magic eye doctor

Chapter 2774 Ask Jinshi

Chapter 2774 Ask Jinshi

With the emergence of the rare Lingzhi Ling mine, it means that the auction has reached the later stage.

Seeing that the time of Haishi was coming to an end, something unexpected appeared——a monk's handbook.

The handbook also comes from the Yaoguang Palace, which is a handbook written by a Mahayana monk of the human race to record the cultivation experience.

Because the cultivation method of the orcs is different from that of the human race, the orc adventurers who got the letter sent it to the auction house for auction.

The appearance of the monk's handbook ignited the usual calm scene. Loose cultivators of the human race, small families and small sects competed for it, and only a few middle and large immortal sects or big families called for bids occasionally, and they were not persistent.

That letter made the scene hot for a long time.

The monk who won the auction of the monk's handwriting went to the backstage to hand it over on the spot, and then left quickly, becoming the first auction winner to leave halfway.

After the manuscript, all rare spiritual mines and spiritual plants appeared on the stage, and a few more items were auctioned, and the Millennium Pure Spirit Grass appeared.

The appearance of the Purifying Spirit Grass immediately heated up the atmosphere at the auction site.

The price of the Purifying Spirit Grass was raised all the way up, and the final transaction price reached three thousand spirit crystals.

"Oh my god, it's so expensive!"

"Ah, it's so valuable."

"Aren't they stupid to spend so much money to buy a grass?"

Xuan Shao, Yan Shao and the humanoid beasts were stunned by the sky-high price of the spirit grass. My God, the price has risen from ten spirit crystals to three thousand spirit crystals. This price increase is faster than the speed of aerospace rockets. Huge profits!

"The spiritual plant is complete and can be planted as a seedling. If you buy a spiritual grass back, it is possible to plant a lot of pure spiritual grass. The value of spiritual grass is reflected in this. If there is no root system or the root system is damaged, If it can rise to three hundred spirit crystals, it will be the sky."

Le Yun explained the reason for the price to the handsome guy and the beasts, don't think that people are hotheaded, they are stupid people with a lot of money, and people who pay high prices for spiritual herbs are not stupid.

"There is only one tree, and it can reproduce offspring?" Yan Xing felt quite surprised.

"Yes, many spiritual plants are monoecious, or they can reproduce through the root system like bamboo. Even if they are not monoecious, the seeds of plants with pistils only have a lower germination rate, which does not mean that they have no reproductive ability. .

The flowers of Jinglingcao are bisexual flowers, that is, the stamens and pistils are in the same flower, so as long as there is one plant, offspring can be reproduced. "

"Oh." Little Loli did the science score, and Young Master Yan understood.

The beasts also expressed that they have learned new knowledge.

After Jinglingcao, the stems of which have developed into human-shaped outlines are Polygonum vulgaris.

The root of Polygonum sativa, which is only five-and-a-half minutes like a human, has also become the object of competition among the various sects and tribes of the immortal sects. Don't think that human races are rare spiritual things, and monster tribes are equally rare.

Chihuahua ginseng baby spirits, humans dare not drink their blood essence directly, they need to be refined into pills before taking them, and monsters have strong physiques, so they can directly drink the blood essence of spirits.

Some special races, such as soul cultivators, use the essence and blood of spiritual things to refine alchemy, which can enhance their spirit, and they are also rare.

The skeleton clan devoured the spirits of heaven and earth, and it is possible to recast their flesh and blood. They even rarer the spirits of Chihuahuas that are humanoid.

The stems of Polygonum vulgaris have only human-shaped outlines, and they are also hot treasures for moxibustion.

The races are fiercely contested.

It was also the competition that took the longest time. It took a full [-] minutes before the dust fell to the ground. In the end, it was won by a mysterious man wearing a gauze hat with [-] spiritual crystals.

That person went to the backstage to hand over on the spot, took the treasure, and left the auction house immediately.

After the human-shaped Polygonum vulgaris, there appeared another spiritual creature of heaven and earth—a purple peony whose roots grew into the shape of cattle and beasts.

Peony in Yunlan is called Baipetalong and Huarong. Red peony is generally called Chihuarong. There are also varieties of purple, golden flower and black flower.

Variety purple, gold and black three-color flower, not only the flowers are purple, gold and black, but also the roots.

The root grows into a purple flower like a cow and beast, with a purple flower and two flower buds. The stem at the root is about a foot long, shaped like a calf lying on the ground with its head turned back.

The root of Polygonum vulgaris only shows a human-shaped outline of a beast, and the facial features are unclear. The stem of Zihua Rong has a complete shape of a cow and animal, and the eyes, mouth, nose, etc. are clear at a glance.

Its appearance sparked another round of enthusiasm - the battle for the orcs.

