magic eye doctor

Chapter 281 Scary Little Witch

Chapter 281 Scary Little Witch
Experiments Experiments...

That sentence reverberated in his mind like a curse, and the three men stared at the little girl, she was still a child, how dare she do a vivisection experiment?
"What are you thinking, experiment?" The eyes of the three stinky men who could only move their eyeballs changed. Le Yun was in a good mood and smiled brightly.

Bullying can't feel better!Especially like this, they can't move or talk, she can do whatever she wants, it feels great.

The air was cold and cold, and the sky was clear in Le Yun's heart. She picked up a few stinky men's clothes and placed them on the ground as mats. She sat down, took out the scalpel cover from the medical box, unfolded it, and took out a sharp scalpel. .

The three people's eyes moved, and no one knew what they were thinking.

"Is there something you want to say?" Le Yun was beaming with joy: "You invited me here from the subway and asked me so many questions, knowing that I knew Chinese soldiers Yan Da Shao and Liu Da Shao at school, so I will inform you. Young Master Yan, he will bring someone to chat with you later, just leave it to them if you have anything to say."

"..." The three men's eyelids suddenly jumped. What the little girl meant was that she still remembered what happened when she was hypnotized?
As if seeing through their minds, Le Xiao's eyes are bright with stars, and his voice is like Huang Ying Minggu, which is sweet and moving: "Are you wondering why I still remember what questions you asked me about hypnosis? I'll tell you clearly, Your drugs and hypnosis are useless to me, I'm not dizzy, I'm just pretending, I just want to see what you guys are trying to do when you kidnap me."

Not dizzy?

The hearts of the three men thumped a few times, but the little girl was not dazed by the drug? !They clearly confirmed that she was confused and could not be pretending.

"Surprised, aren't you?" San Zha Zha's eyes were no longer calm, and Le Yun smiled with frowning eyes: "Your preparations are not perfect, you don't even know my family's ancestral traditional Chinese medicine, I'm a medical student, and I too I know medicine, so, well, Lilly is still good, you used the drug for me, and I also gave you a smell of the fragrance I made. How, my fragrance is compared to yours, which is like a low-quality perfume. Smells better, doesn't it?"

"!" The eyes of the three people suddenly condensed, and it was indeed the scent that was at fault!
They had smelled the strong fragrance before, and then their thinking was interrupted. When they were conscious, they saw the ceiling panel of the warehouse, and then they were tossed by the little girl.

If that Mixiang was really made by a little girl, then the little girl deserves to be a medical genius. Such a genius was born in Huaxia and is the object of protection by the Huaxia military...

Huo Ran, they have an answer to their doubts about why the Huaxia soldiers protect the little girl. The little girl is proficient in potions at a young age. If she creates various psychedelic potions and potions for various drugs, when the Chinese soldiers perform secret missions When encountering the use of potions by the opposite party, they can quickly resolve it, which undoubtedly means that they have more opportunities.

It can be seen from this that the reason why the Huaxia soldiers protected the little girl was not because she had appeared in some places in Shennong Mountain, but her talent in medicine. Because the little girl happened to be researching medicinal materials in Shennong Mountain during that time, the Huaxia Military Department had it for defense. The extraordinarily talented little girl was murdered, so not only did officers go to the school to protect her under the guise of further education, but she was also secretly protected when she went out.

At this moment, they felt cheated. They and other organizations thought that the Huaxia military was protecting the little girl because she might be the only clue about that matter. Focusing on the little girl, the Huaxia military just used the little girl to contain them. One is to secretly investigate such things, and the other is to secretly investigate the secret pillars of other countries.

They even felt that today's little girl's solo trip was a pretense, and she came out as a bait to lure people like them to show up.

However, they seem to understand too late.

The three people stared at the little girl, and their hearts were more than shocked. They underestimated the little girl, thinking that she was a pure white and harmless little sheep, but in fact she was a sheep protected by the wolves.

"Hey, what kind of eyes do you guys have?" Sanzhazha's eyes were dark and unpredictable, Le Yun swayed the small scalpel, and looked at the three experimental objects in a leisurely manner: "I see, which of you is the most suitable for the number one experiment, you , you, or you..."

The small scalpel was cold and sharp, and the tip of the knife pointed at it, making people feel inexplicably frightened, and the three men couldn't help but hold their breaths slightly.

Waving the scalpel around, Le Yun's eyes fixed on the hypnotist: "It's just you, I heard that the hypnotist's mental power is stronger than the average person, and he must have strong willpower. Let me study the hypnotist's reaction and ordinary people. How people react differently."

The hypnotist's eyelids trembled slightly, his eyes deep.

