magic eye doctor

Chapter 2795 Xiaoyu works hard

Chapter 2795 Xiaoyu works hard

The little fairy is equivalent to throwing a spirit stone of a spirit stone vein in the spirit plant space, and she is really rich and powerful.

Looking for Zhiren Zhima on the edge of the spiritual plant space, after the shock, he was very pleasantly surprised. The larger the fairy plant space, the happier they will be for the rest of their lives!
Zhiren Zhima ran fast, and it still took half an hour to return. The two little ones ran back to the big lake with mountains in the middle of the lake, and rushed to the side of the little body, hugging their thighs excitedly.

One person and one horse, each holding one of the little fairy's arms and hanging it as bacon, smiling so hard that their eyes narrowed: "Little fairy, the space for spiritual plants is so wide, you can plant many, many spiritual trees and spiritual plants!"

With such a wide space for spiritual plants and a lot of spiritual fruits and spiritual plants, the little fairy no longer has to worry about how to feed them, they can eat whatever they want!
"Well, it will be wider in the future. At present, there is not enough spiritual energy, and there is not enough spiritual field soil. We will first plant an area with a radius of several hundred miles in the central area, and then expand outward after we have accumulated enough spiritual field soil."

"Hey, we understand. From now on, the planting of the space will be handed over to us and Xiaoguozi."

"In order to make the Lingzhi space have the aura that a small world should have, let's work hard to plant trees." Le Yun took out a bucket of newly sprouted fruit tree seeds and stuffed them into Xiaozhiren.

"Okay, let's go to work."

The Zhiman Zhima jumped off the ground happily and planted trees happily.

Zhima digs the hole with his hooves, and Xiaozhi holds a small bucket of fruit seedlings in one hand. Whenever Xiaozhima digs a hole, he puts a sprouting fruit seedling, and then moves the soil to cover it, leaving only a small hole. A little sprout tip outside.

The little loli stared at her almond-shaped eyes, oh my god, the two little ones cooperated so well!
One person and two Chihuahuas were busy planting, and it took a long time for a stick of incense before Xiao Yujing ran back panting. He was so tired that he sat down on the ground.

Sitting up and breathing smoothly, he jumped up and ran to the little fairy of the human race, his eyes sparkling: "Little fairy, your territory is so wide, when will you dig a mountain with jade and come back?"

"I'll talk about it later. If there are jade mines and the mountains are beautiful, it's okay to dig one or two of them. If the mountains are not beautiful, I don't dig them if there are jade mines."

Le Yun smiled Mimi, encouraging her to move back to Yushan, this little jade spirit is also planning to settle down in her Lingzhi space, right?
"Hey! Little fairy, where is the jade that I need to accumulate?" The little fairy said that she would dig the jade mountain in the future, and Xiaoyu was so happy that she offered to go to work.

Xiao Yujing was so upbeat, Le Yun was very pleased, and instead of planting trees, she took the three little ones to the Xiaolingquan Lake where the solitary leaf lotus was planted.

The small lake where the solitary lotus is planted is a small lake compared to a large lake, but it is actually more than one mile wide and more than 600 meters deep.

Because of the deep water level, the bottom of the lake cannot be seen.

When he arrived at the small lake, Le Yun pointed to the bottom of the lake: "I put water soul jade, water soul jade, and various jade stones in the dark well at the bottom of the lake. Go in and help me cultivate water soul jade, add aura to this small lake, and let all kinds of The lotus root dolls in the shallow water area will take shape as soon as possible."

"Okay." Without any hesitation, Xiao Yujing jumped down with a splash, plunged into the water, and dived to the bottom of the lake.

"Xiao Yujing, you can come out to get some air after staying under the water for a while." Xiao Yujing is so active, and Le Yun is not the boss of "Zhou Papi".

Xiao Yujing didn't respond, he swam to the bottom of the lake, found the reserved dark well and climbed in, and saw the water soul jade and water soul, a large amount of jade and spirit crystal spirit essence that were still being cultivated.

