magic eye doctor

Chapter 2817 Light Element Silver Horn Sheep

Chapter 2817 Light Element Silver Horn Sheep

The fish that Xiao Luoli uses to make the braised fish are all big fish with a length of seven or eight meters. After cooking for half a day and overnight, they are ready to eat.

The four beasts and the two handsome men quickly set up tables, chairs, dishes, and rice.

The braised fish was served on a plate, and the little loli moved Zhiren Zhima out of Lingzhi's space to eat a big meal.

It was the first time for Zhima, a native of Zhi, to eat the most authentic braised fish. The peppers used as seasoning were so hot that he was sweating and teary. He was still reluctant to let go and ate with a big plate.

Xuan Shao and Yan Shao thought that Zhima, the Zhiren, was crying because of the hot pepper, and they might run away when they saw hot pepper in the future.

Unexpectedly, the two little ones who were scolded, the first thing they did when they returned to the Lingzhi space was to find pepper seeds, such as Chaotian pepper, millet pepper, colorful pepper, ox horn pepper, and lantern pepper. Plant a piece of it all.

Xuan Shao took care of the spiritual meal in his hand, waited for the latest pot to come out, stopped cooking, and packed the household belongings.

Little Lolita made two pots of spiritual meals and waited a day and a night before they were ready. She stored all the prepared delicacies, tidied them up, and rested for a day with her friends.

Replenish your energy and recharge your spirits. The next morning, the two young masters and the four beasts entered the spirit boat. Little Loli shrunk the spirit boat down to the size of a palm and held it in her hand.

She walked to the barrier by herself, silently calculated the thickness of the barrier, and then lifted her foot, and then she disappeared from the secret realm.

Xuan Shaoyan could see very clearly that when little Lolita raised her foot and took a step forward, they were all blinded by white light just like when they stepped into the teleportation array that entered the dark world.

When the eyes are white, at the same time, it is the feeling that the soul is being pulled by some force to pull it out of the body.

The soul's separation and the blinding white light lasted for an extremely long time, which made the two of them dizzy, feeling extremely uncomfortable as if they had concussion after being hit with a stuffed stick.

The four human-shaped beasts were not much better, as if they were swung in the air countless times, their brains almost turned into water, shaking violently.

In the feeling of the two masters and the beasts, the time was stretched, but in fact, Le Xiaoluoli moved out of the enchantment directly with the teleportation technique.

Beyond the barrier are clouds.

The huge white clouds piled up layer upon layer, and even Mahayana monks' eyesight was affected, and their eyesight could reach five miles away at most.

Le Yun has a pair of external eyes, and her visual range is wider than others, and her vision is limited to twenty miles, while she is about eight miles away from the enchantment.

There are many twelfth and eleventh-order monsters lurking in the clouds.

The nearest big monster is about ten miles away from the enchantment. It has a body like a sheep, but it has an oxtail.

That monster, Yunlan called it "Silver Horn Sheep".

The name is very down-to-earth and common, but its attributes are relatively rare. It is a rare monster of the light system. The Silver Horn Sheep has always claimed that its ancestors are the mixed descendants of the unicorn, the divine beast of light.

The Silver Horn Sheep is the great monster of the late stage of the twelfth stage Dzogchen, which is equivalent to the late stage of the Dzogchen of the human race.

It is probably because its force value is relatively high, it is the closest to the barrier, and other monsters are dormant in the clouds ten miles away from it.

And the silver-horned sheep lurking in the cloud, when there was a little more aura fluctuating in the cloud, moved its horns slightly, and several silver light blades flew out of its head, and shot towards the place where the human race stood.

Le Yun, who had just moved out of the barrier, hadn't seen clearly what the other monsters were, and felt the danger, so she moved away immediately.

As soon as she moved away, the silver light blade fell on the place where she was standing before. The silver light spread out, dazzling and dazzling, instantly melting away a layer of the cloud, and the cloud there became thinner.

Because the silver-horned sheep was right in front of her, Le Yun moved horizontally, about a mile to the left, and just as she moved to a new place, another silver light blade shot towards her.

The Silver Horn Sheep's attack was extremely precise, as if it knew her whereabouts in advance.

It also made Le Yun have to wonder if the silver horn sheep had some kind of innate supernatural power, and he immediately changed positions again, retreating to the side and rear about a mile away.

As soon as she moved to the new place, several silver light blades shot towards them again. At the same time, the silver-horned sheep lurking in the clouds also approached the humans.

The silver light struck again, and Le Yun moved away again, confirming his guess that the silver-horned sheep should have comprehended or was born with a little predictive power, able to predict the opponent's movement trajectory in advance.

