magic eye doctor

Chapter 2781 Dare to be the first in the world

Chapter 2781 Dare to be the first in the world

Tang Zhenjun asked what everyone in Saga Mountain most wanted to know.

"I went to Leizhou. The little fairy took us to Leizhou to quench our bodies."

Originally, I didn't want to talk about the trip to Leizhou, but this time Yan Zhen said: "The little fairy threw us into the sea of ​​thunder in Leizhou to temper us for two years, and didn't rush to Golden Lion City until the effect of tempering was no longer obvious.

It took more than ten years from Lancheng to Leizhou, and another ten years from Leizhou to Golden Lion City. In order to travel, I have been flying above the sea of ​​clouds. "

Several elders gasped: "The distance from Lancheng to Leizhou is hundreds of billions of miles, can it be covered in more than ten years?"

Yan Zhen whispered softly, "Little Fairy has a spirit boat that can travel hundreds of millions of miles."

The elders of Saga Mountain were stuck in their hearts all at once, unable to get up or down.

"Have you finished asking?" Yusi's face was indifferent: "After asking, shouldn't it be time to talk about the thank you gift?

The little fairy took the two disciples of the Zongmen to Leizhou to temper their bodies, and then took them into the Thunder Tribulation Field to suffer from the thunderstorm, and announced to the practitioners that the two disciples were different. The disciple is a bit thin-faced, and has gained a lot of face for Mount Saga.

The little fairy has cultivated two heavenly talents for the sect, doesn't the sect back up generous gifts to thank them?
Shouldn't he only be thinking of getting benefits from others, and pretending to be deaf and dumb when his sect benefits? "

Zhenjun Yu said it bluntly, and the elders became tense. They really didn't think about thanking gifts or something!

"Hey!" Yu Siji laughed, got up and left, and called his disciples and nephew: "Yan Zhenlin Qianyi, you two don't expect Zongmen to support you as your backing, Zongmen There are so many people out there who will only take advantage of you.

I have nothing good in my hand, you go back to your family elders and ask them to make a gift to thank the little fairy.

This gift also reminds your parents that when Xiaoxiao recovers from her injuries, I will take you two and Xiaoxiao to various parts of the mainland to find resources suitable for your cultivation, and after finding good things, I will compensate the family for the two of you. "

Lin Qianyi stood up respectfully, bowed to the elders, and followed in the footsteps of the master/uncle.

Tang Zhenjun was so ashamed that his old face became hot, he was the one who was looking for his whereabouts, and the fact that the disciples of the sect went to Leizhou to quench their bodies was also known to the sect through him, even if he pretended not to know, it was impossible.

"Yu Zhenjun, we didn't say that we don't have a thank you gift, it's not that there are too many things, we haven't had enough time." An elder rushed to make up for it.

"Heh, entering the Thunder Tribulation Field was a matter of yesterday. It's been so long and no one has mentioned it. Is it really too late, or have you never thought about it at all?"

Yu Si glanced at the elders, with a tinge of yin and yang: "At that time, the little fairy rescued the three disciples of the sect in the sea area, you were afraid that they would stick to Saga Mountain, ask for benefits from Saga Mountain, and couldn't wait to get something to send them away.

Now that I know that he is not only a alchemy cultivator, but also a master of Qi Dao, that he can refine sub-divine pills, and can also refine spiritual boats that can travel millions of miles, I just want to make two disciples who are familiar with the little fairy stick together. Go up and fish it, right? "

Tang Zhenjun and several elders were so smug that Yu Zhenjun didn't give face to them, and their skins turned purple.

An elder bit the bullet and explained: "Zhenjun Yu, you... misunderstood, we... just put the interests of the sect first, and the interests of the sect are the first consideration."

"Heh—" Yusi sneered, and took Yan Zhenlin and Qianyi away without talking to others.

The elders watched Yusi take the two of them away, feeling bitter for a while, they... just called the two disciples to ask, although their attitude was a bit harsh, how did they make Zhenjun Yusi so angry?

It can be felt that Zhenjun Yusi's attitude towards them is more indifferent than yesterday because they summoned two disciples for questioning.

Yusi took the two disciples out of Ruyi House and asked them to return to their own family: "You are acting with your family, staying in the sect will only make you feel idle.

If anyone in the Zongmen puts pressure on you under the guise of putting the overall situation first, send me a message, if you have anything to report to the Zongmen, send me a message too. "

"Thank you master/uncle." Yan Zhenlin Qianyi remembered the elder's words and bowed to see them off.

Yucai went to the side, released Ruyiwu, and stayed in Ruyiwu to take care of her daughter.

Lin Qianyi said that Zhen went back to her own family.

Almost as soon as they returned to the family, they were called by the elders, saying that the little fairy took them to the Thunder Tribulation Field yesterday and gave them two great opportunities. go in person.

