2845 Threat
The human race disappeared from the domain silently, and the big monsters of the crocodile race also scattered around the members of the crocodile race in the formation, defending the outside of the domain mask tightly.

When King Crocodile searched halfway through the space inside the domain, he suddenly sensed a weak aura fluctuation around him, moved away almost subconsciously, and at the same time patted one paw on the aura fluctuation.

When that claw fell, even the air was crushed, forming a land of nothingness.

Crocodile King's huge body moved about half a foot away from its original position, and he quickly searched the surrounding area, but there was nothing there. The previous fluctuation of spiritual energy seemed to be his illusion.

After searching around but not finding anything, King Crocodile's consciousness went to search for traces of the human race in Wuyu Absolute Territory again, and suddenly, he noticed the fluctuation of spiritual energy again.

This time, the aura fluctuation appeared under the tail, and the aura fluctuation was very weak.

When he sensed a weak wave of aura, King Crocodile kicked his hind feet backwards.

As soon as he raised his back legs, the human race that had disappeared from the domain appeared under his tail, and a plum blossom gun with a dazzling golden light pierced towards his back door with lightning speed.

That stab was quite accurate, the plum blossom spear pierced into the crocodile king's anus with incomparable precision, and drove straight in, piercing into the crocodile's belly without hesitation.

"Aw—" the anus was stabbed, King Crocodile let out a horrible scream, his whole body twitched, his head was raised high, and his huge body rolled over in death.

His body was too huge, and when he rolled over, it was like a mountain collapsed, turning the air into a raging wind.

At the same time, his big tail flicked crazily, and the two twelfth-order big monsters closest to him were caught off guard by King Crocodile's big tail.

Amidst the loud crackling noise, the two twelfth-order monsters were sent flying, and their bodies smashed into the dense crowd of crocodiles with a "whoosh" like cannonballs.

The bodies of the two big monsters were big and hard, and the crocodile monster that was hit couldn't help but screamed in pain, rolling over, and had to beat or collide with other crocodiles.

You bump into me and I bump into you, and there was a little chaos in the fish-eating crocodile group for a while.

Le Yun poked the Crocodile King's back door, injected a lot of real energy into the plum blossom gun, and before the Crocodile King's big tail swung it forward, he withdrew his hand and moved it away immediately.

The plum-blossom spear infused with true energy was artificially forced forward, and all of it was submerged into the belly of the crocodile king. When it got into the belly of the crocodile king, the spear lengthened violently, shining like a golden light.

The suddenly long plum blossom spear pierced the crocodile king's internal organs. He had just completed a death-tumbling crocodile king. Feeling the threat in his abdomen, he immediately mobilized the real essence to cover the internal organs and abdomen, and then distributed half of the real essence at the same time. Wrap the human weapon that penetrated into the belly.

He wanted to bind the weapon in his abdominal cavity with his true energy and spiritual consciousness, and felt the aura stirring above his head, he raised his head and opened his mouth to bite into the air.

He opened and closed his big mouth, only biting a piece of air.

Crocodile King's mouth hadn't been fully closed yet, and the human race appeared in front of him. She was emitting a circle of golden light, with her hands behind her back, her face relaxed.

"Oh, it's a pity that the bloodline magical powers of your crocodile clan failed to trap this fairy."

The human girl had a bright smile and a crisp voice.

The voices of people heard, all the crocodile monsters looked together, and they were shocked to see that the human race appeared outside the domain. How did the human race leave the domain?
The big monsters killed the human cubs without hesitation.

Crocodile King saw the human race that should have been trapped in the domain, and roared angrily: "Damn human race! This king will tear you to pieces!"

Le Yun ignored the swarming crocodiles, walked around with her little hands behind her back, grinning: "Don't be angry, your Five Fish Absolute Domain is actually very powerful, it can encircle those who are two to three levels higher than the formation. Humans or beasts, and even twelfth-level monsters can step up to deal with mortal-level opponents.

As for not trapping this fairy, it's not your fault. After all, looking at Yunlan, no bloodline supernatural power of any race can trap this fairy, including the formation of the human race. "

The crocodile monsters were angry with the bullfight, and they used all their methods, claws, tails, and various aura light blades, and greeted the human race as if they didn't want money.

The crocodile's tail and claws slapped the human race's body protection mask, making loud "bang bang porphyr, crackling, crackling", those light blades chopped and smashed the golden mask, like fireworks exploding, bursting out. Countless rays of light.

The golden mask that was under the attack of the crocodiles was as stable as a stone.

"You guys refused to admit defeat, and forced me to kill. You can't blame me." With the protection of the fairy robe, Le Yun was not harmed, but the crocodile monsters besieged her, which made her very unhappy.

She is not happy, so naturally she will not be soft.

"Seven-star plum blossom gun, come back!"

Le Xiaoluoli was not happy, and directly summoned the plum blossom gun.

The plum-blossom gun in King Crocodile's abdomen heard the call, and immediately rebelled, slamming left and right, looking for a way out.

There was something disturbing in the abdominal cavity, which made the five viscera and six lungs tremble, King Crocodile had no choice but to deal with the disturbing weapon in the abdomen.

The plum blossom gun made a fuss, and the Crocodile King was forced to weave a large amount of true energy into a big net to trap the plum blossom gun and prevent it from rushing out. He could no longer attack the human race and retreated towards the crocodile group.

Crocodile King had no time to target himself, Le Yun also ignored the big crocodile monsters who were surrounding him, moved to the side of Crocodile King, and threw a lot of talisman papers and three big nets casually.

