Chapter 294

Shimen slowly ascended, vaguely hearing the sound of the "rolling" chain turning, Yan Xing turned his head to look at the little loli, the strange little loli had a round goose oval face, her eyes were brighter than the stars, and she looked like she had picked it up with a wide-eyed smile. like a treasure.

Obviously evildoer, but he has never seen the world before, contradictory!

Is there anyone like a little loli?The family is very poor, but she is clean and untouched by the world. She clearly has thaumaturgical skills, has a good eye and knows jade, and can make millions of dollars in her hands. He's an unworldly country bumpkin.

In general, Little Loli is a contradictory body, but it is obviously contradictory, and she is so natural and harmonious.

Master Ao: "..." The little girl must be a genius disciple from the Immortal Medicine Sect.

Monkey Jing's four-eyed Heiguotou was silent. He thought that they had been fighting for many years, and they were experts. Today, when I saw it, I realized what a real person does not show, and the exposed person is not a real person. The little girl is an expert who does not show her appearance.

The stone gate rolled and rose higher and higher, and the light below became wider and wider. When the stone gate rose a little, everyone looked at it and only saw that the ground of the gate was splendid, sparkling and bright.

When the stone gate rose to about one meter, Hou Jing and others couldn't stand the temptation. They squatted down and looked out. They were shocked. Behind the gate was a huge palace. The floor was paved with gold bricks. Countless treasures.

Le Yun stood up straight, and when the door was raised above her height, she took a leisurely step with her short legs and stepped over the door lightly and walked towards the place outside the door.

Behind the door is a large hall, with walls on four sides, and nine doors on each wall. Drawing up and down.

The high white jade-colored dome is covered with night pearls, pearls, crystals, and white jadeites that are stars. In the center, the pearls form the sun and the moon. The light makes the palace bright. The ground is paved with white jade and gold stones to form a sun radiation pattern. .

There are three coffins in the center of the hall, one ice jade coffin, one gold silk nanmu coffin, and a pair of pure gold coffins.

With the coffin as the center, all directions or stones, or jade trees, or carved vegetation, or pools, or mounds, or weapons, or grain seeds, etc., are arranged in layers and orderly.

There are many bones among the objects, especially around the coffin. There are no less than a hundred bones. Some of the wreckage is still there, some with only bones. Together, the poses are not the same.

Le Yun stepped into the palace, took a look, held her breath slightly, the nine-star lock god array, what a big hand!

She got the inheritance of space jade slips, and one of them is the explanation of the formation. Who uses the formation these days?The formation method is too ancient to be seen in modern times, and she did not deliberately study it.

Inheritance is in the mind, and you can take the seat when you need it. Before, the Nine-Bend Veranda was seated. Now, when you see the shadows in front of you, the name of a formation is about to come out - the nine-star lock god formation.

The Nine Star Locking God Array is based on the five stars of gold, wood, water, fire and soil, as well as two stars of ginseng and business, and nine stars in total, which represent the darkness of the day and the sun and the moon.

The combination of Jiuqu Veranda and Jiuxing God Locking Formation makes people come and go.The bones in the array are the intruders in the past. People did not die in the corridor, and they became sacrifices in the center of the array.

Le Yun turned her head to look at the others, and found that Hou Jing and the others were obsessed and breathless, as if they were excited when they saw Baoshan, and their eyebrows gathered together: "Brother Yan, what did you see?"

Yan Xing looked at the hall with a sad expression in his eyes: "There is a war in the splendid palace, with countless casualties and corpses piled up like mountains."

"That's not right, what kind of war is it? It's a mountain of gold and silver." Heiguotou glanced at the "masked hero" with a monster-like look and corrected his point of view: "You're dazzled, you see, it's obviously a treasure trove, There is gold and silver jewelry everywhere."

"That's right, there are treasures all over the ground, bronze wares are everywhere."

The four eyes and the monkey spirit are also attached, and their eyes are full of admiration and obsession.

Yan Xing: "..." You are dazzled, your whole family is dazzled!
Le Yun frowned and looked at Master Ao. Along the way, except for handsome guy Yan who was invisible because of his special occupation, everyone else exchanged names and were basically familiar with him. Master Ao was the calmest. She felt that he should not be confused.

"Master Ao, what did you see?"

"The hall is full of gold and jade, and there are wonderful books and classics." Master Ao looked at the center of the palace, and the palace was full of rare treasures, as well as many, many classics, Taoist Buddhist scriptures, magic and Buddhist artifacts, piled up into mountains.

