magic eye doctor

Chapter 2837

Chapter 2837

Even the shell of the scale shell, which is recognized as the hardest shell on land, can't resist the silver-horned sheep's natal magical power "light erosion". Currently, no bloodline magical power of the monster race can restrain it.

The fish-eating crocodile and all the demons also knew that the silver-horned sheep's trick, light eclipse, could not be used for the time being, so they didn't add to the trouble. It would be easy to kill them while they were ill, but even killing this group of silver-horned sheep would be of no avail. There are also a large number of high-level flocks.

Besides, now that life and death are in the hands of the human race, if you gather your strength and go out together, you may still have a chance to survive, and if you start internal strife, you will die faster.

At the critical juncture, the group of monsters also let go of their prejudice against the Silver Horn Sheep, huddled together to keep warm, and unanimously spoke out.

The monsters gathered their forces to attack the barrier, and they didn't know why when they found that the monsters outside panicked and fled. It wasn't until they searched for the figures of the human race that they realized that she had shot and killed the snow fox clan.

The fox demon of the twelfth rank was forced to cut off its tail and escape without even resisting a single round.

The first reaction of all the monsters was: the human race broke their promises!
The little cub of the human race designated a fifty-mile radius as the battlefield, and the snow fox did not participate in the battle, but the human race spared their hands to hunt the snow fox again. She broke her promise.

The human race said that if they can break through the boundary and calculate that they win, can't they take it seriously?
The big and small monsters were frightened by the means of the human race, fearing that she would come back and kill them. They tried their best and concentrated their power to attack the same point of the barrier, hoping to break down the barrier of the barrier in a short time.

All kinds of big moves with concentrated spiritual power fell on the mask one after another, making it dizzying for the eyes.

The golden mask, which was under the force of countless attacks, trembled one after another, and it was just a tremor, and there was no other reaction.

Le Yun ignored the furious clamor of the fox demon in the handle mirror, threw the small mirror into a storage container for living things, and swung it leisurely back to the large golden light cover with Shen Xiao's hands behind her back.

She also purposely wandered across from the fish-eating crocodile and other monsters that were attacking the defensive cover, and enjoyed the attacking moves of the monsters with a smile across a layer of barrier.

She even kindly reminded: "You work hard! According to your current offensive, attacking this place day and night, the enchantment of the formation can last about ten days, and there is still hope for you to break through the boundary. big."

A huge fish-eating crocodile raised its head: "Human race, what do you want to do?"

"Isn't it obvious, I'm waiting for you to call your fellow clan to rescue you." Le Yun paced slowly and asked, "Have you contacted your fellow clan to help?"

Hearing that the human race asked them to summon the same race, the big monsters had a bad feeling.

"You...what do you want to do?" The leader of the great ape clan was terrified.

"Of course we wait for them to cast their nets, and catch as many as they come, so that I won't have to find the territories of your monsters and have to hunt and kill the beasts again and again. It's better for you to call all the same clans, just to catch them all in one go." , the time saved can be used to collect resources.”

Little Lolita really hopes that all the monsters have the power of summoning, so that they can summon a large group of their own kind, so that she can grab ready-made ingredients.

Several big monsters were extremely frightened and furious: "Human race, you dare to attack my family's territory, I will fight with you!"

The meaning of the human race is obvious. Not only will she not let them go, but she will also take revenge on their ethnic group and seize their territory and various resources.

One or two old monsters flew out from the fish-eating crocodile tribe, forest giant ape tribe, black crow tribe, badger tribe, and blue porphyry tiger tribe, and suddenly rushed to the sky, flying to a height of about [-] feet away from the herd of beasts in an instant. Place, mobilize the strength of the whole body and the power of the soul, and prepare to explode.

Just exploding their spiritual power may not necessarily tear apart the barrier. If they self-detonate with their spiritual power and spirit at the same time, I believe that no matter how powerful the barrier is, it will not be able to withstand it.

After the barrier was torn apart, the monsters of the same clan rushed out to join their fellow clans. Even if they couldn't win over the nearby monsters and beasts to form an alliance against the human race, at least there was no problem with self-protection, or they could give up the territory first to preserve their strength.

Several old demons resolutely died, and when they mobilized their spiritual power, they found that their spiritual power was losing at a terrifying speed!

The whole body of a monster can accumulate spiritual power. Now, the spiritual power of the meridians and flesh and blood in the whole body disappears inexplicably, especially the spiritual power in the meridians disappears the fastest, just like water evaporates after being roasted by flames. The same evaporated with incomparable speed and the same disappeared.

The old demons who found that their spiritual power was disappearing at a rapid rate were shocked, and they immediately searched for the reason.

