magic eye doctor

Chapter 2830

Chapter 2830
My new buddy went to play with his companions. There were no light bulbs in the way. Young and old Yan was happy, and he followed the little girl like a shadow, chatting non-stop while digging plants.

He is basically looking for something to say, talking nonsense.

People describe a woman as "three hundred ducks" when she chatters endlessly. Yan is even worse than that, as lively as six hundred ducks, and her head will buzz when she listens too much.

It’s just classmate Le Xiao who is very patient, so she can control her little hands and seal Yan’s mouth with tape, but she can’t help wanting to kick Yan into the big river N times to take a cold bath to wake up brain.

She was tormented by the sound of three clocks abruptly, and finally passed noon when her ears were almost callused, and she hurriedly called it a day.

Yan Shao also followed step by step, entered Xuan Shao's magic circle mask, and started boo boo again.

Young Master Xuan looked at Little Lolita: "Little beauty, Young Master he too excited?"

He seriously suspected that Yan Shao was struck dumb by lightning, or because he was struck by lightning once, he had a demon and was controlled by the demon.

"He didn't change the core, and he didn't have his home taken away. The previous thunder disaster was too powerful, and his IQ was so frightened that he ran away from home." Le Yun understood Xuan Shao's hidden meaning. Yan was relatively cold and arrogant before. Miao Miao turned into a chattering middle school sophomore, and looked like a different person. Xuan Shao suspected that it was a normal reaction for him to be taken away.

"Little Lolita, don't always turn the corner and call me stupid." Yan Xing turned his head angrily when he heard Little Lolita say that he ran away from home with an IQ.

"I didn't say you were stupid, I meant that your IQ ran away from home, and if you keep nagging, you may even run away from home with your brain." Le Yun was not afraid that someone Yan would jump in anger and walked away Xuan Shao placed the stove about ten feet away.

She only put a large stove, and then put a medium-sized oven, and stuffed a lot of anthracite coal into the large stove.

"I don't have it, my brain is there." Yan Xing muttered dissatisfiedly, ran to the side of little Lolita, summoned a flame and ignited the anthracite coal in the large stove.

"The one on your neck is called the head. Having a head doesn't mean you have a brain." Le Yun rolled her eyes, and then took out a long case, a round baking tray, condiments and small tools.

The tools are complete, take a small brush and brush the baking pan with olive oil.

"You will bury me, I suspect that I offended you somewhere." Yan Xing grumbled, and also took a small brush to grease the baking pan.

"You can think whatever you like, just a little bit, and if you babble endlessly and let your saliva splash on the kitchen utensils, you won't have to eat dinner tonight." Big one.

Yan Xing wanted to protest, but he chose to keep his mouth shut in order not to deduct his share for dinner.

Xuan Shao smiled and quickly lifted his waist, dropped the fish that was being fried, ran to the little loli, and wandered curiously: "Little beauty, what are you going to roast? Roast chicken or roast rabbit?"

"I don't roast meat, let's make a soup." Someone from You Yan helped grease the baking pan, Le Yun didn't brush the plate again, and took out a few big pumpkins and put them in a large round baking pan that was greased.

The pumpkin is flat and round, the size of a large millstone. Chihuahua has already peeled off the skin of the pumpkin, made a circle around the flower base and dug holes, hollowing out the seeds and pulp.

The pumpkin, which is bigger than a cart wheel, is yellow and very beautiful.

"Oven stew soup? Pumpkin soup?" Xuan Shao was very surprised when he saw the big pumpkin sitting on the baking tray. Did the little loli want to use the pumpkin as a pot to cook the soup?

The answer is self-evident, Le Yun didn't answer yes or no again, threw the ingredients into the pumpkin, put the lean meat strips cut into net flowers, shrimp, isinglass, abalone meat, sea cucumber cut into strips, and then Release Lingzhi.

When Handsome Yan finishes brushing the dishes, ask him to brush the pumpkin with oil as well.

Yan Shao was so happy to "paint" the pumpkin as if he were painting and coloring a work of art.

