magic eye doctor

Chapter 2956

Chapter 2956
In the cities and towns of Yunlan, the opening time of the city gates depends on the season. Generally, the city gates open from mid-spring to the beginning of winter at about the beginning of Maoshi. From the beginning of winter to the mid-spring of the next year, due to the low temperature and late dawn, it is about the end of Maoshi and the beginning of Chenshi. Open the city gate.

Because it was supposed to be a sunny day, the dawn was a little earlier, and the time of Le Yunzhi was not yet up, the gate of the city was not opened, and most of the residents in the city did not get up, especially those who were in the business of catering.

Those who run restaurants, or those who set up stalls in the streets to sell Korean food every day, start from five o'clock to midnight to make food, and prepare part of the food before the hour.

Stall owners who need to go out early every day to set up a stall will go to the street early at the end of Yinshi in the summer and autumn festivals to set up their household items and prepare to sell them.

At dawn, the aroma of food was already wafting from the street.

Le Yun flew over the city wall and entered the city, and flew through the air with a flying sword at an extremely fast speed, even if someone looked up at the sky, they only saw a little light flashing away.

Flying for a while from mid-air, seeing the sky getting brighter, he put away the flying sword and landed on the ground, drifted for about ten years, crossed the streets and alleys, and arrived at the inn where the handsome guys were staying.

Almost all inns are provided with both board and lodging. The inn that Xuan Shaoyan stayed in is a four-story elegant building, the first and second floors are the dining hall, and the third and fourth floors are guest rooms.

The first floor is open to visitors, regardless of the three religions, nine streams, and any first-class. The second floor is divided into several elegant halls, which only receive dignitaries and visiting monks. The fourth floor is also specially prepared for monks.

Yan Shao and Xuan Shao purchased rice grains in the city, and they had already revealed their status as monks. They stayed on the fourth floor of the inn.

The distinguished guests on the fourth floor have meals at the inn every morning and evening, and the chefs in the building get up at midnight every day to cook morning meals.

When Le Yun arrived, the door of the inn was already wide open, and the waiters sent the prepared morning food from the back kitchen to the second floor.

In the largest elegant hall on the second floor, several tables were joined together to form a huge table, on which dozens of plates of meals were placed.

Xuan Shao, Yan Shao and the four humanoid beasts were already present, and the dining mode was started.

The King Kong ape and the big-eared bear didn't want to manifest in human form, and they were worried that their beastly appearance would scare the humans, so the three of them stayed in the wishful house.

The Korean food is very rich, with a combination of meat and vegetables.

Beasts and beasts are happy with all kinds of meat, and they must have big fish and big meat every day.

In order to make the guests feel at home, the inn prepares the breakfast according to the requirements of the guests. Chickens and ducks are served whole, and the deliciously roasted pork is also served whole legs and whole legs.

The beasts held the whole leg of pork meat, eating it deliciously.

After eating a leg of pork, he was tearing a steamed black-bone chicken gourd baby, put down the delicious food suddenly, jumped up and ran downstairs: "The little fairy is here!"


Baiyin Yingsheng and Shui Dun also threw away the food and turned into a gust of wind, scrambling to rush downstairs.

The waiters who were serving the adults almost threw away their plates in shock.

Yan Zaishao and Xuan Shao were stunned, and then jumped up. They knew they were one step behind, and they didn't take the usual way, they just pushed the window and flew out.

The two young masters came out of the window and hurried outside to have a look, only to see a man wearing a green gauze cap enter the lobby of the inn.

The two of them ran back in a hurry, entered the hall on the second floor through the window, and ran to the door to wait.

The four humanoid beasts turned into streamers and rushed from the second floor to the hall, and saw the little fairy wearing a gauze hat float into the hall, and then rushed over to surround the little fairy.

"Little fairy, little fairy..."

The four beasts, who hadn't seen the little fairy for a long time, finally saw the little fairy, filled with joy, and circled around the little fairy like bees around a flower.

The waiter who was standing in front of the counter and rushed out to greet the new guests when he saw a guest coming, but when he saw the adults on the fourth floor welcoming the new guests in person, he knew that the guest was also a fairy, so he ran to the backyard to report to the owner.

The beasts smiled so that flowers bloomed on their faces, Le Yun felt happy when she saw it, went to the second floor with the beasts, and asked them: "So happy, what great event did you meet?"

"Little fairy, we bought a lot of food."

"Little fairy, we have food to make wine."

"Little fairy, we have a wine tank."

The four humanoid beasts surrounded by the little fairy were very happy, and they followed their buddies to buy food and also went to buy some tanks and jars.

"Keep working hard!" Le Yun smiled until her eyes turned into crescent moons, and they started the shopping trip. There was not much to say.

The four beasts nodded frequently, chattering about which city they went to, how much food they bought there, and what they bought by the way.