The other monsters lurking in the clouds did not come to besiege, indicating that those beasts may have some agreement with the Silver Horn Sheep, or they may not be able to beat the Silver Horn Sheep, and dare/not approach the Silver Horn Sheep without the permission of the Silver Horn Sheep.

The silver light emitted by the Silver Horn sheep one after another also disappeared one after another, only melting a little of the cloud, and not hurting the human race.

The silver-horned sheep got angry, and moved into a cloud that was closer to the human race. It moved its horns, and the four silver-horned sheep emitted silver lights one after another, shooting in different directions, blocking the The front and rear and left and right directions of the human race.

Countless silver lights are dense like raindrops. If they are hit by the light blade, part of the flesh and blood will be melted away.

Le Yun also sensed the power of the silver light blade, and did not dare to meet the silver light head-on. She jumped in all directions and the silver light blade that was rushing over her head, avoiding several attacks.

Avoiding the first wave of silver light blades, looking for the right opportunity, he drilled through the raindrops of silver light blades at a tricky angle, and shook off the dense silver light.

Moving to the clouds about one mile away, Le Yun took the Yuehua Sword and the Vajra Talisman, slapped the Talisman paper on the sword body, and at the same time moved away to avoid a silver blade.

Changing positions again, leaping forward, pointed at the silver-horned beast: "I have always been unwilling to kill, but you took the lead in attacking me, and I have backed down many times. If you block my way again and force me to do it, you will be at your own risk."

"Oh, the little human cub is so loud!" Yinguang failed to hurt the little cub, and the little cub was still brazen. Silver Horn Sheep felt that the little cub made him lose face, so he rushed towards the little cub .

"Little cub, hand over the treasure, and I will spare you! If you don't know what is good or bad, I won't mind eating you!"

It was originally an ordinary sheep-shaped body, but it swelled dozens of times in an instant, turning into a giant beast, like a huge white cloud, covering the sky.

A giant sheep's head rushed towards him, Le Yun grabbed a few more talismans and slapped them on Yuehuajian's body. Not only did he not retreat, he stepped up through the air and swung his sword at the sheep's head.

Originally, the distance between humans and monsters was more than two miles, but the silver-horned sheep showed its dharma body and increased in size.

As the human girl went up to meet them again, the distance was shortened in an instant, and the distance was less than thirty feet.

The Yuehua Sword burst out with a golden light, with a purple halo around it, and as the owner swung it, the imposing and cold blades mercilessly slashed at the Silver Horn Sheep.

Le Yun moved while swinging the sword, dodging the huge suction force in the mouth of the silver-horned sheep, and moved away again when the silver blade issued by it was about to come.

She doesn't have the tendency to be abused, so it doesn't make sense for her to be chased and beaten all the time, while constantly shifting and attacking with a sword.

When the Silver Horn Sheep saw the purple light, he also moved to dodge. Because the distance was too close, although he avoided several sword blades, he was still brushed by the purple light attached to the sword's face and horns.

The silver horn was extremely hard, without any damage, but the purple light broke through the protective aura attached to the surface of the fur, scratched the skin, and cut a hole less than half an inch long.

Its huge body moved a little away, and it could clearly see the purple halo glowing from the sword in the little human cub, and that purple halo made him feel uncomfortable.

His face was torn, which also made him angry: "Little cub is so courageous! This deity must eat you!"

"Whoever eats who is not sure! If you don't stop, this fairy will be angry. I don't mind slaughtering you!" Le Yun swung her sword again and again, slashing at a huge goat's hoof that was kicked down from the air.

The Silver Horn Sheep was afraid of the purple sword light in the hands of the human cubs, and walked on clouds repeatedly, avoiding the sword light that was coming at him.

The human cub was nimble, and his silver light attacks missed every time. The Silver Horn Sheep got angry, and suddenly retracted his body, turning into a human shape, holding a pair of maces, and killed the human cub.

He was tall and handsome in human form, [-] meters long, with silver hair and black pupils, and his silver robe covered with moiré and dark patterns was bright and silky. The two maces in his hands were also silver, three feet nine inches long.

The double mace is his natal weapon, close to a fairy weapon.

Le Yun took a look, heh, the animal form is too bulky, it is fighting in the human form, she despises: "It's just a twelfth-level monster, dare to call itself the deity, the face is so big!
If you don’t want to transform into a human form, your own animal form is clumsy and difficult to use, and you can use our human form instead, so you have the nerve to be cruel, bah, you silver-horned sheep are shameless! "

The Silver Horn Sheep was scolded for being shameless, and was ashamed in front of the other big monsters. She wished she could immediately smash the cub into a pulp, and fiercely brandished her mace to kill it.

"Little cub, this deity caught you, drank your blood, then tore you into pieces and ate you!"