And just when they neglected to pay attention to the human race because of a sudden accident, with the weak aura point fluctuations behind them, the human race that was originally outside the barrier quietly appeared behind the old monsters.

With the presence of the human race, a large gray and white net came down from the empty pocket.

The gray and white big net caught several old monsters who just noticed the fluctuation of spiritual energy and wanted to move in the net, and none of them fell.

The off-white fishnet is a magic weapon newly refined by Little Lolita in the secret realm. It is mainly made of the rare spirit gold in her hands, and the black rock gold with dragon patterns found in underground volcanic caves is added. The surface of the fishnet is plain and unremarkable, but It is 100% fairy weapon and spirit treasure.

Dragon pattern rock gold can shield the consciousness, and the finished product produced after fusion with some spiritual mines has the property of hiding light. Only when there is power, it will burst out the brilliance that belongs to the fairy treasure.

The monsters of the twelfth rank fell into the net, which is similar to ordinary prisoners entering the sky prison.

A few old demons noticed something different and originally wanted to move, but unfortunately, they fell into a big net before moving, and turned pale in shock.

Unexpectedly, the monster was caught in a net, Le Yun quickly closed the net mouth, threw the fish net into the storage space, and the person moved again.

One moved without a trace, the person moved from the air to the ground, and simultaneously sacrificed two large gray and white fishing nets towards a group of monsters that were about to flee.

The group of monsters attacking the barrier, when they heard the roar of the old monster yelling to fight the human race, they knew that those big monsters were going to sacrifice themselves and destroy the barrier by self-destructing.

Knowing the plan of the old monsters, the demons also secretly gathered their momentum, mobilized their spiritual power to protect themselves from the impact damage of the big monsters' self-explosion, and made preparations to rush out once the barrier was broken.

When they were ready and ready to go in secret, they didn't want to wait for the power of the old monsters to erupt, and the little human cubs suddenly shot and captured a few old monsters who were about to blow themselves up.

The monsters who saw with their own eyes or their spiritual senses saw the little cubs of the human race, were at a loss for a moment under the shock, and then scattered in a herd, fleeing in different directions.

There is an old saying that "husbands and wives are originally birds of the same forest, and when disaster strikes, they fly separately." People who are married will inevitably go their separate ways before some catastrophe. When danger comes, it is natural to take your own life as the most important thing.

The monsters thought very well, everyone escaped separately, the human race lost sight of the other, and there were more hopes of escape.

If you are lucky, the human race will go after other big monsters, and when you escape into the forest or river, you will catch a small beast and then seize the house. You can still find a chance to escape if you keep your soul.

The monsters were not stupid, and they didn't forget to attack the cubs of the human race when they were running for their lives. The natal supernatural powers of all races flew towards the human race together with murderous aura.

The attributes of the monsters are different, and the lights of various powers are on and off.

The monsters had a very good idea, and they ran away separately, and they didn't forget to throw their big moves when they ran. Unfortunately, the human race didn't cooperate with them. She activated the defensive magic weapon and placed herself in a blazing golden light ball.

All kinds of attacks hit the surface of the golden mask, making deafening bangs, and the spiritual power was torn apart, forming a raging wind.

However, Xiao Le turned a blind eye to all kinds of attacks, and when he moved to the ground, the two gray and white fishing nets thrown out flashed golden light, and instantly turned into giant nets.

A huge net covered an area about ten miles wide, and two large nets locked most of the monsters in the net. There was only a twelfth-level black crow, two badgers, a fish-eating crocodile, and two monsters. Because the bobcat cat demon is at the very edge and runs fast, it has slipped through the net.

The six monsters that passed by the flashing golden light were so frightened that half of their souls were lost when they saw the monsters caught in the net, they ran away one after another.

When the people of the Silver Horned Sheep tribe attacked the group of monsters attacking the barrier, the ram led the flock and fled quickly into the bushes.

The big golden net keeps shrinking after it catches the target.

The monster covered by the golden net wanted to attack the net, but suddenly found that its spiritual power could not be released, and its consciousness was also sealed by some force.

Unable to use their spiritual power and consciousness, the monsters relied on their strength to hit and tear the net crazily, but no matter how they pulled and hit it, they didn't destroy the net. The net cable as thin as a hair was unimaginably hard.

The monsters were caught in the net, their attacks were all neutralized, and the wind was still raging.

With his left and right hands holding the lead wire of the fishing net, Le Yun turned off the defense of the immortal vestment, while swiftly retracting the net, he calmly used his spiritual sense to take out a formation plate from the storage container and threw it at the fish-eating crocodile.

