magic eye doctor

Chapter 296 Find a way out

Chapter 296 Find a way out
When it finally arrived at the end, Le Yun, who was suffering from worry, happily handed the stalagmite ashore, clumsily climbed out of the water from the handsome guy's back, and sat on the ground to dig a small stalagmite from his pocket.

Yan Xing climbed out of the puddle and saw the little loli wrapped in wet clothes, her eyes were laughing into a line, her mouth was grinning, and she was so happy to see her teeth out of sight.

He couldn't understand how little Lolita likes strange things, and treats stalactites like a treasure. How precious is it?

"Little Loli, hurry up and change your clothes, don't catch a cold." Little Loli's smile was too dazzling, and he was a little depressed because she cared about the stalagmite and left him behind.

"Hmm." Le Yun nodded hurriedly, followed by Niu digging out stalagmites and making a lot of money, so many bamboo shoots are enough for medicine as food.

The little loli answered cheerfully but didn't take action. Yan Xing ignored it, turned around and changed clothes, wrapped wet pants and a mask in her backpack, took out a mask and put it on to cover her face, he didn't want that Several remember his face.

He looked completely new, and when he saw that Little Loli was finally looking for clothes, he turned around again and peeked at her wet body, but if he peeked at her changing clothes, he would despise himself,

When handsome Yan turned around, Le Yun quickly took off his wet clothes, put on dry clothes, put on a coat, and informed him that he could turn around.

Yan Xing, who was a gentleman, turned around, informed the other four to run into the water, and helped Little Loli move the stalagmite out of the puddle, lest when other people came over, Little Loli randomly glanced at the man's half-naked body.

Master Ao, the four-eyed monkey spirit, Hei Guotou, no longer hesitated when he heard the shouting. He took off his clothes and wore only a pair of shorts. The monkey spirit and the four-eyed leader took the lead. Master Ao and Hei Guotou came a little later and jumped into the big pit in a team. Raise your backpack and paddle along.

Winter is already cold, and the water is cold. After taking a cold shower, the blood almost stopped flowing. The four people who swam to the shore and climbed out of the puddle shivered. They hurriedly changed into dry clothes, rubbed their hands and feet, and let themselves pick up.

The four gentlemen were obviously not very cold. Le Yun touched her nose, wrung out the wet clothes, and fiddled with her stalagmites. Although the water was a bit icy, she didn't seem to feel particularly cold, and handsome Yan's body temperature was still very high in the cold water. , It can be seen that the body temperature of the four people who were poisoned by the corpse is really a little low.

After rubbing their hands and feet for a long time, when they warmed up, Master Ao and the four also helped the little girl share the small stalagmites, and Young Master Yan helped the longest bamboo shoots.

As a result, Le Yun only carried the [-]-centimeter-long stalagmite, and happily continued to run, replenishing some energy at noon, and still continued to move forward bravely.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, we finally arrived at the gate.

At the end of the tunnel, there is a stone door with vertical and horizontal bolts. Remove the bolts to open the stone door. No sunlight can be seen. There is still a passage behind the door.

The door is the second door.

Walk through the door, close the door again, and continue walking along the tunnel for less than 200 meters. There is a slope on the other side of the slope. There is a chute like a slide, and the notch has a baffle to stop the stone balls from rolling down the chute.

There is a groove under the slope where it connects with the stone wall, and a stone ball is stuck, and the place where the stone ball is blocked is the exit!
A group of people stood on the slope and looked down, observed for a while, and slid down the slope. At the end of the slope, there was a small section of land that was flat. There was a groove at the bottom of the stone ball, and there were arc-shaped grooves at both ends. The circular shape of one groove is against the stone wall, and the other end has a pillar with a circular arc at one end.

The pillar is hung on a stone pillar at the other end of the groove with a copper chain. The sloping stone pillar resists the stone ball and prevents it from rolling to the other end of the groove or retreating, so that the stone ball firmly blocks the exit.

According to the mechanism function theory, if you push it from the outside, you can't push the stone ball.

"It's too ferocious, who can push such a big stone ball?"

"Is this really a life?"

The monkey spirit and the four-eyed Heiguotou have suffered from occupational diseases again. The enthusiastic research institutions, the people who set up the institutions are too unkind, who can push such a big stone ball?
God has the virtue of good life, they feel that the person who set up the organ has no virtue at all, and it is the rhythm of preparing to send people to death.

Master Ao smiled. People should be content. It's not a dead door. If there is no hidden weapon mechanism, it should be a snicker.

Chatting for a while, Monkey Jing's four-eyed black pot head worked together to pull the copper chain and raise the pillar.

Yan Xing had seen similar noses, but he was not interested. When Hou Jing was working with a few people, he helped out and lifted the pillar that reached the stone ball, hanging it in the air.

