magic eye doctor

Where is Chapter 2833

Where is Chapter 2833

The seven beasts, who don't know the price of fish, diligently follow the little fairy's spirit boat to catch fish.

Fortunately, a large number of small fish and shrimps in the upper waters were caught during the day. Otherwise, when the water level drops, the fish and shrimps will also gather together with the water level drop, and it is even more difficult to catch fatty fish mixed with a large number of fish and shrimps.

Little Lolita wants to make a fortune, but she is not so selfish that she only cares about her own interests. She travels a total of [-] miles upstream and ends up working when the time is over.

The conch is no longer sucking up the river water, and the water that is sucked into the air falls down with a splash, merges with the big current, and rushes downstream.

The Tongtian River, which flows through the plains of the Elephants, is connected downstream with a huge lake that acts as a buffer and adjusts the seasonal water volume. The lake with the adjusted water volume replenishes the downstream. If the upstream river's water volume drops sharply, it will have little impact on the downstream of the lake.

The water volume in the upper reaches is restored, and at the current flow rate, the water level can recover after dawn at the latest, without delaying the drinking water of animals on both sides of the river.

The beasts set off to work happily, and finished work happily. They didn’t feel tired after following the little fairy back to the camp. They picked fish all night, picked out the white fish mixed with various fish and shrimp, and stored them separately in a storage area where they could hold live animals. in the storage container.

After dawn, the beasts and beasts ate a few braised whole sheep, and then went upstream to catch small fish and shrimps. After dark, the little loli once again used swallowing snails to absorb the river water, and went upstream from the place where they finished work last night. Fish for white fish in the back.

Still working half the night and resting in the second half of the night.

On the third day, I caught another day and midnight fish.

After dawn, it was the day to trade with Qingxiang.

Xuan Shao was going to make a spiritual meal, Handsome Yan was not interested in trading or anything, the beasts were busy picking fish, no one wanted to join in the fun with him, so little loli went to the place where she had her first conversation with the elephant clan.

After a few days of preparation, the Qingxiang clan has already sorted out the selected materials. At the place where the human cubs came to make a deal for the first time, the Qingxiang clan leader brought a dozen or so twelfth-rank clan members out jungle.

The two sides successfully rendezvoused.

Le Yun threw a bell-shaped defensive formation in the air, and a golden light mask fell on the ground, covering her and the elephant clan, preventing foreigners from eavesdropping or peeping with their spiritual sense.

The light of the golden mask is very strong, and only a piece of golden light can be seen from the outside.

After safety measures are taken, the transaction will be formalized.

The head of the Qingxiang clan and the Qingxiang people took a sample of each of the resources collected by the elephant clan for trading and put them on the ground, reporting the quantity respectively.

In the territory of the Qingxiang clan, there are several places with extremely spiritual energy, with their own spiritual springs, abundant spiritual plants and spiritual fruits.

The Elephants have picked some purple spiritual fruits, and there are hundreds of purple fruits they have collected before. However, because the spiritual fruits they collected before were not sealed in boxes, a lot of spiritual energy was lost, and some fruits had less than half of their spiritual energy. .

The green elephants also worked hard for storage, and dug up 120 purple fruit trees.

Twenty fruit trees and one hundred spiritual fruits can be exchanged for a thousand-foot-wide storage container, and the spiritual fruit trees and spiritual fruits they dug are enough to exchange for a six-thousand-foot-wide space container.

The Qingxiang tribe showed resource samples, and handed over the human race's storage container together with their elephant tribe's resources to the human cub, and asked her to personally check whether the quantity and quality are true.

Le Yun took the storage container, put the gods into it separately, checked the resources, took out a small wooden basin, poured some storage containers, and then checked with the Qingxiang clan.

The purple fruit spirit fruit tree and spirit fruit are worth six thousand zhang storage devices, and she first gave the Qingxiang patriarch a six thousand zhang space device.

There are nine white jade-colored demon ivory tusks in the hands of the Qingxiang clan, which are worth two and a half hundred feet wide storage containers, and then count the value of the other half of the storage containers from the spiritual plants.

First calculate the two resources that are easiest to calculate, and the remaining resources are actually small heads.

The most resources collected by the Qingxiang clan are the spiritual fruits and spiritual plants used as food reserves, and they also went to other places to snatch some inner alchemy, bones, ores, and spiritual wood of monsters.

Some resources are needed by the Elephants themselves, so naturally they hold them tightly and are not willing to take them out.

As for spirit stones, the Elephant Clan doesn't have them, and neither do other tribes. The monsters find that where the spirit energy is strong, they directly occupy the mountains as soil. If the spirit stone veins did not appear for various reasons, they would not dig them themselves.

Little Lolita was very patient. She did the same accounting as the green elephants. It took a stick of incense to check it out. Those fragmented resources were worth twenty storage containers with a width of [-] feet.

At the request of the Qingxiang clan, she gave ten storage containers with a width of one hundred feet and twenty ones with a width of fifty feet.

The Qingxiang tribe was very happy to have changed to their favorite storage device.

Le Yun kindly reminded: "The purple spiritual fruit in the territory of your Qingxiang clan helps to increase the spiritual consciousness. If the spiritual consciousness is damaged, eating the purple spiritual fruit can also repair it.

Of course, the effect of eating it directly is not obvious. If it is used by alchemists of the human race to make alchemy, its effect is remarkable. You Qingxiang clan guard the spirit fruit tree, so don't reveal the secret easily, so as not to bring disaster to your clan.

When the spiritual fruit is picked, it must be sealed with a wooden box or jade box with spiritual energy. If it is not sealed, the spiritual energy of the spiritual fruit will be lost, and the effect will be weak.

