magic eye doctor

Chapter 2776

Chapter 2776
"How can we determine who is the destined person for Hanmei Turui?"

"Could it be that Hanmei Turui has given birth to a weapon spirit, allowing it to find its owner by itself?"

"Boss, quickly tell me how Hanmei Turui found a new owner."

The monks below couldn't hold back any longer and urged them one after another.

"It's very simple. Just ask a few questions. If the plum blossoms glow, it proves that the answer is correct. If it doesn't glow, it is a mistake. The person who answers the most questions correctly will be the new owner of the magic weapon."

The steward of the Normal University smiled Mimi: "Regardless of men and women, everyone can answer the questions, everyone is ready to prepare."

He made a few breathing movements, and asked again: "Are you ready? I'll start when I'm ready. The first question, what is the real name of the Thousand Stars Golden Immortal? Where was it born?"

"Qianxing Jinxian's real name is Qianxing, and she was born in Baihezhou in the western part of the Southern Continent."

Many people shouted.

The hairpins in the air did not move at all, not to mention glowing, not even a star point.


"Impossible, Qianxing Jinxian is called Qianxing and was born in Baihezhou."

The monks of all ethnic groups were shocked and talked a lot.

"Han Mei Tu Rui didn't respond, which means it's wrong." The steward of the Normal University looked upstairs, the second and third floors didn't respond much, could it be that the immortal sects and tribes in the Southern Continent didn't know about it?
Seeing that no one answered, Le Yun closed the window with her spiritual sense, poked her head out, and answered aloud: "Qianxing Jinxian's real surname is Luo, Luo of Sunset Mountain, formerly known as Luoxing, who was born in the oldest Sunset Mountain Range. mountains."

As she uttered the real name of Qianxing Jinxian, the plum blossom spit out a moonlight brilliance, which was more than a foot long. Three feet.


Countless monks stared in shock.

Many monks asked loudly: "Dear fellow Taoists in the Southern Continent, is there a place called Meishanling in the Southern Continent?"

Someone on the second and third floors answered: "Yes. Yes, yes, yes."

And a person from Xianzong with ancient background explained: "The Sunset Mountain Range is the Jiuxing Fenyue Mountain Range in the Southern Continent today, and the Meishan Ridge belongs to the Red Moon Continent today. It can be seen that the Taoist friends in the No. [-] private room on the second floor are proficient in the history of the Southern Continent. .”

"Fellow Daoist, you are welcome. I have only briefly read Yunlan's history books, so I dare not pretend to be proficient." Le Yun replied politely.

Those who originally suspected that a female cultivator on the second floor was talking nonsense were immediately convinced.

On the second and third floors, the originally closed windows of many private rooms opened one after another.

Seeing that the one who got the right answer was Little Fairy, the steward of the Normal University smiled and nodded to her, and asked the question again: "Second question, what is the real name of the Taoist companion of Qianxing Jinxian? Where did he come from?"

Now, no one dared to answer with confidence.

All ethnic groups in the mainland only know that the Taoist companion of the Thousand Star Golden Immortal is called "Miaoyan", but it is not known whether it is a Taoist name or his real name.

Someone tentatively replied: "It's called Miaoyan? He was born in Meishanling."

Hairpin did not give face.

Someone asked a monk from the Southern Continent to answer. After all, Qianxing Jinxian is from the Southern Continent, and all ethnic groups in the Southern Continent should know better.

The disciples of the various immortal sects and clans also looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Qianxing Jinxian's Daoist Taoist name Miaoyan, whose real name is Mei and whose real name is Mei Kuhan, comes from the Moyue tribe at the foot of the North Ridge of the Longyou Mountains. The Moyue tribe believes in the moon god. Miaoyan Jinxian is the saint of the Moyue tribe. female descendant."

No one answered the question, so Le Yun had no choice but to give some history of the golden immortals in Yunlan Realm to the various clans present.

