magic eye doctor

Chapter 2839 The Sheep Move First

Chapter 2839 The Sheep Move First

Don't blame Yan Shaoxuan for being greedy for fishnets. Little Lolita's fishnets are too powerful. The big monsters of the twelfth level of the net are like small fish and shrimps. They also want to try the "magic weapon in hand, the world will walk sideways" Heroic feeling.

"The two of you haven't even mastered the art of controlling space, and if you want to catch sheep, the possibility of being caught by sheep is even higher, so it's better not to join in the fun.

Your speed is not fast enough. If you are hit by the high-level silver-horned sheep's light system skills and hit your eyes or head, I don't think it may be too late to save you. "

The two handsome guys didn't understand their own strength, so they just conceived, and the crispy mage went to fight with the silver-horned sheep, wouldn't that be a gift?
If Silver Horn Sheep took two handsome guys as hostages and came to negotiate with her to exchange captives, the sheep that went into her pocket might have to be lost.

Such a loss-making business is too uneconomical, and she will not do it.

"..." The two handsome guys felt that they had become a dragging presence, and the villain in their hearts squatted in the corner silently drawing circles.

They don't feel weak!

After all, he is a Nascent Soul cultivator, not a weakling.

Although, the two young masters don't feel weak about themselves, and they don't dare to express their feelings in front of the tyrannical little loli, they are honest and handsome.

Yingsheng patted his contractor friendly: "Brother Xuan, don't be discouraged, the prey we caught was also caught by you and Brother Yan.

Brother Ape and Brother Xiong didn't dare to fight against the silver-horned sheep's light-type spells, let alone us, we only engaged in sneak attacks because we were faster and our flesh and blood bodies were stronger in resisting blows. "

"..." Xuan Shao was not comforted.

Le Yun wouldn't just let the two handsome guys mess around, she just ignored the resentful expressions of the two handsome guys and drove wildly in the spirit boat.

The spirit boat crossed the canyon from a high altitude, entered the towering mountains, and shuttled between the mountain peaks, flashing from left to right, and passed through the mountains after about a stick of incense.

Behind the mountains is the territory of silver horn sheep.

Its land is a basin surrounded by two huge mountains running north-south, and there is a small and medium-sized mountain range also running north-south in the basin, which divides the basin into two large canyons.

The small and medium-sized mountains that separate the basin, and the large mountain ranges facing each other in the east and west form a "chuan" character.

The height of the vertical strokes that make up the word "Chuan" and the last vertical mountain range are more than 20 feet from the ground surface, and none of the main peaks is lower than 30 feet.

For the small and medium-sized mountains in the middle of the basin, the height of the peaks ranges from about 15 to 15 feet above the surface, and the height of the highest peak is also below [-] feet.

The southern end of the Chuanzi Basin is the northern mountain range that surrounds the moon-shaped canyon in the secret area of ​​the eye, which belongs to the medium-sized mountain range.

The northern boundary of the basin is a huge mountain range that runs east-west, just like the north-south vertical mountains that make up the basin. On the other side of the Hengduan Mountains, it is said that it is a large plain that spans more than 800 million miles.

The Chuanzi Basin, which is surrounded by two giant mountain ranges from north to south, is about 300 million miles from east to west, and more than 470 million miles from north to south at its widest point.

The huge Chuanzi Basin, due to its superior geographical location, fertile land, and rich products, is a territory that all the monsters want to fight for themselves.

Silverhorn sheep have inhabited the basin territory for more than 300 million years.

The previous lord of the Chuanzi Basin territory was a carnivorous monster with blue armor and a scaleless fish-eating crocodile. The fish-eating crocodile also snatched the territory from a monster, and then was snatched away by the silver-horned sheep.

The strong are respected in the beast race world. As long as the clan is strong, whichever territory you want can be seized by strength. If the overall strength of your clan is weak, even if you once occupied a good territory, it will be difficult to hold it

Grabbing territory and resources is the daily life of monsters.

It's not that the fish-eating crocodile has never thought about regaining its territory, but its current strength does not allow it. To be precise, it is because it has not found a magic weapon to restrain the silver-horned sheep's light bloodline magical powers, and it cannot be snatched even if it wants to.

The position where Little Loli's spirit boat crossed the Hengduan Mountains is the direction facing the canyon of the giant mountain range on the east side of the Chuanzi Basin.

The spirit boat is high in the sky, and it can be vaguely seen that to the far east is the outline of the mountains that go straight into the sky. A white dragon roars and gallops in the canyon plain. Below it is an endless green grassland that extends to the end of the west.

The people and beasts in the spirit boat only took a brief look at the situation before they were attracted by a white cloud "floating" from a distance.

Of course, the floating clouds are not real clouds, but a herd of silver-horned sheep.

