magic eye doctor

Chapter 2770

Chapter 2770
Yan Zhenlin Qianyi was more fortunate, standing behind his elders, closest to the little fairy, and naturally saw the flirtatious exchange between the little fairy and Xiao Jiao.

The brothers and sisters envied Xiaojiao from the Black Mercury Jiao tribe, they could eat fruit shells after being pinched a few times, and all the good things in the world were taken by Xiaojiao.

The elders led by Saga Mountain knew that Yusi was about to be promoted to the rank of Mahayana, and they were in a very complicated mood, so they also rushed to the Lingzhou Square with Saga disciples to watch.

No matter whether it is a high-ranking true monarch or a junior monk below Yuanying, the first reason is to take the opportunity to gain insight, and the second reason is to hope that after he successfully overcomes the thunder disaster, he can gain some light and absorb some divine aura.

The number of monks is still increasing, and Jieyun is still accumulating strength.

Dozens of Mahayanas from the Golden Lion Clan also quietly came to the square, some were maintaining order to prevent people from taking the opportunity to peep at other people's belongings, and some were protecting the Dharma for the soon-to-be-advanced Yu Zhenjun.

The onlookers are surrounded by 150 feet away, and the eight Mahayana steps of the Golden Lion Clan stand in front of the group of monks, in the area between 130 feet and 150 feet.

In which city does a monk advance to Mahayana, the city lord or lord of that city is obliged to protect the Dharma for him, first to demonstrate the strength of the city, and second to demonstrate its fairness and justice, so that all ethnic groups can rest assured to do business with them.

Zhenjun Yu was promoted in the Golden Lion City, and the Yaori Golden Lion was the lord of one party, so he must shoulder the responsibility of protecting the Dharma and help Zhenjun Yu to advance to the rank with peace of mind.

The Mahayanas of the Golden Lion family stood in different directions, and after about a few tens of breaths, another Mahayana rushed over, flew over the crowd, and entered the circle.

The human-shaped golden lion carried Shi Huaixu on a leaf-shaped aircraft, and carried a green-haired cub in one hand. After falling into the circle, it made a half-circle and flew to the side of the little fairy of the human race.

The handsome and bright middle-aged human-shaped golden lion first nodded to everyone, and then smiled at the little fairy of the human race: "Little fairy, the master of the golden lion tribe is very polite!"

"I'm sorry!" Le Yun smiled and nodded: "Did the little lion get into trouble by being mischievous? Your Excellency of the Golden Lion Clan is reluctant to teach him, so send him back so I can do it?"

Seeing the little fairy, the little lion was so excited that he stretched out his front paws and wanted to pounce forward. The little lion shrank his head guiltily.

"The little lion is a little mischievous. At most, he ate a few precious spiritual plants. It doesn't matter. It can't be considered trouble. I brought these two little guys here to let them feel the mighty thunder."

Shi Dengtai smiled and revealed the shortcoming of the little lion, and stood next to the little fairy, and did not hand the little lion to the little fairy, but hugged it by himself.

Shi Huaixu was protected by a Mahayana-level strongman, and he was not affected during the flight. At most, he couldn't see the scenery clearly. When he calmed down, he saw the little fairy and saluted respectfully.

"Your Excellency dotes on the little lion too much, maybe he will dare to do something worse next time." Le Yun reached out and touched Shi Huaixu's head, ignoring the little lion.

"It's hard for children not to be naughty. They are allowed to make some small mistakes within the scope of the permission. If they make a mistake next time, they will be punished heavily."

All the lion cubs of the golden lion tribe are not mischievous. Shi Dengtai really doesn't think that the mistakes made by the green-haired cubs are trivial, and they don't need to be punished.

The golden lion family pampered the cubs, and Le Yun didn't care about them anymore. Anyway, it wasn't her spiritual plant that they ate. She didn't feel bad. If the cub dared to steal her precious spiritual plant, he could do whatever he wanted.

Yan Zhen and Lin Qianyi listened to the chatter between the little fairy and the Zhenjun of the Golden Lion Clan, and felt the urge to ask "Where am I and who am I?" The little fairy is obviously coming to the Golden Lion City for the first time. So familiar with the Golden Lion family?

In just a short time, Yu Zhenjun also broke away all the barriers stuck in front of the Mahayana stage, his dantian suddenly widened, and he crazily absorbed spiritual energy.

The aura gathered around him turned into bunches of aura and poured into his body, rushing towards the dantian, and the aura around him also rose steadily.

The coercion and momentum of the Mahayana stage are released.

The surrounding monks of all races immediately felt the spiritual fluctuations of the heaven and earth aura and the coercion of the Mahayana level at this moment.

Yu Zhenjun was successfully promoted to the Mahayana, and the robbery cloud in the sky was ready. The purple-gold lightning circulated in the cloud, and it would strike the monk at any time.

When Zhenjun Yu's aura stabilized, there was a "crack" in the air, and a purple-gold sky thunder pierced through the clouds and fell downwards.

The sky thunder was one foot thick and rich in purple gold, like a pillar reaching the sky.