There were twenty pumpkins in total, and all the raw materials and ingredients were placed. Le Xiaoluoli took fresh milk and poured it in. Finally, she sprinkled a handful of salt, and covered the top of the pumpkin with a piece of pork belly, covering the hole tightly.

Liang Junshao: "..." It feels like they have gained new insights.

The temperature in the oven is not enough, the pumpkin has not been put into the oven for the time being, little loli takes out a large pot of shrimp, and skewers the shrimp with a special bamboo skewer.

The prawns are only over [-] centimeters long, soaked in a special soup, and the sundries in the intestines have been vomited, so there is no need to pick the prawn threads.

Xuan Shao ran back to fish out the fried fish, then put some into it for frying, and then wandered over to the little loli.

Young Master Yan can also do the process of skewering shrimp, he just sits skewering shrimp without turning on the fire.

Le Yun waited until the temperature in the oven was high enough, then put the pumpkin into the oven, closed the door, and roasted it on high heat for an hour, then changed to low heat.

After two hours, open the oven door and change the position of the baking tray, the lowest layer of baking tray is replaced by the middle layer, and the middle layer of baking tray is replaced by the bottom room.

Little Lolita turned on the oven, and the two young men squeezed to the side and stretched their necks to watch. Because there was soup inside, even after being roasted by a fierce fire, the surface was not burnt, but it became a little wilted and slightly wrinkled due to a large amount of water loss.

The pork belly pieces on the top of the pumpkin are also roasted so that oil is coming out, and because there is soup in the belly of the pumpkin, the water vapor washes over the pork belly, so the surface is roasted fragrant, and it is still cooked but not burnt.

The mouth of the pumpkin was tightly covered, and no aroma escaped. The two young masters did not smell the aroma of soup, only the aroma of pumpkin and barbecue.

As a result, the two became more curious about pumpkin soup, like a cat scratching their hearts.

Little Lolita won't satisfy people's curiosity, so she opens the lid of the soup bowl halfway, closes the door ruthlessly, and waits for two hours before changing the seat of the baking tray.

Xuan Shao fried the fish in the middle of the morning, and finished frying the fish in the middle of the afternoon. He was about to change the pot to make braised fish, but the little loli ran to occupy the pot with a smile, and fried shrimp skewers.

The skewered shrimp skewers are rolled in the prepared batter, coated with a layer of batter, and then thrown into the oil pan for frying. After the pan is out of the pan, add some sweet sauce or chili sauce. The skin is crispy and crispy, and the shrimp meat inside Fresh and tender, delicious to burst.

The near-water tower first gets the moon, the little loli is frying shrimp, and Xuan Shaoyan is eating a bunch of shrimp with his left hand and his right hand, and can't stop eating.

They were reluctant to leave, but Little Lolita didn't spoil them, she only allowed them to eat four skewers each, and then drove them away ruthlessly, refusing the two foodies to approach.

The number of shrimp skewers is limited, and they are fried in less than two minutes.

Little Loli put away the last batch of drained shrimp skewers, moved the oil pan aside to let it cool down, put another large pot, threw ten whole lambs and a pile of seasonings into the pot, and covered the pot , done.

Young Master Yan worked as a pyrotechnician conscientiously.

Xuan Shao happily cooked the spiritual meal, but it hurt the carnivorous beasts around him. The aroma penetrated the beast's nose, but he could smell it but couldn't eat it, not to mention the pain.

The herbivorous monsters are better, they are greedy for the aroma, and they are satisfied with absorbing the aroma, while the carnivorous monsters smell the aura of meat, and they feel restless.

The four human-shaped beasts were so happy that they swept the plants on the meadow like a storm, and when the sun set, they returned in a hurry.

The three big monsters of the twelfth rank were not too far away from the contractor's other contracted beasts. Seeing that the little beasts had finished their work, the three of them also retreated.

The two beasts returned to the outside of the formation mask with a time difference of less than a hundred breaths, and entered the formation one after another.