Three large nets blocked three directions, covered seven or eight miles, and covered Crocodile King and dozens of big monsters above tenth rank.

There were two big monsters of the twelfth rank on the edge, running fast, and jumped out when the big net was closed.

As soon as the big net was collected, one net locked three big monsters of the twelfth rank and King Crocodile in the net, one net caught more than 20 big monsters of the tenth to twelveth rank, and another big net held the There are monsters from the eighth to the twelfth rank.

As soon as he realized that he had fallen into the big net, the crocodile monsters, big and small, rushed out crazily, bumping their heads against the wall of the net, making their eyes dazzled.

The brains of the crocodile "humming" sounded after being hit, and the crocodile-eating crocodiles entered the darkness before they could get up.

Le Yun threw the fishing net into the storage container first, and moved quickly, moving dozens of miles away, to a place where there is no crocodile monster.

As soon as she moved away, the golden light and purple halo emitted by the talisman papers she scattered bloomed and turned into a gorgeous glow.

Under the rays of the sun, the originally clear sky was filled with thunder, and then there was a dense crackling sound, and countless golden thunderbolts fell like raindrops.

Le Yun moved to a safe place, and just stood still, when she saw Lei Zhu coming, she couldn't help but want to cover her eyes, oh my god, her Thunder Summoning Talisman is still as effective as ever in Yunlan Spirit World!

Of course she didn't cover her eyes, she quickly shook off the fishnet containing King Crocodile and the big monster thrown in the storage container, shook out the monsters, and moved King Crocodile into the fishnet to be imprisoned.

Then he took out the fish net that locked the crocodile king from the space device, and held it in his hand, so that the crocodile king could enjoy the grand picture of Tianlei blasting the crocodile.

When the crocodile king fell into a large gray net, the whole crocodile was stunned. After entering the darkness, there was a brief interruption of thinking. When Dexin appeared in the sun, he saw countless golden thunder pillars in the sky fall into the crocodile group.

The group of crocodiles who were bombarded by the thunder for no reason panicked and fled wildly.

The golden sky thunder, which was ten feet thick, chased the crocodile beast as if it had eyes.

When the crocodile monsters were struck by the thunder, lightning flashed all over their bodies, some of them twitched and twisted into various shapes, and some were numb and stiff like stones.

The crocodiles that were struck by the lightning let out a scream, and soon, some crocodiles were split open and bloody, some crocodiles were electrocuted into wooden pillars, and some were half-baked.

Some crocodiles still had the strength to struggle when they were struck by the first lightning strike. They desperately broke away from the attraction of the lightning force, rushed out of the lightning area, and fled in all directions.

The low-level fish-eating crocodiles were unable to struggle after being hit by one or two thunderbolts, and then died after being hit by one or two thunderbolts. The crocodiles that were killed by the thunderbolts fell like raindrops downward.

Le Yun threw out more than a dozen array disks, and took out another ten thousand puppets.

The puppets quickly dispersed to intercept the fleeing crocodiles.

The discs flew below the Tianlei and the monster crocodile, turning into huge discs one by one, catching the corpses of monsters or half-dead crocodiles that fell from the sky.

When the crocodile king saw the group of crocodiles being bombed by the sky thunder, he forgot to fall into the hands of the human race, and hit the wall like crazy.

When he found out that the human race had sent some lifeless people who looked like human races to intercept and kill the crocodile race, King Crocodile suddenly grabbed the gray net wall and looked at the human cubs.

"You...you are Lei Lingen, the sky thunder you summoned?!"

Crocodile King's voice was hoarse and trembling.

"Yes, Tianlei was summoned by this fairy." Le Yun admitted openly: "This fairy has always been based on the virtue of good life, and never took the initiative to kill. On the day I came out of the secret realm, I warned against squatting Don't force the beast clan in the cloud group outside the secret to force this fairy to take action, you all insist on not listening, and come to provoke this fairy again and again.

What you and your group have ended up in is your own fault.

You know that this fairy knows the five fishes of your clan, and your domain can't trap this fairy. If you don't surrender quickly, you should have a sense of crisis at any rate, and immediately truce and negotiate. You know the current affairs, and this fairy will naturally not kill .

It's fine if you don't have a sense of crisis yourself, but you have to rely on the number of crocodiles to gang up on Fairy Ben, isn't that courting death? "

Hearing the screams of the crocodiles tearing their lungs apart, King Crocodile was scolded for being stupid, and lowered his head: "Surrender, the crocodile tribe is willing to surrender!"

"It's too late." Le Yun shook her head: "Once the fairy's thunder talisman comes out, it is impossible to stop halfway. The creatures in the battlefield will never die, and the thunder will not disperse."

"Are you really going to exterminate our crocodile clan?" King Crocodile hit the net wall angrily, trying to tear the gray net.

"Whether you want to destroy your crocodile clan depends on the performance of your crocodile clan. After this is over, I will go to the territory of your crocodile clan. If the fish-eating crocodile dares to attack this fairy, I don't mind letting the fish-eating crocodile exterminate the clan." .”

The human race still wants to kill the crocodile clan's territory and continue to commit crimes. The crocodile king cursed angrily: "Damn human race, there is a species to leave a name. If there is a crocodile in my crocodile clan, you will have to pay the price! This king will be a ghost in the next life!" I will kill you a hundred times and a thousand times!"

"You are not the first beast to threaten this fairy, nor will you be the last. Anyone who dares to threaten this fairy is dead, and there will be no chance of reincarnation."

(End of this chapter)

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