magic eye doctor

Chapter 2761 Not too much

Chapter 2761 Not too much

Little Lolita left the auction house at about the middle of the afternoon, and returned to the Friars Square after wandering until the end of the afternoon.

At that time, the high-rise buildings or deep houses and small courtyards in the Golden Lion City were all brightly lit like stars. The monks in the monk square used lighting charms or night pearls, and the whole square was brightly lit.

Le Xiaoluoli wandered to the Lingzhou Square, and chose a boat space near the toll office building of the Golden Lion City Guards and a little far away from other spirit boats, enlarged the spirit boat, and threw it into the boat space.

After mooring the spirit boat, he took out the two wishful houses in his sleeves, took off the spirit beast bag hanging around his waist and threw them into a wishful house, and threw the two wishful houses into the cabin.

She stood outside the bow, activated the spirit boat defense array, and waited for the city guards of the Golden Lion to charge.

After waiting for a while, three humanoid golden lions arrived hand in hand.

The three people who charged are still the same as they were 14 years ago. They are tall and handsome, with a straight figure and a calm demeanor. They fly close to the ground and fly as fast as the wind.

The golden lions flew to the spirit boat, saw the petite little human cultivator, and smiled gradually: "Little fairy, we meet again!"

"I haven't seen you in 14 years, and the three gentlemen are even more charming than before." Le Yun also showed a deep smile: "This time I stayed for about half a month. Have you ever raised the price?"

"Little Fairy is a distinguished guest of our Golden Lion Clan. You can stay as long as you like. If you are willing to live in Golden Lion City for a long time, the Golden Lion Clan is willing to give you a small courtyard in the inner city as a congratulatory gift."

The captain of the Void Refining Realm handed over a golden jade slip: "This is the golden order slip of the Golden Lion Clan. With this slip, the elders of the royal clan can freely come and go to any city within the territory of the Yaori Golden Lion Clan."

"Thank you for the kindness of the Lords of the Golden Lion Clan. I am a human being who likes freedom. I travel all over the world and live in no fixed place. If I want to choose a residence someday, I must give priority to the Golden Lion Territory."

Le Yun thanked her with a smile, accepted the golden lion and golden order, and took another plate of fried golden cicadas as a gift: "This time I also want to buy some meat and poultry like ling rice and captive hogs and sheep. , do the three of you have any suggestions?"

The deep-fried golden cicada is golden and translucent. Before I eat it, I think of the crisp sound of "boom" when it is thrown into the mouth.

The three human-shaped golden lions happily accepted the snacks presented by the little fairy of the human race, and put them into storage bags, with smiles overflowing from the bottom of their hearts.

"The grain merchants who did business with Xiaoxian last time all have a lot of Lingmi. If Xiaoxian doesn't mind, we will let them know.

In terms of meat and poultry, the quantity is small, and Xiaoxianzi goes to the southwest area in the south of the city. If the demand is large, Xiaoxian has to move to Xiacheng, which is [-] miles away to the south. There are mainly poultry for meat and poultry, and every year it is the Golden Lion City. The supply of meat and poultry is more than one trillion catties. "

"I need a lot of poultry meat, so I will go to Xia City another day. If it is convenient, please let the three of you inform the grain merchants. If anyone is willing to sell Lingmi, please come and find me tonight."

"We will summon the familiar grain merchants when we go back."

The three Golden Lion city guards immediately agreed, and bid farewell to their master with arms folded.

After seeing off the three human-shaped golden lions, Le Yun turned around and entered the spirit boat, walked slowly back to the cabin, and entered a wishful house.

After the four humanoid beasts landed in the wishful house, they climbed out of the spirit animal bag by themselves, and gathered with Zhiren Zhima in the wishful house where Yan Geer and the others usually lived, eating the snacks that the little fairy went shopping, eating happily.

After entering the wishful house, Le Yun took out the spiritual meal packed from a restaurant, and had dinner with the boys.

Yan Xing asked questions while eating: "Little Lolita, you have stored tens of billions of catties of Lingmi, isn't it enough?"

"As for spiritual food, there is no possibility that enough is enough. If you don't believe me, try making wine with spiritual rice, and make sure you deeply understand how much you lack spiritual rice."

Le Yun never felt that she collected a lot of Lingmi. The amount of Lingmi she collected in Yunlan was far less than the amount of grain she moved from Cangyue Kingdom in Dongchen Continent.

Billions and tens of billions of catties, the number is huge, it sounds scary, but it is actually the capacity of several hundred feet wide storage bags.

"Let me make wine, it's not to let me waste food." Yan Xing gave up the idea of ​​experimenting. He must be a kitchen killer to make wine because he thinks there is too much Lingmi.

"You and Xuan Shao actually don't need to make wine to experience the importance of food storage. You have a contract partner. As far as your current cultivation is concerned, you can pack your little friend's stomach two to three times a day. If you eat eight percent full, the Lingmi stored in your hands will be enough for at most ten years."

The little fairy was talking about preparing their stomachs, and the eyes of the four humanoid beasts were shining: "Actually, we don't eat too much, about five hundred catties is enough for a meal."

"?" Yan Shaoxuan's mind flashed the bold and black Lightning number, oh well, five hundred catties for a meal is not too much?

Xuan Shao humbly asked for advice: "Little beauty, they said that five hundred catties a meal is not too much, is it true?"

"The truth." Le Yun said truthfully: "They said that five hundred catties is already discounted, and it's a trivial matter for Nascent Soul Beast to eat a thousand catties. As the cultivation base grows, the appetite will also increase."

