magic eye doctor

Chapter 292 Tomb Poison

Chapter 292 Tomb Poison
Yan Xing volunteered to be the air, secretly observing the four people's every move, focusing on the older man who claimed to be a Taoist priest.

After observation, he was 100% sure that two of the other three were professional inversions. As for how to determine that they were tomb robbers, that was a secret in their team.

And the lean boss who set up the street stall should have the skills of robbing graves.

He is also very interested when the old Taoist asks Little Loli if there is anything wrong with them. It is best that all four of them have problems as punishment for robbing their tombs.

Young Master Yan was schadenfreude, while the four-eyed monkey spirit Heiguotou, who was the party involved, was shocked and sweated, and sat up straight, nervously waiting for the little girl's answer as if waiting for the court's verdict.

"Well, there's something wrong." Le Yun is an honest and good boy who won't lie.

"If there is anything wrong, please don't hesitate to give me some advice, so that I can have a bottom line in my heart." Master Ao is not ashamed to ask for advice.

Monkey Jing's four-eyed Heiguotou became even more nervous. He still remembered that when he met Master Ao, Master stared at them for a long time, and then fell into the dark river and was washed to this strange place. After landing, Master Ao watched them for a while, although he didn't. Say something, but they don't feel good.

Moreover, they also felt it themselves. After entering the ancient tomb, it seemed that there was a problem with their bodies. It was hard to say what the specific performance was. Anyway, it was very uncomfortable.

"If you read it right, the four of you have been to the ancient tomb and got dirty things." By the light of the flashlight, Le Yun saw the nervous expressions of the other three and turned a blind eye. She didn't talk nonsense to test what they did. It just means telling the truth.

Heiguotou's three nervous noses were sweating, and they looked at Master Ao cautiously, but Master Ao was nervous, and hurriedly bowed slightly with one hand: "Little friend, Xiao Laodao would like to hear the details."

"The old gentleman may think wrong. The dirty things I said have nothing to do with ghosts and gods, but that you have been poisoned by the ancient tomb."

Seeing the subtle expressions on the faces of the other four, Le Yun wanted to laugh. She is not an official family, and has no right to intervene in other people's occupations. Besides, the self-proclaimed Taoist priest knows more about strange power and chaos. She can see a doctor, but she can't see it. To the ghosts and spirits that people say.

"Poisoned?" The rare unison, or the voices of five people.

Yan Xing asked a question and then kept his mouth shut. He was not suspicious of Little Loli's judgment, but was surprised by the source of the poison. What kind of big tomb actually set up poison and burglar?As for the four of them, uh, if you walk too much at night, you will meet ghosts, and if you rob a tomb too much, you will be punished one day. Poisoning is the reward for them, and he has no sympathy.

"Well, it is poisoning, a very sinister poison." Le Yun kindly explained her doubts: "That kind of poison is extremely difficult to cultivate, and it can only exist in large ancient tombs. If you guess correctly, you are in ancient tombs. Did you encounter a pool of liquid in it?"

"Yes." The four nodded and answered affirmatively.

Master Ao added: "That ancient tomb is very strange, with all kinds of formation mechanisms. There is a large pool in one passage, blocking the entire road, and it can only flow through."

"The water in the pool should be black or purple, isn't it?"

"It's a little bit more black and purple." Four Eyes and Monkey King Heiguotou recalled to confirm.

"It's not ordinary water, it's human blood. What you are dripping is not water, but a blood bath." Le Yun looked at the four unfortunate, poor people with sympathy, taking a blood bath in the ancient tomb. Take a bath, it is estimated that they will have a dream for a long time in the future.

"!" Monkey Jing's four-eyed Heiguotou shivered, his hair terrified, and he couldn't even breathe.

Master Ao's back was numb for a while. No wonder he looked at the indescribable gloom and darkness of the water in the pond. However, there were soldiers who were chasing after him. In order to escape, he knew that the pond was very sinister and had to jump through it. .

He later met several monkey spirits, only to find out that several monkey spirits had also run for their lives in the water, and the four people who left alive from the ancient tomb all passed through the pool.

At that time, Hou Jing and his party also broke up, and there were only the three people left now. He watched their qi and looked at their colors. Those three people were all suffocated by Yin evil, the bright hall was dim, and their luck was not smooth.