The moonlight on the magic treasure hairpin bloomed, and the light grew more than one zhang, and then rose to a height of three zhang.

Some monks from various ethnic groups shouted to the various ethnic groups in the Southern Continent, asking them to come out and explain.

Someone replied: "Little Fairy is right. The Longyou Mountain Range is a branch of the Baiyao Mountain Range. The Moyue Tribe is a tribe of about 50 people. After the Heavenly Fire Calamity, the whole family moved to another realm."

All ethnic groups: "..." Suddenly they realized that they didn't know enough about Yunlan's history.

Shi Le, Guan Shile of the Normal University: "It seems that in the future we will all have to learn the history of Yunlan, the history of mountain changes, and the history of changes of various ethnic groups.

Next, the third question, can Qianxing Jinxian and Miaoyan Jinxian have offspring?there's a few? "

"Qianxing Jinxian has a child?"

All races were confused, they never heard that the Golden Immortal of Thousand Stars had a child, they only knew that he had an apprentice.

"Is there?" Everyone was not sure, and asked as if they had doubts.

The hairpin's light flickered slightly.

The hairpin responded, which meant that Qianxing Jinxian and Miaoyan Jinxian had children. As for how many children they had, who knows!
"Yes. Qianxing Jinxian and Miaoyan Zhenxian gave birth to four children, three boys and one girl. The eldest son does not sink, the second son does not regret, the third daughter does not speak, and the fourth son does not hate."

Little Loli enunciated clearly, following each word, the hairpin glowed brightly for a while, and every time a person's name was spoken, it rose a few feet, and in a blink of an eye it rose to a height higher than the second floor.

"Mei Buyan Jinxian is the daughter of Qianxing Jinxian and Miaoyan Jinxian?"

"Oh my god, Mei Buyan is actually the child of Qian Xing Jin Xian!"

There was a sudden scream.

They had never heard the names of the other three, but the female fairy Mei Buyan was a famous golden fairy in the history of Yunlan.

It's a pity that Mei did not say that Jinxian was devoted to Taoism, and there was no news of a Taoist couple.

An elder from the first palace on the second floor nodded to the little female cultivator from a distance, and asked, "Little fairy, how can you be so clear about Qianxing Jinxian's family affairs?"

The monks of all races were equally astonished, could it be that the little female cultivator is the descendant of Qianxing Jinxian?
"Speaking of which, I have a little relationship with Qianxing Jinxian, but I am not a descendant of Qianxing Jinxian and Miaoyan Jinxian." Le Yun smiled brightly and asked the manager of the Normal University: "Boss, there is still a problem ?”

The words of the little female cultivator also relieved the monks of all races. The little female cultivator has a relationship with the Qianxing Golden Immortal, so it is not surprising that she knows the family affairs of the Qianxing Golden Immortal.

"Yes, there is one more question," the steward of the Normal University responded, and said the fourth question: "The fourth question, whether the Qianxing Golden Immortal and the Miaoyan Golden Immortal died?"

This question made the audience silent.

This question can't be answered indiscriminately, if the answer is that there is no immortal death, it will be fine, no matter whether it is right or not, at least it will not cause trouble to the upper body.

"Wait a minute. Let me do the math." Le Yun stretched out her fingers, quickly counting.

The monks of all races looked at a certain female cultivator in horror, who dared to calculate the fate of the immortal?

Qianxing Jinxian and Miaoyan Jinxian have already become immortals, which is equivalent to going to Daluotian. Immortals of that level, even immortals like earth immortals and mysterious immortals dare not presumptuously, how dare the little female cultivator!
Le Yun pinched her fingers like flying, first she used her right hand to calculate, and then used her left hand to calculate with both hands at the same time, deducing the kung fu of a full cup of tea.

"Senior Qianxing's immortal luck is prosperous." After a pause, he added: "Senior Miaoyan has not fallen, but he must have encountered some troubles, and he probably fell asleep, and the immortal journey did not appear."

