magic eye doctor

Chapter 2821 Death Threat

Chapter 2821 Death Threat
The Qingxiang tribe and the other tribes living in the same world have been isolated from the outside world for many years. Not to mention them, even the eighteen generations of their ancestors who have counted before them have never dealt with the human race.

This is the first time to do business with the human race, and the Qingxiang family has no experience, so I don't know what resources the human race likes besides the jade-colored demon elephant tusks and purple spiritual fruits.

The Qingxiang clan expressed their embarrassment, and finally the head of the elephant clan called the big monsters to discuss countermeasures.

Elephants are more powerful, and the big monsters of the elephant clan have offered advice one after another. After working together, a large number of resource lists have been compiled, and then collected separately.

As a result, the members of the Qingxiang family got busy, and the baby elephants were either busy collecting or sorting out existing resources.

The Qingxiang Clan went to collect supplies for their family, Le Xiaoluoli calmly moved the spirit boat that was traveling at a speed of [-] miles from the spirit boat that was traveling at a speed of [-] miles to the meadow, put it away, and put it away at a speed of [-] miles A spirit boat inside.

She also didn't carry out the spirit boat that spanned hundreds of millions of miles to chat with the two handsome men, and ran away like a wind and wind, continuing to dig spiritual plants and medicinal plants.

Young Master Yan and Young Master Xuan, although they didn't quite understand why Little Lolita brought them back to the spirit boat, they stayed on the spirit boat for a while and watched the negotiation between Little Lolita and the Qingxiang clan from a distance.

When the little loli reached an exchange agreement with the Qingxiang clan, the two young masters were still at a loss. Not only was the little loli not picky about the resources and she didn't think the weight was too light, she also offered to make a deal.

Little Lolita slipped away again, Yan Xing asked Xuan Shao: "Did you see the fruit that little Lolita mentioned?"

"I didn't see it." Xuan Shao was also a little curious about what kind of fruit deserves the attention of little Lolita, but unfortunately, they were not at the scene, so they didn't see exactly what kind of spiritual fruit there was.

"Oh, it would have been nice if I had released my consciousness at that time." Yan Xing was a little annoyed, and it was really uncomfortable to feel like this kind of scratching his heart and lungs.

The four humanoid beasts who got into the spirit beast bag found that the little fairy had gone to collect spirit plants again, so they got out one after another and ran outside.

Shui Dun also gave his contractor a blank look: "Brother Yan, why are you so stubborn, you want to know what kind of spiritual fruit it is, and when the little fairy trades with Qingxiang again, you will follow the little fairy to see it. No matter how bad it is, you can ask Little Fairy directly when she comes back at night."

The brainless Yan Xing: "..." These days, contracted beasts are too difficult to bring along!

He was crushed by the little Lolita's IQ, he admitted.

Now he is still being questioned about his IQ by his contract partner, which... makes him wonder if his brain is rusted.

Young Master Yan, with self-doubt, silently followed his friends, jumped out of the spirit boat, and rushed into the meadow to continue collecting plants. Whether his head is rusted or not will be discussed later, digging plants is the most important thing now.

Xuan Shao was afraid that his contract partners would also say that he was dead-headed, so he never mentioned the spiritual fruit again, and worked diligently with his friends to collect spiritual plants.

In order to collect plateau prairie plants, little Lolita spread her consciousness, first to find rarer and older plants, and then dig them.

She didn't touch the young plants, but she wiped out the flowers and buds of the plants.

Where the little loli passed by, a large number of plants and trees were bald, leaving only some sparse or sporadic flowers in the area where the plants were not harmed.

The temperature difference on the plateau is related to the sunshine. The temperature is low in the morning and evening, and high in the daytime. The temperature starts to rise when the sun rises, reaches the highest temperature in the day at noon, and then slowly decreases as the sun goes west.

In the evening, the temperature dropped, as if it was as cold as the beginning of spring and the end of autumn.

Creatures on the plateau have adapted to the plateau environment and are naturally not afraid of the cold, but creatures in the animal kingdom inherently know that night is the most dangerous. Many types of animals maintain the tradition of gathering together at night to defend against enemies.

On the Great Plains in the evening, many animals began to gather, and the scene was very spectacular.

Little Lolita wasn't greedy either, so she called it a day and returned to the spirit boat.

She was fast, and when she returned to the spirit boat, the handsome guys hadn't returned yet. She activated the phantom array of the spirit boat, entered the wishful room, and first sorted out the moon soul fruit she got from Qingxiang.

The Qingxiang family doesn't understand the preciousness of the moon soul fruit. The picked fruit is stored like other spirit fruits, and a lot of its spiritual energy has been lost, and some of them are only half effective.

The effect of the spirit fruit was discounted, but the quantity couldn't stand it, so the Qingxiang family gave a small pile, more than 700.

