magic eye doctor

Chapter 2828 The Flower Fairy Woke Up

Chapter 2828 The Flower Fairy Woke Up

The light of the golden aura is so bright and dazzling, not to mention the big monsters in the distance are only envious, and even the gray elephants in the grassland across the river are only envious and jealous.

The Gray Elephant Clan in the prairie knew that some people had entered the Qingxiang Clan next door. They thought there would be a big war, but for some unknown reason, the Human Clan and the Cyan Elephant Clan seemed to shake hands and make peace, and the Human Clan still lived in the Qingxiang Clan's territory.

Two male cultivators in the human race were promoted in the territory of the Qingxiang clan, and the Qingxiang clan had the opportunity to share the divine aura.

The Gray Elephant Clan in the prairie is envious of the good luck of the Green Elephant Clan. The Green Elephant Clan will definitely benefit a lot from such a rich spiritual energy flower rain, especially if the baby elephants get the god-sent spiritual energy, it will be the most beneficial to their cultivation.

The Green Elephant Clan has indeed benefited a lot. There are more than [-] baby elephants born of low-level monster beasts who have not developed their spiritual wisdom. When they grow up, they are also beasts.

Dozens of baby elephants below Nascent Soul were also promoted one after another.

Even if the high-level monsters have not advanced, there are quite a few elephants who have broken through the small realm. They entered the middle stage from the early stage of a certain stage, or entered the late stage from the middle stage. Dzogchen.

After the big monsters of the Elephant Clan protected the little elephants and promoted them, they urged the little elephants to consolidate their cultivation, and they were very excited. This time, the Qingxiang Clan made a lot of money!
The heaven-sent aura flower rain lasted for about a stick of incense, and the number of golden petals changed from more to less, and then the petals and golden light disappeared.

The sky is as blue as washing, and the white clouds are like cotton.

The mountains in the plain are undulating, with green mountains and green waters, and a hundred flowers blooming.

Those low-level little monsters and wild beasts that were too frightened to move by Lei Wei suddenly became active again, and the beautiful plain was full of vitality again.

The aura flower rain is gone, and Xuan Shao and Yan Shao are still in the process of cultivation.

The contracted beasts of the two young masters who have just contracted are also conscientiously guarding the side, protecting the law for the contractors.

The head of the Qingxiang clan originally wanted to express his gratitude to the human race, but seeing that the two human races were still feeling comprehension, in order not to disturb them, he took the elephant clan back to the jungle first.

As soon as the divine aura dissipated, Le Yun sent Xiao Huihui and Dan Baobao back to the star core space, so that they could study the flower elves in their free time.

Zhiman Zhima and the four humanoid beasts finished their practice one after another, and crowded around the little fairy to watch Xiaohuajing.

Even Hanmei Turui was curious, standing in her nest, staring at the little flower spirit lying in the jade box.

The little flower spirit is waking up!

The flower elf used to have no breathing or heartbeat, like a statue, but now it is alive, with heartbeat and breathing, and its wings as thin as cicada's wings tremble gently with the breath.

The little creature the size of a thumb curled up like a tired little bee that could finally rest. It was a small ball, which was very cute.

Perhaps the gazes of humans and beasts were too hot, and the sleeping flower elves also sensed that passion, and slowly opened their eyes.

Xiaohuajing's eyes are also black and white, except for the extra wings, the overall look is a shrunken version of the human race.

"Wake up, wake up!"

"Ah, finally woke up!"

"Little fairy, the flower spirit has woken up!"

The four humanoid beasts and Zhiman Zhima screamed excitedly.

The little flower spirit who just opened her eyes was startled by the sound, spread her wings, jumped up and floated in the air, ran to a safe place, and then looked at it curiously.

Seeing a creature other than a beast for the first time, Xiao Huajing was amazed, flapped her small wings and flew around in front of the human-shaped beasts, people, and Chihuahuas a few times, and then stopped in front of the human race.

"Yeah, I like you very much, although your aura is different from other creatures, it's strange, why is your aura different from theirs?"

A small humanoid flower spirit with wings, a pair of black and white eyes full of confusion.

The non-human and non-beast Hanmei spit pistil hairpin was completely ignored.

Hairpin doesn't care either, he's just a spectator.

The four human-shaped beasts and the Zhiman Zhima spent all their time admiring the little flower essence, letting it fly in the air, until the little flower essence spoke, and then smiled like an old father.

"Because the little fairy is a human race, you have seen the beast race, you have seen the wood race, you can tell the difference between the beast race and the wood race, and you have never seen a human race, so it is naturally strange."

"You have a good eye, and you know that little fairies are the most reliable."

"Do you know the place where you grew up? That place is called Yaoguang Palace. Now you have left Yaoguang Palace..."

"Little Huajing, let me tell you about your situation. You must have had too much fun, ran too far and couldn't find your way home, and fell into a deep sleep outside..."

Beasts, you say a word to each other, and then give Xiaohuajing a popular science, and tell her how she left the Yaoguang Palace and how she turned to the little fairy besides the beasts and woods.

Zhima also specifically said that the little fairy was worried that the spirit of the little flower essence would be too far away from the body and would never wake up. She had already found the body plant of the little flower essence and transplanted it in the spirit planting space of the little fairy. Go back to the place where she grew up, and send her back to the Yaoguang Palace when she returns to the Northern Continent.

Xiao Huajing listened to popular science, and ran to the top of Chihuahua's head after listening to it. She really wanted to play on the heads of the little human fairy and a certain wood-type monster, but the aura of the human fairy and the wood-type monster was too strong. Although she likes it, she is also in awe, not daring to act wildly.