The hairpin flew towards the female cultivator, and her voice was as urgent as the wind: "The fairy can deduce the fortune, please do the fortune telling for me, whether my master and I can meet again."


The monks of all ethnic groups were shocked that Hanmei Turui gave birth to a weapon spirit? !

The high-ranking monks of the various immortal sects and tribes knew in their hearts that Hanmei Turui had already given birth to the weapon spirit, so the monks who took it out of the ancient secret realm did not dare to take it for themselves or auction it.

"I don't deduce the divination numbers lightly, so as not to reveal too many secrets. Asking me to divination for you is tantamount to letting me reveal some secrets. That will damage my merits and virtues, and you have to pay a certain price."

The female cultivator was unwilling to deduce the secret, and Qi Ling immediately proposed a solution: "I have nothing to give you for the time being. I will protect you for ten thousand years. In exchange, can you calculate a hexagram for me?"

"No, it's not that this fairy looked down on you by watching people under the door. You are too weak. You came to this fairy and said that you are protecting this fairy. In fact, it is you who seek my protection.

You have the opportunity to advance to the artifact by this fairy's side. For you, you make a lot of money, but this fairy gets nothing. If you lose a lot, this business can't be done. "

"Ten thousand years is too little, how about tens of millions of years? Once I advance to the rank of artifact, I will go find you treasures of heaven and earth as compensation."

"Yo, you are quite good at making plans. The longer you stay with me, the more you will benefit. I think you are the object of love between Qianxing and Miaoyan, so let's not talk about it with you. Just follow along." Ben fairy.

I have something to say first, you have to listen to this fairy when you are with me, don't mess around, or this fairy will seal you directly. "

"Okay." The spirit responded, the hairpin lost all its brilliance, its body shrunk to its normal size, and it flew directly to the top of the female cultivator's head, and placed the hairpin horizontally on the jade crown of her high ponytail.

The expressions of the monks of various races in the auction house are hard to describe in words. Others want a magic weapon with a powerful weapon, but they can't get it, and the little nun is still picky.

Comparing people to people makes people mad.

Although sad, the cultivators of all races are still relatively calm. A magic weapon with a weapon is something you can't force. It chose to attach itself to the little nun, which also shows that the little nun has enough strength to protect it.

Xuan Shao, Yan Shao and Beast were all stunned when the hairpin spoke.

The people and beasts who were in a daze saw that the hairpin had been fixed on the head of the little loli/little fairy by themselves, and they all showed ghost-like expressions.

The hairpin automatically stuck to it, Le Yun didn't forget the one who brought it out of the secret realm, and asked it: "What agreement do you have with the monk who brought you out?"

"Yes, in the secret realm, I helped him get a chance. In exchange, he took me out of the secret realm and sent me to the auction house for me to choose a new owner. The karma between me and him is over."

The spirit of the hairpin told the truth, Le Yun still took out two elixir bottles, transported them to the auction round table with her spiritual consciousness, and gave them to the teacher in charge: "This is the fortune-telling elixir and celestial spirit elixir that I refined. Please hand over the matter to the fellow Taoist who came out with the hairpin.

Although the agreement between Qi Ling and him has been completed, he has kept his words and deeds consistent. Hanmei Turui Hairpin came to this fairy and has its own other good luck, and there is also a little cause and effect with that fellow Taoist.

This fairy has some origins with Qianxing Jinxian and Miaoyan Jinxian, and today I have established this cause and effect for this hairpin. "

"The Taoist friend who sent the hairpin to the auction house did not say that he would ask for a reward from the person who is destined for the hairpin. The little fairy generously gave the pill, and I will definitely pass it on to that lord."

The steward of the Normal University took the pill bottle and put it away. He was not surprised that the hairpin already had a weapon spirit. The town treasures of their Golden Lion Clan also had weapon spirits. Many sects and tribes of immortal sects had one or two weapons Spiritual treasure.

Hairpin chose the owner by himself, and this round of bidding that did not start bidding came to an end.

(End of this chapter)

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