I would like to give you another suggestion, if the spiritual fruit peaches in your family grow in the whole piece, you should plant a few trees with spiritual energy sparsely among the fruit trees, so that each spiritual tree can be bathed by the moonlight, and you can do it every day It is best to be exposed to the sun for one or two hours, and to be shaded at other times. "

"The purple fruit can restore the consciousness?" The big monsters of the Qingxiang clan were shocked. The purple fruit grew on the hill with a spiritual spring in the jungle. They always thought it was an ordinary spiritual fruit.

"This kind of fruit is more suitable for beast races above the seventh level, and the little monsters below the seventh level have no obvious effect after eating it. At most, it can stabilize the soul and stabilize the mood.

When you can leave the ancient secret realm and meet human race or other races, the time to make a deal is also smaller, it is best for both parties to make an oath to each other. "

Le Yun put away the small wooden basin with the space device, explained the target of the fruit, and gave a kind reminder, recalled the bell-shaped defender, and said goodbye to the Qingxiang clan.

The human cubs kept their words and deeds, not only giving them storage containers, but also reminding them of the role of purple fruit. The Qingxiang clan's favor for her soared, and they also remembered her advice.

The head of the Qingxiang clan also made a promise: "As long as you are in the territory of the Qingxiang clan, fellow Taoists can travel freely. It ends at the mountain, the east is bounded by the great river, and the west is bounded by the ridgeline of the main peak of the canyon.”

"Thank you, my companions and I will leave around tomorrow, and we will meet again by fate."

Le Yun waved her small hands to the young elephants, because all elephants on the earth are nationally protected animals, and she has a high tolerance for elephants.

The Qingxiang tribe sent the human cub to the direction of the river, and returned to the jungle after she was far away, distributing the storage containers with joy.

Yanshao Xuanshao and the beasts were handling fish and shrimps in the camp. When the little loli/little fairy came back, they didn't inquire about what rare resources she had exchanged with the elephant clan.

Little Loli wandered back to the camp, took the beasts to the meadow to collect, and in the evening ran up to fetch water and fish for fatty fish.

After catching fat fish for a few minutes, she took the beasts to a main tributary upstream, directly cut off the water of the tributary, and let the beasts catch the little monsters.

That tributary is no more than three hundred feet wide and five hundred feet deep on average. It is covered with a kind of aquatic weed like arborvitae, which is the favorite food of fatty fish, and another kind of stinky weed that shrimps hate.

There are groups of fatty fish in the branch river, and there are few shrimps. The sediment at the bottom of the river is dominated by small blue crabs as big as bowls and mantis shrimps like pippi shrimps.

Little Loli cut the river to fetch water, the fish and shrimp jumped up and down, stirring up the mud and sand, making the river turbid.

The beasts were so happy that they wished they could grow three heads and six arms, and be able to manipulate multiple nets at the same time.

The little friends can’t grow three heads and six arms, but the gourd baby of the plant department can do it. He turned into a rattan and lay horizontally above the river, took five nets, and caught fish from five different directions at the same time.

Baiyin and the others, who couldn't change their hands, were so envious that they wanted to cry.

There are too many fish, shrimps and little monsters in the branch river, and before dawn, the fish caught by each beast fills up a ten-thousand-foot-wide storage container.

It's good to see it, Le Yun didn't think about killing them all, and when the beasts said that the storage device had exploded, they closed the net.

People and beasts worked under the stars for most of the night, returned to the camp, surrounded Xuan Shao's stewed camel meat pot, and waited for dawn to divide up the freshly baked camel meat.

After eating a spiritual meal, the beasts were full of energy.

When the sun first came out, the friends packed up their belongings.

Most of Xuan Shao's spiritual meals were out of the pot, and there were still five pots of spiritual meals that were all moved to the deck of the spirit boat before they came out.

After everyone packed up their belongings and boarded the spirit boat, little loli took her friends to the secret realm of the formation eye. She needs to stay outside the secret realm for a few days to observe the stars.

In conclusion, a small amount of the territory of the Qingxiang tribe is in the second quadrant with the secret realm as the center point. Le Yun left the territory of the Qingxiang tribe and continued to fly thousands of miles north without being occupied by monsters. Borderlands to Rift.

To the east of the Eye of Array Secret Realm is a huge canyon, which runs from the northeast along the Eye of Array Secret Realm to the southeast. The canyon is in the shape of a half-moon arc.

The edge of the secret place as the eye of the array is the mountain peak on the west side of the arc-shaped canyon. Looking from a distance, the mountain peak on the west side of the canyon is halfway up the mountain. There are thick clouds that cannot be melted. The clouds are flowing, but they are always coiled around the mountains. between.

There is still a big monster hidden in the clouds surrounding the secret realm.

Le Yun drove the spirit boat over the mountains, flew into the canyon plain, parked at the edge of a savannah not far from the river, threw a disk, and closed the defensive array of the spirit boat.

"Little Lolita, you deliberately ran back to the secret place to guard, did you find any major discovery?" Yan Shao couldn't control the cat called 'curious' in his heart, and asked a hundred thousand why.

Le Yun jumped off the spirit boat, put tools on the ground, and said casually: "No, I'm just here to watch the stars."

"Why do you have to come to the secret realm to watch the stars?" Yan Shao also jumped off the spirit boat.

"We have to go here when we return to the Northern Continent. Only by watching the stars here can we determine the exact location of the ancient secret realm, and then we can find the correct direction based on the astrology."

"I found out that you watch the stars every day, have you guessed where we are?"

"It is speculated that we are in a certain ancient secret place in the Great Wilderness in the eastern part of the Southern Continent."

"Ah?" Not only was Young Master Yan who asked the question surprised, but Young Master Xuan was also surprised: "We have reached the Great Wilderness Plateau?"

(End of this chapter)

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