"You don't need to confuse people with your eyes. You haven't mastered the essence of the soul-defying technique. Not to mention that you can't speak or move now. Even if you can speak and act, you can't control me."

The hypnotist's eyes are deeper and darker than those of their two companions, and they are like two small vortexes like black holes, leading people to explore.

That look can attract the curiosity of ordinary children, but unfortunately, it is ineffective for Le Yun. The X-ray vision of her eyes can see through the secret of his eyes. When he looks at her with that look, his eyes glow with a strange halo. This kind of aura is not the natural aura of the eye itself.

Being able to have a non-native aura can only mean that his eyes are weird.

No matter how weird it is, she can still find clues under the scanning of her eyes' strange functions. Therefore, Le Yun is not afraid of his spiritualism. She meditated and cultivated to the level of hanging light. She is fully awake, even when she is asleep, it is difficult for anyone to take the opportunity to capture the soul or hypnotize her.

Meditate and practice, not only self-cultivation, but also the original heart, the spirit of life.

The original heart does not move, the original spirit does not move, the outside interference is all a clown, and no one can do anything about her.

Le Yun's words revealed the hypnotist's intentions. Seeing the scumbag's pupils shrinking coldly, she smiled coldly: "If you dare to hit me on the head, you will have to pay a price."

While speaking, the little paw stretched out, grabbed the hypnotist's arm, pulled it hard, and pulled the person forward, then stretched his legs, put his feet on his belly, raised him high with one foot, and then gently With one throw and one hook, a man who weighed more than a hundred pounds was turned 180 degrees.

The hypnotist who was hooked over turned over, and as the little girl's feet retracted, he slammed down, slamming, his back hit the ground heavily, and the back of his head also kissed the floor intimately.

That smashing made his eyes glow with golden flowers, and his vision was blurred.

The hypnotist was dragged away, his companion watched the little girl's movements, her steady heartbeat could not help but stop, the little girl was agile, clearly like someone who had practiced martial arts for many years.

Throwing the hypnotist on the ground, Le Yun slapped his chest a few times, then poked the acupuncture points on his right leg a few times, dragged his medical box over the soles of his feet, and raised his calf a little, the scalpel pointed towards him. The next drop, a knife slashed on the side of his calf.

With that knife, the hypnotist's calf shook violently, it hurt!The whole body was stiff before, but now he felt the pain.


"Don't be afraid, I am very gentle. Even if there is no full set of hospital facilities, it will not affect me much. As long as the heart is not removed during the autopsy experiment, it is guaranteed that you will not die of excessive bleeding within four hours."

The subject twitched, and Le Yun kindly comforted him. She hadn't started yet. It wouldn't be fun if people were scared crazy.

The three big men could clearly hear what the little girl was saying, and no matter how good their hearts were, they couldn't help but feel anxious.

They couldn't move, couldn't avoid it, they could only look directly at the bloody reality, even if they closed their eyes and didn't look at it, the scene of the little girl cutting it with a knife still appeared in their minds.

The little girl slashed and stabbed again and again. She started the anatomy work without panic, calm and steady, without rushing, with superb knife skills, and her movements were getting faster and faster.

But the person involved didn't even blink, and the hand holding the scalpel was steady. He neatly took out a tendon, ligament, and muscle, and placed it in a glass tube filled with medicine to seal it.

The hypnotist's muscles twitched in pain, sweat poured from his body, and his face was blue and purple. Even if the pain was like a heartbreak, he couldn't make a sound, and he couldn't turn around.

Le Xiaoxiao, who had come to a real skin peeling and cramp surgery, has great medical ethics. He did not allow the wound of the experimental subject to be exposed, and performed the suturing operation meticulously. Uh, the amount of thread is limited, so there is no waste of raw materials.

Her suturing operation was just halfway through, when there was a sound of vehicles galloping from far to near, the little girl raised her head, her eyes sparkling: "Experimental, the person assigned by Young Master Yan is here, I will go out to say hello and come back and continue, Just wait."

The pupils of the two men who were sitting and watching the operation suddenly shrank. Is there someone from the Huaxia Military Department? !

When she said she was going to see it, Le Yun didn't hesitate. She put down her needle and thread and stood up lazily.

The warehouse is in a corner of an old abandoned factory. The factory has long since been demolished, leaving only some walls and unwanted asbestos tiles.

Le Yun stood in the most conspicuous place outside the warehouse, waiting for the soldier brother sent by handsome Yan.

A police car and an extended van drove into the abandoned factory, walked along the traces of being run over by the vehicle, and soon reached the vicinity of the warehouse, and also saw a black car parked outside the dilapidated warehouse.

The two cars did not honk their horns and drove steadily to the side of the black sedan. The people who got out of the cars all wore black special police uniforms and were fully armed with only one pair of eyes outside.

