magic eye doctor

Chapter 2791 Pan Lingzhi Space

Chapter 2791 Pan Lingzhi Space

Little Lolita is about to embark on an adventure trip, Yan Shaoxuan is excited, and he is working harder and harder in cultivation, practicing diligently every day, hoping to improve his cultivation level faster.

I have been doing the work of refining ore repeatedly for 11 years. Naturally, there are many benefits. Not only has I forged my physical fitness, but my spiritual consciousness has also risen to a critical point. It is difficult to improve through the cultivation of spiritual consciousness, unless I improve my cultivation level Only at one level can the spiritual consciousness break through the bottleneck and go to a higher level.

Since he was promoted to Golden Core, Xuan Shao and Yan Shao's cultivation base has improved very slowly, and he is still stuck on the first floor of Golden Core. More than ten years have passed, and there is no sign of breaking through the second floor.

The two were also very helpless and could only let nature take its course.

Le Yun drove the spirit boat to the top of the sea of ​​clouds, adjusted the direction, and turned on the self-driving mode. She took out the spirit marrow and a few pieces of wood to carve talismans.

It took a day of hard work to create a holy place suitable for soul cultivation for Hanmei Turui Hairpin.

The spirit of the hairpin originally refused, it felt super comfortable on the head of the dumb fairy, and didn't want to move the nest, but unfortunately, in the end, it held its feet high and moved it into the box.

It can't be blamed for its unsteady Dao heart, it's really that the training nest that the little fairy tailor-made for it is too attractive, and it has a fatal attraction for soul creatures.

Han Mei Turui struggled for two days, then flew into the box by herself, went in and lay down, and then was reluctant to leave.

Therefore, it lies down when it is practicing, and stands up when it is not practicing, watching certain monsters, little creatures, and humans practicing and eating, enjoying itself.

If anyone suggested to let it leave the box to get some air, heh, it would immediately lie down and rot, in an attitude of "I'm asleep, I didn't hear you".

It took a little careful thought to let Hanmei Turui hairpin automatically shift positions, Le Yun secretly heaved a sigh of relief, the hairpin on her head was like a monitor, and she couldn't avoid it in any move, which meant she lost her privacy.

Especially that hairpin is a testimony of the love of some bigwigs, it has an owner, and it will definitely return to the original owner in the future.

Not to mention a person with secrets, if you live with an ordinary person, you can't accept living under the gaze of other people 24 hours a day, can you?
It took some thought to make a small nest suitable for cultivation for the hairpin, and let the hairpin move from her head to a new home. Le Yun's mood finally brightened.

Without the monitor-like eyes staring at her all the time, she is much more free to do whatever she wants.

Of course, Le Xiaoluoli needs to take the helm. She didn't go back to the star core space, but sat in the wishful room on the prow of the spirit boat, while monitoring the direction of navigation, while organizing her coniferous tree spirit planting space.

The soil moved back from the conifer tree spiritual planting space was filled into mountains. In order to arrange the space, a large amount of soil was removed to the circular leaf tree spiritual planting space for a while.

The things in the space are easy to transfer, and it only took one day to move all the transferred soil out.

Little Loli arranged some of the trimmed mountains one by one around the predetermined lake, neatly arranged like a wall.

Complete the procedures that can be arranged first with spiritual consciousness, and temporarily put aside the procedures that require people to enter the spiritual planting space to operate. Then, the seeds of the spiritual fruit trees that are to be planted in the spiritual planting space are germinated and raised.

Le Xiao was not idle all the way, and flew to the Huju Mountains five months later, and finally landed on the dry river beach of a grand canyon in the mountains on the fourth day of the eighth lunar month.

The Grand Canyon is very wide. Because the flood season in spring and summer just passed, the water level of the river dropped a little, exposing part of the river bank that was flooded during the flood season.

The river section in the Grand Canyon is seven or eight hundred feet wide at its narrowest point, and more than one thousand feet wide at its widest point, galloping through the canyon like a giant dragon.

The meadow in the canyon is as wide as a grassland, and there are stretches of forests and savannah meadows, as well as large and small mudflats and rocky beaches piled up with miscellaneous rocks.

Whether it is the trees on the bank of the canyon or the trees covering the mountain, they are all ancient trees. At a glance, the valley is full of green trees and the sky is full of green trees.

The spirit boat landed in the higher savannah meadow area in the hinterland of the canyon, and the sound of the rushing water and the wind blowing by the river rang through my ears.

Hearing the sound of running water, Shao Xuan and the beasts rushed out of the wishful house, saw the mountains and canyons, and shouted: "It's here!"

"Little fairy, where is this?"

"Huju mountain range, about 2 million miles away from the secret gate of Yaoguang Palace." Le Yun turned off the defensive array.

"Hey, I haven't entered the Yaoguang Palace yet."