The fruit of Moon Soul Fruit is relatively small, about the size of a ping-pong ball. The shape of the fruit is similar to that of a mangosteen, and the flesh is similar to that of a mature mangosteen.

A moon soul fruit has only one core, the core is like a cone of millet, a typical radish and a pit.

The moon soul fruit tree is also divided into male and female. The fruit core of the male tree does not have the ability to reproduce, and it will not take root and germinate after planting. The fruit core of the female tree only has the germ.

Le Yun sorted out the Moon Soul Fruits in batches quickly, and put them into boxes in batches according to the intensity of the medicinal effect and aura. The boxes were also opened separately and labeled for easy searching.

She had just assembled the Moon Soul Fruit, and only a short while later, the two handsome men and four beasts spun into the spirit boat like wind, and plunged into the wishful room where the handsome men used as living room.

The four beasts squeezed close to the little fairy, and handed in the harvest of the day in a hurry. It was impossible for them to hide anything, and Baijiao couldn't do it.

Le Yun smiled and accepted the harvest of the beasts, and gave each of them a cloth bag.

The four humanoid beasts got a bag of fragrant fruit shells, "Aooooo" cheered and ran to one side of the table, holding the pockets and knocking the shells.

Xuan Shao and Yan Shao: "..."

There are four beasts around, and it will never be their turn to perform, and they are losers in arguing for favor.

The loser, Xuan Shao, sat down next to his contract beast, grabbed a handful of shells from Baiyin's pocket next to him, and happily knocked on them.

Baiyin closed his pockets with a shocked face: "Brother Xuan, you... actually robbed your beasts of snacks?"

"This is not called grabbing, this is called sharing. Now you share with me a little, and I will share with you if I have something good." Young Master Xuan didn't blush or breathe, and he wasn't shy at all.

Baiyin glanced at her brother, then swished away, away from a certain brother.

Yingsheng was worried that Brother Xuan would stare at his followers, so he also swished away, keeping the two away from the contractor, so as to avoid his claws.

So, Xuan Shao successfully moved forward, squeezed to the side of little Lolita, and even divided two of the shells he grabbed from Baiyin for little Lolita.

He knocked one by himself and smiled brightly: "I found that the snacks shared by my friends are more delicious."

Baiyin was so frightened that he immediately cast his eyes on the little fairy and sent out a distress signal: "Little fairy, Brother Xuan has evil thoughts of stealing snacks from the beasts. It's very dangerous. Please wake him up quickly. He makes mistakes."

"He robs you of snacks, you can beat him up, you two, two against one, he can't beat you." Le Yun didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement.

"Brother has delicate skin and tender flesh, it doesn't look like he can take a beating." Baiyin sighed dejectedly, beatings are not allowed, after all Brother Xuan is a master chef, if you beat him up, he will give up and quit What should I do if I have a spiritual meal?

"My child hurts me, my brother belongs to me, so I am reluctant to do it, right?" Le Yun looked at Bai Yin and smiled meaningfully.

Baiyin nodded, that's right, no one would be willing to beat up his own contractor.

Xuan Shao smiled happily, look, his own beasts still love his own people.

Xuan Shao looked as if his life was consummated, and Yan Xing almost couldn't stand it any longer, why would that bastard snatch snacks from his little beast friend.

He's not stupid, so it's not appropriate to pour cold water on people at this time, just pretending that Xuan Shao's proud look of being a villain is invisible, and asked the little loli in a gentle voice: "Little loli, you pointed out the spiritual fruit tree you want to the Qingxiang clan." , isn’t it rarer?”

"Of course, I can find ordinary spiritual fruit trees by myself, so there is no need to exchange them with the elephant clan." Le Yun replied naturally.

Yan Xing choked for a moment, what he actually wanted to ask was what kind of spiritual fruit tree it was, and of course Little Lolita's answer was fine.

Handsome Yan hesitated to speak, Le Yun didn't get used to his bad habit, didn't take the initiative to ask him what he wanted to say, got up and went about his own business.

She went out of the wishful house, placed two wooden blocks on the bow of the spirit boat, put a brand new thick wooden board as a chopping board, and placed two tall wooden blocks not far away, and put a few night pearls on a The flying sword floats in the air and acts as a lighting lamp.

After finishing the first process, little Loli transferred the long-eared bear into a large gray net and imprisoned it. The large net was hung on a wooden pier, and the array holding the vajra ape and two tigers and leopards The dish was also placed on a wooden pier.

Little Lolita/Little Fairy went to the bow of the spirit boat and spread out the tools as if she was going to work. The two young masters and the beasts also ran to the bow, waiting to be handymen. When she saw that she was going to catch a few big monsters and throw them on the wooden plinth, All at a loss.