One person and four humanoid beasts floated lightly up to the second floor while talking, and the beasts led the little fairy to their special dining room.

The two young men guarding the door saw the little loli surrounded by beasts, and once again had a sense of sight that she was the king of all beasts.

"Little beauty!"

"Little Lolita!"

Xuan Shao and Yan Shao also happily sent their own smiling faces, and the beasts led the little loli into the elegant hall, scrambling to help move the chairs.

The four humanoid beasts were more spirited than the two elder brothers, occupying the seats on the left and right sides of the little fairy.

The two young men who failed to snatch seats: "..." The beasts are more dogs than them, what should they do?
Young Master Xuan, who had a high degree of affinity, didn't grab a seat, so he returned to the seat he was sitting in, and told the respectful and respectful waiters: "Go and ask the kitchen what other dishes are prepared. Send everything."

"Yes, my lord." The waiters turned and filed out with their heads lowered, not daring to look up at the new immortal, so they hurried downstairs to the back kitchen.

The little fairy sat down, and the gourd baby cleverly moved all the delicacies that she thought were the best to the little fairy.

Le Yun lifted the hanging gauze, filled a bowl of porridge, picked a portion from each dish, put it on a plate, and tasted it slowly.

The territory of Yunlan is wide, and the types of food in each place are also rich and colorful. Even the same dish with the same name and ingredients will have its own characteristics due to the different soil and water quality in each place.

Just like the most common porridge, the main ingredient is a kind of local upland rice. The grains are round like pearls. After cooking, they are thick but not sticky, fragrant and slightly sweet. It is most suitable for people who are not suitable for high sugar.

Le Yun likes the natural rice aroma of clear porridge the most, and eats it happily.

Little Lolita also eats gracefully, and the beasts and the two handsome guys also started to eat, and they all devoured it hungrily.

Xuan Shao asked while eating: "Little beauty, are you done with your work?"

"I'm done with the main work, and I have to do a ritual ceremony at Fendou Mountain to complete it. There are still four days before the auspicious day for performing rituals. I will come over to discuss the itinerary with you first, and I will go to Fendou Mountain later."

Le Yun swallowed the food slowly before replying to Xuan Shao's words: "I'll talk about the business later, let's have breakfast first."

"Okay." Xuan Shao and his friends also happily enjoyed the food.

The nephew in the lobby ran to the backyard and reported the news to Gen’s family who had just started. The master heard that the companions of the adults on the fourth floor had come, and visually guessed that the new fairy was the real boss. After washing up, I went to the back kitchen.

When he arrived, the waiters who delivered the food had just arrived, and the back kitchen told the head chef's chefs the news that the adults ordered the kitchen to deliver all the preparations.

Boss Gen's family didn't ask the adults what specific requirements they had, and asked the chef to do whatever he could with the materials he had. He personally brought the waiters to deliver meals to the second floor.

More than a dozen waiters carried large plates or basins from the back kitchen to the lobby, then climbed the stairs to the second floor, and entered the elegant hall, all of them lowered their eyebrows and lowered their eyes, without squinting.

Gen Dong's family also only took a quick look when they entered the hall, he only saw the side profile of the new real gentleman, because of the gauze cap worn by the fairy, he naturally didn't see the real person.

It wasn't until he got to the table that he saw the face and shoulders of the immortal sitting above him because he was serving the dishes, and he vaguely judged that the face of the new immortal was very immature.

Boss Gen looked away and served meals for the adults.

"Thank you, master." Xuan Shao greeted politely when he saw the owner of the inn serving the dishes himself.

"The real gentleman is too polite, I dare not be a villain." Gen Dong's family was flattered.

Le Yun put down her chopsticks, wiped her mouth with a handkerchief, and asked, "Are you the owner of the inn?"

"Yes, the villain is." Gen Dong's family hurriedly bowed: "What orders does Zhenjun have?"

"Don't be restrained, this fairy has something to discuss with you, just reply as usual."

"Yes." The new immortal had an order, and Gen Dong's family stood up straight, but they still didn't dare to raise their heads, waiting respectfully for the immortal's order.

"Your family is also in the restaurant business. My fairy has reserved the restaurant for three days. You can cook as many meals as you can for this fairy. Will the boss and chefs wish?"

The little Lolita wanted to make a meal for the inn. Xuan Shaoyan and the four beasts looked over with a look of confusion on their faces. So, the little Lolita/Little Fairy can make spiritual meals by herself, and she asked the inn to cook so many ordinary meals. What does the meal do?
"You, you, you... want to book the venue? Do you want to include meals for three days?" Mr. Gen's family was so excited that they couldn't speak coherently.

