magic eye doctor

Chapter 2763 Qiu Tao

Chapter 2763 Qianqiu Peach

No matter what the reason was, the steward of the Normal University brought Shi Huaixu and the little lion together, let's talk about it later, naturally do what you have to do in front of you.

After sitting down, Le Yun greeted the chief steward: "Does the chief steward have an evening meal? Do you want some? These are the special snacks of Golden Lion City, each with its own charm."

"If that's the case, I'm not going to be polite." Shi Deng'an was also not polite, and the master moved his hands. He cut a piece of meat from the roast suckling pig whose skin was yellow and crispy, and tore it to eat.

Le Yun likes to deal with the administrators of the Normal University because even though he is a Mahayana class, he has no arrogance to be superior to the human race, and is very straightforward.

What's more important is that he looks the same, unlike some people who want to come to your house to play or eat at your house, but they have already arrived at your door. You can't invite it once, you have to invite it several times.

If you don’t call a few more times, he will not get what he wants, and he will say behind his back that you have no way of hospitality, that you don’t invite people to come in and sit at your door, or that you don’t let people eat.

It's good for the steward of the Normal University to be like this. When you come to your house, you invite him to eat, and he eats if he wants to eat, and he will not be polite.

The steward of the Normal University has a temper with her, Le Yun added another large plate of fried golden cicadas to the table.

Xuan Shao, Yan Shao and the four humanoid beasts also took their favorite food. Xuan Shao, who was next to Shi Huaixu, put two plates in front of Shi Huaixu, and helped him and the little lion to eat.

Zhiren and Zhima also took a portion each, and ate them.

"Little Fairy, your Chihuahuas also eat meat?" The steward of the Normal University was shocked again.

"The two little guys like to eat. They eat a small amount. They can digest it by themselves. They can just eat some spiritual plant pills after a while."

Le Yun smiled: "We can't have big fish and big meat and let them watch. The two little guys are so small, so he can't bear to be hungry, right?"

Teacher Deng Aan: "..." If it were him, he could bear it in his heart, absolutely could bear it. Chihuahuas are born to eat spiritual soil, so it is okay to let them eat spiritual plants and spiritual fruits, or let them drink spiritual spring water and Eat Lingshi.

Who would let Chihuahua eat meat like a fairy?
If he had a Chihuahua, he would definitely search for spiritual soil, search for spiritual plants and feed them meticulously, even if it cost him all his family, but unfortunately he didn't.

The steward of the Normal University felt his heart hurt so much that he turned his grief into appetite and cooked like crazy.

Zhiren Zhima eats very calmly, what happened to Zhihuahua eating meat?Chihuahuas are also cubs, both human cubs and monster cubs eat meat, so why can't ganoderma cubs eat meat?
Guys who don't let Chihuahuas eat meat are bad guys, but Little Fairy is the best good guy!

Zhima, the person from Zhi, gnawed on the food happily, and was glad that he met the little fairy in a crisis. Following the little fairy is no longer afraid of danger. He has freedom of body and mind and meat to eat. Following the little fairy is happier than growing up in the place where he grew up.

Shi Huaixu finally woke up from the confused state of buzzing in his head, his eyes swept over, and he saw a familiar face with a big smile on his face.

"Stop smirking, eat quickly, and if you don't do anything else, the little lion will take away all your shares." Xuan Shao ate by himself, looking around, and sent another big piece of meat and a few mutated golden cicadas to the unlucky boy.

The little lion meowed and meowed to protest, he obviously didn't steal his cousin's meal!

Unfortunately, no one paid him any attention.

Xuan Shaoyan took care of the table and filled the basin after finishing a batch of food.

Shi Deng'an had a quick meal and was very satisfied. He drank the spirit tea made by the little fairy's companions and saw that Shi Huaixu had already played with the little fairy's companions and the beasts. He invited the little fairy Go to the bow of the spirit boat to talk.

Shi Huaixu, Little Lion, Xuan Shaoyan and others all stayed in the cabin drinking spirit tea and gnawing spirit fruit, enjoying themselves.

Le Yun arrived at the bow of the spirit boat, took out a wishful house, and entered the wishful room to talk about things.

The steward of the Normal University didn't talk nonsense, and gave the little fairy the dzi bead rice, sword thorns, drinking dew grass, and some spiritual plants and items in exchange for the spirit-cleaning grass, and then took out a big jade box and set it up.

"A monk sent a spiritual tree to the auction house for appraisal a few days ago. We have never seen this kind of tree. It has spiritual energy. It is undoubtedly a spiritual tree, but there is no record. I searched through the existing records of the Golden Lion family. Can't find its source and name in the classics.

The little fairy is well-informed, please help me. "

While explaining the reason, the steward of the Normal University opened the lid of the erected jade box.

Inside the jade box was a small tree about three feet high. The leaves were in the shape of peach leaves, the leaves were green, and the backs of the leaves were silvery white like frost.

The waist diameter of the Y-shaped small tree is one foot and two inches. The trunk is green and white, and there are some scar marks after the milk branches fell off.

Its tree is full of aura, so it is undoubtedly a spiritual tree.

After admiring the little tree in the box, Le Yun let out a long sigh: "The timing is also lucky, it really cannot be controlled."

"Why did the little fairy say that?" The steward of the Normal University was stunned, paused, and frowned slightly: "But this tree is not auspicious?"

"It's a little ominous." Le Yun asked: "The female cultivator who sent the tree for appraisal, did she say that when she found this tree, there were no other trees around the small tree?"