More than a dozen people got off the bus in an orderly manner and walked towards the little girl standing at the door of the warehouse. Her eyes were as bright and piercing as if she saw a rare animal.

"Masked hero!" Le Yun saw a fully armed team, she couldn't help but want to hug her head, her face was scolded, why did she hide her face?

A group of masked men twitched slightly at the corners of their eyes. They dared to bet that the younger classmates actually wanted to call them "masked thieves".

A man who led the team walked up to the little girl and nodded to the little girl classmate: "Hello, little classmate, the captain is still on his way, please wait a moment."

"I haven't finished my experiment yet." Le Yun wanted to touch her nose, but she didn't. Well, she was still wearing gloves, which was full of blood.

"The captain has instructed, as long as one is alive, the little classmates can do whatever experiments they want." The leader did not deliberately lower his voice, which could be heard inside and outside the warehouse.

The three people in the warehouse had dark eyes.

"Oh, then I'll continue to do the experiment." The brothers did not object to doing the experiment on their own, and Le Yun ran to the warehouse happily: "The three experimental items are in the warehouse, you clean up, the black and blue big The backpack is mine, don't make a mistake."

The little girl happily turned around and ran away. A team of soldiers said, "..." No wonder Team Yan and Shao Liu both couldn't handle the little classmates.

Needless to say, a team spread out and stayed at various points outside. The three men entered the warehouse calmly. When they stepped into the place full of blood, they saw the three men who had been stripped naked, and the three armed men had crazy eyelids. Jump, this... this, that is what the little girl did? !
The three soldiers took a breath in silence, um, Captain Yan told him not to make a fuss no matter what he saw, and no matter what Little Lolita was doing, just keep one eye closed, so they should be blind.

The three smart and witty people calmly walked towards the odds and ends that were placed together with two small gasoline drums. When they approached, looking at the messy things, they couldn't help but twitch their eyes again, silently sorting and packing them.

The three men, who were stripped naked, saw the little girl and the three fully-armed special police officers entering the warehouse. All thoughts were dismayed, and they had no idea of ​​escaping. There were Chinese tigers and wolves to support them. Without weapons, they were unable to fly.

Le Yun slipped back to Sanzhazha, continued the suturing operation, helped the hypnotist to sew up the wound, moved the position, changed the scalpel, and made a circle around his eye socket.

The hypnotist's muscles trembled in pain, and when a cold touch came from his eyes, he opened his eyes and saw the short-haired girl wearing a mask bowing her head, her eyes were clear and bright, he and her Four eyes met, his soul could not help trembling.

"Is it a little painful?" Scum drenched in cold sweat, Le Yun patted him on the nose with the back of the scalpel: "Auntie hates people threatening me the most, you dare to hijack me, and you dare to hold a dagger against me, and give me a smell of the drug, right? I was hypnotized, and I wanted to burn the corpse to destroy the traces afterwards. A group of scumbags who are crazy. If my aunt doesn't give you some color, you really think I'm a little boy and bully. Take it to waste."

The hypnotist shuddered in horror, and for the first time, the eyes of the two onlookers showed panic.
The three soldiers who were packing their things also looked at the little girl with shock in their eyes: "Little classmate, did they use drugs and hypnotism on you?"

"That's right, they know how to use drugs, and so do I. Their drugs are too low-quality, they didn't stun me, but I knocked them all down. This is called the height of magic. Hypnotist There is nothing to say, the mental power is mediocre, and the instigmatism is not good enough. Fortunately, the eyes of the hypnotist are good. If the transplant is successful, there is a 60.00% chance that the transplanter can inherit the inspiriting function of this person's eyes .”

"Wait, can you let me see his eyes." The leader stood up, ran to the little girl Lolita quickly, ran to the little girl like a whirlwind, squatted down, and observed the eyes of the little girl's experiment.

Le Yun waited for his brother Bing to study the hypnotist. After he checked it several times, he asked, "What, did you find any differences?"

"Little classmate, is he... a double pupil?" The team leader's tone was slightly serious.

"Yes, the left eye has heavy pupils, and the right eye is normal. Therefore, his level of soul capture is average. He can control ordinary people, but he can't control people with strong will."

"Little classmate, can his double pupil be transplanted as a whole?" The team leader was a little nervous.

"Yes, the success rate of on-site living donor transplantation can reach 90.00%. If it is removed and stored for a period of time before transplantation, it is difficult to say. Unless it is a relative of the same blood, non-relatives may reject it, and the success rate will be greatly reduced."

"Little classmate, can you put this experiment away first, and I'll ask Team Yan for instructions."

"Okay, go ahead, I'll try another experiment first."

"I'll go immediately." The leader stood up neatly and ran out quickly.