The aura in the dark well is very strong, and it is more suitable for cultivation than his previous birthplace.

Xiao Yujing was very happy, pulled off the clothes and put them into the storage container, got into the jade pile, hugged the water soul jade, and showed her original shape.

His original form was a piece of jasper one foot square, the flesh was fine and smooth, and the jasper color was thick and upright.

Xiaoyujing, who showed her body, fell asleep holding the water soul jade.

Xiao Yu Jing went into the lake without bubbling, and Xiao Loli took Zhiren Zhima to plant trees again.

One person and two little creatures planted all the seeds that had germinated, and soaked the seeds of several trees in the spiritual spring water added with psychic liquid to germinate them.

Xiao Yujing has already gone to work, and Zhima, the Zhiren, doesn't want to go out and run around anymore. They want to stay in Lingzhi's space.

The little Lolita fulfilled the wish of the two little ones, took the two little creatures around, and asked the two little ones to choose where to put the wishful house.

Zhima, a native of Zhizhi, chose the east bank of the large lake with Table Mountain as a temporary resettlement site. On the east bank of the lake, there are cliffs, small peaks with a height of tens to hundreds of feet, and a platform on the top. Jieshi is extremely beautiful.

If you have nothing to do, you can climb Jieshi or small peaks or cliffs, stand on the top and blow the breeze from the lake, and watch the big waterfall hanging on the top of the lake in the lake. The scenery is spectacular and refreshing.

Moreover, the east bank is only more than three hundred miles away from the small lake where the solitary lotus is planted. You can often go to the small lake to see the solitary lotus.

The little loli respected the choice of the two little ones, and laid a layer of stone slabs not far from the small mountain near the lake as the foundation of the house. She returned to the spirit boat and moved the wishful house where she and the little creatures lived and rested into the Lingzhi space. The base of the slate house is old, and then enlarged to a height of about two meters,

There are tables, chairs and jade beds in the Ruyi room, and the small nest where the Hanmei Turui hairpin lives is placed on the table in the Ruyi room.

Little Lolita was afraid that the two little creatures didn't have enough spiritual plants and fruits, so she gave them a storage bag of food reserves.

Zhima, the person from Zhi, happily sent off the little fairy, and couldn't rest for a moment, wandering around, familiarizing himself with the spiritual plants and spiritual fruits planted everywhere.

Little Lolita returned to the spirit boat, the two handsome guys and the humanoid beasts were still looking for spirit plants all over the mountain to dig bamboo shoots, while the puppets were hunting down the little feathered monsters that like to move and inhabit in the bamboo forest, and catch bamboo insects.

Bamboo worms are the larvae of bamboo elephants. They hide inside the bamboo. When there are no bamboo shoots, they eat the tender meat and water inside the bamboo. When the bamboo shoots are in season, they come out to eat the tender shoots.

Bamboo worms are nutritious and delicious.

The puppets focus on catching small birds and animals in the bamboo forest and looking for bamboo insects, followed by digging the spiritual plants in the bamboo forest. When they see good bamboo shoots, they dig some, and at the same time they collect some bamboo suitable for making materials.

A group of friends were happy to collect, Le Yun didn't rush them, found out the big tank, scrubbed it clean, marinated dozens of tanks of bamboo shoots, and continued to fry the shellfish.

The two young masters and the humanoid beasts wandered among the bamboo forests for half a month, sweeping away a large number of bamboo shoots and bamboo forest spiritual plants before they were satisfied.

The puppets harvested a large number of small feathered animals and bamboo insects.

After the collection of bamboo shoots was over, Le Yun carried the two handsome guys and four humanoid beasts back to the coniferous tree spiritual planting space, and let the handsome guys and the beasts stay in the spiritual planting space before arriving at the other end of the teleportation array in the Yaoguang Palace.

Xuan Shaoyan and the four beasts were brought into the Lingzhi space, and found that they couldn't see the edge of the space at a glance. They were shocked. It doesn't mean that the requirements for refining the Lingzhi space are very strict. Generally, it is about one mile wide, and it is considered a large Lingzhi space if it is about ten miles wide. plant space.

