magic eye doctor

Chapter 2741 Chuan Swamp

Chapter 2741 Qianchuan Swamp
Some of the monks who got off the spirit boat have already entered the city, and those who are still queuing to pay the city fee are all concerned about the little spirit boat, wondering if the snow bear and the white stork will accompany the owner of the spirit boat.

As a result, the snow bear and white stork were thrown down.

This shows how sturdy the owner of the spirit boat is.

Little Loli threw the snow bear and white stork out, opened the protective cover of the spirit boat, and the spirit boat rushed towards Yun Xiao again.

The snow bears and white storks who were thrown on the square were full of inconceivable eyes. It was rare for them to take the initiative to get close to the human race, but the human race even disliked them? !

Just in a moment, the spirit boat has taken off.

Xue Xiong stomped his feet in anger, and scolded the sky: "You are too stingy, you are too stingy, don't I just eat some of your fruit shells and some spiritual meals, how many spiritual stones can I give? You Lingshi, what does it matter if you take me to play with you!"

The spirit boat had already flown thousands of feet in the sky, and when she heard Snow Bear scolding, Le Yun sneered and threw a sentence in response: "Little Snow Bear, you can't stop, believe it or not, this fairy chopped your paw."

"Ow!" Xue Xiong shrank subconsciously, groaned angrily, and reluctantly ran to the back of the line to line up.

The white stork didn't make any desperate struggles, accepted the reality resignedly, and went to line up.

People outside the city: "..." They thought that Snow Bear was so powerful, but it turned out that his combat power was seriously inconsistent with his size.

Le Yun rode the spirit boat and flew over the sea of ​​clouds again, adjusted the direction, and flew towards the east.

The people and beasts who close the little black house are automatically lifted.

Yan Shao ran to the bow of the spirit boat and asked curiously, "Little Loli, that snow bear and white stork have the intention to follow you, why didn't you take them in?"

The four beasts also wanted to ask why. That snow bear had a good bloodline, and if they joined their small team, they were willing to accept it.

"Those two are too weak, and I have to feed and drink with them. Snow Bear is a descendant of the royal family of the Snow Bear Tribe at the top of the North. If something goes wrong with me, the Snow Bear Tribe will definitely come to trouble.

Moreover, with that bear, let's not talk about eating the paws of the monster bear in the future, and you can't even touch the meat of the beast bear. Are you willing to let him follow? "

Le Yun really dislikes Snow Bear, that little bear is the little prince of the Snow Bear tribe at the top of the North, a standard rich second generation, has no experience, doesn't know the sinister world, is properly silly and sweet, and is also a hindrance , carrying him is equivalent to carrying a big trouble.

"I don't want to!" Xuan Shaoyan said in unison after hearing that you can't eat bear paws with a certain snow bear.

In my hometown, tigers, bears, leopards, rhinos, turtles, elephants, bison and other animals are national protected animals. It is illegal to eat protected animals. Whoever eats them may not only be sent to the jail, but also may be recorded on the file. The pen has become black history.

In the world of immortality, tigers, bears, etc. are no longer protected animals. If you want to eat bear paws or tiger claws, you should hurry up and hunt a few heads.

In the world of immortality, you are not allowed to eat bears, tigers and deer, can you still have a good time?

Not to mention that the two handsome guys are unwilling, even the four humanoid beasts and the little lion shook their heads like a rattle. If you bring a snow bear, you can't eat bear claws. Of course, you can't bring them. How good they are to play by themselves.

The handsome guys didn't ask where they were going, and arranged themselves in a frenzy—practice, eating, and teasing the little lion, and the schedule was full.

Little Loli's spirit boat was the first to return from the Yaoguang Palace. On the morning of the third day she left the Golden Lion City, the Golden Lion family and several spirit boats traveling at the same speed arrived at the Golden Lion City.

The spirit boat of Mt. Saga was also among them. Yu Xi got off the spirit boat, and asked the guards of the city when the spirit boat of a certain fairy would arrive.

Two days ago, a building ship came to the North City Gate. It is said that the people who took the spirit boat came back from the mystical realm of the fluctuating light. The news has spread all over the city, and the city guards of the Golden Lion City naturally know about it.

