magic eye doctor

Chapter 278 Hijacked

Chapter 278 Hijacked
The strange little loli is cruel and unreasonable, and if she does not cooperate with the treatment, she will be scolded. Therefore, Yan Xing lays down honestly. When the little loli stabbed him again, he only felt that her dantian was biting like ten thousand ants, itching and uncomfortable. .

He refrained from humming, and forced himself to stay motionless against the ground. When his endurance was about to collapse, the itch slowly diminished. He secretly sighed in relief, and finally got over it!

Little Loli didn't speak. He closed his eyes and waited quietly. When he heard Little Loli saying that he could cheat the corpse, he didn't think about it at the time. After waiting for two seconds, he realized that he could get up.

Can she not speak human words?
Tell him to lie on his back and say "lying a corpse", let him get up and say "deceiting a corpse", he feels like he has become a corpse's Yanxing, and his heart is particularly depressed, and it is not easy to carry with the little loli, and he turns over silently .

He turned sideways, quickly grabbed his jacket and put it on, then turned his back, put on trousers in a hurry, grabbed socks and stuffed them into his pockets, put on his shoes, and ran to the door while buttoning his clothes, shirts and trousers The trousers were soaked with sweat, and he could smell the sweat himself, so how dare he stay for a long time.

"Little Loli, I'm going back first." He tried his best to keep his voice steady and not reveal any flaws.

"Hey, don't eat lunch at noon?" Le Yun asked casually while packing up the medical equipment.

"No, I'm leaving." Yan Xing ran to the door, pulled it open, hurried out, and hurriedly closed the door, running downstairs.

"I'm going, that guy didn't even wipe the floor, he even asked me to clean it, damn it!" Handsome Yan said and left, walking neatly and neatly, Le Yun packed up her tools and saw that Yanren lay on the floor The next human-shaped water-stained graphic was suddenly not very good.

Handsome Yan doesn't have the problem of body odor, but just now, in order to help him clear the meridians, she forced the poison out of his dantian by force. The sweat was mixed with trace toxins, with a sour smell, and the sweat stains were also yellowish. The watermark on it is particularly conspicuous.

Yanren drew a map by himself, and he didn't deal with it himself, leaving it to her master, it was simply too unkind!
Le Yun hummed angrily, put the medical tools into the space, went to get a mop to clean up, and then opened all the windows for ventilation.

Even if the sweat stains are removed, the odor will not be completely dissipated in a short time. She threw a few books back into the space and went back to the bedroom to find Xiao Huihui.

Xiao Huihui hid, so he had to call: "Little Huihui, Xiao Huihui—"

After shouting four or five times in a row, the little black monkey who was hiding under the closet got out of a small body, looked at, there was no stranger, slipped across the floor, slipped to the writing table, and washed it in the bamboo tube filled with water Claws, holding a wooden stick, climbed onto the writing table, and crawled to the place where he was eating and waited obediently.

"Xiao Huihui, I'll take you to a fun place." Le Yun lifted the little ink monkey and put it back into its nest, bringing its items back to the space.

People slipped back into the space and appeared under the dragon's blood tree. They placed small gray ash's nests and thatched pits on the top of the Lingshi flowerbed in the circled flowerbed, and placed a few bamboo tubes that were cut open beside them, and put peanuts, Beans, a few small pieces of bananas, carrots, white radishes, dendrobium flowers, leaves, etc.

Putting delicious food, Le Yun sat on the ground reading a book and practicing the exercises.

When the little black monkey arrived at a new place, it jumped out of its nest happily, looked around in amazement, wanted to run far but didn't dare, repeated several times, saw that the person who gave him food didn't leave, ran and jumped boldly, the flowerbed table was far away The ground was very high, and it didn't dare to jump down, but just jumped and looked on the surface of the fence of the flowerbed.

Jumping, jumping, jumping into the flowerbed, stepping on the soil, slipping into the ginseng bush under the dragon's blood tree, it is too small to hide in the ginseng tree and can't find a shadow, it crawled around and played for a while, and went straight to the dragon blood tree.

The big tree is far away from the outer edge of the flowerbed. The little black monkey stopped and walked. It took a lot of effort to get to the bottom of the dragon's blood tree. The little paws grabbed the bark and kept climbing. After less than a meter, he had no strength to continue, slowly slipped to the bottom of the tree, and walked back in dejection.

After a long time, the little monkey ran back to his nest, lay down on the ground and panted for a while, got up to eat, and when he was full, he slipped into the ginseng bush to play.