Many big monsters of the Beast Clan who were stuck at the bottleneck saw the most beneficial spirit thing for the Beast Clan to increase their cultivation, and naturally all of them were blinded, and they all regarded it as something in their pockets.

The big monsters of the monster beast clan, the means of competition are not inferior to the human race's obsession with the human-shaped root of the scorpion grass, and the asking price is getting fiercer and louder.

Fortunately, the building of the auction house is a magic weapon. If it were replaced by a building made of ordinary materials, the roof would have to be blown off by the roar.

Le Xiaoliu was very calm when he saw the purple peony with animal-shaped roots. Presumably, the spiritual plant should have been sent to the auction house not long before the opening sale.

When Yu Zhenjun successfully advanced to her spirit boat to exchange for the elixir of good fortune, a spirit boat from the secret realm of Yaoguang Palace finally rushed to Golden Lion City.

Visually guessing that the purple peony is the harvest of the monks on the spirit boat that arrived at Golden Lion City in the evening, if not, the steward of the Normal University will definitely inform her when the time comes.

Little Loli doesn't covet purple peony. After all, purple peony is not an ultra-rare spiritual plant. Even if the animal-shaped root has a good medicinal effect, in her opinion, it is far less important than Tianzhu rice.

Student Le is not interested in being taken advantage of. He sits in the private room on the second floor with the beasts and handsome guys, watching the big monsters of the beast race compete for spiritual plants. Hearing the bell-like bids, he also gives comments from time to time. How pleasant it is .

Xuan Shao and Yan Shao are quite strange, so many items have been auctioned, and the little loli has never asked for a price. Could it be that none of them catches the eye?

To be honest, among the items on the auction table, there are not many items that can catch Xiao Le's eyes. After all, she is a person who has the inheritance of the Fire Cloud Golden Immortal, and has also patronized the quasi-artifact secret realm and the Yaoguang Palace, so she has a lot of status.

The battle for Zihua Rong was more intense than that for Wu Liaocao. It lasted for half an hour, and was finally won by the rich and powerful Platinum Tiger Clan.

The Platinum Tigers are really rich. They exchanged for a good fortune recovery pill in the monk square, and exchanged a lot of resources for the purification pill and muscle regeneration pill from the little loli.

The ultra-wealthy Platinum Tiger Clan took pictures of Zihuarong, and immediately arranged for someone to hand it over, paid for the Lingjing, and took Lingzhi back and put it in his pocket for safekeeping.

The bidding atmosphere for Zihuarong was too strong, and the auctioneer hurriedly "cold"—an auction of an undetermined item.

It was a bowl-sized stone, with white flesh, and the texture was good, but the monks knew it was actually a stone of ordinary material when they saw it.

The only unusual thing is that it also came from the Luminous Palace, and was picked up by a monk at the entrance of a disciple of the Luminous Palace.

The cultivator felt that it must be something extraordinary when it appeared at the gate of the cave of the disciples of the Yaoguang Palace.

However, the appraisers of the auction house did not find anything extraordinary about it after multiple evaluations, and they are looking forward to the insight of other experts.


The auctioneer introduced the origin of the stone, and the monks immediately laughed. It is true that there are many treasures in the Fluctuating Palace, but it does not mean that all the things from the Fluctuating Palace are treasures.

"If it's a treasure to pick up a stone in the Yaoguang Palace, wouldn't everyone who enters it already be a Daofei Immortal?"

"Hey, fellow daoist who sent this here is really a genius."

"Why didn't I think that I should have picked up a stone or an old tree root at the beginning, they are all treasures."

There was laughter on the first, second and third floors, and the originally tense atmosphere suddenly became relaxed and lively.

After the atmosphere calmed down, the auctioneer started the auction.

It's a pity that no one and the beast gave face, and no one made an offer for a long time.

After watching Le Yun on the second floor for a while, his voice changed, and when the auctioneer was about to announce his exit, You You bid: "Ten low-grade spirit stones, this is the highest price I can give, it really can't be higher. "

"Boom", the audience roared with laughter.

The auctioneer raised his head to look at the second and third floors, and asked with a smile, "On the second floor, a fellow Taoist offered ten low-grade spirit stones. Are there any higher ones?"

He asked three times in a row, but no one answered.

So, he knocked on the table: "Deal!"

Then, he paused: "Ten low-grade spirit stones seem to be a little less, at least it's better than worthless. This comfort price is not bad."

A monk asked with a smile: "Your Excellency, isn't this brought out by the children of your family?"

"This really wasn't brought out by our children, it was brought out by the cub of a contracted beast of a human Taoist friend. That fellow Taoist brought the contracted beast into the Fluctuating Light Secret Realm, and the contracted beast gave birth to a baby in the secret realm. Little cubs, just born little cubs, everyone understands."


"Understood, we all understand."