Yan Xing looked at the little loli, but she didn't dare to say something. The little loli should have a higher level of cultivation than the beasts, but her appetite has never changed, and she eats cat food.

Xuan Shao felt the pressure as great as a mountain in an instant, but he has two contract partners!

Before there was no contract beast, one person would be full and the whole family would not be hungry. With the contract beast, he became a shit shovel officer and had to work hard to earn spirit stones to support his family. This was a sweet burden.

Young Master Yan also felt the pressure on his shoulders. He was a rice vat himself, and he had a big appetite. With the contract beast, food storage became a very important normal state.

The two young men subconsciously looked at Little Lolita. Little Lolita didn't have a contract beast, but she raised some little ones, thanks to her many spirit stones!

They touched their pockets again. Fortunately, they made a fortune by catching celebrities on the bounty list, and made a fortune by mining, and now their pockets are bulging.

A man is not rich without windfall, and a horse is not fat without weeds.

The old man's words really make sense. If they hadn't made two windfalls, they would still be poor and useless now. Not to mention raising contract partners, it would be nice to be able to support themselves.

The purses are big, the two young masters are confident, and they don't worry about how to support themselves and the beasts, and they wolf down happily.

Replenishment of energy, student Le Xiao washed up, went to the bow of the spirit boat, set up a set of tables and chairs, and waited for the arrival of the grain merchants.

Xuan Shao, Yan Shao and the beasts packed up the tableware and stayed in Ruyi House without going out.

The little lion went to reunite with his cousin, there is no baby beast to masturbate, the gourd baby catches Zhiren Zhima to masturbate, Xuan Shaoyanshao and Baiyin Yingsheng Shuidun also get a little bit of credit because of this, they go to masturbate the little one from time to time cute.

Zhima refused, but the resistance was futile, and he was forced to "enjoy" the loving touch of humans and humanoid beasts.

The three humanoid golden lions who managed the square sent out a message after returning to the office, notifying the grain merchants who had done business with Xiaoxianzi last time.

The grain merchants who received the summons were overjoyed, and rushed to Lingzhou Square regardless of their cultivation.

They made money by themselves, and they didn't forget to make good friends with them. Several grain merchants even called their relatives and friends.

Landlords who were rich in food, followed the old rules, and when they arrived at Lingzhou Square, they first gathered in front of the office building of the Golden Lion City Guard.

They were still a little away from the spirit boat, Le Yun already knew it, and opened a defensive formation to welcome them. When the grain merchants came, please board the spirit boat, and filled a large bowl of shellfish to greet the guests.

This time, there are more food than times, with more than 30 people.

The grain merchants who had dealt with Xiaoxianzi also simply gave the storage containers containing various types of Lingmi to Xiaoxianzi to inspect the goods before negotiating prices.

The price of Lingmi is still the same as it was more than ten years ago, and there are three or two types of Lingmi with high quality and low yield or new varieties of Lingmi that fluctuate.

Little Lolita wanted to stockpile grain, so naturally she wouldn't haggle over the price, besides, the price of the grain merchants was also the market price, so there was nothing to bargain about.

The two parties directly calculated the weight, calculated the weight of the Lingmi, and then calculated the number of Lingshi, and paid the money and delivered the goods.

More than [-] grain merchants, equivalent to more than [-] transactions, each round of transactions took an average of about half a cup of tea, and it took an hour to hand over clearly.

The transaction went well and everyone was happy.

The grain merchants who left with stuffed money bags in their arms only hoped that there would be a few more big customers like a certain little fairy in the future. Smashing resources can also pile up one's own cultivation base.

Little Lolita carried the spirit rice in her pocket, secretly calculating how long she could eat and how much spirit wine she could brew.

Xuan Shao and Yan Shao, who stayed in the wishful house, were once again in admiration. Little Lolita smashed tens of billions of high-grade spirit stones at a time without blinking. This courage, even if they practice for thousands of years, it is difficult to compare.

The beasts are the most intuitive. As soon as the grain merchants left, they all showed cute animal appearances, and rushed to the little fairy to show off their cuteness. Follow the little fairy without fear of starvation, the little fairy is awesome!

The beasts have shrunk their bodies, and all of them have become small and exquisite, looking extremely cute.

Even the boa constrictor was the same, it turned into a half-foot-long little snake with a chubby body and a round head, a bit like a snake in a modern cartoon, and it was also cute.

Le Yun's knees were occupied by Zhima, a man from Zhima. An eagle, a cat, and a small snake were squatting on the left and right armrests of the chair.

Xuan Shao and Yan Shao: "..." If they didn't know that little Lolita was a real human being, they might have thought that she was the king of all beasts.

It was already dark when little Lori arrived at the square, and the location where she parked the spirit boat was far from the monks' quarters, and no monks found her at that time.

As for the spiritual consciousness, the monk square has gathered the most famous immortal sects, families or tribes in the north and south continents, and almost all of them are masters of Mahayana and catastrophe. Only in your own camp.

There are also several spirit boats beside her spirit boat, and their owners are not there, so no acquaintances have found her whereabouts for the time being.

Unacquainted people came to visit, and Le Xiao stayed up all night, and left the spirit boat with Xuan Shao and Yan Shao at dawn the next day. Taking advantage of the few people in the early morning, they drove all the way out of the city from the south gate of Golden Lion City , and then drive the spirit boat to Xiacheng.

(End of this chapter)

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