Young Master Yan set up a large round table with twenty seats, and before dinner was served, he and Young Master Xuan went to the public food warehouse to replenish ingredients.

The public food warehouse used to be pre-stored by head. Yan Shao newly contracted two beasts, and Xuan Shao newly contracted one. Their beast companions will naturally belong to them, and they need to supplement the ingredients for the public.

Xuan Shao took out an ingredient from his private collection and added it to the public ingredient warehouse, and Yan Shao handed over two additional ingredients, and the public ingredient warehouse is quite abundant.

After filling up the ingredients, the two major generals and beast friends gathered together and introduced them to let them know each other.

Three big monsters of the twelfth rank held their aura well, docile and humble.

The four human-shaped beasts were not seen, Yingsheng and Baiyin turned into animal shapes, one left and one right jumped onto Yuanda's shoulders, becoming younger brothers.

"Brother Yuan, our cultivation base is low, and we will count on you to protect Brother Xuan in future fights." The two are very self-aware, and neither of them has the intention of being the big brother.

"It's easy to say, easy to say." Yuan Da was very high-spirited, patting his chest so that the ground shook.

Over there, Baiyin Yingsheng and Yuanda met, but Shui Dun was entangled, Brother Yan had made two new partners, could it be possible to divide him in half?

In the end, he didn't tear himself in two, his arms grew, and he put one arm around the Vajra Ape and the other on the long-eared bear, with a look of envy on his face: "Brother Ape, Brother Xiong, the three of us are Brother Yan's little friends, fighting in the sky and on the ground. The important matters of resources are entrusted to you, and the work of planting is mine, and I can also make spiritual food after being promoted to the fairy queen, and I take care of the cooking."

Long-eared bear and Yuan Er had no objection, and slapped their chests loudly.

The long-eared bear has a name, called Bear Mountain.

"Ah, Shui Dun, you are really smart, you understand your own strengths very well, and you made the arrangements so quickly." Xuan Shao laughed.

"That's right, I've been with Little Fairy for so many years, I'm sober, Brother Yan, he is a little expert in frying the kitchen, it's impossible to make spiritual meals, I can only do it." Shui Dun proudly Extremely.

"Your brother Xiong and your brother ape may also have the potential to be a spiritual meal." Xuan Shao poured cold water on them.

Shui Dun turned his head and asked, "Brother Yuan, Brother Xiong, what are your attributes?"

"Wind and fire attributes, wind is dominant, and fire attributes are weak."

"Earth property."

Long-eared bear and ape two declared their attributes.

Neither attribute is a chef's material.

Shui Dun sighed: "Fortunately, Brother Yan still has me as a little friend, otherwise a group of little friends are either wind, fire, or some kind of golden thunder earth attribute, none of them are suitable for cooking, and if they want to eat delicious food in the future, they can only drink northwest wind. "

"Damn, I don't have friends who are suitable for cooking. If I want to eat in the future, I can only stare at a pile of ingredients to quench my thirst. Fortunately, I can cook, and my friends are not afraid of starving." Xuan Shao felt the same way.

Yan Xing, a young expert in the frying kitchen, was so overwhelmed that he asked, "Xuan Shao, what is the attribute of your ape?"

"Fire attribute." Xuan Shao spread his hands: "The little beauty helped us find a contract partner with a purpose. I don't have a fire root, so the little beauty found me a new partner with a fire attribute. From now on, I won't need to use spells to ignite fire when cooking. gone."

Knowing the attributes of Xuan Shao's new partner, Yan Shao's heart was finally balanced a little bit. None of Xuan Shao's friends had the attributes suitable for cooking, and no one helped him. Xuan Shao had to work as a chef himself to eat and drink.

The Beast and Beast friends had a patron, and they talked very happily. The gourd baby slipped away and followed the little fairy who was sitting by a big stove grilling fish. He didn't have a patron, but he was the little fairy's beast.

