magic eye doctor

Chapter 2802

Chapter 2802

Little Lolita/Little Fairy was busy drawing the map, Young Master Yan and the four humanoid beasts watched it, and went to eat together at dinner time.

After dinner, young master Xuan was added to the crowd eating melons.

Two or four humanoid beasts watched the topographical map drawn by the little loli/little fairy, watching the mountains jumping on the cloth, and finally formed a complete topographic map of the plateau.

They don't understand the use of drawing topographical maps, but they are smart enough not to guess.

After resting for half the night, the group set off again early the next morning.

Little Lolita first led the people and the beasts to fly eastward, and flew to the front of the enchantment of the secret realm, stopped, and let the two handsome guys and the beasts observe.

The two people and the four humanoid beasts wandered around the area, but after thinking about it, they didn't find anything wrong, and they didn't find any spiritual plants or spiritual mines.

Until they heard the little loli/little fairy telling them to go straight east, people and beasts thought there was a baby ahead, and rushed forward excitedly.

The people and beasts who rushed forward excitedly flew about a mile away, hit the invisible barrier with a "bang", and were bounced out heavily.

Because it has wings, the eagle that flies the fastest and rushes the most hastily, was thrown out and had no time to stabilize itself, and fell heavily to the ground, completely flattened.

The other three and the two elder brothers, who were half a beat behind, also bumped into each other one after another, and all of them were blinded by the collision, and they all fell, and two of them even hit the eagle.

The unlucky boy Yingsheng screamed after being hit, got up and hugged one foot and jumped around, screaming: "It hurts to death! Baiyin, how much weight have you gained? Why are you so heavy like a hammer?" It seems that my claws were almost smashed by you!"

"I'm not fat! You're fat, you're so fat that you can't fly!" Bai Yin, who was dizzy, sat up and yelled back.

"You're fat, absolutely fat! You hit me once, and my claws almost broke! Xiao Guozi also hit me, he's not as heavy as you!
Baiyin, don't deny that you have gained weight, you should consider losing weight, otherwise you will become a ball. "Holding his sore feet, Yingsheng hopped up and down to the little fairy's side.

Baiyin was so angry that he wanted to find a certain eagle to tear him apart: "I'm not fat, I'm not fat, I say important things three times!"

"Come and see if you show your animal shape. You must have gained weight. You must have grown into a ball." Ying Sheng was not afraid of death, and continued to say that Bai Yin was fat.

The gourd baby was bounced to the ground, got up in a hurry, and ran to the little fairy, with a bitter face, and quietly rubbed his buttocks, oops, he fell to death, his buttocks almost fell off.

Young Master Yan and Young Master Xuan were also thrown to pieces, and they didn't care about the two bickering beasts. While rubbing their arms and legs, they slipped back to Little Loli with Shui Dun.

Being called fat by the eagle's voice, Baiyin rolled her eyes angrily, and she really showed her animal shape and turned into a cat.

"Little fairy, have I gained weight?" Baiyin ran to the fairest little fairy.

"I didn't gain weight, I only gained a little bit of flesh, about seventy to eighty catties." Le Yun stretched out to pick up the running cat and stroked its fur.

"Did you hear that, the little fairy said that you have grown flesh?" Ying Sheng laughed, and then the smile faded, hissing, that guy Baiyin is so unkind, he even shamelessly acted cute, and got the little fairy's love again .

Baiyin was so angry that she wanted to pluck that guy's wing feathers, didn't he just accidentally stepped on that guy, you're so stingy!

Yingsheng is not afraid that Baiyin will become angry from embarrassment, grinning and grimacing.

The two little friends stare at me and I stare at you, with big eyes and small eyes.

"Sure enough, the person who knows you best will always be your enemy or enemy. Baiyin has only grown a few catties, and you can also find that your observation skills are really good." The leopard hideous beast smiled and poked the head stretched out by the sound of the eagle.

"Little fairy, Baiyin stepped on my feet before, but it didn't hurt as much as this time, so I guess he must have gained some flesh." Ying Sheng said with a shy face.

"Actually, you have gained a few pounds of meat, as have Xiaoguozi and Shuidun. They have both gained thirty to fifty kilograms, which is not obvious." The fat ones are not just kittens. The beasts have grown fleshy.

"Ah, I've gained weight too?"

Hearing that they had grown fleshy, some of them had horrified faces and howled one after another.

A few beasts either pinched their faces or their waists, trying to prove that they didn't grow flesh.

"Eat what you eat to make up for it. Eating meat will make you fat. If you don't want to gain weight, then you won't be cooking spiritual meals, and you won't need to collect ingredients. You won't gain weight by eating spiritual energy." Xuan Shao happily suggested.

"No, I'm happy with my fat!"

"I grow meat and I am proud!"

The four beasts immediately objected when they heard that they would not eat the spiritual meal if they didn’t collect the ingredients. They can live without rare treasures, but they can’t live without the spiritual meal!

"Little Fairy, what do you want us to look for? Is there any treasure there, protected by a magical artifact, we rushed over and were bounced back." Calabash Baby was the smartest, and quickly changed the subject.

The rest of the people and beasts also listened attentively.

"It's nothing precious, what you bumped into is the barrier of the secret realm. I just let you try to see if any of you have space talent, or are sensitive to space, and can discover the barrier."

Closer to home, Le Yun is very angry and funny. None of the group of friends is sensitive to space. In the future, when they go to another world and have to face everything alone, I really don’t know what they should do when they encounter an enchantment or when they are trapped in an enchantment. what solved.