Yusi absorbed a lot of aura, supplemented his true energy, and stabilized his cultivation at the first level of Mahayana.

When the thunder calamity came, he flew up to meet the sky thunder at a height of hundreds of feet. Without any magic weapon to defend against, he forcibly carried the first round of thunder with his flesh and blood.

If a monk survives the thunder disaster, if he can bear it, he can bear all the thunder with his body, which will only benefit him and not harm him. When he can't bear it, he has to resist it with magic weapons.

The sky thunder devoured people, and the monks only saw the purple gold thunder light, smelled the smell of burning hair and clothing, and then the smell of burnt flesh.

The first round of heavenly thunder and nine thunderbolts, Yu Zhenjun held it back, but he was also torn apart by the thunder, and his clothes were ragged, revealing a set of magic robes inside.

His hair was burned off, his face and scalp were black, and his face was also torn with several cuts.

The person was also hit by the thunder and fell more than thirty feet down.

This is the first round of thunder.

The second round of Tianlei is stronger than the first round, usually doubled.

Yu Si, who was completely unrecognizable by the lightning, grabbed a handful of pills and stuffed them into his mouth. At the same time, he flew down quickly, and threw a lot of top-grade spirit stones and Essence.

He activated the exercises, circulated his true energy, and absorbed spiritual energy.

The second round of sky thunder was ready to go. When it broke through the clouds, it was still ten feet thick, but the power contained in it had doubled.

The sound of thunder resounded through the sky.

Many low-level monks were deafened by the shock, leaving only a buzzing in their minds.

Le Yun looked at the second round of Tianlei, then looked up at the sky, put her hand into the spirit boat on her shoulders, and spoke to Calabash Baby through sound transmission with her spiritual sense.

The gourd baby, who was a melon-eating crowd, received a voice transmission and took out his natal magic weapon, the thunder gourd, and sent it to the little fairy.

Xuan Shao, Yan Shao and the other beasts didn't hear the sound, they saw the hand piercing through the protective cover, they were wondering, and saw the gourd baby throwing a gourd out.

The Zhiman Zhima was very curious: "Little Guozi, why does the little fairy want a gourd?"

"I don't know." Fujiguo blinked her emerald eyes, pretending to be stupid.

Yan Shao looked outside, looked at the gourd baby, and guessed in his heart that the guy who crossed the catastrophe might not be able to withstand the thunder, and Xiao Luoli was going to use the gourd baby's thunder gourd to help people block the thunder disaster!

After getting the gourd baby's thunder gourd magic weapon, Le Yun put it away, calmly withdrew her hand, and then grabbed Xiao Jiao from the old Jiao's hand with a smile and squeezed her face.

The little fairy of the human race couldn't put it down for the little jiao, and the old jiao were very happy.

The green-haired little lion who was also being hugged was very sad. The little fairy had another little cub, so she didn't like him anymore!

Human race fairies are good at everything except pinching their faces. The mixed-race Xiaojiao likes the breath of human race fairies very much.

When the little Lolita hugged the mixed-race Xiaojiao to play with, the second round of sky thunder also struck the top of Yu Zhenjun's head.

Yusi tried the first round of Tianlei, knowing how powerful Zijin Lei was, he didn't dare to fight it again, so he threw a magic weapon to block it.

There are nine thunders in a round of sky thunder, and the magic weapon will be destroyed after receiving five thunders.

Yusi threw another magic weapon to dispel the remaining thunder, and of course one magic weapon was also abolished.

The power of the third round of sky thunder also doubled.

Yusi threw four magic weapons in a row to resolve it.

On the fourth day, the power of the chakra is even greater, fully tripled.

At this moment, the Mahayana monks who had survived the Mahayana-level thunder calamity also noticed something strange, the true king's sky thunder was wrong!

In Mahayana-level thunder calamity, it is normal for the power of the thunder in the next round to double that of the previous round. If the power of the thunder in each round increases several times, there must be a reason for it.

True Monarch Yu's lightning tribulations are increasing exponentially, which is not a good sign.

Yusi also noticed the clues, but unfortunately, he didn't have the time to analyze the reason at all, so he could only accept it passively, and threw magic weapons one after another.

Only the fourth round of Tianlei consumed ten of his magic weapons.

Even if he has many magic weapons, he can't stand such consumption.

When the fifth round of sky thunder strikes, its power is three times that of the previous round.

The Mahayanas of the Golden Lion Clan who were protecting the Dharma for Zhenjun Yu were also wondering what this Zhenjun had done, so that Tianlei seemed not to give him a way out.

Sensing the majestic power of Tianlei, Yusi's heart sank like water, and he bit the bullet and threw up magic weapons, one after another, a total of 27 magic weapons.

He paid the price of 27 magic weapons being destroyed, and barely withstood the fifth wave of sky thunder.

As for Yusi, there are not many magic weapons left.

The sixth round of sky thunder followed, and it was also three times as powerful as the previous round.

The mighty power of the sky made the low-ranking monks feel like they could not breathe.

Yusi thought of his unconscious daughter, pulled himself together, gritted his teeth and continued throwing magic weapons, including some magic weapons reserved for his daughter and Yu's descendants to protect against thunder.