Now it can be seen that he was also infiltrated by evil spirits, just because he carried the luck of the master, it was not so obvious, and he might not have noticed it himself.

Master Ao swallowed: "Poison in the blood pool?"

"Yes," Le Yun gave a positive answer again: "I have read ancient books, which recorded a kind of sinister poison, which can also be called corpse poison. A kind of tiny bug, which modern science calls bacteria, corpse poison breeds from the rotting flesh and blood pile. When the little bug eats the dead flesh, it enters the blood pool to multiply.

After the corpse poison is developed, there will be no need to provide new food from the outside world. They have their own biological chain. The old corpse poison worms die, and the new corpse poison worm eats the dead corpse poison corpse. There is no meat in it. As long as the blood pool is not dry, the corpse poison will not be destroyed. Generally speaking, the corpse poison cannot leave the blood pool for too long. Wounds, mouth, nose, etc. enter the body.

Of course, corpse-raising poison requires tens of thousands of people to be buried with them, and it takes more than a thousand years to breed. Therefore, the ancient tomb you go to must be the tomb of the slavery era, at least the Spring and Autumn Tomb. The owner of the tomb is either a state lord or a warlock. Only when there were immortals in that period could complex tombs be built, and it would be reasonable to bury thousands of slaves with them. "

Yan Xing touched his back quietly, is it scary?Ten thousand people are buried with people, and the blood of the people is the pool.

Monkey Jing and Four-eyed Heiguotou have also visited ancient tombs and seen burial pits, but now I hear from little girls that thousands of people are buried with them.

very scary!
They just got some antiquities by accident and guessed that there might be an ancient tomb near the place where something appeared, so they went to look for it.

There were originally four of them. Who would have guessed that they spent three days after the fight without touching the door and strayed into a passage. One of their companions touched the trap, fell into a trap, and stayed in the fight forever. They couldn't even take away the bodies of their companions, because those who fell into the traps were shot into hornets' nests by arrows, and they were also smashed into meat sauce by thousands of pounds of stones.

After losing a companion, they no longer wanted to visit the tomb. When they were withdrawing, they encountered a corpse soldier and fled all the way. After escaping for a day and a night, they were still in the ancient tomb, and they never found a way to enter the tomb.

During the escape, I walked through a pool and stepped on some bone pits. Later, I met Master Ao, and the four of them walked together. Fortunately, Master Ao had escaped many crises, but in the end, he still did not escape the fate of falling into the trap of the agency. into the dark river.

Thinking about it now, their trip to the ancient tomb is equivalent to wandering around the Naihe Bridge several times. The head is not on the belt of the trousers, and it will fall off at any time.

Heiguotou, the four-eyed monkey essence, was shivering with cold air from the inside to the outside. If they could survive, they swore that they would never fight again!
Master Ao's complexion changed, the corpse poison, the poison of the yin, is evil, not evil, he can exorcise evil spirits, but he can't detoxify.

After being silent for a while, he barely suppressed the emotions in his heart, and asked calmly, "Little friend, what will happen after being poisoned by corpse?"

It was a matter of his own life and death, and Heiguotou, the monkey essence, put aside his sadness and pricked up his ears.

"There are no symptoms at first after being poisoned by the corpse poison. The corpse poison enters the body. The first year is the reproduction period. The mother of the poisonous insects lurks in the flesh and blood to reproduce offspring. There is nothing unusual about people, only the blood is thinner, the blood active factor is larger, and the human body temperature Relatively low, those with poor physique will have insufficient vitality and be easily tired;

In the second year, the corpse poison larvae broke out and developed to a certain number to invade the bone and brain, feeding on the bone marrow and brain marrow, and then pain would appear. It took about a year for the corpse poison to absorb the essence of the human body. the death of a person;

Before the corpse poison has penetrated into the bones, it is still somewhat beneficial to the human body. Generally, the small poison and minor illnesses will be swallowed up by the corpse poison, and people are not prone to colds and no minor illnesses.

I am also not sure whether it can be detected at the modern medical level. It is estimated that if something is wrong, it will also define anemia and calcium deficiency. Later symptoms will be vascular blockage, brain atrophy, or hydrocephalus. "

The corpse poison is too old, and Le Yun has never seen or confirmed that someone has been poisoned by the corpse poison before, so he dare not say whether modern high-tech medical machinery can detect it 100%.