"You are the only lamb who wants to eat this fairy, you haven't woken up yet!" Le Yun is not a vegetarian either, she swung her sword to meet her, chopping and stabbing without any ambiguity.

Silver Horn Sheep has double maces, she only has one sword, and the speed of the sword must be twice that of the opponent to block the attack.

The shadow of the mace and the shadow of the sword are heavy, and the sound of the collision of gold is accompanied by sparks.

The strong wind generated by the collision of the true essence and the collision of the weapons caused the clouds to scatter in all directions, sometimes gathering and sometimes dispersing.

The silver horn sheep wields a pair of maces to smash, block, point, stab, block, block, chop, and uses all kinds of tricks. From time to time, it will take a cold breath to launch a silver light sneak attack, but it is blocked by the cub every time. A sword even aimed at the gap and stabbed him every so often.

"Aren't you a golden core?!" All the attacks were resolved, and the silver horn sheep finally realized that something was wrong, and stared at the little human cub.

"Your eyesight is weak, you can't even see the cultivation of this fairy, so you dare to threaten to eat me." Le Yun shook hands with both hands, swung the sword to block the sweeping mace, the sword deflected and stabbed back.

"You..." Silver Horn Sheep parried his sword away with a mace, his heart beating anxiously: "What is your relationship with that person who entered the secret realm a few hundred thousand years ago?"

"Oh, you're talking about the guy who went in over 90 years ago? No, you're only over 3000 years old. You can't possibly have seen that guy.

Is it the ancestor of your Silver Horn clan, or some orc clan saw that guy entered the secret realm, don't you think that your ancestors have been waiting for that guy to come out for generations? "

"Do you know when that person entered the secret realm? You have seen that person, and when you come out, you can say... that person has become a fairy? Is the glow inside ten years ago the precious light that attracted him?"

The humanoid face of Silver Horn Sheep was full of anger: "Hand over the treasure you found inside! Hand over the treasure, and I will let you go! If you dare to persist in your obsession, you will not be able to walk a thousand miles."

The person who entered the secret realm lived for hundreds of thousands of years without dying. There must be countless heaven and earth spirits for him to practice in the secret realm. He must have found some great opportunity to have the opportunity to directly fly to the immortal.

The little human cub has seen that person, so she must have a rare treasure in her hand.

"There are heaven and earth spirits inside, but it's not what you can imagine. Whoever dares to rob this fairy, whoever dares to kill people to seize treasures, this fairy will let him come and go."

Le Yun fends off a mace with a sword, and pretends that a certain sheep is farting. The sheep is doing robbery, killing people and seizing treasures. Whoever believes in him is a fool.

Besides, even if she is threatened to grow up, she is not afraid.

She is a person from the earth, so she is afraid that a sheep demon will fail?
Even if it is a rare light-type sheep demon, Le Yun is not afraid, who doesn't have a few treasures at the bottom of the box!Besides, even if she had to fight alone, she would not lose, at most it would take some time.

The human cubs refused to eat hard and soft, and the silver horn sheep's patience was exhausted. The black pupils were flowing with silver light, and the pupils turned black and silver again.

A mace weighed heavily on the magic sword of the human race, as heavy as a mountain.

Le Yun also saw the change in the color of the sheep demon's pupils, and guessed that he must have fully activated some kind of talent, for example, he could accurately predict her moving trajectory in advance.

The sword in her hand was so crushed that she couldn't move it, she didn't hesitate, she threw the Yuehua sword into the storage container, grabbed the plum blossom gun instead, pressed a talisman on the barrel of the gun, and stabbed with the gun.

The plum blossom gun was blazing brightly.

The plum blossom gun hit the silver mace little by little, like two giant mountains colliding, the sound was deafening.

During the collision, there was a piercing sound of glass cracking.

The hand of the silver horn sheep holding the mace trembled violently, staring at its natal mace in disbelief. The spear in the hand of the human cub pierced into the silver mace an inch deep, and the silver mace cracked from the stabbed position.

The natal weapon was damaged, and Silver Horn Sheep's heart and lungs were also hit, and his blood surged.

He slammed down the air forcefully, quickly took back the damaged silver mace, took out another mace, and smashed the human cub while it was too late to retract the weapon.

His pupils were blazing silver, capturing the movement of the human race.

Le Yun didn't move, the spear didn't change direction, and continued to stab forward, took out the Zhuxian Lingjian with one hand, and pointed it at the silver horn sheep.

The long-handled mirror shone brightly.

The light from the mirror was so dazzling that the silver pupils of the Silver Horn Sheep could hardly see anything. He instinctively sensed the crisis, abandoned the human cub, and soared into the sky.

But his body just moved, and before he could leave his original position, he was sucked into the strong light by an irresistible huge suction force, and the next moment, he felt as if he had entered a dark space.

(End of this chapter)

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