If he is alive, he will naturally be able to protect his daughter and the Yu family. If he is gone, Xiaoxiao and the younger generation of the Yu family may not be able to keep what he left behind.

Zhenjun Yu resolved the sixth round of sky thunder at the cost of wasting 38 magic weapons, but there were not many magic weapons left that he could use to resist the sky thunder.

The monks present also realized the importance of the family property again amidst the trembling.

The cultivation base is not enough, so the magic weapon comes to make up.

When the cultivation base is low, if there are enough magic weapons to protect the body, as long as you don't try to die, it is not a big problem to survive.

The monks of the Mahayana rank looked up and watched the seventh round of sky thunder fall. The thick sky thunder, because of its deep strength, was almost a purple-gold pillar of thunder.

Yusi looked at the menacing thunder, with a look of determination in his eyes, while frantically absorbing the aura of the spirit stone, he threw the magic weapon.

He threw nineteen magic weapons in a row to resolve the first four thunders. The No.20 magic weapon was his natal sword, which blocked the fifth and sixth sky thunders, and lasted only half a breath in the seventh thunder. It breaks off.

The natal magic weapon was broken, Yusi was also injured, and spit out a mouthful of blood.

And the seventh thunder that could not be dispelled fell vertically and hit Yu Si's body, and the magic robe and defensive magic weapon on his body were shattered one by one.

With the arrival of the eighth thunder, the last robe on Yusi's body was also shattered, and he was knocked down from the air by the thunder, and the ninth thunder was the heaviest one in a round of thunder. The power of the sky thunder crushed the ground within a radius of five feet into dust,

Those spirit stones and marrow that Yu Si used to supplement the spiritual energy also failed to escape, and all turned into dust.

A large pit appeared on the ground, which was ten feet deep into the ground.

Yusi was lying on the pit, and was burned to pieces by the thunder.

He wasn't dead, but he only had one breath left.

Yusi, who was on the verge of death, had exhausted his true energy, and his soul was hit hard, and he couldn't even gather the consciousness to take the elixir.

No one is dead, so the thunder has not dissipated, and the last round of thunder is ready to go.

Yan Zhen's heart was trembling, he rushed out of the crowd and rushed to the sky thunder zone, but was blocked by the Mahayanas of the Golden Lion Tribe who were protecting the Dharma of Zhenjun Yu, and was stopped 120 feet away.

Yan Zhen was blocked, unable to advance an inch, and shouted loudly: "Master! Master! Master, you must hold on, the little junior sister is still waiting for your help! Master, Master, you still have a spirit boat, use the spirit boat to block it!" The last thunder, Master—”

Yan Lao patriarch did not go to drag his grandson back.

Not only him, but all the monks present had expected the result. Basically, it can be said that Yu Zhenjun failed to cross the tribulation!
Failed to cross the Mahayana thunder calamity, the only end is death.

Yusi heard his apprentice's voice, and his face, which had been so dryly burned by the sky thunder that no facial features could be seen, trembled, and a small drop of water gushed out of the corner of his eye.

"Hey! What a crime!" Le Yun took a deep breath, put the spirit boat on her shoulders in the air, hugged Xiaojiao in one hand, moved her footsteps, and moved in front of Patriarch Lin in an instant.

Before Patriarch Lin could react, she gently pushed Patriarch Lin aside, reached out and grabbed Lin Qianyi's arm, lifted him in her hand, and moved away from the original position.

The next moment, she appeared beside Yan Zhen, put Lin Qianyi to Yan Zhen's side, and then threw out a red silk with her hands.

The two ends of the red silk wrap around the waists of Lin Qianyi and Yan Zhen respectively, and bound them up.

Le Yun held the red silk wrapped around the two of them in one hand, hugged Xiaojiao in the other, and lifted her foot again, and the person had already moved to the huge pit.

The eighth round of thunder is also falling.

The little fairy of the human race was so fast that many people didn't see it clearly, and then saw a few more people under the thunder, and screamed "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" in fright.

The old Jiaos saw that the little fairy moved aside and brought a human male cultivator to the front, thinking that she wanted the cultivator to persuade the male cultivator who was yelling at the front to let him accept the reality.

The next moment, seeing her restraining two male cultivators with red silk and flying them into the sky thunderfield, she was so frightened that half of her soul died!
The little fairy is still hugging their family's little Jiao!

The old Jiaos moved forward together, but all the Mahayanas of the Golden Lion Clan blocked them.

A little fairy of the human race was too fast, and the Mahayana realm members of the Golden Lion clan couldn't react in time to stop her, but it didn't mean that they could let others rush forward.

The old Jiaos who were stopped outside the sky thunder zone watched the sky thunder strike, and their heart trembled intermittently.

The monks who were on the sidelines, when they were sure that someone was interfering with Lei Jie, opened their eyes and stared at the little female cultivator who was carrying two male cultivators and a little boy in her arms in red silk.

Since ancient times, people and beasts who interfere with the sky thunder have never come to a good end.

Where did that little female cultivator have the guts to interfere with the thunder and even try to block it with her body?

(End of this chapter)

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