The long-eared bear in the big gray net, the vajra ape and tiger leopard trapped in the array, their true essence and consciousness were also sealed. When they saw the light, they all looked over and saw a certain ferocious creature. Human cubs.

As for the other two humans and the four little monsters, the big monsters just ignored them and just stared at the little human cub, wishing they could tear her apart, their eyes extremely angry.

Le Yun didn't care what the five monsters were thinking, she just threw them there, and threw out two magic swords, and then took out the dead silver-horned sheep, tied their hind legs, and hung them on the On the flying sword.

Silverhorn sheep are hung upside down, about to become meat on a chopping board.

Now, Shao Yan, Xuan Shao and Dao Xiaoluoli are going to deal with the sheep demon, and, depending on the posture, she wants to kill the sheep to warn the monkey while others kill the chicken to warn the monkey.

The long-eared bear, Vajra ape, tiger and leopard also understood, became even angrier, and howled angrily.

Their anger, in the eyes of the handsome guy and the four humanoid beasts, is "impotent anger", and no one cares about them.

Little Loli hung the silver horn sheep properly, adjusted the height, took the plum blossom gun as a knife, and used the sharp point of the gun to cut the skin on the silver horn sheep's neck, peeled a small hole, and killed the sheep to let the blood out.

Blood is the material for making talismans, and it is collected on jade altars.

Such a big Silverhorn sheep only collected a small jar of blood. Speaking of it, the blood volume of a monster beast is not as much as that of ordinary beast sheep.

Little Loli spread another tarp on the ground, and then flew into the air to peel the sheep.

The skinning of monsters starts from the hind legs like skinning a sheep.

The little loli thinks the traditional method is too slow, so she peels a hole in the leg of the lamb, and then uses the air-blowing method to pour the wind into the sheep's skin. separate.

First, the leg of lamb swelled up, and then the whole lamb swelled into a ball. When the wind flowed to the bloodletting hole on the neck, a breakthrough was made and the air leaked.

The sheepskin was separated from the body, and then a cut was made on the belly of the sheep from tail to head, a circle was cut around the hooves of the four lamb legs, and a cut was made on the inside of the legs, and the whole sheepskin was easily peeled off.

It takes more than ten minutes for an experienced butcher to skin a mutton sheep, but it takes less than five minutes for a little loli to skin a twelfth-order sheep monster.

The peeled silverhorn sheep's skin was clean and without any damage.

Sheepskin and wool are the materials for refining vestments, storage bags, or rune papers used to refine runes.

Le Yun put away the sheepskin first, then took a big bucket and put it in place, first cut off the sheep's head and put it on the chopping board, quickly decomposed the sheep's head, and peeled off the horns.

One of the most precious materials in the whole body of the light system silver horn sheep is its horn and inner alchemy, and the others are slightly less.

Little Lolita was also rare for goat horns, so she broke off the goat's head shell, took out the four goat horns intact, and sealed them with a big jade box.

After extracting the horns, dissect the body of the sheep, remove the viscera separately, find the inner alchemy, peel them out, put them in a box, seal them and store them first, and then divide the meat, bones and tendons.

The little Lolita worked fiercely in one meal, dividing the tendons and meat, big bones, and ribs clearly, and then divided the meat one by one, cut into small pieces or strips, and put them into fresh-keeping jade boxes.

Human monks, whether they have families, sects, or casual cultivators, have learned how to deal with monsters and how to tap the value of monsters when they embarked on the road of practice.

Therefore, it is not surprising that monks start out as Paodingjieniu.

However, the wicked and smoldering little Lolita not only performed the knife herself, she also explained how to decompose the sheep monster while working, and explained which parts of the meat are suitable for braised, steamed, hot pot, or iron. Pot, grill and spicy.

She talked non-stop, and her cooking methods were so diverse that she could compile a book, and the name was "One Hundred and Eight Ways to Eat Mutton".

The four humanoid beasts and the two handsome men listened with gusto, and the four beasts stared at the meat of the Silver Horn sheep, swallowing while listening.

Long-eared bears, King Kong apes, and tigers and leopards became more and more frightened as they listened. The human cubs were proficient in eating silver horn sheep, and they must also be proficient in eating other monster meat. Will it be their turn next?

The silver horn sheep are dead, they are dead anyway, it doesn't matter if they are cut up and eaten, they are still alive!

Wouldn't the human cubs be skinned, cramp, boned and cut up while they were alive?
Seeing the little human cubs cutting up the silver-horned goats one by one with a weapon, the beasts subconsciously took the place of the silver-horned goats.

Every time I think of the picture of myself being bloodletted and skinned alive, and my flesh is cut with knives, even if I am a monster of the twelfth rank, I can't help but feel terrified.

Little Lolita moved quickly, grasping the plum blossom spear in her hand like a scalpel, and danced vigorously. In less than half an hour, a twelfth-level monster was arranged clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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