"Three years?" Four eyes muttered to himself, his face pale and pale.

Monkey Jing and Heiguotou's expressions are also very bad. According to the little girl's words, after being poisoned by corpse poison, they can only live for three years at most. Once people know their own lifespan, it will definitely not feel good.

The feeling of despair came out of their hearts again, and they didn't even dare to ask if they could be saved. The poison brought out from the ancient tomb was an unknown disease, and modern medicine might not be able to save it.

Those who do not know are fearless, those who know are fearful!
Fearing the virus he had never heard of before, the deflated ball of the four-eyed monkey essence black pot head wilted all of a sudden.

Master Ao sat in a stone statue, and after a long while he asked quietly, "How did your little friend diagnose us with corpse poison?"

"Old gentleman is surprised that I can't say anything without taking the pulse, right?" Le Yun smiled, not being annoyed by being questioned: "I don't need to check the pulse, because each of you four have wounds on your body, and there are corpse poisons left on them. You can't smell the smell yourself now, but you will probably be able to smell it next year. When you sweat, your sweat has a sweet smell. That smell is the most attractive to mosquitoes. There are no mosquitoes here. Where to stop, as long as you are here, mosquitoes will never abandon you to patronize others."

Looking at the breath to cut off the disease, smelling the smell and recognizing the disease, it should be done by the highly virtuous medical practitioners. Where did the young girls come from, and at a young age, they have the perfect mastery of Wang Wen, who is the right one?
Master Ao kept guessing in his heart, but did not answer in time, and when he lowered his eyes slightly, he heard the crisp voice of the little girl: "Among the four of you, the white-faced young uncle is the most injured, and the main injury is on the left back shoulder. The back should have been injured by the ancient tomb organ, the hidden weapon in the organ was not clean, and the wound was festering; the black-faced uncle was injured on the right arm, with a blood hole about three inches long;

The little girl paused, looking at the four with her dark and bright eyes, her expression was a smile but not a smile: "Well, the location of a wound on someone's body is not easy to say, the pain of the chrysanthemum being all over the ground can easily make people mad. The old man is injured. On the left front chest, one of the four was seriously injured. It is estimated that the creature in the ancient tomb was scratched, and the wound was infected. The least injured was the handsome uncle who sold antiques. There was only a slight injury, which needs attention. Just the back of your neck."

"..." Little Lolita said that the chrysanthemum was full of injuries, and Yan Xing almost didn't laugh out loud. Unfortunately, someone hurt the chrysanthemum. Oh, it's really hard to tell.

The white-faced man's face suddenly turned red, and the one with the chrysanthemum residue was him!While exploring in the ancient tomb, another companion accidentally stepped on the trap and fell into a trap. Although he ran fast and escaped death, his back was inevitably shot by a dark arrow, and his hip was also stabbed by the sword that emerged from the ground. a moment.

The monkey essence Heiguotou was shocked and forgot to breathe, how did she know where their injuries were?

Master Ao could no longer remain calm. He stared at the little girl in horror, looking into her black and beautiful almond eyes, his mind was shocked, he no longer dared to have any scorn, straightened his back, and put the compass in his eyes. On his legs, he squeezed out the hand of the Jianghu Lijue with his hands: "I'm sorry, the little friend turned out to be an expert in the medical school, dare to ask that the little friend is an expert in the fairy medical school?"

"You're welcome!" In Le Yun's eyes, the gestures of the old man were divided, and she could see it clearly and clasped her fists calmly: "My family's ancestral traditional Chinese medicine, I still need a senior to teach medicine, that senior has long since faded out of the world, forgetting Given the secular name, I never mentioned where the teacher came from, so I don’t know what the old gentleman said about the Immortal Medicine Sect, and I don’t know what kind of school my master is.”

What's the matter, how does she know who she is?Her medical enlightenment teacher was her grandfather. After that, she had inexplicably inherited countless medical knowledge in her mind. She didn't know which master of the space left it, and the senior who left the jade slip did not leave a name. How could she say it?
Seeking the source and asking for the root cause the most headache. Anyone who asks her where her medical skills come from, even if she has a beautiful heart and a clever tongue, it is difficult to tell the ins and outs.