The hair of Silverhorn sheep is as white and soft as cotton, and many sheep are piled together, very much like a ball of cotton.

The silver horn sheep that can fly together are like a white cloud floating, and the white cloud is erratic as the sheep occasionally turn left or right.

Seeing a group of flying sheep, four human-shaped beasts and three animal-shaped beasts, their eyes glowed green.

"Wow, the ingredients are here."

"Oh, so much meat!"

When the beasts saw the sheep, it was equivalent to seeing a bunch of kebabs and braised lamb legs, and they were so excited that they almost rushed up and down the net.

Xuan Shao was also a little excited, clapped his hands and smiled: "Oh, they are not here for reinforcements, are they?"

"It seems that otherwise, they wouldn't have come so fast. Besides, if they knew that someone had broken into the territory, they would have to show respect first before attacking. The big monster would only come to drive them away if the warning in advance didn't work."

Yan Xing also answered, and heard from Yuan Dayuan Er and Xiong Shan that most of the high-ranking sheep of the silver horn sheep inhabit the alpine meadow area closer to the north, or dug caves in the places with the most spiritual energy in the giant mountains to guard some of them. Lingcao Lingzhi.

"Stay well, I'll meet them first." Le Yun instructed, stepping out of the spirit boat, shrinking the spirit boat and putting it on her shoulders.

She didn't hold a weapon either, she walked in the air with solemn hands, as leisurely as if she was strolling in a garden, her cloak and robe were windless and fluttering, like a fairy in a picture scroll.

When Yan Xing released his consciousness to look around, he saw the picture of the little loli's clothes fluttering like a fairy, and couldn't help being dazed for a moment, until the little loli floated a few miles away before his consciousness caught up again.

Seeing the magic weapon that only human twolegs appeared suddenly, the Silver Horn flock flew faster, and when they saw only one human twoleg flying in the air, they let out an angry cry.

The sound of bleating became one piece, just like the boiling scene when the flock of sheep rushed out of the pen like a tide when they were grazing in the pasture.

Le Yun was very happy to watch, the picture of the flock of sheep communicating is quite down-to-earth, it would be better if the murderous spirit is not so strong.

Even if she became the target of murderous intent, she was not afraid, and she still flew calmly.

"Yu Da, can you tell how many big monsters there are?" Xuan Shao saw the flock of sheep getting closer and asked his little friend.

"Their auras are converging and they are moving. It's not easy to distinguish them. Based on their aura, I can guess that they are at least [-] or more [-]th-level big sheep, and there are forty or fifty eleventh-level sheep." Yuan Da said a conservative number.

"The estimation error of the great ape is a bit large. There are seventy twelfth-level sheep in the flock, one hundred and three eleventh-level sheep, 85 tenth-level sheep, 120 ninth-level sheep, one hundred eighth-level sheep, and 61 seven-level sheep. There are 530 nine sheep in total.”

Le Yun added that more than 500 sheep, from Yuanying to Mahayana, have all survived, and their combat power is still very strong, and their blood relationship is relatively close.

"Ah?" Xuan Shao was dumbfounded.

Yan Xing: "..." Well, this team is bigger than the team of silver-horned sheep in the morning.

Beasts: "..." The number is a bit large, and it doesn't feel good to get off the net.

The sheep speeded up twice in a row, and in less than [-] breaths, the original distance of nearly ten miles was shortened to less than two miles. Humans and beasts met unexpectedly in the air.

When there was still a mile away from the sheep, Le Yun stood still in the air calmly.

The sheep were still rushing forward, and within a blink of an eye, they were less than ten feet away from the human race. Among the five twelfth-order big sheep running ahead, they rushed towards the human race like tigers and sheep, and the silver horns on their heads were smashed one after another. silver light.

The leader is an ewe, the late Mahayana Dzogchen, and the oldest. The two-inch-long tip of the four silver horns on the top of the head is transitioning from silvery white to transparent.

If the silver-horned sheep's horns are changed from silver to transparent, the horns are equivalent to the magic weapon of the fairy grade, and can exert the power of a fairy-level demon fairy.

A sheep of the twelfth rank took the lead, and the ewe slowed down a little, and the silver horns on the top of its head lit up with light clusters.

Many sheep turned their heads to the leader in unison, and cast their own power with silver light, converging on the silver light cluster above the leader's head.

As soon as the flock comes up, they will zoom in on their moves, which is also the group skill of the silver horn sheep - united as one.

When Le Yun saw that the sheep didn't stop, she knew that there was no sign of peace talks. When the five big monsters rushed towards her, she quickly moved away, letting all the beams of silver light go away.

The five silver-horned sheep didn't awaken their pre-judgmental powers, and missed a single hit. They chased the human race and cast silver light, preventing the human race from disturbing the leader's accumulation of strength and condensing their unique skills.