"What you see are all illusions." Le Yun was extremely resentful: "This is an underground palace. There is an array in the hall. There are only coffins and bones in the array."

"Impossible!" The monkey spirit and the four-eyed Heiguotou strongly refuted, obviously it is a treasure house, how can there be a coffin?Where are the bones?
Yan Xing closed his eyes.

Master Ao sighed lightly: "You may be right, but we may be confused. Dare to ask how old you are this year?" If anyone among them could see through the illusion, it would be the little girl. Her eyes were clear and not stained with dust. The filth of the world will have nowhere to hide in her eyes.

"The real age is 14 and a half years old."

"Huh?" Houjing's four-eyed black pot head opened wide in shock, only... only 14 and a half years old?

"That's why!" Master Ao was deeply moved: "Most children under the age of 16 still retain yin and yang eyes, can see things that adults can't see, and can see through illusions. What young fellows see is real. We All you see is an illusion."

"Impossible, I'll go take a look." Heiguotou didn't believe it was a fake, he rushed forward, he was going to feel it, and brought a piece of gold back to prove what he said was true.

"Come back!" Master Ao shouted in a hurry. Just as he was about to reach out to grab it, a shadow flashed beside him. The little girl was faster than him and flew out. He grabbed the black pot head who rushed out and dragged the person to him. Pull it back, slam it hard, and slam the person to the ground.

"Do you want to die?"

The little girl changed her face, her slender eyebrows stood upright, and she slammed her head down, causing the monkey spirit and the four eyes to shudder.

Heiguotou was thrown to the ground, and his butt hurt from the fall. He was scolded, aggrieved and sad. Thinking of his brother who died in the ancient tomb, he didn't dare to reply.

Le Yun ignored Heiguotou and told everyone to stand still. She walked along the edge, next to the wall, and stepped on the narrow width that could only be passed by one person. She walked through two doors to a In front of the door with the huge phoenix painted on it, the phoenix's tail was pressed.

The door jolted up, and as it went up, the door they had walked through before slowly fell again.

"You are next to the wall, walk slowly, remember not to step on the sun halo circle, whoever breaks into the center of the formation, I will not go to save people." Le Yun stood by the door that was opening, and turned to call the others.

Yan Xing didn't say a word, didn't look sideways, and went to the side of Little Loli along the place where Little Loli walked.

Master Ao was not very worried about Hou Jing Siyan and Heiguotou, so Haosheng instructed him to go out first. Heiguotou slammed his teeth and cracked his mouth, touched his butt, and followed behind Master with his head down. Some more in the back.

If they hadn't lost a brother and witnessed the horror of the formation with their own eyes, they would have been tempted to rush out to pick out rare treasures when they entered the hall, because they saw their companions killed by dark arrows and boulders. The bloody scene was vivid in their minds, as if it had just happened, which made them fearful, so when they saw the hallucinations in the palace, they still had a bit of reason and did not take it for themselves.

After experiencing the threat of death, the greed of the black pot-headed monkey spirit and the four eyes for rare and precious treasures has dropped a lot. Although treasures are good, they must be consumed with their lives. If they die, what is the use of treasures?

Between treasures and their lives, they chose to save their lives, no longer looking at the main hall, but only at their feet, followed Master Ao through two doors without any risk, and arrived at the little girl's side.

The slate with the phoenix painted on the door rose to a height of about one meter, and Le Yun was not polite: "Don't hold back, go out quickly, and stay for a while, even if you take a few more pills made by me, you will not be able to stay awake."

Yan Xing knew that Little Loli was right. Her pills had a refreshing effect. If there were no pills to refresh the mind, they might be so fascinated by the vision that they would be so fascinated by the phantoms that they rushed forward regardless, no one would know what to do. What are the consequences.

Monkey Jing kept silent, bowed his head, passed through the door, and walked out of the hall.

When the four got through the door, Young Master Yan accompanied Little Loli out of the palace. Le Yun didn't close the door, but she immediately retreated with her. When she reached the end, it was the door of nine choices. She chose a tunnel and went forward without looking back. Rush, and then rush to the end, it is a choice door to choose one out of seven.

Le Xiao classmate took people into the tunnel, and solemnly instructed: "This formation has been changed into a death formation. If you don't open the mechanism, you will have no life. I will go back to open the mechanism. You can go forward and wait for me at the end. You can stay in this tunnel, don’t arbitrarily choose the door on your own initiative, and don’t go back to the tunnel you walked through. Once someone goes back, the formation will change, and the path will be changed. I don’t have time to find someone, don’t blame me for abandoning. You don't care."