Can't tell, just pretend to be mysterious.

Although it is wrong to tell lies, it is necessary to remain mysterious when necessary. Le Yun's heart is strong enough to speak half-truths as if they were true. To ask where people come from?It doesn't matter if it's a black cat or a white cat, if it can catch mice, it's a good cat. No matter where it comes from, it's a good doctor if it can cure diseases and save people. Heroes don't ask where they come from, you know?

Master Ao thought that it might be that the little Taoist friend did not want to mention the sect after joining the WTO, but in his heart he confirmed that she was a member of the Immortal Doctor’s family.

The little Daoist friend didn’t want to make a statement, and he didn’t force it, so he gave a deep salute: “It turns out that the little Daoist friend’s teacher is an expert outside the world. Since I don’t know how to talk about seniority, when I am older, I will take care of it and call out the little Daoist friend. Please also ask. On behalf of the little fellow Daoist, I will convey to Master Ling, Ao He, a disciple of Duanmu Songzi from the Tianjimen of Altun Mountain, to send his greetings to the senior."

"There is Mr. Lao to remember the teacher. Please also see that the old gentleman will convey my greetings on behalf of the master, and he will say hello to the old man, the unknown young man, Le Yun, and I hope that the pine and crane will grow green, and he will be able to prove the Dao as soon as possible." Le Yun thought When she fainted, she hated the cumbersome etiquette of Wen and Wen, and didn't like the polite manners, which would kill her brain cells.

Another hidden sect!
Yan Xing was originally an outsider of the government. When the beer-bellied man reported to the division, he secretly opened it up. Little Loli was born in a hidden world, and there is another hidden school here. What's going to happen?

"Little Old Daoist will definitely convey the blessings of the little Daoist friend." The little Daoist friend was willing to sign up his account, indicating that he was willing to get acquainted with him. Master Ao was happy in his heart, and his tone immediately became warm and true: "Little Daoist friend, just mentioned the corpse poison, Is there a way to detoxify this corpse poison?"

The monkey spirit four-eyed Heiguotou has long been dazed by the sects that Master Ao and the little girl have been talking about. They have never heard of the sect of Tian, ​​or the sect of Xian. Several sects of the sect, that is also spread orally, and there is no way to verify it.

Because I didn't understand, I only felt that Master Ao and the little girl were so tall, mysterious, and fantastical.

When the topic turned to corpse poison again, the attention of the four returned to reality, and their mood was sad.

"Everything grows and suppresses each other, there is a solution to corpse poison, it's just..."

"Just what?" Before the little girl could finish speaking, Siyan and Heiguotou asked eagerly.

When his companion interrupted the conversation, Master Ao smiled apologetically at the little girl to show his apology.

"It's just that the generations are different. In the past, there was a solution to the corpse poison, but now it depends on luck." Le Yun didn't care about someone interrupting her. The poisoning was a matter of life and their lives. They were so anxious that they interrupted in the middle. original.

"How do you say this?" In order to prevent the three of them from interfering indiscriminately, Master Ao quickly took over the conversation.

"In the past, there was a lot of spiritual energy, rare and rare beasts were running around, the modern environment was polluted, many things were extinct, and the medicinal materials for detoxification were the same, which may not be found."

"What do you need?"

"The corpse poison of the ancient tomb is the poison of the most yin. It needs to be restrained by the things of the most yang. The most yang thing is the place closest to the sun or the flame mountain. The main medicine needs a fire dragon. Lizards, as well as dozens of medicinal materials grown in volcanoes or in the red-flamed desert, are combined with commonly used medicines in the four seasons, so that the first spring rain after the beginning of spring, the first day after the beginning of summer to take deep well water, and the first frost after the beginning of autumn, After the beginning of winter, the first snow and water mix together to boil the medicine, and then it can be solved.

Even if I tell you the names of the medicinal materials you need, the ones you find may not be usable. The medicinal materials are grown in different places, and there are also different ages. Some medicinal materials are very delicate, and people who are poisoned by corpse will die when they touch them. There are also several medicines that need to be fed with the blood of virgins, boys and girls after they are collected to avoid ineffectiveness. "

The little girl spoke calmly, and Heiguotou, the four-eyed monkey essence, was stunned at the time. If you say that, doesn't it mean that they will surely die?

(End of this chapter)

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