Little Lolita/Little Fairy's Lingzhi space must be at least several hundred miles away, right?

The two and four humanoid beasts also ran to survey the width of the space, and when they came back, the beasts were so excited that they almost rolled on the ground.

Lingzhi's space is very wide, even if they all show their bodies, there is still room for fighting in the space!
In this way, there will be no sense of depression!
Little Lolita is too evil, Shao Xuan and Yan Shao are already numb.

Zhiren Zhima was very happy to see all the friends coming in.

The two young masters and the human-shaped beast also chose to place the wishful house on the east bank of the big lake with mountains in the lake. There are five big Lingquan lakes in Lingzhi Space, and they also like the big lake with desktop mountains in the lake the most.

There are some small peaks or reefs on all sides of the five large lakes, as well as shallow water areas and beaches. In some areas, underwater reefs integrated with the lake shore can be seen, and the scenery is beautiful.

There is a tabletop mountain in the middle of the big lake, which has the most beautiful scenery and charm.

Le Yun respects everyone's opinions, and puts the wishful house where the little friends often live next to the wishful house where Zhiren Zhima lives, and then takes the human, the humanoid beast, and the two little ones to the east area outside the central area. A crop planting area more than [-] miles wide was paved with spiritual field soil, and crops were planted for handsome guys and beasts.

The Lingtian soil in the planting area is relatively thin, only five meters thick.

Little Lolita gave the handsome guys seeds of corn, wheat, sorghum, millet, peanut, soybean, watermelon, cantaloupe, melon, tomato, radish, sweet potato, pumpkin and other crops, and they could grow whatever they wanted.

I also added that spiritual food cannot be made in Lingzhi's space for the time being. If they are free, they can make buns and dumplings with dough, save them well, and steam or bake them later when making spiritual food
In order to keep the beasts from being too idle, she also left a few storage bags of olive fruit and a bag of argan fruit, so that they can help peel them when they are free.

The four beasts happily accepted the task.

Xuan Shao and Yan Shao: "..." Why didn't Mao send them a mission?
Little Lolita didn't send the handsome guys special missions. After all, the Lingzhi space was not fully utilized, and she couldn't decompose the cooking fumes from cooking the spirit meal by herself, but it was possible to refine weapons in the Lingzhi space!

Therefore, if the two handsome guys are free, they can try refining weapons.

After instructing her some rules for raining in the space, student Le Xiao left the Lingzhi space and drove the spirit boat straight to the teleportation array in the Yaoguang Palace.

"Brother, what shall we plant first?" The little fairy hurriedly went, and the four humanoid beasts looked at the huge pile of seeds, gearing up for a big fight.

"Grow corn, wheat, pumpkins, and radishes. Pumpkins can be mixed into flour, and radishes can be used as dumpling fillings." Xuan Shao suggested that people depend on food.

Young Master Yan has no objection.

The beasts had no objections, and rushed to the planting area to start planting crops.

Started the music rhyme of travel, flew all day and night, arrived at the Grand Canyon with the teleportation gate, and entered the Yaoguang Palace through the teleportation gate again.

He walked through the same door, but he was teleported to a different landing point than last time, and was thrown into the towering mountains.

After Le Yun stabilized, she first rushed into a large canyon, hunted a group of monsters and beasts, dug up the spiritual plants and medicinal plants in the canyon, and cleaned up the stone fungus on the cliffs of the mountain peaks.

After harvesting a wave of resources, he flew to the sky again, identified his position, chose a direction, and drove on the spirit boat.

After traveling for more than ten days, she bypassed the secret realm of the main hall of the Yaoguang Palace and entered another secret realm area that was also unborn.

That area is the part where the inner circle and the middle circle of the Yaoguang Palace meet, and it used to be the cave area of ​​the disciples of a certain peak in the Yaoguang Palace.

Little Lolita entered the secret realm, searched for another two days, and successfully found the hometown of the Sun Flower Essence.

(End of this chapter)

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