"Yes. Feel free to let your hands and feet show off. You can cook as many dishes as you can. For this fairy, the more the better. When cooking, I will help you to match the dishes. There are meat and vegetables. Six to eight dishes are the best.

The prepared meal is packed in a carrying box, and a meal is packed in one or two carrying boxes.The rice is packed in small wooden barrels or bamboo barrels, and one barrel can hold six to ten people.

The pure soup is served in a soup bowl with a cover, and the pasta and snacks are placed in food boxes or bamboo baskets.

What kind of supplies are not enough to buy, the owner first writes down the number of boxes, barrels, dishes and other items, and then calculates after checking out. "

Le Yun put forward the requirements one by one. The meal ordered was a reserve food prepared for the cubs. The cubs had to eat before fasting, or they would have to eat bigu pills.

Bigu pills are also pills, and she was reluctant to spend a lot of spiritual plants refining Bigu pills.

If there is no bigu pill, then she will have to cook for the cubs when teaching them how to practice.

I have made a big sacrifice by spending time teaching the cubs to practice, and it is absolutely impossible to let her cook for the cubs as a nanny.

Therefore, the best solution is to find outsiders to cook.

Nothing can be solved with money.

What little Lolita lacks most is Lingshi.

Gen Dong's family, who was nearly fifty years old, was flushed with excitement, and responded a series of times: "No problem, no problem!"

"I will also go to other big restaurants nearby to order meals later. If the boss wants to find help, you can only find the family members of your own people in your building. It's better not to poach the corners of other restaurants."

Le Yun was a villain for a while, and then summoned Hong Huo among the Si Huo brothers and sisters, and told the owner: "This is the guard of the fairy, she stays here, and the kitchen will give her every meal as soon as possible. "

Hong Huo stood by the side of the master, looking heroic and extraordinary.

Boss Gen's face turned red when the immortal asked Mo to dig the corners of other restaurants. He really planned to find other restaurants to help when the building was too busy, at worst, just share some profits.

The immortal told him not to dig a corner, and he stopped thinking about finding foreign aid.

The immortal left behind guards to sit in the inn to pick up meals on the spot, Gen Dong's family quickly looked up at the guards of the immortal, and took note of his appearance.

If you want a horse to run, you have to let the horse graze. Le Yun understands this well, took out a storage bag that ordinary people can use, filled it with 30 yuan of spirit stones, and handed it to Boss Gen.

"This is a deposit." It is only natural to pay a deposit first when ordering meals.

Boss Gen’s family originally thought the bag was an ordinary bag, but when they picked it up, they opened the bag and took a look inside. They saw a pile of white spirit stones inside, and knew that they were holding a storage bag used by immortals. trembled.

"A lot... a lot." He didn't know how many spirit stones there were, and he could guess how many there must be.

"Refund more and make up less." Young Master Xuan answered the words: "Master, tell the people in your building to work hard. It will only take three or four days of hard work. The little fairy will never let you suffer."

Now, he probably guessed the purpose of Little Lolita's meal order, and the meal should be prepared for the cubs she picked up.

Xuan Shao, Yan Shao, and the beasts and beasts also knew that the little loli/little fairy had picked up a few cubs with spiritual roots during the few days when they went to Wangzhu County to celebrate the New Year. The monks who were fostered in Wangzhu County were from the Bai family.

"Yes yes yes." Gen Dong's trembling hands covered the money bag tightly, and bowed again and again.

After talking about little Lolita's business, Young Master Xuan asked his boss to go down to make arrangements, and they continued to eat breakfast.

Gen Dong's family went downstairs with the waiters.

The hall attendants also knew that they were going to be prosperous, and they were so excited that they walked in the air.

Boss Gen's family entered the back kitchen, and told the good news to the chefs and helpers about the fairy renting out the place. Immediately, someone wrote a notice and put it outside the shop, and the inn closed its doors to thank the guests.

He also informed the people in the building that when the immortals were busy with the food, they asked them to call one or two hard-working people at home to help with chores.

Then arrange the people who buy the ingredients to go to buy immediately, and the people who buy bowls and boxes to go after the distinguished guests leave, and now do chores first.

He allocated the manpower in an orderly manner, made a book for registration, and recorded the masters of each link to receive the Lingzhu.

The waiters who served the dishes continued to deliver the meals, and ran five times in a row, sending all the people on the table to the second floor, and then delivered the packed meals.

Major General Yan sent the packed suitcase sent by the hall attendant to the Ruyi House, which was shrunk down to the size of a grain of rice and placed on the shoulders, for the three Mahayana beast companions to eat.

All the meals were delivered, the two handsome men and the beasts were not polite, a gust of wind swept away the breakfast on the table.

After the meal, Shao Yan and Shao Xuan regained his elegant appearance as a nobleman, and went back to the room on the fourth floor with little Lolita to discuss business matters.

(End of this chapter)

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