magic eye doctor

Chapter 2793

Chapter 2793

The best harvest season of camellia oleifera fruit is coming. Yan Shao drives a spirit boat, and four humanoid beasts, Yinyue brothers and sisters, Sihuo brothers and sisters and nine puppets go out to collect them. Xuan Shao still makes spiritual meals.

Zhiren Zhima and Xiao Yujing did not follow out to make trouble. They are spiritual creatures. If they run out and are found and chased by monsters, it will be tantamount to adding trouble to the fruit-picking team.

The small team of camellia oleifera fruit picking went out early and returned late at first, in order to dump the camellia oleifera fruits picked that day on the drying yard they put together with wooden boards.

Camellia oleifera fruit is exposed to the sun for a few days, and the shell skin loses moisture and will crack from the top, and the fruit seeds will automatically separate from the shell.

The puppets, the beasts, and Handsome Yan only picked the fruit for four days, and the board yard was full.

Feeling that the wooden drying area for drying fruits is too narrow, the friends cut dozens of big trees and spread the wooden boards to widen the drying area.

However, even if the area is increased, the space is still not enough.

The main reason is that there are too many camellia fruits!
Rapeseed fruit trees on the earth are small trees that grow to the size of the mouth of a bowl, and they are quite tall if they are five or six meters high. The wild Camellia oleifera in the Huju Mountains are all large trees, with a waist diameter of 20 to [-] centimeters and a height of about [-] meters. Trees are the most common. Old trees over a thousand years old have a diameter of seven to eighty centimeters and a height of more than thirty meters.

The fruit of camellia oleifera is also very large, the seeds are as big as chestnuts on the earth, and the minimum fruit yield per tree has reached more than [-] catties.

There are Camellia oleifera trees all over the mountains, and one can imagine how high their output is.

Zhima and Xiaoyu guard the sun-dried Camellia oleifera fruit, flipping through it every half an hour, so that the fruit can be fully sun-dried and dried as soon as possible.

The picked Camellia oleifera fruits are exposed to the air for three or two days, and the sun is a little wilted, and it takes up less land. Some fruits that were dried first are gathered together, and the newly picked fruits are evenly spaced to dry.

Because there are not enough drying grounds, the collection team goes back to the Grand Canyon every three or four days. When they don’t go back, they rest on the mountain. They can also work overtime for one or two hours every night, and usually finish work before midnight.

With the unremitting efforts of one person, four humanoid beasts and nine puppets, it took more than a month to clean up the Camellia oleifera fruits on several hills.

There are three small ones who help to dry the fruits. After picking the Camellia oleifera fruits, they went into the mountains to sweep the chestnuts and some wild fruits that matured in autumn and winter.

In addition to picking wild fruits, a collection team also excavated all kinds of spiritual plants harvested in winter and autumn, and cut down a large number of dead or half-dead camellia trees, oak trees, oak trees and other hardwoods that are suitable as raw materials for charcoal.

When Handsome Yan and the others temporarily stopped in the Huju Mountains, Yan Zhenlin Qianyi and his family finally teleported back to Wanghai City from Yinjiao King City.

The reason why it took them more than ten years to return to Wanghai City was because there were too many monks sitting in the teleportation array, and they had to queue up wherever they went.

There is also a limit to the number of people that can be teleported at one time in the teleportation array. People with the same purpose can form a team.

Even though Yu Si had a deadlock with the other elders of the Saga Mountain Sect, because he was acting with the sect team when he came, he would go back together.

The Yan family and the Lin family didn't stay with Saga Mountain at first, but because of the teleportation formation, they got together again halfway.

Yu Xiaoxiao woke up in the third year after taking the medicine. Because of the powerful medicinal power of the sub-shen pill, her body and the damaged foundation were almost repaired.

But the soul has permanently lost more than half of it, and it is not as weak as the soul of the foundation cultivator, so it needs to be re-cultivated.

For Yusi, her daughter's waking up is the happiest event, and the foundation that was damaged and impossible to repair in the eyes of others has recovered nine out of ten, which is already a joy on top of joy.

As for the lost soul, that's nothing, as long as you work hard, sooner or later you will be able to restore your spiritual consciousness to the level corresponding to your cultivation base.

When his daughter woke up, Zhenjun Yu's mood brightened.

After waking up, Yu Xiaoxiao rested for another two years before she got the chance to move freely. She ran to senior brother and senior brother Lin, clinging to the two senior brothers every day.

Lin Jiayan's family arrived in Wanghai City, and Yan Zhen decided not to go back to the east. He stayed in Wanghai City on the grounds that he needed to find a place to conceive a new baby.

Lin Qianyi made up her mind to stick to her junior brother, so he didn't go back to the sect anymore, so he wrote a long letter and a jade slip and handed it to Uncle Yan to bring to his master.

The elders of Saga Mountain wanted to bring Yan Zhen and Lin Qianyi back to the sect. After all, those two were the face of Saga Mountain in the eyes of outsiders, and the sect could use them.