The handsome guys and the beasts got together to discuss the attributes of the spiritual root, and they almost forgot the business, Le Yun didn't rush, and was busy grilling fish, when the gourd baby came, gave him a basket of bowls, and asked him to help serve the meal.

The gourd baby looked at the bowl with ears and was only as big as a soup bowl, and hesitated: "Little fairy, this soup bowl is a bit small, can we use the bowl to put rice?"

"This kind of bowl is a magic weapon made by me. It can hold a whole cow or beast. Each of you will have one, and you will keep your own rice bowl in the future. In case you make a mistake, you can engrave your name on the ear of the bowl with a wooden sign."

"Wow, it turned out to be a magic weapon." Calabash Baby smiled with joy, carried the basket and rushed to the cauldron where the rice was stewed, took out a table as a chopping board, set the rice bowl, and then cooked.

The rice bowl magic weapon made by Xiaoxianzi seems to be a thickened double-eared soup bowl made of porcelain, green on the outside and white on the inside, with green and doubling patterns on the surface, and blue and white flowers only on the bottom inside.

The two ears are near the mouth, one ear is tied with a thin chain connected to a round plate, and a pair of chopsticks, a spoon and a fork are attached.

Rice bowls, chopsticks, spoons and forks are all ritual objects, which can be large or small, high or short, and can be changed at will.

Cucurbit Baby shoveled a spoonful of five or six catties of rice into the rice bowl, and the rice only piled up in a small ball at the bottom of the bowl, and it took dozens of catties of rice to cover the bottom of the bowl.

Little Lolita asked Calabash Baby to cook, and Young Master Xuan also rushed to a few pots to prepare the dishes.

The three beasts that turned into beasts immediately turned into humans and ran to help.

The three big demons also learned from the past.

The long-eared bear ran to help beat the rice. He was strong and worked fast.

The gourd baby is helping to evaluate the portion size, and if there is too much rice in the rice bowl, I will share some.

After packing a few bowls of rice, Huluwa found that the bowls were not enough, so she ran to ask the little fairy.

Le Yun took two white porcelain bowls for Huluwa: "This is the bowl for me and the Flower Fairy. I only need half a catty of rice. The Flower Fairy will fill her with half a bowl, and Zhihua's rice will be less. Twenty catties of rice is enough for them."

"Hey." Hulu ran to the rice pot with the bowl in his hand and continued to divide the rice.

The one-pot meal bottoms out quickly.

The long-eared bear who is in charge of serving the rice, follows the gourd baby to set the meal.

Calabash Baby also explains the seat to Big Bear, and no one can occupy the main seat of Little Fairy, so he and Chihuahua are naturally next to Little Fairy.

Xuan Shao took a few dishes out of the oven, and then threw new ingredients into the pot, and Yan Shao added fuel to the stove.

Xuan Shao set up more than [-] pots for cooking, and there are only four dishes that can be served at night: braised whole lamb, stewed goose in iron pot, braised pork and braised fish.

The other ingredients have not yet reached the heat, and they will not come out until midnight or early in the morning.

Young Master Xuan was busy, Le Yun put away the fish that was almost grilled, and then drove a cow to roast the whole cow, and then opened the oven to get the pumpkins, and put the pumpkins in a bowl, one melon per bowl.

The oven was emptied, and a few whole sheep were stuffed in.

Yan Shao, Xuan Shao and the beasts collected all the ingredients and put them on the table. Knowing the capacity of the rice bowl, Xuan Shao took a pot of braised pork and put it in the center of the table, and divided the meat.

Le Yun went over to sit down, first put a ritual bowl in front of her as a vegetable bowl, and then moved Zhiren Zhima out of Lingzhi's space and put it on the chair.

The small flower essence sticks to Shiba's hair, so you don't need to move it separately.

The two apes and the long-eared bear, when they saw the horse-shaped Chihuahua, their eyeballs almost fell to the ground. A certain vine said that the little fairy had Chihuahua and Yujing. They thought it was a Chihuahua, but they did not expect it to be two !

(End of this chapter)

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