magic eye doctor

Chapter 2779 On the Little Lion

Chapter 2779 On the Little Lion
Le Yun sat cross-legged on the ground near the window, did not get up, and greeted the guests from the three families to sit down, and kept her gaze on the female cultivator of the Weaving Cloud Sect for an extra second.

That female cultivator is well-deserved for her fair complexion, beautiful skin and long legs. She is two meters one meter tall, slender and tall, with a protruding front and back, a good face, long hair tied into a high ponytail, and she is free and easy.

Yun Lan's monster tribe, judges the superiority by the blood, and then judges the status by the level of cultivation, there is no distinction between male and female, many monster tribes have queens.

The ratio of human monks and female monks is relatively small, about fifty to one, that is, there is only one female monk in every fifty monks.

There are fewer high-level female monks, about two hundred to one, that is, about one out of two hundred high-level monks is a woman, and the ratio is actually quite large.

The female cultivator from the Weaving Cloud Sect is a seven-fold Mahayana, a proper strong woman.

Therefore, when classmate Le Xiao saw a strong woman, she immediately had the feeling of "meeting a confidant in wine", and her eyes softened a little.

The God of Transformation Golden Lion sent the guests to the master's private room, and then went out again.

There were two each from the Jinque Clan, the Poshanlong Clan, and the Zhiyun Clan. The six guests did whatever they wanted, reported their origins, and also seated themselves on the ground.

Le Yun asked the representative of the Canary Clan: "The formation map and detailed explanation of the spirit boat have been delivered to the buyer together with the spirit boat. I don't know if the two lords of the Canary Clan have any questions?"

"I don't have any questions about the spirit boat." The glamorous Canary monk smiled sincerely: "We of the Canary tribe also want to order a spirit boat, and want to exchange some Jingling Pill and Muscle Rejuvenating Pill.

The Spirit Boat of our Canary Clan moved slowly, and fell behind when we returned to Golden Lion City from Yaoguang Palace. We failed to occupy a place in the monk square in the west of the city, and stationed in the square in the north city.

I live in the northern city, far away. I got the news yesterday, and when I rushed to the west of the city, it was already a step late, and I missed the opportunity to exchange pills. "

The glamorous human-shaped Golden Bird handed a storage bag to the Grandmaster: "This is some resources compiled by our family, please take a look at it."

"You both want to order the spirit boat, and also want to exchange some pills. The pursuit is very high. There must be a lot of good things, there are natural materials and treasures, and there is room for negotiation."

Le Yun took the storage bag with a smile, poked it in with her spiritual sense, "swept" the items inside, and exclaimed in surprise: "Hey, you have also photographed that silkworm ghost, and you are not afraid of losing money by raising it to death. "

"My family took pictures of silkworm ghosts, thinking that if they were exchanged for elixirs, the little fairies would not like them, so we would eat them. Our Canary Clan loves to eat spirit insects." The Canary Clan monk admitted frankly.

"It's not a loss to eat it. This also proves that the Canary Clan has a deep foundation and is not short of that little money." Le Yun laughed.

Two of the gorse's humanoid goats smile.

The Canary clan is also an invisible rich family. The silkworm ghost is not the main treasure they use to exchange the spirit pills and book the spirit boat. They bid for the spirit boat to settle the settlement with the spirit crystal essence.

Among the large amount of supplies prepared by the Sparrow Clan, there are a few things that the little Lolita needs to collect, namely, the ground flame lotus, the gray crystal spirit soil, the three-leaf lotus, the purple star grass, and the June flower.

There are also several kinds of spiritual mines that are also treasures, comparable to the spiritual mines that Yan Shaoxuan and the others dug in the dark world.

Gray crystal spiritual soil is a kind of spiritual soil similar to white crystal spiritual soil. It is a kind of abnormal gray soil that is mixed with plant ash and soil after forest fires to form crystalline soil, and absorbs the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and is promoted to spiritual soil.

Little Lolita used up most of the fire spirit soil obtained from Lanchengmu's family to refine the Lingzhi space, and the Earth Flame Lotus also used up almost all of it. All kinds of spiritual soil and ground flame lotus.

At the same time, it was necessary to collect some useful materials for Yan Shao Xuan Shao and the beasts to cast golden bodies, so for the ground flame lotus and various spiritual soils, the more the better.

"According to these, order a spirit boat with a million miles, eleven Jingling pills, and three muscle-rejuvenating pills." Le Yun estimated the value of the materials and gave them things that could be exchanged.

The Canary Clan responded immediately: "Little Fairy, let's add spirit crystals and marrow as the cost of ordering spirit boats. Is it okay to use the materials that can be exchanged for spirit boats now to exchange for clean spirit pills?"

