magic eye doctor

Chapter 2789 Jade also eats meat

Chapter 2789 Jade also eats meat

Wearing silk robes, Xiao Yujing and Xiaozhi were running around on the ground, almost like the bear children on the earth.

Yan Xing felt sour when he saw it. Little Lolita bought clothes and refined robes for him and Master Xuan, but she never sewed clothes for them with her own hands!
Refined robes are different from clothes sewn stitch by stitch. The former is equivalent to a machine product, while the latter is a product of love.

The little loli sewed clothes with her own hands in another world, but her love was given to two little fairies!
He used to think that his life was not as good as that big wolf dog of the black dragon, but now he is not as good as the little goblin!

Heart plug!

My heart was so stuffed that I couldn't say it yet, Young Master Yan lowered the corners of his mouth silently. Fortunately, he didn't, and neither did Young Master Xuan!
Le Yun sewed clothes for the two little creatures, put away the table and the sewing basket, took out a large stump chopping board for chopping meat, and took out a few domesticated pigs purchased in the Golden Lion's territory.

Xuan Shao's eyes lit up: "Little beauty, are you going to chop meat stuffing and make buns?"

"No, didn't you mean to make toast, I'll make tamales and pork belly with sauerkraut." Le Yun put on her apron, put on gloves, and cut the meat with a knife.

"Ahhh, that's great! With delicious meat, it's time to eat Roujiamo!" Young master Xuan was excited, the little beauty finally made herbal cuisine by herself again!

What a great day today!

In an instant, Young Master Xuan felt that the rain outside was wonderful!How wonderful!

Little Lolita cooks for herself, and Yan Xing's eyes light up. It's been a long time since I've had a meal cooked by Little Lolita!

The little fairy finally made the spiritual meal herself!The four humanoid beasts yelled "Aww", threw the selected plants back into the storage container, and crowded around the little fairy, scrambling to help with errands.

There is no need for the beasts to do odd jobs for the time being, Le Yun told them to wait, and then send them to work when they are needed.

The four humanoid beasts moved the chairs not far from the little fairy, and sat there obediently.

Zhiren Zhima and Xiao Yujing also moved their chairs over, and they were very gregarious.

For the delicious Roujiamo, Shao Xuan washed two medium-sized ovens, mixed hundreds of catties of flour, and worked hard to knead the dough.

The two masters divided the dough and kneaded it. About [-] catties of flour were made into one ball. After kneading one ball of dough, put it to wake up, and then knead another dough.

The little Loli cut up the meat as if she was performing acrobatics. The knife was quick, and the skeleton of a pig was disassembled in a few minutes.

Fifty pigs were disassembled in a row, and then the meat was cut. The pork belly was made into braised pork belly separately, cut into square cubes [-] centimeters thick, and poured into a large barrel to marinate.

The pork head meat is not eaten for the time being, and the other parts of the meat, no matter fat or thin, are cut into a thickness of [-] centimeters and marinated in a large pot.

After mixing the condiments for the bacon, Le Yun took out a large stove, and called the beasts who were waiting eagerly to work to light the fire and clean the pot.

When the pot is slightly hot, pour in Lingmi and fry.

After frying a pot of Lingmi, he took out a pair of stone mills and asked Baiyin to grind them.

Xiaoyujing and Xiaozhiren finally had a chance to perform. They sat on the top of the turntable of the mill and helped to add raw materials.

Little Lolita continued to stir-fry Lingmi, and fried a large pot of Lingmi, then took out a pair of mills, and sent Shui Dun to grind them.

Xiao Zhima jumped to the top of the mill, and he helped spoon Lingmi into the mill.

Little Loli fried more than a dozen kinds of Lingmi rice, and assigned them to Baiyin and Shuitun to be responsible for milling the rice, and then took out the barrel for pickling the shells, and asked Huluwa to take care of scooping and draining the shells, and she fried the shells.

The sound of the eagle is the fireman.

When the first pot of shellfish came out, Liang Junshao had finished kneading all the dough, and everyone just gathered together to eat the freshly baked fried shellfish before starting work.

The dough had already woken up, Shao Xuan and Yan Shao kneaded the dough again, then divided the dough, and kneaded the bread again.

The bread made by humans is too small for the beasts. Now that there is a big oven, Master Xuan squeezed the bread into a size as small as a washbasin, then pressed it into a flat circle, and then baked it.

Yan Xing: "..."

Make a plate, sprinkle with sesame seeds, and brush with olive oil.

The medium-sized oven is 12 meters long, 8 meters wide, and 10 meters high. There are 36 layers inside, and the layer height can be adjusted by itself, which is very convenient.

For the convenience of baking, Xuan Shao only put [-] layers of grills, and when the [-] baking trays are all filled with kneaded bread, put them in to bake.

Another oven baked the bread eaten by the human race, which was relatively small.

Young Master Yan made bread for humans, and Young Master Xuan made big bread for beasts.