Le Yun is very calm, let Xiao Huihui let go of herself, the flowerbed is so big, enough for him to spread wild, Xiao Huihui is too small, she is not going to let him play on the grass and the medicine field for the time being, lest it run on the herbs and jump around. .

As for Yan Xing, he fled from the girls' dormitory as if he were running away, rushed downstairs without stopping, climbed into his car, and drove back to the dormitory without a break.

When he rushed back to the dormitory and got off the car, he saw a wet mark left on his seat cushion, and his face turned red instantly. He put on trousers and still left a sweat mark. He was sweating so much in the little loli dormitory. , isn't the sweat on the floor flooded?
Thinking of the masterpiece that he had left in Little Lolita's dormitory, Yan Xing felt ashamed uncontrollably in his heart. He wiped the chair with a rag, locked the car and rushed to the dormitory. He rushed back to the dormitory and headed straight to the bathroom in one breath.

During the day, the dormitory building does not supply hot water. He is strong and healthy. He takes cold showers at dozens of degrees below zero. Of course, he is not afraid of cold water. He washed himself from head to toe several times, and he was clean.

After packing himself up, Yan Xing also washed his clothes and hung them on the balcony. When he returned to the dormitory, his face was still red. Do you want to go back to Little Lolita's dormitory to clean up?

After thinking about it, he struggled for a few minutes, and he wiped his sweat with a guilty conscience. After all, he was too embarrassed to go to the little loli again. He felt so ashamed and shameless!

After thinking about it, I climbed back to the bed and meditated with my knees crossed. When I entered the meditation, I was secretly terrified. In the past, every time during the practice process, when luck walked, there would always be a slight pain in the dantian. It was warm, and he could feel that the Qi meridian was unobstructed, and the line of practice was warm, making people feel that their body was light and airy.

Yan Xing was surprised at first, then ecstatic, this is the correct way of cultivation and feeling!If you follow this feeling, you will definitely get twice the result with half the effort.

He suppressed his emotions and practiced immediately, leaving other things aside before talking about it. Cultivation is the most important thing. Cultivation is the most important thing.

When the school bell rang at noon, Liu Dashao twisted his backpack and scurried away from the back door before the teacher. He found his motorcycle in front of the teaching building, and flew back to the dormitory at the speed of Kaiyunxiao.

He ran fast and became the well-deserved No.1 who returned to the dormitory first. When he rushed back to the dormitory excitedly, he saw Yan sitting cross-legged on the bed with a beautiful smile on his handsome face. The light was stronger than a ton of gemstones, almost blinding his alloy eyes.

"Xiaoxingxing, please don't laugh like that, my eyes are going blind." Liu Xiangyang pressed his chest in shock, did Xiaoxingxing take the wrong medicine, why is his smile so dazzling?
"Xiangyang, you're back." Yan Xing recovered from the joy, and withdrew the smile of the alluring country and the city, and the bright dragon eyes still couldn't hide the joy.

"Mmmm, I'm out of class, Xiaoxingxing, you're finally back, brother is so boring to be alone. Xiaoxingxing, did you encounter anything exciting when you went to Wuyi?" Liu Xiangyang pretended to be Throwing away the bag of the textbook, he jumped on the bed of his good brother to rub the ground, and asked Yanxing's travel experience with great interest.

"Yes, I killed two little mice..." Yan Xing didn't hide it, and told the people who were sniping at the elites of the two-K organization in Wuyi Mountain to satisfy Liu's curiosity.

The two little mice he killed are not visible to ordinary people. People like him and Liu Xiangyang, who often deal with foreign organizations, can recognize which organizations they belong to by looking at their tattoos. Differences or something they carry can also determine their status in the organization.

If the K-word organization is divided into levels, the highest level is the K-word boss, which is the top level, and the following levels are also divided. The first level is second only to the deputy commander of the boss, and the second level is the veteran level, which directly decides the new leader. The third level is the major leaders, who control the lifelines of the organization, the fourth level is the executive leader, the fifth level is the platinum elite, the sixth level is the gold elite, the seventh level is the elite personnel, and the eighth level is the elite. The members of the group, the ninth-level members are ordinary church members, many of those are younger brothers, and they are not official members, so the ninth-level personnel are outside the group.

In terms of rank, the two that Yan Xing killed in Wuyi belonged to the elites at the gold level.

"Ouch, the K-word group couldn't help but try it out in person..." Liu Xiangyang lay down on his back like a dog stall, and discussed the intention of the K-word group with someone Yan, and speculated whether there were any further plans.