"We don't even have spatial talent?!"

The two of them were stunned.

The saddest thing is the gourd baby. He is a vine that can produce the magic weapon of natural space, but he has no sense of the space barrier. What a failure!

"If you don't have it, you don't have it. No one is born perfect. The big deal is that you will travel in the future. You will be with people who are talented in space, and everyone will take care of each other.

Get on the spirit boat quickly, it's time to set off. "

Le Yun put Baiyin on Yingsheng's shoulder, and walked slowly towards the spirit boat with her little hands behind her back: "The situation in the north should be similar to this area, and there must be countless wild beasts."

"Oh, get on the boat, get on the boat, get on the boat, let's go!"

I heard that there are a lot of ingredients in the place to go, and the beasts were resurrected with full blood, scrambling to fly on the spirit boat.

Young Master Yan and Young Master Xuan were both left behind, and the two of them were not in a hurry, they followed little Lolita, walked unsteadily to the spirit boat and boarded the boat.

The spirit boat took off and flew north, continuing to survey the topography of the secret realm.

The spirit boat bypassed the plateau, traveling more than 500 million miles to the north, there are continuous small mountain ranges, after passing the mountains, there are plains and hills, and then to the north are highlands.

From the northern edge of the plateau in the east to the edge of the highland in the north, about 900 million miles away, there are herbivores everywhere, and desertification of varying degrees has appeared in some areas in the plains and hills.

After crossing the highland with a width of more than six million miles, it entered the plateau plain.

From the highlands to the plateau plains, the most abundant are horsetail cattle and wild donkeys, deer, horses, sheep, and camels.

The horse-haired ox is the wild yak on the earth, and the horse-tailed ox in the secret realm is also an ordinary wild beast. Its body is slightly smaller than the ordinary horse-tailed ox in Yunlan Spiritual World, but it is one and a half times larger than the yak on the earth. above.

There are many types of deer and sheep, and all the species adapted to the temperate and high frigid environments have survived.

The number of each branch of the ponytail herd is extremely large, at least tens of thousands, and it moves like a huge cloud.

The large number of herbivores eats vegetation excessively, resulting in the desertification of plateau meadows, and large areas of small sandy land are often seen.

In the northern part of the plateau, there is even a desert of more than 400 million miles in length and width, surrounded by deserts that are deserting.

The northern part of the plateau is a basin with a length of about 300 million miles from north to south. Fortunately, due to the low terrain, water sources gather in all directions, and it is a land with lush aquatic plants.

After passing the plateau, less than 200 million miles to the north, there is a piece of hills about 100 million miles in length from north to south, which are in the process of desertification, and the desert is connected with the hills.

The desert is about 300 million miles wide.

Little Lolita drove the spirit boat all the way to the north, arrived at the enchantment of the secret realm, rested for a night, then returned to the hilly area, and then went west to conduct a topographical survey.

All the way to the west, there are mostly plains and hills, and meadows that are desertifying appear from time to time.

After traveling more than 3000 million miles, they entered another plateau plain.

Little Loli flew around the northern plateau for three days in order to survey the landforms of the plain. The plateau is about 3000 million miles long from east to west and 900 million miles wide from north to south.

The plateau mountains are vertical and horizontal, the mountains are tall and majestic, the water system network is criss-crossed, and the water source is sufficient.

After Le finished drawing the landform map, he continued to head west.

From the plateau to the west, there are mountains, hills, and plains.

Half of the western plains are deserted!
Le Xiaoluoli flew in a straight line, passed through a desolate desert, reached the enchantment of the secret realm, and then turned south.

Flying towards the south, the land passing by is an endless desert.

Because there was nothing to observe, the spirit boat flew at full speed. After flying for a day, it arrived at a wind-eroded mountain and desert. After two hours, it entered a mountain with only remaining rocks.

Xuan Shao, Yan Shao and the beasts, when they entered the exposed rocky mountains, stared straight at the peaks that had been eroded by wind and left only hard rocks.

"Little loli, there are mines!"

"A lot of mines!"

People and beasts shouted, those mountains are not high, showing the colors of gold, red, blue, white, etc., those are mines!
In terms of quality, it can't compare to the high-quality mines they dug back in the gray world, but its variety is only slightly inferior to the gray world.

"Don't worry, we have to go through here anyway when we return to the Northern Continent, and it won't be too late to dig when we go back." Le Yun arranged the work of the friends clearly.

The two young masters and the beasts nodded heavily, what is a mine?

The batch of mines they dug back in the gloomy world bought them a lot of spirit stones, which made their wallets bulge. If they dig the mines again, they can exchange for another pile of spirit stones!
In my hometown, if I want to be rich, I want to have fewer children and plant more trees. In Yunlan, I want to get rich overnight, so I dig more spiritual plants and more mines!
Feeling that the future will usher in another chance to get rich overnight, the two of them and the four humanoid beasts were so excited that they rubbed their little hands together!
The little friends looked excited, and the little Lolita looked calm, flying slowly over the mountains in the spirit boat for easy observation.

After flying for more than an hour, a golden light flashed between the stone walls of a mountain shaped like a spring bamboo shoot among the peaks. A male cultivator with golden eyes and black hair rode the wind up and landed in front of the spirit boat.

"Whoever trespasses on my lord's territory, there are no rules."

(End of this chapter)

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