Zhenjun Yuxi heard that the little fairy didn't enter the city, so he left at that time. He didn't know where to go.

He originally wanted to wait and see how much his daughter recovered after taking the pill in his hand, and then decide whether to ask a certain little female cultivator for a pill.

Later, I saw Tianjianzong went to the little girl, guessing that it must be for the genius disciple of Tianjianzong who was born with a sword bone. If the genius disciple of Tianjianzong was healed by the little girl and recovered, he would bring him again. It's not too late for my daughter to ask for Dan.

Who would have thought that the people from the Tianjianzong had just left, and the little girl cultivator left in the spirit boat.

The spirit boat on Saga Mountain was only one day later than the little girl's spirit boat, so they should be able to catch up with the little girl when they returned to the Golden Lion City.

I never thought that the little girl cultivator didn't enter the city at all, and I couldn't find it if I wanted to.

Thinking of her daughter, who was almost incapacitated due to a serious injury, and who is still bedridden and comatose, Yu Xi's heart twitched again.

Shi Dengan originally wanted to go back to the city and inquire about the little fairy's place to stay, but someone from Saga Mountain inquired about her whereabouts, so he didn't do anything more.

The spirit boat of the Black Mercury Jiao tribe was also nearby. The old Jiao Jiao with the mixed-race Xiao Jiao heard that the little fairy did not enter the city, so they brought Xiao Jiao into the city and camped in the monk square.

Before the Fluctlight Secret Realm was about to close, many caravans and businesses came to the Golden Lion City to prepare for the acquisition, and the Golden Lion City was as lively as before the Secret Realm was about to open and close.

The excitement belongs to others. Le Xiaoluoli and her friends are flying over the sea of ​​clouds.

Little Loli's spirit boat went all the way east, out of the territory of the Golden Lion Clan, and then passed through the territory of the Golden Eagle Clan of the Flying Bird Clan, and entered the southern end of the Qianchuan Plain called "Qianchuanzhou".

The distance between the Golden Lion family and the Yinjiao family is more than 500 billion miles, but they are actually still located in the "Pinghaizhou", the continent of Yunlan, the inland continent has a radius of more than 1000 billion miles, and the continent on the sea That's another matter.

Qianchuanzhou includes Qianchuan Great Plain, Qianchuan Grassland, Qianchuan Swamp, and Qianchuan Highland.

Qianchuan Swamp is located in the eastern part of the northern hemisphere of Yunlan. It is a famous swamp. Le Xiao's goal is Qianchuan Swamp in Qianchuanzhou.

The core area of ​​Qianchuan Swamp covers an area of ​​more than one billion li, plus the middle and outer periphery, a total of seven or more billion li, which is equivalent to the territory of a large monster tribe or immortal sect.

The easternmost end of the Qianchuan Swamp covers a part of the plateau swamp, and its plateau is the Qianchuan Plateau.

The mountains of the Qianchuan Plateau at the eastern end are more than [-] billion miles in length from north to south. The southern end of the mountain range is divided into two roads. One vein slopes eastward and extends to the eastern part of the northern hemisphere.

The other vein bends a half-arc westward, thus blocking the flow of all rivers flowing from north to south, west to east, and westward from the eastern plateau.

The river that was blocked to find the dream of the ocean, because there was no way out, flooded, and developed the area of ​​billions of miles into a vast swamp.

Qianchuanzhou has only Qianchuan grassland, part of which is divided into territory by two monster tribes. The Qianchuan Plain is populated by small tribes of monsters, and Qianchuan Swamp and Qianchuan Plateau are both unclaimed land.

A long time ago, the demon Jinxian and the water spirit-root human Jinxian who had water attributes once built caves in the Qianchuan Swamp and the Qianchuan Plateau. There are still several secret realms and ancient secret realms in the Qianchuan Plateau. Occupy swamps and plateaus.

After flying over the sea of ​​clouds for three months, Little Loli's spirit boat entered the Qianchuan Swamp, flew for a few more days, crossed the outer periphery, and entered the highland swamp area in the middle of the swamp.