"I'll accompany you." Master Ao and Yan Xing said in unison.

"No, your speed is too slow, it will drag me down," Le Yun poured cold water: "After turning on the mechanism, the formation will change, and you must leave the center of the formation within a limited time. At that time, I have no time to take care of others, so I can only run hard, you follow me. , will only hinder me."

Master Ao's face turned red. He had been walking around the world for decades, and he was being dragged down by others. He felt really... shameful.

"I run fast, I won't hold you back." Yan Xing didn't give up.

"Take it down. A person who can't see the truth still has the face to say that he runs fast? When he sees the illusion again, hesitating, I will be killed by you."

"..." Yan Xing was so choked that he vomited three liters of blood, can Little Loli give some face, and don't be so venomous?
He stared at him, unhappy, and could only watch the little loli turn away and walk away, he sullenly touched the nose covered by the mask, and when he saw other people looking at him, he choked angrily: "What are you looking at? Still not going forward?"

An angry man can't be provoked, so Master Ao shook his head secretly and walked forward with the three monkeys.

Le Yun went back to the original road, and with all her strength, she spread out her scud and ran wildly. She rushed back to the door wall of the palace without delay, opened the door, and got into the main hall.

The splendid palace is quiet and lonely.

Returning to the main hall, Le Yun was not flustered, and walked along a sun arc angle to the center of the main hall. At this time, if an outsider stood outside the formation and looked at it, he could see a strange phenomenon - obviously a big job, in a blink of an eye is gone.

Stepping into the center of the formation, the icy cold air hits people, and what appears in the field of vision is no longer the overview and panorama seen from the outside. The mountain is not a small rockery. The lake, forming a small corner of the world.

Le Yun walked along the line of the formation in her brain, not picking up any treasures, even if it was a rare treasure, she was indifferent, and she didn't pick up the things scattered next to the bones. Various scenery, touch to the center of the hall.

In the center of the hall in the middle of the formation, it is about a few dozen feet wide. Apart from the dead offerings, there are only three solitary coffins.

"His uncle's is too extravagant, isn't it?" Looking at the three coffins, Le Xiaoxiao's eyes flashed green and he almost drooled. The golden silk nanmu coffin, the white jade ice coffin, and the golden coffin are all worth tens of millions. The good stuff wow.

What if you want to move out?
Look, look, look at it for a few minutes, pouted silently, everything is good, I want it all, but unfortunately I can't get all of it away. Once the things that hold the formation are removed, the formation method will undergo earth-shaking changes, and the whole mountain may sink. cause an earthquake.

Rubbing her hands together, Le Yun stretched out her small paws, touched the ice coffin with the strongest spiritual energy, turned on her mental power, and moved the giant coffin that was more than twice her height back into the space. When the ice coffin disappeared out of thin air, she pulled the magic claw back Reach out to the golden nanmu coffin, which is the second richest treasure in aura, and must be moved to contribute to her space.

At the moment when the golden nanmu coffin with flowing golden lines disappeared from the center of the array, the walls and doors outside the center of the palace array were like an open washing machine dehydrator, spinning at a high speed. Earth-shaking changes have taken place, some tunnel entrances are blocked, and some tunnels open new doors of choice.

In the nine-curve veranda array, only one coffin in the middle is the right thing to do. The extra two coffins are the culprits that cause the array to change to death. Take away the excess. , that is, the formation method becomes alive, there is a life door, and there is a way for the intruders to survive.

The high-speed rotating doors in the center of the array roared against the wall. When the rotation stopped, all the doors changed their positions, and one of the doors with the dragon bird painted on them slowly opened.

The extra coffins were confiscated, and the money was returned in a muffled voice. Le Yun no longer had any nostalgia for it. She spread her feet and rushed towards the outside. , the door dropped to less than a meter from the ground.

When Le Yun ran to the door, the cat fell to the ground, a donkey rolled and rolled under the door, then got up and rushed wildly, rushed to the end of the tunnel in one breath, went into another tunnel, and only ran 30 meters. With a bang, a boulder fell and blocked the tunnel.

Looking back, classmate Le Xiao patted his chest with lingering fears: "It's dangerous! It's really good luck, it's what people say is endless blessings."

 Little friends, it's too hot, everyone pay attention to heatstroke prevention, a certain lovesickness has become a salted fish, I really hope to stay where it is cool~
(End of this chapter)

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