew around the canyon, parked on a higher river beach, picked an area with sparse trees, cleaned up a lot of trees, moved the spirit boat over, and placed another array plate. .

The two and four beasts set up their camp, and once it was done, they sorted out the kitchen area, drove in the ground nails, set up the kitchen wooden shed, and placed the kitchen stove.

After tying up the kitchen, the four beasts ran to the river like a whirlwind and took the nets and fishes.

Xuan Shaoyan first ran to take a bath in the river, the feeling of intimate contact between skin and water was real and intimate, so that the two of them soaked in the water for two hours before crawling out reluctantly.

After taking a beautiful bath, my body and mind were lighter, and my mind became clearer.

The two young men who were refreshed returned to the camp and set up a calligraphy table in the spirit boat to draw a topographic map of the valley, and drew the trend and shape of the mountains one by one.

I drew a topographic map and compared it with the map drawn by the Yinjiao family. There was no corresponding location in the Yinjiao family's map.

It means that the valley may be an area that no one has visited before, or its location is too remote and the area is too narrow, so it is not even qualified to enter the map.

I don't know which direction the valley is in, and the two young masters are not entangled. They also analyze the distribution of mountain peaks and rivers, and study what the big formation that blocks the valley is.

According to what they saw from memory, the two constantly added some mountain peaks, small lakes or pools, cliffs, streams, rocks, etc. to the map, and constantly improved the map.

I drew out every terrain I remembered, and then carefully studied it to analyze whether the valley was placed with a large array, or a large array based on natural scenery and talisman props.

After looking back and forth, he looked at the map several times. After careful observation, Xuan Shao made a preliminary judgment: "Looking at the terrain, the scenery in this area is in line with the Heaven Dou Seven Star Array."

The shape of the Heaven Dou Seven Stars is the same as the Big Dipper named by the people on earth. There is no Big Dipper in Yunlan Spirit Realm, only "Heavenly Dou Seven Stars".

Staring at the topographic map, Yan Xing expressed his intuition: "It should not only be a large formation of the Heaven Dou Seven Star Formation, but there may also be an array of formations, or other formations.

(End of this chapter)

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