A pair of good brothers gathered together and chatted for a long time. When the dissatisfied stomach protested, they went to forage. Originally, Liu Shao proposed to find a little beauty for food, but Yan Shao rejected it. He fled so embarrassedly in the morning. Faceless, I went to Xiao Loli to hang out again.

Yan Shao Liu Shao ran to finish the lunch, and returned to the dormitory to be a house god. In the afternoon, he refused to go to class and played happily in the dormitory.

The smog hit the capital of China, which was not suitable for travel. After John finished his work, he returned to the hotel at noon. Just after the afternoon, Li Si, who had been traveling for many days, finally returned.

"Li Si, don't you need a few more days off?" John handed Li Si a glass of red wine.

"No need." Li Si lightly took a sip of red wine and his eyes were deep: "We should go too.

"Accident?" John smiled, he had long wanted to go back to China.

"A lot of unknown people appeared this time, and most of them did not take action for the time being because there was someone of unknown origin beside the little girl. However, the K group lost its manpower. From the results, the intentions of all parties have already been detected, and they will be calculated according to the plan. Use little girls as bait to lure snakes out of their holes."

"In other words, are you sitting down?"

"No," Li Si shook his head: "On the contrary, the possibility of the little girl being a bait is 90.00%. It is reported that the person who really got the thing is sneaking into or going to Mongolia. We don't care about things there. We will go home."

"I've packed my luggage, and I've got the company's dispatch order, so I can leave at any time."

"Then let's go, since it is an emergency dispatch order, of course we have to hurry."

"OK!" John whistled happily, took out his luggage, checked out, and rushed to the airport with Li Qi to catch a flight back home.

There are foreigners going to and from the capital of Huaxia every day, and many foreign guests arrived in Beijing on the same day, and some left from Huaxia. John and Li Si are just one of them, which is not surprising, especially John and Li Si are sent to the station by a company in M ​​country. The technical staff of Huaxia Guo's subsidiary company, the head office has technical problems and it is reasonable and reasonable for the technical staff to recall them back to China, and it will not attract attention.

Some people leave, some people come, and it has no impact on the general public. Everyone is busy with their own lives, office workers are busy with work, and students are busy with studying.

Everyone was very busy, including Chao, Chen, and others, so they didn’t have time to go to Xiaolele’s dormitory to grab a meal; no one ran to find herself, Leyun was happy and spent a day in the space, accompany Xiao Huihui Familiar with the environment, in the evening, I screwed Xiao Huihui out of the space, went back to the dormitory to play, and returned to the space to sleep at night.

She tossed it back and forth, but the little black monkey had no problem at all. Its adaptability was terrifyingly strong, and it was not afraid no matter where she was. What made her speechless was that Xiao Huihui only ate space products, and resolutely did not eat food produced in nature.

In this regard, Le Yun smiled and dismissed it. She has so many things in her space, not to mention raising a black monkey, it is no problem to raise a group of them.

On the 7th, on the 8th, on Tuesday on the [-]th, it is also the first day of the official winter. In the early morning, the temperature is very low. Because the season is entering the winter, the morning light is relatively late, and it will not be bright until six o'clock.

Le Yun still woke up at five o'clock, filling her stomach with a hot breakfast, and at five forty, it was still before dawn, carrying her own backpack, rushed downstairs before the other students got up, and rode a bicycle to the west gate. , to catch the subway.

Outside the school, the sky was still dark, and the light of the street lamps spread out coldly, illuminating the road ahead for pedestrians who got up early.

There are quite a lot of people rushing to the subway every morning. Le Xiao classmates flocked to the subway station with the office workers to buy tickets to get on the subway.

The subway in the morning is the most crowded. Even if people get off the train all the time, there are basically more people getting on the train than getting off. Not only office workers, but also students with schoolbags are getting more and more crowded.

Because of the smog, everyone wears anti-smog masks, covering most of their faces. At first glance, except for the heads, there are faces covered with masks, which is very distinctive.

Le Yun was originally seated, but when she saw an old man politely offer her seat, she finally became a standing group. When there were more and more people, she was almost squeezed into a sandwich biscuits because of her short stature.

When the next stop was about to reach the end, the two men wearing masks standing beside Le Xiaoxiao moved to the little girl again. The two blocked the view of the people behind and sideways, and grabbed the little girl's hand from a hidden angle. Don't let her move.

The people on both sides squeezed to the side, Le Yun wanted to give way to one side, but suddenly her hands were hooped. At the same moment, the left and right waist and eyes were pressed against the cold things, and her heart froze, it was a dagger!

Someone held a dagger against her, which only meant one problem: she was kidnapped!
(End of this chapter)

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