Le Yun also saw that the sheep were holding back their big moves again. Originally, they wanted to take out the fishing nets to attack the five big sheep, but now they were not in a hurry, and only dodged and did not fight back.

If she catches a twelfth-level big sheep with a fishing net and makes the sheep give up their plan to kill her, or makes the sheep feel that she is not easy to provoke and negotiates when they fight back, it means that a lot of lamb will be lost string.

In order to roast mutton kebabs and stew whole lamb in a stone pot, at this time, she had to show weakness.

For the sake of the ingredients, Le Yun decisively showed weakness to the enemy, dodging from left to right to avoid the silver light of a few sheep, while secretly hiding her hands in her big sleeves, quickly making fingerprints.

The light cluster above the ewe's head is getting bigger and bigger, and the silver light is getting brighter and brighter.

The time it takes for the ewes to gather the supernatural power of "Unity of all people" is shorter than that of the ram leading the team in the morning, only about 25 breaths.

The light cluster above the ewe's head is dazzling, and the concentration of silver light is more than ten times stronger than that of the ram, which also gathers the collective strength of "all people as one" in the morning.

Gathering a move of blood and supernatural powers, Muguan rushed towards the human race, berserk and angry: "Damn human race, you kill my child first, and then kill my partner and clansman, take your life!"

The five twelfth-order big sheep besieging the human race, seeing that the leader had accumulated enough strength, immediately ran away to both sides, and ran back to the two sides of the tribe to protect the tribe.

The angry ewe had a silver light shining above its head, and a beam of light was thrown out.

Le Yun moved his position once, and as soon as he reached the new position, a beam of blazing silver light followed him, and immediately moved again.

At the same time, I also understand that the ewe, like the silver-horned sheep that attacked her outside the secret formation, has also activated the magical power of "prediction", which can predict the opponent's next step.

When she changed positions, she implemented continuous changes, just appeared and then moved away, and performed several consecutive changes, and sometimes changed directions halfway before reaching a new foothold.

She changed too fast, and the speed was too fast, even if the silver horn sheep had the power of prediction, it would not help.

"Ahhhh..., Human Race, damn Human Race, stop! Give back my child's life! Give back my people!" After missing several hits in a row, the ewe went mad.

She chased the human race around several times, raised her head angrily, and roared: "Holy light eclipses the sun—the brilliance is overwhelming!"

She poured her own power into the brilliance above her head, and a group of silver light suddenly expanded, like the sun exploding, bursting out with infinite light.

Le Yun moved half a mile away when the ewe was screaming, and found that the light ball above the ewe's head had changed, so she also raised her hand, threw out the moonlight light ball accumulated in the dark, and also shouted: " The holy light of the sun - the sun and the moon shine together!"

The soft moonlight clusters bloomed in the air like fireworks, and the brilliance bloomed.

The brilliance as soft as the moon collided with the dazzling silver light in the air, like starlight exploding, bursting out countless moonlight spots and silver lights, and the dots of light intertwined in the air, flickering and flickering.

The ewe released the killer skill of the silver horn sheep, and the sheep looked at the human race excitedly, waiting to see her body melted by the brilliance of the blood of the sheep.

The ewe was so excited that her face twisted when she thought that the human race was about to be turned into blood in the holy light of the Silver Horn Clan.

However, when the human hand came out from the two pieces of cloth and threw a soft light ball, the expression on the ewe's face was stiff.

The excitement in the sheep's eyes turned to astonishment, horror and disbelief.

Le Yun threw her big move, didn't stop for a moment, quickly moved to the hands of the flock, threw out the seven beasts in the spirit boat, and threw the spirit boat into the air.

She didn't talk nonsense, let the beast out, moved it to the top of the front flock, grabbed a fishing net with each hand and cast it down.

The moonlight and silver dots were still flickering, and the flock of sheep was still in extreme shock. Several big sheep felt spiritual fluctuations above them, and dodged subconsciously.

They also only had time to move a few feet to the left, right, back, and forward, and then they were covered by a large net. The flock panicked and bleated.

The shocked ewe was shocked by the frightened cry of the sheep, turned her head quickly, and saw that the human race that was originally on the opposite side had arrived at the top of the group behind it at some point.

The human race held a spider-like net in each hand, and there were hundreds of silver horn sheep in each net.

"Human, you actually attacked!" The ewe went crazy, jumped up, and rushed towards the human, sending out the magical power of blood - eclipse light as she rushed.

However, when her spiritual power was transported to Yinjiao's position, it was like hitting a hard rock, and she could no longer move forward.

The ewe raised her head in disbelief, the blood power...doesn't work? !
(End of this chapter)

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