Le Yun was not affected by Brother Bing's departure. She threw down the scalpel, changed her gloves, took out her silver needle holster and put it on her left wrist. It is one foot and one hook, which knocks the person to the ground.

The man with the numb and dumb points was lying on his back. When he had just landed on the back of his head and his eyes were full of Venus, he looked up and saw the little girl stretched out her little hand and tapped on his chest a few times, and then she pinched it. A long, shining needle pierced his chest. He was numb and unconscious, but this time he suddenly felt a little tingling in his chest, and then the stinging pain from the needles spread to his brain one after another.

Others couldn't move, they couldn't see anything, and the pain from the needle sticks followed, and the whole body seemed to be torn apart, and the pain came one after another.

His muscles tensed in pain, and his tendons throbbed, but he still couldn't move. Bean head sweat dripped out layer by layer, and soon his whole body was covered in sweat.

When there was a needle stabbing pain at the top of the brain, the inexplicable pain reached its peak, and the whole person seemed to be torn into pieces, and the pain was unbearable.

"Woo-" He let out a painful cry, twitching violently, tossing left and right, but he couldn't turn over at all, he could only struggle to move.

The only man sitting looked at his companion who was convulsing in pain. His face was sweating like beans, and his pupils were like broken sunlight, flickering and trembling.

When the team leader went to ask Captain Yan for instructions, and left the two team members to pack their belongings, they neatly tidied everything up. When they heard the movement of the little girl classmate, they tilted their head to observe, and when they saw the pain, they wanted to roll but couldn't. When I wanted to shout out the guy who couldn't feel it, I felt a sudden shock, the little classmate is so scary!

The two of them invariably came up with an idea: You can mess with anyone, but don't mess with that little loli!Their Yan team is terrible, but compared to the method of a little loli girl who uses a scalpel to do live experiments and stabs people with needles, the punishment their Yan team gives them is so gentle.

He ran to the team leader who told the captain, dashed out, rushed to the parking place, took out his mobile phone and dialed Team Yan's phone, and when the call was connected, he happily reported: "Report captain, I have a big day. The good news, Chi Shishi's eyes are saved!"

Yan Xing drove the car at Xiang Xiaoluoli's position. The car was on the highway in the city. When he received a call from his brother, he hurriedly answered it. Hearing the good news, Long Mu was bright: "Hei Jiu, you are serious. Yes? Is there a suitable substitute?"

Hei Jiu's mood was agitated, and his tone couldn't help but fly: "Yes! One of the three people who kidnapped the little classmate has a double pupil in his left eye, and the little classmate said that it can be transplanted as a whole."

"Go and ask Little Loli to keep that person alive. The other two are left to Little Loli's disposal, life or death." Yan Xing's heart filled with joy.

Chi Shishi is the hypnotist in their team. One eye was disabled during the mission. Over the years, they have been looking for a suitable double pupil and want to perform a transplant operation on Chi Shi Shi. However, there are double pupils, but they are all Citizens of their own country, they protect the country and their family, in order to protect people to live and work in peace and contentment, how can they bear the eyes of their own national compatriots, so it is delayed again and again.

Now that the spies of other countries have double pupils, there is no need to worry about it, take it, you must take it!Taking the eyes of the spy, restoring the light of the compatriots, and letting the spy give up his eyes can be regarded as atonement for what they have done in China.

Yan Xinglong's eyes were shining brightly. Little Loli was really his lucky god. He caught a hijacker and turned out to be Chongtong, and helped him solve a difficult problem.

Hei Jiu responded firmly, hung up the phone, ran back to the warehouse like a wind, and rushed to the side of the little loli girl, what she saw was the little girl sitting leisurely on her clothes, and the naked man was rolling. Huh.

Looking at the other two hijackers, one was drenched in cold sweat and the other was lying like a dead dog. From the trembling of their muscles, they knew that they felt the gloomy malice and terror from the little loli girl.

"Little classmate, Yan team asked the young classmate to leave the hypnotist as a living mouth, and the other two deal with it at will.

"Well," Le Yun listened so well, she heard their conversation clearly, nodded calmly, and looked at her experiment with a smile: "Don't worry, I'm very kind, I won't kill indiscriminately, This is for me to try the needle, and the other is to test the medicine. There are several kinds of medicines in the medical box that the three of them brought are very interesting. I will use him to test the effect of the medicine. No matter which one is, it will not die. You can take it back and use it as waste. What liver, lungs, heart, blood, platelets, use all that can be used, don't waste it."

The only man who was still sitting was shocked, sweating profusely.

"Uh, good." The leader's back was cold for a while, and she was indeed a terrifying little witch!No wonder the captain repeatedly instructed them not to offend the little loli, that arrogant child.

(End of this chapter)

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