"Exchanging the pre-purchased materials for the spirit boat for the spirit pills, at most, I only added three more pills."

"Three are fine." The two humanoid sparrows of the Canary Clan were full of joy.

"Okay. The spirit boat has to be refined. Wait for the news. I will go back to the Lingzhou Square to see how many companies have ordered the spirit boat. Go find what I want first, and then refine the spirit boat when you have time on the way. It may take 200 years to deliver the spirit boat.

If the order quantity is small, it can be refined within three or a few years, and then the furnace will be opened for refining, and the spirit boat will be delivered to find the treasure I am looking for. "

"No problem. We can afford to wait." The Canary Clan readily accepted. In the past, there was no spirit boat transaction after waiting for hundreds of millions and tens of millions. Waiting for three to five hundred years is really nothing.

Maybe in the past 200 years, they found another treasure, and they could exchange some spirit pills when they took the spirit boat.

The Canary Clan was also very angry, and immediately transferred a sum of spirit crystals and put them in a storage bag to the little fairy based on the auction house's auction price of a million-speed spirit boat.

Le Yun asked them to wait for the spirit boat to pay for the spirit crystal. Canary was determined to pay for the spirit boat in advance. She collected the deposit first, and gave the Jingling Pill and Shengji Rejuvenation Pill to the Canary Clan.

After finishing the deal with the Canary Clan, discuss business with the Zhiyun Sect and the Poshanlong Clan.

The Weaving Cloud Sect and the Poshanlong Clan are not comparable to the invisible rich family of the Canary Clan, but their families are not weak, and each family has good things.

Classmate Le made an exception and gave them the opportunity to order the spirit boat first because they had Jin Lingtu and Taiyanmu. Therefore, as long as they have the same treasure they said, the possibility of talking about it is very small.

The Zhiyun Sect and the Poshanlong Clan are self-aware, they did not dare to hope for a spirit boat with a speed too high, and ordered a spirit boat with a speed of more than 300 million miles.

The two families were also generous, and paid the full cost of the spirit boat. If the speed of the spirit boat was higher than the one they booked, they would make up for the extra cost when they picked up the spirit boat.

The spirit boat was rare, and all the boat fare was paid in advance, and the master craftsman had received the money, so he could not go back on his word. If he went back on his word, it would not only destroy his reputation, but also destroy his own way of crafting.

Artifact repair is not easy, under normal circumstances master artisans are not willing to self-destruct the art of artefact cultivation, as long as the person is not dead, they will complete according to the order after receiving the money.

If there are no people, there is no other way.

As the wish came true, the three families left one of their communication jade slips for the little fairy, and hurriedly bid farewell to the master, left the auction house and returned to the station to wait for news.

After seeing off the guests, Le Yun took out the silkworm ghost and put it in a big jade box, and then found two leaves of the Five Elements Spirit Tree and put them in the box.

The reason why the silkworm ghost seems to be dying is because its body is still petrified, and if the gold energy is too heavy, it will be cold.

The leaves of the Five Elements Spirit Tree are pure wood and can dispel the golden energy of silkworm ghosts.

Throwing in the leaves, Le Yun found a net for fishing and put it on the surface of the jade box, and threw the box into her private wishful house.

After the little Lolita finished her work, Yan Shaoxuan let out a sigh of relief.

"Oh my god, the six people who came here are so scary. I glanced over and my back felt cold, and my hairs stood on end."

"They don't do anything. I feel the pressure every time I sit at this station."

"The six who came here are all Mahayana, and the lowest level of cultivation is also the second level of Mahayana. They have already restrained their breath. If they let out a little breath, you two will kneel in minutes at this distance.

Especially the monster beast clan, if you don't restrain your blood, even if you don't attack you, your bones will be crushed and your soul will be shaken. "

"It's scary!" Xuan Shaoyan felt his scalp explode.

"So, you have to adapt in advance and get in touch with some high-level monks. Only when you stand alone in the future can you hold the field."

"I don't want to be alone, I want to lie flat."

"Pull it down." Yan Xing said with contempt for Xuan Shao, and asked again: "Little Lolita, won't you be affected by their aura?"

"I'm not afraid. My soul is stronger than them. If you really want to fight for your consciousness, they can't fight me. You should also work hard to forge your consciousness. If your soul is strong, even if you meet someone who is several levels higher than yourself, it will still be the same. Stand up."

"Hey." The two young masters responded weakly.

Why is Yan Xing's [-] too many: "Little Lolita, when are you going to pick up the little lion?"

"I don't plan to bring the little lion back for the time being. That little lion, his blood is mixed, has shown that he is influenced by the blood of his father's family and the genes of the tiger monster clan. His nature is cold and cruel, and his personality is too domineering.

