magic eye doctor

Chapter 2835 Give a chance

Chapter 2835 Give a chance

Cucurbit Baby, Yingsheng and Baiyin had seen the power of the little fairy's elixir before, so they naturally understood what the little fairy meant, and knew that the fragrance was not very good, so they took the elixir and ate it without asking why.

Shui Dun has been with his friends for a long time, and has formed a tacit understanding, and immediately swallowed Dan.

The three big monsters hesitated for a moment, then took the pellets and put them in their mouths.

"Little Lolita, what kind of incense do you burn? Why don't Master Xuan and I take the antidote?" Yan Xing wondered, he and Young Master Xuan were also in the array, and they also smelled the fragrance.

"This is the Xiaoling Powder I developed, which is similar to Hualing Pill in efficacy. This version of the medicine is aimed at monsters and has no effect on humans.

Besides, I took apart the medicine, and now I burn the incense and smell it, which has the effect of calming the mind and calming the mind, which is beneficial to the body and mind. "

Le Yun explained with a smile that the incense is harmless to people, what antidote should I take.

Xuan Shao and Yan Shao were stunned for a moment, with a startled expression on their face: "Did a monster attack the formation last night?"

"Not yet, but, there are three or two tribes of monsters who have gathered around and waited for an opportunity. They are full of malice, and there must be a fight."

Le Yun didn't change his face, and said calmly: "The northeast corner is the Silver Horn Sheep Clan, 23 big monsters of the twelfth level lead thirty eleventh-level, forty tenth-level, and sixty ninth-level monsters. The sheep seem to promise us;
To the south is a group of fish-eating crocodiles, with 45 big monsters of the twelfth rank, fifty of the eleventh rank, and a hundred of the tenth rank.

This group of monsters is murderous, there must be some monsters who have informed me that I have killed four twelfth-level big monsters in their family, so the group of crocodiles dispatched and regarded us as life and death enemies, looking for us shame.

There is a group of badgers in the northwest direction, ten twelfth-level and thirty eleven-level ones, they should have been invited to help with their fists, they have murderous aura, but not strong;
There is a group of black crow beasts in the east, eight twelfth-level and fifteen eleven-level ones, they should also be invited to help.

In the fan-shaped area between the east and northeast corners, there is a forest giant ape, seventeen twelfth-level and twenty eleven-level big monsters, this one should also be used to assist fists.

The guy who invited this monster beast clan should have promised them a lot of benefits, and the forest giant apes were fighting with high spirits.

In addition, there are more than [-] or [-] families of the big ape, the little ape, and the little bear, and there are signs of participation; in addition, there is a great possibility that the blue porphyry tiger demon and a black wind wolf will participate in the battle.

There are also two snow foxes who are restless, and the actions of the fish-eating crocodile and the silver-horned sheep are visually credited to them.

There are also some stragglers, probably some monster families or wandering monsters that live in the land of no man.

In addition, there are more than 200 big monsters from various monster races hidden in the high altitude and mountain clouds. Most of these big monsters want to fish in troubled waters and take advantage of it. "

The forest giant ape is called "mountain gorilla" on the earth, because the adult male orangutan has a bunch of gray or silver hairs on the back, it is also called "silverback gorilla".

Silverback gorillas belong to the ape genus in Yunlan, because they mostly live in the jungle on land, and are called "forest giant apes".

"What?!" Xuan Shaoyan was shocked, and there seemed to be a spring under his buttocks, and he jumped three feet high in an instant.

The people jumped into the air, and then they floated to the top of the low light mask with a whiz, stretched their necks and looked outside the light mask, looking for the monster that little loli said, and their spiritual sense also came out of the light mask Go to the sky and wait and see.

From the outside, the array mask is just a ball of light that cannot be seen through, but from the inside to the outside, the outside scenery is clear.

There is heavy humidity in the canyon, and the sky is gray, as if it is going to rain.

This didn't have much effect on the monk's field of vision. Both young masters saw the monsters that little Lolita mentioned with their eyes and spiritual sense. Those monsters were quietly lurking in the jungle or grass four or five miles away. All held their breath.

If you don't use your spiritual sense to sense, it will be really difficult to find the traces of a few monsters for a while.

The two young masters found the herd of beasts that little loli had mentioned, their faces turned green, oh my god, so many monsters appeared overnight?
The number of monsters in this group and the number of high-level big monsters are far more than the group of octopuses on the island!

Even if they now have three Mahayana-level friends, if monsters attack in groups, no matter how powerful Little Loli and the three Mahayana-level monsters are, they will be hard to fight. How can this fight be fought?
The seven beasts heard that a herd of monsters was coming outside, and they all ran into the air, and looked out against the mask screen of the formation. What kind of beast.

Xuan Shao and Yan Shao were a little flustered at first, but they couldn't calm down when they heard the screams of the beasts.

Yan Xing looked at Little Lolita: "Little Lolita, there are so many twelfth-level monsters outside, and we only have you and three twelfth-level monsters here, how can we fight?"