Lin Qianyiyanzhen immediately agreed, instead of going to the Ruyi House where the peers usually lived, she meditated next to the elders.

I went to the auction house to see the lively monks, some went directly to the teleportation array, ready to leave at dawn, and some returned to the monk square.

Some of the monks who returned to the monk's square packed their bags, some took the time to practice, and some were waiting for a certain little fairy.

Le Xiaoluoli is still walking on the street.

The streets are empty, and it always makes people feel that something will suddenly pop up somewhere. Xuan Shao inexplicably remembered the ghost stories he heard when he was a child, and suddenly felt a little creepy.

He walked all the way, looking around from time to time.

In fact, until I walked back to the monk square, I didn't see anything jumping out to scare people, but there were many people in the spirit boat square, especially there were more people guarding the little loli's spirit boat.

Xuan Shaoyan was tall, and they could see from a distance that the direction of the bow of the spirit boat was crowded again by the crowd.

Le Yun is a young girl who has been around for ten thousand years. She doesn't need to look at it with her spiritual sense, she can only see the top of the light mask of the spirit boat and the densely packed crowd of people.

There are relatively few spirit boats in the spirit boat area, and the area covered by the light energy of the defensive masks of the spirit boats is also limited.

Most of the people waiting in the Lingzhou area were dressed in the same kind of clothes - wearing black robes and draped veil hats.

In the middle of the night, the man in black, if it wasn't for the world of practice, he would surely scare the timid to death.

Xuan Shao and Yan Shao were quite speechless, why can't they come back at dawn?This black light is blind, a group of black robes are surrounded in front of the spirit boat, it's weird to look at!

They looked at the black robes and felt panicked in their hearts. When the black robes saw the little fairy and her two companions, they felt that the three of them were shining like stars in the night sky.

The men in black robes guarding the Lingzhou Square saw the radiant man approaching, and they all said hello: "Little fairy!"

Le Yun, the first youngest in ten thousand years, saw a person like a black wall, and was super calm: "Your Excellencies, this fairy, is there something urgent?"

"Little Fairy, we... also want to change pills."

"I want to change to a net panacea."

"I...have limited family resources, Shengjihuichundan or other elixir will do."

The people in black robes expressed their wishes one after another.

"The batch of Jingling Pills and Shengji Huichun Pills that I have refined are all elixir pills. The quantity is limited and the price is high. At present, if there are more than [-] Shengji Huichun Pills, the Jingling Pills are less than [-].

The Jingling Pill in my hand was originally reserved for a friend. Since fellow Taoists from all ethnic groups are sincere in seeking pills, this fairy can’t bear to hold it, so I will take out the Jingling Pill left by my friend and share it with you all. exchange. "

Le Yun did not refuse the request of the pill seeker: "There are far more people who want to exchange pills than pills. Therefore, we can only decide whether we can exchange Jingling pills based on the value of the resources in your hands and your own luck. You can think about it. Let's start after a cup of tea."

After explaining the rules for exchanging pills, Le Yun returned to Lingzhou, and quickly took out her Jingling Pill and Shengji Rejuvenating Pill, and asked the two handsome guys and the beast friend to help fill the pills with pill bottles.

Humanoid Beast and Zhiman Zhima climbed out of Ruyi House and went to work with the two elder brothers.

Human-shaped beasts in the Void Refining Realm use their spiritual consciousness to control the pill bottle, take the bottle, remove the cap, fill the medicine and then close the cap, usually with five purposes at once.

Little Lolita can hold ten pills by herself, and she can easily manipulate fifty or sixty pill bottles with her spiritual sense.

The friends worked together and bottled the Jingling Pill and Shengjihuichun Pill in less than a cup of tea. Most of them were one pill for one bottle, and a small amount of two pills or three pills for a bottle.

Le Xiaoluoli also prepared some empty bottles, and she took a rest for a while. When it was time for a cup of tea, she stepped out of the spirit boat, enlarged the boat, and placed it on the next berth.

Little Lolita boarded the bow of the upstairs boat, waiting for someone willing to change Dan.

As soon as she stood still, the monks who had been waiting for a long time flew onto the upstairs boat one after another, but in an instant, the bow deck became a crowd again, as many as [-] people.

That is also because many families or teams only sent representatives to board the ship, but not all of them went on board. If all the people went on board, it would cost at least [-] to [-] people.

There were too many people, and Le Yun could only ask people to divide into groups. Those who were only going to change the panacea pills stood together, and those who changed the panacea pills or the muscle-rejuvenating pills stood in one team, and any kind of pills were fine.

Everyone is aware of the resources in their hands, and those who are confident that they have enough resources to exchange for the panacea quickly gather, a total of six or seven thousand people, and then a group of people who are slightly less confident stand in a team, and those who know that their resources are limited The monks who don't expect to purify the panacea and restore muscle and rejuvenate stand in the same team.