The beasts found out, and offered thoughtful suggestions: "You can pinch it even bigger, it's okay to pinch it as big as the little fairy's bacon bucket."

Xuan Shao: "..."

Do you know how big the bucket of little loli bacon is?
The smallest of those barrels was one meter in diameter!

Xuan Shao was silent, and decisively followed the suggestions of the beasts, and made the bread bigger, each of them became the size of a washbasin.

Needless to say, the bread is bigger and faster.

Due to his spiritual root problem, Yan Shao can let him knead dough and knead bread, but he can't let him put the baking tray in the oven, and he can't let him turn the bread, brush the oil, and take the bread out of the oven.

Therefore, he was only in charge of kneading the bread. Young Master Xuan turned on the oven halfway to turn the bread over, brushed it with oil, and sprinkled some sesame seeds.

In the first oven, the bread that was the size of a small washbasin was baked and expanded in size, and the bread that was the size of a washbasin was baked and was even bigger.

The beasts laughed from ear to ear when they saw the bread, which was a little bigger than the millstone. The big bread is good, and it can hold several pieces of meat when eating it!

The two humanoid beasts that pull the mill grind the Lingmi flour three times until it is very fine.

Little Lolita has been frying shellfish, and it was not until the evening that she started two large stoves, put a pot, boiled water, arranged the steaming tray neatly, placed a plate for oil on the bottom, and spread dried eggplants and potatoes that can absorb oil.

Then mix several kinds of Lingmi noodles, take out the marinated meat pieces, wrap them in powder, and spread them layer by layer in the steamer.

More than a dozen layers of steamers are filled with meat. After the water in the steamer is boiled, the steamer is placed on it and steamed over water.

Two big pots steamed rice flour and steamed meat at the same time, and the beasts and beasts helped to light the fire.

Steam all the steamed pork in a pot, and then use a magic utensil to fry the pork belly with oil in a large pot. The pork belly is fried with a little oil, first take it out, and then fry some seasonings to adjust the honey juice.

Melt the honey, and when it is thick enough to pull out silk threads, pour the pork belly into it for coloring.

The pork belly is evenly coated with honey juice, then poured into the homemade soy sauce, and colored again, when the heat is reached, add the prepared soup, add a small pot of seasoning, close the lid and simmer.

There are beasts in charge of the fire, and the little loli is happily frying the shellfish.

Major Xuan Shaoyan made the dough into toast, and kneaded the dough again with flour.

The little fairy said that the spirit meal would not be ready until tomorrow morning, and the four humanoid beasts and the three little creatures were reluctant to leave and stood by the stove unswervingly.

The rain came and went, intermittently.

Humans and beasts are separated by the light curtain of the boat, listening to the sound of rain, busy in their own way.

After more than an hour, the aroma of braised pork belly and steamed pork dissipated and gradually intensified.

The beasts slobbered in the aroma, and were even more reluctant to move.

Little Lolita cooked fried shellfish all night, and only turned over the pork belly once in the middle, and adjusted the order of the steamer once.

With only one hour left before dawn, Little Loli opened the pot for cooking pork belly again, poured in a jar of sauerkraut, mixed it well, and then left it alone.

At dawn, the rain still didn't stop.

Xuan Shaoyan finally ran out of dough for making bread, and the two young masters were kneading and kneading dough, and their shoulders were sore.

Young Master Xuan was in charge of the oven, Young Master Yan packed up the buckets and tabletops used for kneading dough, and moved them to the river outside to scrub them clean.

Master Xuan took the last two batches of toast out of the oven, removed the oven, spiked the two lamb ends that Little Loli had marinated, and put them on the stove to roast.

After finishing work, Young Master Xuan slipped out, took a bath with Young Master Yan in the river, and then came back to set up a large table that can seat 20 people.

They also sat and waited for the food.

When the last batch of bread was out of the oven, student Le Xiao also baked the last pot of shellfish, put the pot away, and roasted a lamb on the big stove.

She went to open the steamer, and put the steamed meat in a large basin, filled two large basins and a medium-sized basin, and sent the medium-sized basin back to the star core space for Little Fox and Xiao Huihui.

Pack the tamales and spoon the pork belly.

The pork belly is stewed until there is only soup left on the bottom of the pot. The meat is red, glutinous and oily, soft and fragrant.

Le Yun also filled a pot for the little fox and Xiao Huihui to eat, and then filled two pots in a big pot.

She had just put the meat into the big basin, and the four humanoid beasts tore a large piece of bread into two pieces, and wiped the pan with the bread to clean up the soup.

Four humanoid beasts ran to the table with soaked bread, and sat down in a row.

Le Yun put two pots of pork belly in the center of the table and sat down in her seat.

Xuan Shao divided the bread, the beasts each had fifty washbasin-sized bread, and the human and three little creatures were all small bread.

The humanoid beast put away its own members first, leaving only two on the big plate in front of it.

After dividing the bread, let's start the table.