A golden light beam burst out from the formation disk, and flew out with a "swish", chasing after the fleeing fish-eating crocodile.

The fish-eating crocodile, which was not caught in the net, rushed to the place less than half a mile away from the river in two jumps, and ran towards the river. Just when it set foot on the riverside and wanted to plunge into the river, it was firmly attracted by the dazzling golden light. He stopped, and was pulled back by a force.

The fish-eating crocodile only struggled a few times with all its strength, exhausted its spiritual power, and was dragged into a dark space by the golden light.

When Zhenpan caught the fish-eating crocodile, Le Yun gathered the fishnet without removing her eyelids, and casually threw the gray and white net, which had shrunk to the size of a normal fishnet, into a storage bag.

She recalled the formation disk again, and flew into the air in a leisurely manner, chasing the fleeing monster.

The few monsters who fled from the road flew a few miles before changing direction again. They all rushed into the jungle first, and then hid themselves according to their own abilities.

Badgers are good at digging burrows, and cat demons are also good at digging holes, each digging tunnels to find mice as targets, and black crows are also looking for birds as substitutes.

Silverhorn sheep will not hide, they will look for a suitable place to hide and ambush in the jungle.

However, before the silver horn sheep could find a suitable hiding place, their legs and feet suddenly became weak, and one by one they fell limply, unable to get up.

At the same time, the badger monsters and bobcat monsters who were digging holes, and the black crows who were shuttling through Lin Fei also exhausted their spiritual power inexplicably.

Badgers and bobcats were alright. After losing their spiritual power, they also fell to the ground in the underground hole, while the flying black crow fell from the sky like a kite with a broken string.

When the crow landed, it fluttered its wings desperately and collided with the intertwined branches. The branches tore off feathers and fine down, and the crow broke the branches and leaves. The fine feathers flew together with the broken branches and leaves. Animals run for their lives.

After a futile struggle, the black crow fell to the ground, lying on the pile of rotting leaves and shrubs and vines, losing the ability to move.

So far, all the big monsters in the formation barrier have become soft-legged shrimps and meat on the chopping board.

Le Yun, who was chasing the monster without any haste, flew over the woods, strolled like a leisurely stroll over a burrow where a lynx was hiding, paused, and threw a "cone drill" and a formation plate down.

The auger and array disk climbed over the branches and landed, the auger sucked up fallen leaves and rotting leaf debris, and also drilled a small hole in the root zone full of intertwined roots.

The array plate drilled into the soil layer from the hole drilled by the cone drill, all the way to the tunnel dug by the lynx, sucked the lynx that had lost its spiritual power into the space in the plate, and then sneaked back along the same path.

Array Pan catches the cat demon back, Le Yun recalls Array Pan and Cone Drill, finds another bobcat hiding above the tunnel, and then sends Array Pan and Cone Drill out of the horse.

The cone drill and the array plate work together seamlessly, one cleans up the leaf rot and soil, and the other is in charge of drilling soil and catching animals.

The second lynx cat demon was also caught without a fight.

The little loli was in a happy mood, and went to catch the badger.

Badger monsters, no matter what race they are, are good at digging holes. For example, the well-known African flat-headed brother, whose scientific name is "honey badger", has hard claws that can easily dig through concrete walls. It is not suitable for captive animals, so the world It does not appear in zoos in various countries.

When the two badgers dug the hole, they kept digging downwards, but in a short period of time, they had dug tens of feet deep and hid deep in the ground. When they exhausted their spiritual power, they held their breath and curled up into a ball, shaped like a dead beast.

It's a pity that no matter how well they are hidden, they can be hidden from others, but they cannot be hidden from Little Lolita's piercing eyes.

The two badger monsters were pulled out of the soil by the formation disk one after another, thrown into the space of the formation disk and imprisoned.

The burrowing monsters were all alive, Le Xiaoluoli walked to the area where the black crows were active, and walked into the jungle through the sparse leaves.

In order to compete for sunlight, the trees grow desperately, tall and straight. The branches are near the upper half of the crown. The branches below the waist are almost all old and fall off. The space under the branches is actually more empty.

Because of the staggered branches, many places do not see sunlight all year round, and the ground is only piled up with thick fallen leaves. In some areas, the branches are sparser, and sunlight can pass through the leaves to reach the forest floor. There are climbing plants and shade-tolerant shrubs in those areas.

Many huge vines grow around the tree, like giant pythons hanging in the forest or entangled on the big tree.

Entering the jungle from among the branches, Le Yun threw two "Hurricane Sweeper" arrays to clear the way ahead, collecting dead leaves and rotted leaves for composting.

(End of this chapter)

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