"I won't go until next year. Camellia oleifera grows on several hills here, and the oil extracted from the fruit is very fragrant for making spiritual meals. We don't have enough oil for making spiritual meals, so we have to pick the fruits and squeeze the oil for later use.

After turning over a few more mountains, there is a bamboo forest over there. Pick some spring bamboo shoots next spring and marinate them as sour bamboo shoots, which can be used as condiments for spiritual meals.

If we are going to some secret realms, we also need to save some spiritual food, otherwise, if we stay in the secret realm for ten or eight years and have no time to cook food, or fly endlessly in the sky in order to hurry, we can only eat spiritual energy without dry food . "

If you ask little loli how she knows about camellia oleifera and bamboo forests, of course she discovered it when she released the little beasts brought out from the Yaoguang Palace last time. The nearby mountains are all wild camellia oleifera trees, hazelnuts, and wild plantain trees.

In addition to large tracts of camellia oleifera trees, there are also two mountains full of pear and peach trees, jujube trees, forest pineapple, and dozens of wild fruits.

The wild fruits all over the mountain are not purely natural, but should have been planted by monks who once settled nearby or practiced in seclusion for a short time. The ancestor of each wild fruit is the spiritual fruit tree.

When the beasts heard that they were collecting ingredients for spiritual meals during their stay, they immediately turned their eyes to the mountains, their eyes sparkling, and they thought everything was a good ingredient.

Yan Shaoxuan had no objection, and discussed with little loli how to clean up the temporary stop.

The beasts just do their work, and after the little fairy and the two brothers have discussed where to clean up and what to do, where to put what needs to be placed, they will act immediately.

The handsome guys and beasts spent a day cleaning up the weeds dozens of miles wide, cutting down some trees, and leveling the nearby rocky beach. Added stones.

After tidying up the venue, Little Lolita placed a formation plate, covering a radius of thousands of miles.

After the Ruyi House was set up, Young Master Xuan moved out the kitchen and nailed it in place.

The temporary residence was packed, Le Xiaoluoli took the handsome guy, the beast boys, and the puppet out to pick wild fruits and chestnuts.

The collection team went into the mountains and picked the fruits they saw, such as chestnuts, sorbets, hawthorns and thorn roses, late-ripening peaches and plums, as well as wild fruits such as forest captures and pomegranates, wild grapes, myrtle, and akebia.

Little Loli led the beasts and the puppet people to identify the nuts that can be picked. When picking wild fruits, they also cut down a lot of oak trees and oak trees, and collected many dead trees as firewood.

After picking wild fruits within a radius of tens of thousands of miles, the collection team returned with a full load.

Back at the temporary foothold, little Loli took out dozens of peeled fir trees and gave them to handsome guys and beasts. She made medicinal soup, pickled fish and shellfish.

The two young men and the human-shaped beasts worked as sawmills, cutting the fir into sections, and then cutting them into thick or thin planks. The thick planks were then dried on the flat river beach.

After the handsome guy and the beasts finished sawing the boards, the little loli directed the people and the humanoid beasts to build more than a dozen movable simple wooden sheds surrounded by wooden boards on three sides, and put them in a ventilated and sunny area. Anza held firm.

After finishing the wooden shed house, the little loli taught Cucurbita how to marinate fish and fruit shells.

Young Master Xuan started to make spiritual meals, Young Master Yan took the drawings given by Little Lolita and went into Ruyi House to refine some small daily artifacts.

Baiyin Yingsheng and Shui Dun sorted the fish collected in the swamp into different categories, processed the fish, scraped off the scales of those with scales and then dissected them to dispose of their internal organs, and dissected those without scales directly.

The scales and viscera of the fish were not thrown away, and the usable ones were collected first, and the small fish were hung on the hooks, and the large ones were segmented or divided into pieces, and then hooked up with the hooks.

The fish meat is hung on a long pole and placed in the sun to dry to a certain extent, and then thrown into the medicinal soup to marinate.

Le Xiaoluoli took the gourd baby with her and taught her hand in hand for two days, and then left the gourd baby to take care of the work.

Anyway, there is no other technical work. The fish and shellfish are marinated for a certain period of time and taken out to drain. The shellfish is replaced with dressing soup twice.

The technical content of that job was not very high, Hulu could barely trust him, and Zhima and Xiaoyujing only helped him.

Yan Shao refined a lot of small daily artifacts, and also processed fish.

Le Xiaoluoli took the conifer tree spiritual plant space into Ruyi House, closed the door, and devoted herself to arranging her spiritual plant space, mainly using mountains to build lakes.

The entire section of the mountain is used as the lake wall to enclose the lake, with hard granite and basalt rocks being the most.

The conifer tree spirit planting space has a radius of more than [-] miles, and the layout is tentatively determined to have a large lake with a length and width of more than [-] miles for each [-] miles, and some small lakes.