He hasn't made a contract with me or you yet, and he already has the feeling of master for granted, and he takes it for granted that all the favors I and you all belong to him, and the good things are also his.

Last time, he bullied Zhima, a Zhiman, and I punished him to reflect. He didn't really reflect on himself, and he committed another mistake yesterday.

Yesterday I brought the little Jiao from the Silver Dragon Tribe to ward off the thunder, but I didn’t bring the little lion. He didn’t take advantage of it, and lost his temper again. I don't care.

When he was taken away by the golden lion, he didn't even look at me, waiting for me to coax him. "

"This, isn't it overbearing? At most, it's small beasts fighting for favor." Young Master Xuan hesitated.

"No, your cognition has not been corrected yet. He is not a newborn lion cub. He is 14 years old!" Le Yun had to remind the two handsome boys of a fact.

"For a long time, because of the size of the little lion, you have regarded him as a newborn baby, and because of his small size, he has monopolized the favor of you and your beast friends.

Whatever good things you have, share with him, and leave him all the delicious things. He enjoys the resources and love you give with peace of mind, and grabs your attention.

Haven't you noticed that once you don't put him first, he will immediately make a fuss, if you don't give him something, he will whine immediately, and then you will take the initiative to give it to him.

When I hug Zhiren Zhima, you hug him to play, and he likes to ignore him. "

"In this way, it's not a big deal, right?" Yan Xing was also a little surprised.

"Is this not a big deal?" Le Yun stared: "Your thinking is still limited to treating the little lion as a pet, not as a monster!
Is it possible for you not to find a Taoist partner or have a baby for the rest of your life?Don't accept disciples?

Now you think that the little lion is still young, and you all pamper and protect it. Once you have a Taoist companion and a child, and have a disciple, put your mind on the Taoist companion, and when you have a child, put your mind on the child. You will immediately feel that you have empathized with another, and that it is the appearance of your Taoist partner or child who has robbed him of his favor and resources.

You never questioned or guarded against him. If he did something secretly, what do you think would be the consequences? "

Yan Xingxuan's back shivered, and cold sweat broke out.

"If he can't get over his temper, he would rather give up a bonded beast with the blood of a divine beast than form a bond. If you form a bond with him, your good things must be close to him first, which is unfair to your other contract partners. .

Moreover, his blood is rather mixed, not pure blood, and he is selfish in his bones. When he grows up in the future, he will use his blood to bully your other little friends. He gets the good things first, and you will take the danger yourself.

Equal contract, humans and beasts are equal, humans and beasts are friends, bonded beasts don't need to be absolutely loyal to their owner, if a person dies, bonded beasts will only lose a wisp of consciousness, and will not die.

Selfish and indifferent monsters, before the temptation of huge interests, there are many who betrayed the contractor.

There is an equal contract, strong bloodline, selfish and brutal monster beside him, which is actually like a ticking time bomb.

Therefore, unless he voluntarily forms a master-servant contract, respecting you as masters and him as servants, if it is an equal contract, I will not agree.

After all, I won't be able to be by your side all the time in the future. Without my presence, you can't hold down that lion. "

After some analysis by Little Lolita, Xuan Shaoyan's back was covered with cold sweat again, it was they... thinking too simply!

The door of Ruyi House opened, and a few heads poked out from inside: "Little Fairy, we will not betray brother!"

Le Yun looked at Yingsheng Baiyin and Shui Dun who stretched out their heads, with soft eyes: "I know, I understand your temperament, and I trust you, otherwise, I wouldn't let you hear me talking to my two brothers. lion thing.

The situation of that little lion is different from yours. In fact, he still has a little blood of the wolf clan and the rattlesnake clan. Whether it is the tiger clan, the lion clan, the wolf clan, or the rattlesnake clan, his nature is domineering, brutal, cold-blooded and selfish.

If the little lion only has the blood of one of the clans, it is not a big problem. He is a mixed race of multiple races, and the possibility of being affected by the blood is very high. Now he has shown some bad roots.

Because you treat the little lion as a baby, you never pay attention to it, and often ignore his occasional maliciousness. I am very sensitive to maliciousness, and I can detect any maliciousness.

The little lion has deep malice towards Zhima, the person from Zhima, and even more maliciousness towards the egg baby I raised, so I let Zhima, the person from Zhima, take care of the baby egg, but not the little lion.

If the little lion were to be alone with Baby Egg, if he had the chance, he would definitely do something wrong to Baby Egg. "

Zhima raised his little hands and spoke: "We can also feel the little lion's malice towards us, and he also has malice towards Eggy."

The gourd baby knocked on the little head of Zhiren Zhima: "You two little creatures, whoever eats it will be nourishing, and the little lion wants to eat you most."

Zhiren Zhima turned dead fish eyes, can you blame them?

(End of this chapter)

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