"I'm an alchemist, why do I have to go up and tear it up myself? Doesn't my elixir smell good?" Le Yun rolled her eyes angrily: "You are the Yuanying Zhenjun anyway, and your mentality is not good enough. Work hard to improve mentality."

She despised Handsome Yan, and another wind spell "blows" out all the fragrant air in the formation mask.

Yuanying Zhenjun Yanshao, who is still not mentally prepared: "..." What does Little Lolita mean is that he thinks he can't hold his breath, and that little things make him mess up?
Xuan Shao stopped talking, little loli has her own opinion, why should he be so nervous.

The two vajra apes and the long-eared bear looked around, fell from the sky, and ran to the little fairy, restrainedly begging for a chance for their own race: "Little fairy, we want to persuade our fellow race to let them leave, can you?"

"Don't worry, when the right time comes, you and the little bear will persuade the King Kong ape and the long-eared bear not to join the war. It's too early to persuade them. If they listen to the advice and retreat halfway, the silver-horned sheep and the fish-eating crocodile will not come if they find something wrong. That's it, it's like the ingredients that reach the mouth are gone again.

Silverhorn sheep and fish-eating crocodiles do not take the initiative to hunt me, and it is not easy for me to hunt them. They will attack me first. I will capture this batch of ingredients first, and then I will take you to kill them. Take this opportunity to hunt some small animals. Sheep, sheep and crocodile experiment a hundred ways to eat mutton and crocodile meat. "

Le Yun's targets are silver horned sheep, fish-eating crocodiles, and snow foxes with beautiful skins suitable for making jackets. She doesn't want the ingredients and coats delivered to her door to just go away.

Mentioning the one hundred ways to eat silver horn sheep and fish-eating crocodile meat, the two apes and the long-eared bear took a sip of water, and immediately ran to the group of friends, discussing and catching Silverhorn sheep, which one of the hundred ways to eat will be tried first.

Inside the mask of the formation, the human race was waiting to harvest the food delivered to the door, and the lurking group of monsters smelled the fragrance from the place where the human race was stationed, and couldn't help absorbing the fragrance greedily.

The wisdom talent of the human race is the most hateful. Not only can they create all kinds of magic weapons, but they can also make alchemy and cooked food.

The many monsters hiding in the dark were so greedy for crying a few days ago, and now they smelled the strong aroma, they wished to run to tear up the human race and take their food, but were also afraid of tearing up the people again. I can't smell the fragrance, which is very tangled.

The timing of the silver horned sheep and fish-eating crocodile's attack was uncertain, and Le Yun didn't have to wait for the monster to attack before stopping work, tidying up a fat fish and packing her tools.

She took the tools for collecting fish parts back into the storage, and even put away all the chopping boards and wooden blocks, and took another array plate and placed it in the ground to hide it.

After hiding her last move, little Lolita summoned the spirit boat nearby, and stood by the fire to roast the fish contentedly.

The small pieces of fish were almost cooked, and the seven beasts didn't care about the life and death of the monsters outside. They crowded around the fire and sat in a circle, waiting for snacks.

Xuan Shao and Yan Shao also have a sense of sight that "Little Lolita is the king of all beasts".

The king of beasts, Le Xiaoluoli, grilled fish slowly, sprinkled a layer of cumin on the fish, spread chili oil, and grilled again, one beast and one fish.

Then came the two handsome guys and her own grilled fish.

The fish is grilled until it is browned on both sides, and it is served with seasonings.

The seven beasts are eating the fish in their mouths and staring at the fish on the grill. In order to cook the fish faster, if you fan the fish, he will fan the fish to make the fire vigorous.

Little Lolita is a very caring and good person. She is popular with herself, and she doesn't forget the monsters lurking. She sends out the smell in the light mask for the monsters to smell.

She eats delicious food and drinks spicy food, so she has to let the monster beasts smell it.

The group of monsters and beasts were not comforted, and the gluttons were hooked up, only feeling hungry.

The hungry fish-eating crocodiles floated up from the grass one by one in the air, moved slowly together, and approached the source of the fragrance.

The Silver Horn Sheep found that the fish-eating crocodile wanted to snatch prey again, so he quit, got out of the jungle, and ran forward from the top of the forest.

A group of sheep are like white clouds passing by the top of the tree.

A group of monster beasts that were about to move also slowly surrounded the center.

Le Yun had a ray of consciousness to monitor the four directions, and saw two groups of monsters preparing to attack, quickly put away the grill and fish, changed the air in the mask, and threw a few handfuls of powder into the fire .

Young Master Yan, Young Master Xuan and the seven beasts were taken aback for a moment, but soon they realized that the group of monsters outside had moved, and they all jumped up and climbed onto the spirit boat.

Le Yun sprinkled the medicine powder, threw the big incense burner back to the bow of the spirit boat, activated the defense array of the spirit boat, shrunk the spirit boat to the size of a palm, and placed it on her shoulders.