There was another burst of laughter at the scene. The newborn cubs are curious about everything. How can they tell the difference between a stone and a baby? It is normal to hold a stone as a baby.

Presumably a certain human monk couldn't bear to hurt the self-esteem of the newborn contract beast cub, so he also sent the stone to the auction, so the auctioneer said "comfort price".

Le Yun quoted the price, and sent a voice transmission to the auctioneer, asking him to send someone to deliver the stone to the private room on the second floor.

The auctioneer put the stones on a plate and sent a golden lion and half demon to the second floor, and then he continued to auction.

Immediately after the stage, it was still a spiritual object - a piece of lightning strike wood in the shape of a beast.

The head of the beast and the first half of the tree were burned by lightning, leaving a small half of the body. It can only be judged that it is a bird or beast with feathers, but it is not sure what kind of bird or beast it is.

The animal-shaped lightning strike wood indicates that it is likely to be a remnant of some kind of spirit wood that failed to survive the thunder disaster after it transformed into a form, and it is also a treasure of heaven and earth.

It also attracted competition from various clans.

Le Yun is not interested in the beast-shaped lightning strike wood, and is waiting for her own stone.

Soon there was a knock on the door, and Young Master Xuan went to open the door, took the plate from the half-demon, and paid for the Lingshi.

The half-demon took the spirit stone and went downstairs to the auction hall to report back.

Major Xuan closed the door, and brought the stones in the tray to little Lori.

Yan Shao and the beasts all surrounded and studied the stone.

That stone was about the size of an eight-centimeter bowl, and it was really common. Not to mention the river beaches in the Yunlan Spiritual Realm, even river beaches all over the earth are not lacking in stones.

"There's nothing unusual about this stone. There's nothing special about its shape, color, or weight." Major Xuan turned over the whole stone countless times, weighed it several times, and then handed it to Baiyin, who was of earth attribute.

Baiyin studied for a while, then shook his head to show that he couldn't see anything either.

He gave it to Brother Yan again. Brother Yan has a golden spirit root, so he might be able to find out the hidden properties of the stone.

It's a pity that Yan Xing couldn't tell: "It feels a little weird, but I really can't see what's extraordinary."

"Little fairy, what exactly is this?"

The beasts asked curiously, the little fairy is a know-it-all, and the things she bought with spirit stones must have their uses.

"Sure enough, you don't have the ability to hunt for treasures. It's far worse than the treasure hunters born by the monk who contracted the beast." Le Yun took the white stone and played with it, smiling from ear to ear: "This is a treasure. This kind of stone has a Nice and tacky name, it's called 'Question Stone', also called 'Touchstone'.

The material of gold and stone itself is ordinary. The most amazing thing about it is that it can distinguish the good or bad of ore or god gold. Take it to the ore or spirit god gold. If the value of mine and god gold is higher, the stone will emit The brighter the light, if the value of the ore and the god gold is low, the light of the stone is very weak or does not shine.

This stone has not been tested for real gold and silver, but it has tested you and the various tribes present. If you are metal, it is all ordinary mines, and none of them are treasures. "

"Ah, if we are metal, we are all ordinary metal, which means we are ordinary people and ordinary beasts." Xuan Shaoyan was very sad.

Beasts and beasts: "..." Besides gods and fairy beasts, who is not an ordinary beast?

"Other than that, what else does it do?" Yan Xing was only sad for three seconds, and then asked a hundred thousand why.

"Able to detect gold, walking around with stones, the stones glow, indicating that there are veins nearby, just in terms of finding metal mines, it is better than treasure hunting beasts.

It can also be used to cast a golden body, and if this is melted into the golden body, people will feel it when they go to a place where there are rare spirit ore or god minerals.

It can also be used to create natal magic weapons. The natal magic weapon added with gold stones has a certain self-recovery ability. If it is slightly damaged and there is not enough spiritual gold and divine gold to repair it, throw it in the ore, the magic weapon He can absorb the power of metal to strengthen himself and repair damage. "

"So, you bought a priceless treasure with ten low-grade spirit stones?" Yan Xing was so shocked that his dragon eyes widened, oh my god, little loli picked up a big leak!

"Hey, there's nothing I can do about it. I'm the only one who knows the goods." Le Yun smiled, the little beast cub who picked up the golden stone is really cute!
"I suddenly sympathized with that monk. The little cub of his contracted beast obviously picked up a big treasure for him, but he sold it as scrap."

Yan Xing remembered the glorious history of the little loli running the jadeite trading market to pick up leaks, and felt extremely sympathetic to that monk. One day, that monk would know that he had missed hundreds of millions, and wondered if he would cry and faint in the toilet.

"Compassion plus one." Xuan Shao was also very sympathetic.

The beasts were more sympathetic to the little cub, obviously picked up a treasure, and the mother's contractor didn't know the goods, so he must be very sad.

(End of this chapter)

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