The beasts were still very graceful, they first cut the bread, and waited for the little fairy to move the chopsticks before quickly picking up the pieces of meat.

A few large pieces of meat were stuffed in the middle of the bread, the bread was closed, and then bitten down, ah, the fragrant and soft bread and the fragrant and soft pork belly stimulated the taste buds, making people almost swallow their tongues.

The humanoid beast who ate Roujiamo for the first time was deeply fascinated.

Zhiren and Xiao Yujing first cut the meat into several pieces, and then stuffed them into the bread.

Yan Shao took a look at Xiao Yu Jing, saw that it was delicious, and couldn't help but vomit: "Little Lolita, shouldn't Yu Shi eat aura? Why can Yu Jing eat meat?"

Xiao Yujing was busy eating, and had no time to worry about the shock of the human race.

Zhiren Zhima is super calm. Humans and monsters are living beings, and spiritual things are also living beings. Humans and monsters can eat meat, so creatures like them can naturally eat meat.

"It's in human form now." Le Yun said calmly: "Tiancaidibao's intelligence has turned into form, which is similar to that of beasts and humans. Zhiren and Yujing are in human form, and their internal organs are similar to human internal organs. , the function is more powerful than the internal organs of the human race, and they can directly digest the gold, jade, soil and some raw monster meat that the human race cannot digest."

"Jade eats meat, will the quality of the jade be affected?" A not-so-good picture flashed in Yan Xing's mind: a piece of jade melted away a piece of meat, and a layer of white oil oozes from the skin, and the flesh of the jade It also turned into animal meat, soft and stinking.

"Jade is also gold and stone. They eat meat in the shape of a human or a beast. What they absorb is spiritual energy and some special ingredients. The parts that cannot be digested are eliminated through excretion, which has no effect on the texture of jade.

Just like when you eat meat, what you absorb are the nutrients in the meat. Your human tissue will not change just because you eat the meat of a certain animal. If there is, it is because a certain component of a certain meat has induced genes distortion. "


Yan Xing groaned, anyway, he understood the meaning, but he... still felt that Zhihuahua and Yujing's behavior of eating meat was too subversive.

Zhiren Zhima and Xiao Yujing, who overturned people's three views, buried their heads and ate wildly, their little hands, feet and hooves were not at all slower than the four humanoid monsters.

Xuan Shao accepts it well, after all, Zhi people and horses eat meat, and it is not a fantasy for Yujing to eat spiritual meals.

The four humanoid beasts were so curious about Brother Yan that they didn't even lift their eyelids. It doesn't matter if the spirits eat meat. If the spirits cultivated to the Nascent Soul and transformed into a human form, they would still eat meat.

It doesn't make sense to have to reach a high level to eat meat, right?
Besides, it is not only the transformed plants or rocks that eat meat. In the forests among the mountains, there are often plants or rocks that entangle beasts and devour them, and those plants and rocks also eat meat.

The difference is that the way of digestion is different. The non-transfigured plants or rocks entangle the beasts, let their corpses rot and ferment, and become nutrients in the soil. They absorb the substances of the soil.

The transformed plants eat meat, they decompose and digest it directly in their stomachs, and absorb the aura and substances that are beneficial to them in the meat.

Brother Yan sometimes gets into a dead end, so he can't turn his mind around.

The beasts don't care about the rare and strange Yan Geer, they cook the food quickly, and the spiritual meal made by the little fairy is so delicious!
Originally Brother Xuan said that the spiritual food made by Xiaoxianzi was more delicious than his cooking, and his cooking skills were far behind. They thought he was too modest, but now they know that he is not exaggerating at all.

The spiritual meal made by the little fairy is well-deserved as the most delicious food in the world.

Shui Dun once again lamented his cleverness and wit. Fortunately, he was smart and chose to form a bond with Brother Yan. If he left for freedom, how could he have such a happy animal life.

The beasts are foodies, and there are three little creatures who are foodies, plus foodies Xuan Shao and Yanshao, the two pots of braised pork will soon be empty.

Le Xiaoluoli replaced it with two pots of tamales.

The steamed meat is fat and thin, the excess oil is absorbed by the rice noodles, the fat meat is also fat but not greasy, the steamed meat is soft and rotten, and the mouth is soft and smooth, even people without teeth can eat it.

The pork belly sauce is bright red, tender and fragrant, while the steamed pork has a long-lasting fragrance, tender but not overpowering.

Two kinds of meat, two different tastes.

Humans, humanoid beasts, and three little creatures cut the bread in the middle and stuffed it with steamed meat. Their mouths were full of oil, and they were so happy that they wanted to hum.

The two pots of meat piled high were quickly swept away.

The meat was gone, and the bread of the four humanoid beasts were all eaten up. Instead, they stared at the roast lamb on the stove. It looked delicious, and I wanted to eat it!
Of course, if you want to eat it again, you will only be greedy. After all, the roast lamb will not be baked until at least noon.

(End of this chapter)

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