People are not in the sect, and the rules and regulations of the sect restrict the two of them, but they cannot control them.

However, Qi himself refused to go back to the mountain on the grounds of Lilian, and Yu Si strongly supported his disciple Yunyou Lilian, so it was impossible for them to force him back.

Yusi also handed over her daughter to his disciples Yanzhen and Lin Qianyi, and he and the sect staff went back to Mount Saga in the east.

Yan Zhen, Lin Qianyi and his junior sister stayed in Wanghai City for more than a year. After confirming that no one was following and monitoring them, they quietly left the city. to the north.

Young Master Yan and the others who were celebrating the New Year in the Huju Mountains had long forgotten about monk Yan and others, and were busy packing fish and other ingredients every day.

And Little Loli Le, who was busy arranging the space, plunged into the conifer tree spirit planting space and became busy endlessly. First, she continued to build the remaining three large lakes, and then placed the mountain peaks in order.

After that, start filling with soil.

The soil is divided into bottom, middle and surface layers. As the spiritual plant space continues to grow, the bottom layer of soil will become the base layer of the space. If it develops into a planet, it may become the surface rock layer.

For this reason, Xiao Luoli took out the sand and sand removed when building the medicine planting garden in southern Xinjiang, mixed it with the soil dug in the Qianchuan Plain, and mixed some silt dug in Dongchen Continent as the bottom layer. layer of dirt.

The bottom layer is fifteen miles thick and compacted.

The middle layer is ten miles thick, and all the soil was dug from the Qianchuan Plain and Qianchuan Swamp. The soil in the lower layer was also compacted, and the upper layer, which was five miles thick, was slightly softer.

The surface layer is fertile soil layer, which is softer than the middle layer, with a thickness of five miles.

When the middle layer of soil was filled, it was filled to a certain height, and medium-depth lakes and some underground channels were built by masonry. When the surface soil was filled, some small lakes, water channels, and roads were also built by masonry.

After the soil is paved, the lake is filled with spiritual spring water.

The lakes in the central area have two dark passages connecting two medium-sized lakes, and the medium-sized lakes have underground or open channels connecting smaller lakes. Some lakes are equipped with bobbins to transport water from low to high.

The big lake is full of spiritual spring water, which flows along the open channels/secret channels to medium-sized lakes, and then to various small lakes or canals. The water in the small lakes also flows to the canals, and finally the water in the canals flows back to the big lake in a roundabout way, forming a circulating living water system. .

The lakes, large and small, are filled with water, and the little Lolita will give Lingzhi space to "spread clouds and rain".

After watering the mud house in the space, waiting for another two days, filling the central area with spiritual field soil again.

Because the spiritual field soil in her hand is limited, Xiao Luoli decided to develop the central area first, and the other directions in the southeast, northwest, and then take her time, so that she first spread the collected spiritual field soil in the fertile soil area of ​​the central area, with a thickness of about 200 meters. .

After the Lingtian soil layer is laid, it can be formally planted.

Because the central area is only thousands of miles wide, lakes and mountains occupy some land, and the land area that can be planted with vegetation is only a few hundred miles. Little Lolita acted as an artificial seeder and spread the spiritual plant seeds to the designated area, and it was also Spirit fruit trees were planted in several districts.

After the spiritual fruit saplings were planted, artificial rainfall was performed again.

In order to observe the growth of plants, little loli also stays in the Lingzhi space, wandering around every day, analyzing the growth data of newly planted trees and sown seeds on the spot.

The tree and seeds are growing well.

So, the little Loli was relieved, and ran to the top of the table top, cleared out a small piece of woods in the central area, then dug out the soil and mixed it with spiritual field soil and fertilizer soil, and planted a few five-element spiritual trees.

Afraid that the spirit tree would be lonely, it also planted Jingling grass, multi-fruited fruit, and spirit tea trees as its companions.

In order to protect the Five Elements Spirit Tree, a small array was buried on the ground to cover the site of the Five Elements Spirit Tree.

Le Xiaoluoli stayed by for a few more days, making sure that the tree and the Jinglingcao had adapted to the new environment, and then planted two lands of spiritual fruit trees before leaving the spiritual planting space.

From the time she entered the Lingzhi space to the time she left the space, there was a time gap of three months, and it rained on the space in the middle, so she entered the star core space.

It was already mid-December.

Yan Shao, humanoid beasts, and puppets plucked the wild fruits and berries from the nearby mountains, and called it a day. They went back to the Grand Canyon and continued to process fish and salted fish.

San Xiaozhi also dried all the camellia oleifera fruits and separated the shells from the seeds.

The puppets naturally continue to retreat, and only come out to work when they are needed. They usually don't get involved in trivial matters, so they can be called the most qualified thugs.

Xuan Shao works diligently to make spiritual meals, and persistently pursues his dream of being a spiritual chef.

When the beasts saw the little fairy who had been in seclusion for a long time, they were so excited that they surrounded her, served tea and water, and greeted her warmly.

Xuan Shaoyan Shao: "..."

Do you know what it means to compare people to others, are you mad at people?