Little Lolita first exchanged with the monks who exchanged ordinary pills, so that every 30 people form a team, and she only needs to put the storage bag that does not recognize the owner in their hands, and she uses her spiritual sense to see.

Divided the consciousness and checked the storage bags of the monks at the same time, assessed the value of the items in their hands, and then took their storage bags from the air, transferred the materials, put in the elixir, and returned the storage bags.

The people who got the elixir didn't stay any longer, and got off the boat one after another. Those who had a team or family left with the team, and those who traveled alone went their separate ways.

There are more people who change the Tianpin Dan or ordinary pills, and it took two sticks of incense to complete a wave of transactions of exchanging pills.

At that time, Dongfang also showed a pale belly.

The second round is for the cultivators who can change the Jingling Pill if they can, and those who can't change the Jingling Pill and change it to the Muscle Rejuvenation Pill.

Little Lolita also handled it in batches, checking [-] or [-] storage bags at the same time with her spiritual sense, evaluating the value before trading.

Basically, monks who can't exchange Jingling Pill, at least they can exchange one or two Muscle Rejuvenating Pills, and they won't go empty.

Except for the two black-robed monks, a certain little fairy did not take the storage bag in their hands, which meant that they did not exchange for Dan.

The two black-robed monks wearing veiled hats silently put away their storage bags, left the building boat with the people who had exchanged the pills, and mixed into the crowd waiting in Lingzhou Square.

The sky was getting brighter and brighter, and when the second round of trading was over, the time passed.

From now on, little Lolita exchanged pills with the monks who exchanged the spiritual pills.

This group of people, each with abundant resources, basically did not fail, the difference lies in whether they got one pill or multiple pills.

However, in the end, the same two black-robed monks returned empty-handed, and the little fairy still didn't touch their storage bags, which meant that they didn't change their pills.

Among the group of people who changed pills at the end happened to be the elder of the Heavenly Sword Sect. He didn't wear a hat, and he looked really real, with a magnanimous atmosphere.

Also because he was born in the Immortal Sect, he dared to ask things that others dared not ask: "Little fairy, you almost never rejected the monks who exchanged pills, why didn't you give those four? Are all their resources filled with bad ones? ?”

"That's not true, on the contrary, they have more treasures in their hands than any of you, and they are more precious than yours, but they are either descendants of the Kan family in Xiazhou, or they have the blood of the Kan family.

When Fairy Ben gave the spirit boat to the Golden Lion Family for auction, she said that she would not make a deal with the Xiazhou Kan family. This statement is by no means false. "

Le Yun explained a sentence lightly, raised his hand, and threw a big wooden block in front of the building boat, and then put a storage bag in a cylinder and threw it in the center of the wooden block.

After putting away the things, Little Loli stepped out of the building boat and entered the defense mask of the spirit boat parked beside her.

Lou Chuan didn't activate the defenses, and Xiao Xianzi said bluntly that she would not do business with the Kan family in Xiazhou, which was tantamount to announcing to the world that she would not be with the Kan family.

The elders of the Heavenly Sword Sect, the monks who had just stepped off the boat, and all the monks in the Lingzhou Square were shocked. Little Fairy, she dared to take the lead? !

When the Yaoguang secret realm was closed, all the clans knew that the team of the Kan family entered the secret realm this time, narrowly escaped death, suffered huge losses, and ended in dismal.

The monks of various immortal sects and families who are good at observing qi and deduction techniques also secretly observed qi for the Kan family, and found that the luck of the Kan family was not as good as before.

After the Kan family was struck by lightning in public, they became less arrogant, but the various sects, big families, and tribes only stayed away from him, and no one was openly opposing the Kan family.

A certain little fairy, she set a precedent.

This is a real warrior!

All ethnic groups once again respected the little fairy who dared to be the first in the world.

Some members of the Kan family also hid in the group of monks, and when they heard what a certain young nun said, they were so angry that their heads almost smoked.

Kan's just had an accident before the Yaoguang secret realm, and he was reduced to such a lowly level!
The little female cultivator dared to humiliate the Kan family. The children of the Kan family held a grudge and dispersed with the crowd. They went outside for a few laps and then turned back to the Kan family's tent area.

The children of the Kan family returned to the family, and immediately told the elders of the family what had happened, and cried miserably: "Patriarch, that bitch will not change the pills for us, but also humiliate our Kan family, and don't teach her a lesson. How much prestige does our Kan family have?"

"Little bitch! If you dare to humiliate the Kan family, I will tear her up!" Patriarch Kan was angry and hated, the blood in his chest surged, and he almost vomited blood again.

The clan elders of the Kan clan were also furious, and they wanted to kill a certain little bitch on the spot, but some of them still had reason.

Kan's Mahayana was the most calm, and advised: "Don't be impulsive! Have you forgotten the lesson before Yaoguang Secret Realm?"

(End of this chapter)

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