Chiwa has a low level of cultivation and a peaceful breath. She eats the little flower essence that is soft and fears hard, and bullies the honest beast decisively.

Ganoderma lucidum is also a plant, Xiaozhi people don't reject the little flower essence, so naturally they don't mind that flower essence playing on their heads.

After listening to the incident, Xiaohuajing jumped on Xiaozhi's head: "I'm not going back, my hometown is not fun, I want to be with you."

The beasts have only one idea: this is a playful little flower spirit, it's a real hit!
"Following us can't just play, those who want to work, whoever is good at whatever they do, the transformed beasts hunt and gather, fight to protect their partners, the wood-type Chihuahua has no combat power, and is responsible for planting and collecting spiritual plants.

You want to follow the little fairy, and you can't let the little fairy raise you for nothing. The specialty of the flower elves should be picking pollen to make flower wine. Can you pick nectar and make honey? "

The gourd baby poured a basin of cold water on it, and the ugly words had to be said first, it didn't make sense for the little fairy to save the little Huajing, and she wanted the little fairy to raise a little oil bottle that only eats and doesn't work.

The little flower spirit flapped its wings and jumped up and down happily: "Yes, yes, I will, we flower spirits are born to gather nectar, and the nectar brewed by flower spirits is the best nectar in the world."

The little flower essence can make nectar, so it’s okay to leave it alone, first observe and observe, and once you find that her words are not true or not a kind flower essence, when you go back, you will pass through the Luminous Palace and send her back to the place where she grew up to fend for herself.

Le Yun beckons to summon her own Lingzhi space, and is going to send Xiao Huajing to the Lingzhi space to see its body.

The tree-shaped spiritual planting space was summoned, pulled up from the ground, and flew towards the spirit boat. On the way to the enclave, its size continued to shrink, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a small tree ten feet tall.

The two small trees flew back to the bow of the spirit boat, landed on the deck, and were nailed there again, standing upright like two little guards.

Recalling the spiritual planting space, Le Yun was about to bring the beast and three little creatures into the coniferous tree spiritual planting space, when his face suddenly became strange——the coniferous tree spiritual planting space expanded!
Probably due to the absorption of the power of the sky thunder, the empty planting space in the coniferous tree expanded a circle with the original site as the center point, and the radius of the circle was a hundred miles.

The surface of the newly added circular circle is the same as the original surface layer of the conifer tree spiritual planting space. It is a hard rocky ground, and it also makes the land filled with soil look like a highland.

A question mark popped up in Le Yun's mind, followed by an exclamation point. So Lei Jie has this kind of benefit!
Lingzhi space cut off a thunderstorm and was able to expand its territory. Where can such a good thing be found?
There was no thunder calamity when the two Lingzhi spaces were born. Presumably, God withheld the thunder calamity in order not to infuse the spiritual plant space with the mighty power of heaven and earth.

She checked the spirit planting space of the round leaf tree again. The round leaf tree only picked up a little bit of thunder, and the amount of thunder absorbed was very small, and the interior did not expand.

This also shows that the great power of heaven and earth required for the expansion of Lingzhi's space is huge.

After all, Young Master Yan's Thunder Tribulation is a super-standard Thunder Tribulation, and the conifer tree spirit planting space has absorbed a large amount of the power of the sky thunder, so that it can expand.

Suddenly, Le Yun came up with an idea. In order to expand the space of Lingzhi, he could consider intercepting the Mahayana-level thunder tribulation of people and beasts!

If it is unrealistic to help people and beasts to inherit the thunder calamity, there is another way - go to Leizhou, the thunder in the middle and inner circle of Leizhou is dense, let the Lingzhi space be struck by thunder for a year or two, the area may be uncertain It can be expanded by one or two times.

An idea is an idea, whether it works or not will be discussed later.

Le Yun put aside the thoughts in her heart, and brought four humanoid beasts, three little creatures, and Hanmei Turui hairpin into the space of Coniferous Spirit Plants.

A group of friends appeared in the field of chrysanthemums.

As soon as the environment changed, Xiao Huajing immediately knew where her body was. With a cheer of "Wow", she took off from the top of Chihuahua's head, and flew to dance on the body plant.

The spring chrysanthemums and summer chrysanthemums in the Compositae plants in Lingzhi Space have passed the flowering period, and the autumn chrysanthemums have not yet reached the flowering time, and many of them have flower buds. The main plant of Xiaohuajing has no flower buds and still only has leaves.

A cluster of chrysanthemum leaves stand upright, lush and green.

Back to the main plant, the little flower essence rolled on this leaf and rolled on that leaf, happy and satisfied.

The spirit plants in the spirit plant space are full of vitality and aura, and the beasts spread out to see their favorite spirit plants, running wild all over the place.

Le Yun sent the hairpin back to Ruyi House, and went out by herself first, and flew to the Tongtian River that divided the plain in two in a spiritual boat, and stopped on the meadow not far from the river.

After finding a new foothold, she swiftly took the four humanoid beasts out of the Lingzhi space, and sent them to work to collect them. Zhihua and Xiaohuajing still stayed in the Lingzhi space, so that it was convenient for Zhihuahua and Xiaohuajing to get familiar with them. Bad environment.

The four beasts who were transferred out of the spiritual plant space happily flew to Caodianzi to collect spiritual plants and medicinal plants without saying a word.

(End of this chapter)

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