This is a living example.

The two who have been compared to scum, silently reflect on themselves, how long will they have to work hard to get the treatment like little loli?

Fortunately, the little loli doesn't have mind-reading skills. If she had, she would definitely turn her eyes to death: You are shit-shoveling officers, do you want to stand up and become masters?Heh, let's talk about it when you cultivate to the level of Immortals!
The beasts surrounded the little fairy, offering their treasures in a hurry, offering all the harvest of the last few months without reservation, for the little fairy to have a look at.

It is impossible for beasts to hide or something.

The beasts worked hard on wild fruits and medicinal plants, and harvested a lot of mountain products.

The best way to make bad kids motivated, to make them better, or to make bad kids worse is to praise him—just praise him to death.

He is well versed in the rhyme of praise power, and he did not hesitate to saliva and praise, and praised the beasts fiercely, and did not forget to reward them: "You have worked hard, and I will cook you a spiritual meal for the New Year."

"Wow!" The four humanoid beasts and the three little ones screamed excitedly, spiritual meal, delicious spiritual meal!

Under the lure of delicious food, the foodies presented some shelled chestnut meat: "Little fairy, Brother Yan said that this kind of zongzi wrapped in nuts is the best. We peeled some of them."

"In the valley over there, there are bamboo leaves for making zongzi. We also picked some."

Some of what they said was a bag of fresh chestnut meat that had been shelled and membrane removed, filled with a storage bag ten feet wide, and a bag of zongzi leaves filled with a storage bag thirty feet wide.

Yan Xing covered his face, a group of beasts are unreliable, they betrayed him so soon.

"..." Le Yun's brows twitched a few times, looking at Handsome Yan, seeing that guy covering his handsome face, he sneered in his heart, heh, you dare to find trouble for her, right?

Doesn't he know how good the appetites of beasts are?
Let a beast that can eat a thousand catties of food eat zongzi, how much do you think you want to pack?
It is estimated that people have worked so hard to make zongzi for two days, and a beast can eat them all in less than two minutes. The reason why it takes two minutes is because the zongzi needs to peel the leaves, and it takes 10 minutes to peel the leaves. can eat up.

He is a little expert in frying the kitchen, so naturally he can't do the job of making zongzi by himself, he just comes up with bad ideas, and only she and Xuan Shao will be the only ones who will be exhausted.

Le Yun wanted to hang handsome Yan up to dry smoked fish, but she didn't show a trace of anger, and smiled brightly: "Ah, you have a good habit, but you collect everything that is useful, so you can be prepared .

Brother Yan is the best at making zongzi. Keep your things away. When you go back to our hometown, ask him to make zongzi for you.

He can cook gourmet food in our hometown, and the meals he makes are super delicious, and I will ask Brother Yan to cook some gourmet food for you to try. "

"Okay." The four humanoid beasts immediately put away the peeled nuts and bamboo leaves, and looked at Brother Yan with fiery eyes.

Yan Xing: "..." Did he dig a hole for himself?
Master Xuan laughed so hard that he told you that you had bad intentions and dared to find trouble for the little beauty while she wasn't there, now it's all right, get yourself involved, you deserve it!
Yan Xing, who had dragged himself into the pit, sighed at the sky resignedly, what else could he do?The hole I dug myself, I will fill it in after returning home!
If he doesn't fill in the pits himself, he will suffer from strange forces and the little Lolita will doubt his life.

Yan Xingmo, he should keep his mouth shut in the future, and he must not make any more suggestions.

Calculated according to the time, there are still more than ten days before the New Year's Eve. There is no rush to make the New Year's Eve dinner. Le Xiaoluoli prepared a lot of medicinal soup and pickled shellfish.

Some concoction was also given to the beasts, and they were asked to marinate some fruit shells and some wild beast meat from the common ingredients.

She didn't even bother to catch her breath, and started frying shellfish that night.

Chestnut, chestnut, and chestnut are used as "sand" when frying shellfish.

Because Yunlan is in the world of cultivation, she has strong aura, the trees grow tall, and the fruits are also big. Chestnuts are as big as eggs on the earth.

Chestnut is also a large deciduous tree. It belongs to the same genus as chestnut. The only difference is that there are usually two to three nuts in the shell of chestnut, while there is only one nut in the shell of chestnut. The nut is similar to a cone. shape.

The chestnuts on Earth are the size of hazelnuts or acorns, but the chestnuts in the Yunlan spirit world are as big as chestnuts on earth.

Mao Li is a species of chestnut. The Mao Li nut on the earth is smaller than the chestnut. Individually, it weighs about the same as the chestnut. However, the Mao Li nut in Yunlan Lingjie is the same size as the chestnut on the earth.

The size of the fruit shell is about the same size as an egg on the earth. The chestnuts of Yunlan are almost the same size as the fruit shells. When the shells and chestnuts are fried in the same pan, they are almost cooked at the same time, and there is no need to change the "sand" in the middle.

Little Lolita was very happy about this.

(End of this chapter)

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