As for rivers and canals, because the space is not yet perfect, it is impossible to form natural rivers, and the necessary canals must first be developed artificially.

Leyun was the first to build the lakeshore for the large lake in the center of the temporarily customized space. The lake has a radius of 180 miles and a depth of more than 1 meters. The shores of the lake are all hard mountains.

Those mountains, some were intercepted in Qianchuan Swamp, and some were collected in Dongchen Continent.

The mountain is cut into pieces, and then cut in the middle, or a mountain is cut into several pieces, which are discharged around the lake one by one, and the edge of the joint between the two mountains is as smooth as a mirror.

Le Yun enters the space, transforms the real essence into the power of gold, first softens the connecting surfaces of the two sections of mountains, and then makes them merge with each other to make them look like a whole, and then solidifies them with the power of gold, making the inlaid area Hard as steel.

The mountain body fused with the power of gold is a seamless one, and there are no gaps in stitching.

Using the power of gold to fuse mountains does not require any special skills, it just consumes real energy and spiritual consciousness. It took Le Xiaoluoli six days and six nights to fuse all the mountains surrounding a lake into a whole.

It took another six days and six nights to fuse the mountain with the ground of the space with the power of gold, so that the mountains surrounding the lake seemed naturally long and unshakable.

Little Loli only rested for one day, and then adjusted the ground in the central area of ​​the lake, and placed the tabletop mountain cut from the plateau in the center of the lake.

The desktop mountain has two floors, the top is shaped like a boat, the middle is wider, the two ends are pointed, the edge is arc-shaped, the arc is relatively smooth, and most of the edges are vertical.

The top of Tabletop Mountain is flat, about 35 miles long and [-] miles wide.

The second step has a drop of more than 1000 meters from the top. The terrain of most areas rises gradually from the edge to the edge of the boat-shaped top floor. The slope is very obvious, and the terrain of a small number of areas is relatively flat.

The width of the second platform is relatively uniform, about five to six miles wide.

From the second step down, the edge of the 5000-meter-high mountain is vertical and steep, and it is difficult to climb it by manpower. Further down, the mountain has a slope, which looks like a cone from all sides.

When the tabletop mountain falls to the ground, if the lake is filled with water, the part above the water surface will be about 5 meters high, and the total height will be more than [-] meters including the ministers who have sunk into the lake.

The top surface and the neck step area of ​​Tabletop Mountain have dense vegetation, with a large number of woody plants, herbaceous plants, lichens, lakes and streams.

When cutting off the mountain, the little girl absorbed all the water from the small lake on the top of the mountain, and temporarily enclosed several smaller stream outlets. There were five places with relatively large water volume, which formed a spectacular waterfall when it flowed to the edge of the tabletop mountain.

Little Loli placed some twelfth-level sky-swallowing snail shells at the water outlet of the second step, as well as several water system magic weapons, to completely intercept the water of Tabletop Mountain.

The huge tabletop mountain fell to the ground smoothly, and Le Xiao took out some huge hard granite blocks to surround the mountain again. The granite has card slots, and they are all connected one by one.

A through hole is cut in the middle of the granite, through which the marrow bar and spirit crystals can be inserted from above. If the marrow and spirit crystals stored in the granite block are exhausted, it is very convenient to add them again.

The granite formed a circle, and a layer of spiritual marrow stones tens of feet thick was pressed on the surface.

Afterwards, Le Yun moved out two hilltops with many holes and pits, which were respectively stuck at the two ends of the tabletop mountain in the length direction, and integrated the bottom of the small peaks with the original ground of Lingzhi Space.

The table top mountain in the center of the lake was placed, and sand about [-] meters thick was spread on the bottom of the lake, and part of the underground waterway left in the south and north of the lake was spliced ​​together.

The Great Lake in the central area has been basically completed, and the swallowing snails and water system magic weapons have been retrieved, allowing the water on the tabletop mountain to flow freely.

There are still four lakes waiting to be built. Le Xiao didn't rest much, and started working non-stop.

There are no rocks placed in the center of the other four lakes, and one process is missing

Little Loli built another lake, and the construction of the second lake started for three days, and it was the seventh day of September.

The Double Ninth Festival was coming soon, so she temporarily put aside her work and left Lingzhi's space.

Little Lolita got into the space of the coniferous tree and didn't show up again. Shao Xuan made the spiritual meal, and Shao Yan and the beasts handled the fish in an orderly manner.

When the little loli finally made her appearance, the friends put down their work and had a happy dinner together.

After making a meal, Le Xiao, who had been working hard for more than [-] days, also had the strength to prepare for brewing Chongyang wine.

She moved out a hundred large stoves in one breath, and prepared the necessary tools in advance, just waiting for the Double Ninth Festival to come.

(End of this chapter)

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