She flew out of the array mask with her spirit boat, stood on the top of the mask, summoned the plum blossom gun in her hand, and looked around calmly: "I said that I don't want to kill, don't force me to do it. I didn't listen to the advice that day and offend me." The monsters of this fairy are either dead or captured alive, you guys don't believe in fate, do you want to try yourself?"

Seeing the appearance of the human race from the group of monster beasts surrounding the center from all sides, Kong Nuo's pace slowed down.

The big ram, the leader of the silver horn sheep, raised his head and roared: "Damn the human race! Give back the lives of my people!"

"It's reasonable not to speak loudly, you are so loud, you are obviously guilty." Le Yun despises the silver horn sheep: "I will give you a piece of advice, if your silver horn sheep don't want to be wiped out, go back to your territory immediately and stay honestly, and don't provoke again." Offending this fairy, I don't mind letting you become meat in the pot."

"Human, you have come to the territory of the beast clan, and you dare to kill our members of the Guangming clan, you have to pay the price!" The big ram with four huge horns roared, and a ball of silver light shot out from the top of its head.

The silver light is blazing, faster and brighter than the light of the silver-horned sheep attacking in front of the secret realm, and it is more lethal.

Le Yun moved quickly, avoiding the silver light group, and looked at the monster beast clan who did not listen to the advice: "This fairy will give you one last chance, starting from this fairy, a radius of fifty miles is designated as the battlefield, and those who don't want to die retreat If you go out of this range and enter within a radius of fifty miles, you will be regarded as an enemy of this fairy, and you will pay for your life and death.

Now give you [-] breaths of time to think about it, those who have not left before the time limit, be aware of death! "

Several groups of monster beasts of varying numbers heard the warning from the human race and changed from moving to stationary.

The black crows, badgers, monsters and beasts also hesitated, but the forest giant apes did not hesitate at all. Not only did they not stop with the silver-horned sheep and fish-eating crocodiles, but they even sped up their speed.

Vajra Ape and Long-Eared Bear, who have formed a bond with the human race, saw that their own group was hesitating, and immediately sent a voice transmission to the leader, the great ape, Big Bear: "Go! Don't be an enemy of the human race. The human race has guardians. Don't say it is now All the orc clans here participated in the battle, even if all the high-level combat powers of all the clans came together, there would be no return!
Taking advantage of the fact that the little fairy of the human race is not angry yet, lead the tribe to withdraw from the battlefield immediately!Once you attack the human race, the human race will not let you go, nor will you let go of the various races participating in the war. "

The hesitant Long-eared Bear and Vajra Ape heard the voice transmission of the twelfth-order big monster whose life and death were unknown, and suddenly looked at the place where the human race was standing. The big monster of the same clan in the magic weapon.

"Go! Don't hesitate any longer, if you don't go, you won't be able to go later if you want to." The two golden apes and long-eared bears staying in the spirit boat looked at each other and urged again.

The King Kong ape group and the long-eared group looked at the human race and the other beast races, hesitated for a moment, turned around decisively, and evacuated quickly.

Some orcs who were still hesitating also saw the Vajra ape and long-eared bears in a magic weapon on the shoulders of the human race, and saw the group of long-eared bears and the group of Vajra apes suddenly turn around and leave, guessing that the two races should know what the human race is hiding. The orcs were unable to resist the means, and they turned around and ran away decisively.

The two big snow fox monsters who were mixed with other beasts also quietly left the group and withdrew from the battlefield designated by the human race.

Heifenglang was still watching, but when he saw that the big snow fox had withdrawn, he also left immediately.

Long-eared bears, Vajra apes, and a few groups of monster beasts that did not participate in the battle stopped after running fifty miles away, flew high into the sky, and watched the battle from a distance.

The Black Crow Clan, Badger Demon, Green Porphyry Tiger Demon, and dozens of miscellaneous monster beasts did not retreat or advance.

The forest giant ape, the fish-eating crocodile, and the silver-horned sheep arrived near the camp of the human race in a blink of an eye, less than half a mile apart.

The Silver Horn Sheep attacked first, and dozens of silver lights flew out like raindrops, shooting at the human race and the golden formation mask under her feet.

Le Yun didn't fight back, she kept moving and jumping, avoiding the silver light.

Those silver lights that flew towards the mask of the boat did not fall, and shot into the golden mask respectively. Those silver lights were so powerful that they etched the golden mask into small holes.

A strong and misty aroma scrambled to get out from the light-etched hole.

That fragrance is more alluring than the previous fragrance.

But the aroma still penetrated a little bit and then disappeared, because the golden mask was full of spiritual power, and it filled the small holes that had been etched by the silver light of the silver horn sheep.

And with another wave of silver light dots attacking, the golden mask was corroded to form tiny holes, and soon the mask filled the small holes again.

The silver-horned sheep kept sending out silver-etched masks, and the golden masks kept filling the holes, forming a tug-of-war.

The aroma is also intermittent.

(End of this chapter)

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