"How does Little Fairy know that the surrounding area of ​​this tree is empty?" The steward of the Normal University was slightly taken aback, and added: "Little Fairy, the one who sent the tree was a male cultivator, not a female cultivator."

"No, you're wrong, it's a female cultivator." Le Yun smiled: "The one who found this tree is a female cultivator, she just made a disguise.

This small tree has a big background, it is the autumn fruit tree in "Chunhuaqiushi", also known as Longevity Peach, commonly known as Longevity Peach, it is an ancient and rare spiritual peach tree, eating a Chunhuaqiushi peach can increase one's lifespan by a hundred years.

The two trees of Chunhua and Qiushi are the same tree, Chunhua tree is also called Changchun tree, and Qiushi tree is also called Qianqiu peach.

Qianqiu peach does not mean that eating peaches can prolong life for thousands of years, but that if it is separated from the Chunhua tree, it can only live for thousands of years.

The biggest feature of the autumn fruit tree is that it can gather the gold energy of the world. Before the age of [-], because the tree is young, it absorbs less gold energy and has little effect on growth.

After the tree is [-] years old, the absorption of gold gas accelerates, the tree body turns from wood to gold, and the back of the leaves also changes from green to frosty white due to the absorption of gold gas.

The tree itself is a wood system, and if wood turns into gold, it must die.

When the autumn fruit tree absorbs too much gold, the tree will die when its stem turns silvery white and its leaves turn frosty white. Under normal circumstances, the tree stem turns golden before a thousand years old. This tree is now a little bit nine thousand one hundred years old. "

"What are the advantages of the Chunhua tree? With it, can the Qiushi tree not die?" Shi Deng'an knew the word "chunhuaqiushi", but he really didn't know that it was an ancient spiritual peach tree.

"Chunhua tree is green from infancy to adulthood, but the tree is soft and easy to break, lacks toughness, and is the most delicate. It needs to absorb gold to strengthen the tree.

But it itself is not sensitive to the gold energy of heaven and earth. If it is planted on metal ore, and the gold energy of the ore is too sharp and violent, if the gold energy is too strong, it will not be too strong, and it will not be able to live long.

Growing together with the Qiushi tree, the Qiushi tree absorbed the golden energy of the world, and refined the golden energy of the world itself. The metal and wood attributes are mixed, and the gold energy at this time is softer, and the Chunhua tree can digest the refined energy of the Qiushi tree. Melted gold.

The Qiushi tree constantly absorbs the golden energy of the world, and the Chunhua tree continuously absorbs the golden energy emitted by the Qiushi tree. The two maintain a balance and complement each other. They are one of the best companion trees in the heavens and the world. "

"It turns out that the shortcomings of one kind of tree can just make up for the shortcomings of another kind of tree. Complementary is perfect. It's just that they are the same tree, why only Qiushi tree?" Little Fairy Master Landing was very upset. untie.

"This is the fate. When the spring blooms and the autumn fruit trees are still alive, and the old trees both die, the seedlings buried deep in the ground will grow new seedlings sooner or later, and continue to continue from spring to autumn.

When the fate is almost exhausted, the core of one of the trees will die, leaving only the other.

If there is only the Chunhua tree, there is still a glimmer of life, but if the last remaining is Qiushi, it will die.

That female cultivator was lucky to find the place where Chunhua Qiushi grows, but unfortunately, only Qiushi tree was found, so her luck was cut in half.

If that person is a person who has not committed any evil karma, the chief steward may wish to remind her and advise her not to set foot in any dangerous places within 300 years, and to stay still and not move within [-] years. "

"I think that person doesn't have the evil spirit of blood, so he shouldn't have done any bad karma. Then I will pass on the advice given by the little fairy to her. Little fairy, does this tree have other magical uses?"

"Trees before a thousand years old can be used to make talisman props if you are not afraid of unlucky luck. If the tree is more than 10 years old, whether it dies naturally or is killed by lightning or fire, it is an auspicious thing, and it is an excellent tool for refining talismans. It is also the best raw material for refining wood attribute magic weapons."

"So, such a spiritual tree is not only worthless, but also a vicious thing."

"That's not true. It all depends on whose hands it falls into. If it falls into my hands, maybe one day I will find the Chunhua tree and it will become a treasure.

If it falls into the hands of a monk with mediocre luck, it is inevitable to be suppressed. If a monk with strong luck gets it, except for spending a lot of money to buy it, there is no evil or evil, and it looks like a bone with some flesh. It's tasteless to eat, and it's not reconciled to discard it. "

The little fairy described Qiu Shishu as a bone with flesh, and Shi Deng'an laughed when he heard it: "Little fairy, this description is really appropriate, and now I think so, if I keep it, it's not worth much, and if I let it go, I don't think so. It's a pity to abandon it.

Does the little fairy despise it as unlucky? "

"I'm born to suppress evil spirits, and I can suppress dark and evil things. Not to mention a small unlucky tree, even a very ominous tree will turn evil into good luck when it comes to me."

Le Yun laughed, and took out two jade boxes, one of which contained a millennium-old pure spirit grass, and presented it to the steward of the Normal University as a thank you for his efforts in exchanging the spirit for her.

The other jade box contained a 500-year-old spiritual plant, and asked the teacher to keep it in advance: "If the female cultivator is willing, I will exchange this small tree with pure spiritual grass. If you don't want to, forget it."

Shi Deng'an accepted the thank you gift and another box of pure spiritual herbs as resources. The little fairy was arrogant, and the Golden Lion Clan also lacked pure spiritual herbs. It would be hypocritical for him to pretend to push it back and forth.

(End of this chapter)

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