Le Xiao classmate let the spirit boat get off the cloud head and fly under the cloud sea.

Most of the swamps are mountain swamps. Many peaks exceed 17 feet, and several peaks exceed [-] feet. The peaks are covered with snow all the year round.

Xuan Shaoyan and the four humanoid beasts are enjoying the scenery on the ground with great interest.

Flying under the sea of ​​clouds, from a high altitude, you can see rivers crisscrossing the vast plains, or isolated peaks, or connected mountain peaks, or jungles, or broad meadows.

Because there are many peaks and forests in the highland swamps, there are many animals, such as wild cattle, horses, sheep and deer, large beasts, bears, tigers, leopards, jackals, foxes and dogs, and winged animals such as chickens, ducks, geese and geese.

The most insufficiency in the swamp area is fish, shrimp, and water-loving crocodiles, snakes, and frogs. In some areas, there are small groups of rhinos and hippos.

The animals in the Qianchuan Swamp include both monsters and beasts. Most of the animals are beasts in the periphery. The number of monsters and beasts in the mountain swamps and plateau swamps is similar.

Most of the monsters are below the Nascent Soul rank. Occasionally, there are monsters of the Nascent Soul or the Void Refinement rank. They usually pass by or migrate seasonally to the swamp to live for a period of time.

Non-water monsters should not hide in swamps. In comparison, high-level monsters prefer to build caves in majestic mountain enclosures, so they rarely choose swamps to settle down.

Crocodile snakes and monsters like swamps, high-level people are also in the inner circle, and low-level people are in the middle and outer circles.

Lying on the edge of the spirit boat and overlooking the four humanoid beasts below, they almost put their faces on the defense mask, and when they saw some kind of beast herd, they often cried out with excitement.

"Look, Bison!"

"Wow, a lot of meat."

"There are a few wild bears halfway up the mountain."

"Bear's paw!"

The humanoid beast slobbered, wishing to immediately go down to catch wild bears and bear monsters.

This time, Yan Shaoxuan finally guessed why Little Lolita had to come all the way to the swamp. There are beasts here, which means that there are piles of ingredients to be collected.

The most important swamp is an unowned land. You can catch beasts as you want, and you can catch whatever you want. If you are in the territory of monsters, you must abide by the rules set by the lord of monsters.

Generally speaking, it is common sense not to capture or kill monsters or similar beasts with the bloodline of the monster lord's family in the territory of monsters.

For example, in the territory of the Shining Golden Lion Clan, it is not possible to hunt and kill the monster lion with the blood of the Shining Golden Lion, nor the wild beast lion without wisdom.

If it is in the territory of the bear clan, it is impossible to hunt and kill bear monsters and beast bears.

Of course, if you are in a place outside the breeding area and restricted area delimited by the monster's territory, when you are competing for resources, if you meet a bear or a lion on a narrow road, you will naturally speak according to your strength, and it will be based on the principle that the brave wins.

Xuan Shao looked at the gathering of flying birds, his eyes flashing: "Oh, look at the birds flying in the sky, I also want to be a toad."

"I want to eat goose stewed in an iron pot, too." Bai Yin slobbered, full of anticipation.

"Actually, I want to say that I want to taste snake soup." Eagle voice looked down, his eyes reluctant to blink, snakes like dampness, and there must be many large snakes in the swamp area.

The giant python escaped, and silently stayed a few feet away from the sound of the eagle. Oh, there is a companion who is always thinking about eating snakes, which makes him worry about being pecked by natural enemies in the middle of the night, so the first thing to do every day is to check himself. Are there any missing pieces of meat?

The gourd baby smacking his lips, his expression full of yearning: "It seems that I don't pursue it, I just want to eat a five-spice roasted camel's leg."

Yanxing is not far behind: "I want to taste the taste of the crocodile monster, steamed, fried, stewed or roasted, any kind will do."

The little lion was not far behind, meowing and meowing that he wanted to eat the big feet of the tiger demon.

Le Yun was stunned, this group of foodies, this is the rhythm of eating all birds and beasts!

(End of this chapter)

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