Everyone pushed the stone ball together, united as one, and pushed the ball back. It moved backward, revealing a little light.

A few people were overjoyed, and hurriedly pushed the stone ball towards the chute. When it was pulled away from the stone wall, a circular hole was revealed. Because the stone ball was only moved a little, there was only a gap, and light and wind rushed into the tunnel.

The wind was cold, and the light was not very bright.

Seeing the light, Monkey Jing's four-eyed Heiguotou was so excited that he was about to cry. He was trapped underground for many days, and finally saw the light of day again!

The wind brought the breath of the outside world, Le Yun sniffed, her eyes curved into crescents: "I know where the exit is!"

"Where?" Heiguotou asked in unison.

"The bottom of the Tiankeng in Shangfangshan Park." Le Yun raised her chin and beamed with joy. There is a saying that there is no place to find a place to break through the iron shoes. Jinshengmen sent her here, in the middle of his arms.


"how is this possible?"

"Is it really the mountain above?"

Heiguotou, the four-eyed monkey essence, and Master Ao were all taken aback.

Yan Xing: "..." After a circle, he actually returned to the Tiankeng. This circle has gone far enough.

"It's really Fangshan Tiankeng, can't go wrong. What's the problem?"

"This..." Monkey Jing and his companions looked at each other, their eyes still uncertain: "The place where we entered the ancient tomb is at the foot of the Great Wall Mountain."

The Great Wall of China is located in Badaling Mountain. The place where they entered the battle is very far away from the upper mountain. They only circled in the ancient tomb for a few days, and were washed away by the dark river. They reached the upper mountain in a blink of an eye. Length, and how wide the tomb and the Great Array occupy.

"What's strange, many underground rivers are connected." Le Yun smiled and looked at her eyes. She would not tell others that the ancient tomb they were exploring might be the same ancient tomb where they are now, and everyone just touched it. To the tip of the iceberg of the tomb.

The little girl's explanation is a bit far-fetched, but it is also a more reasonable reason. The four-eyed monkey essence Heiguotou is really connected to the underground river. They were rushed from the foot of the Great Wall to the underground river under the urban area of ​​Beijing.

Knowing that the exit is in the tiankeng, everyone's new worries have come again. Will the exit hang in the middle?Annoying hangs in the middle, can't go up or down, scares, it's too scary.

With anxiety in their arms, everyone pushed the stone ball together, wanting to know where the exit is, just remove the stone ball and see.

"come on! Come on!"

The monkey spirit shouted while pushing the stone ball.

The stone ball has not been moved for many years. Although the grooves are very smooth, it has been eroded by the air for too long, and it is slightly uneven and moves very slowly.

As the six people pushed the stone ball toward the chute, the exposed hole became bigger and bigger, and some plants and leaves were vaguely seen. Everyone got excited and saw the branches and leaves, indicating that the exit was not far from the bottom of the Tiankeng.

This time, everyone is more motivated and exerts the strength of feeding, hey yo he yo's efforts to push the stone ball out of the arc groove to the groove mouth, and push it to the other end of the groove.

When the stone ball rolls on the groove, the groove is inclined to the other side, and the stone ball is much easier to push. Move, a stone ball slowly sinks.

Monkey Jing's four-eyed Heiguotou was so shocked that he almost didn't scream when he noticed the change. If the stone ball sank and rolled out of the chute, it would block the exit again or smash them into meat sauce.

Master Ao observed for a while, and reassured the three not to panic. The mechanism should be based on the seesaw principle. If the stone ball at the bottom is moved to the groove, the stone ball above will sink. Only when all the stone balls blocking the exit are moved to the In the groove, the stone balls above may roll down and re-block the hole.

Compared with the fuss of the monkey spirits, Yan Xingrong is not surprised, and has the character of a hero who is not afraid of danger.

Everyone moved the stone ball to the opening of the hole to reveal two-thirds of its width. First, let the stone ball stand still and keep its balance. They first checked the exit situation.

The exit is about one meter high from the bottom of the tiankeng. The tiankeng is more than [-] meters deep and the bottom is more than [-] meters wide. Looking up from the bottom, it is really sitting in the well and watching the sky.

In the north of winter, the vegetation is stagnant, the weeds in the Tiankeng are withered and old, the deciduous trees have bare branches, and the stagnant grass and leaves accumulate on the ground.

The weather that day was not very good, it was very dark, the sky was dark, the wind was strong, and the wind was cold.

Yan Xing was the first to check the situation. He shrank his neck from the wind, and gave way to someone else after taking a look. Master Ao and others took turns to see that Monkey Jing and Four-eyed Heiguotou really saw the sun again, and they were overjoyed. The cold wind blowing on his face is also very happy.

After seeing enough, he retracted his head and discussed who would go first and who would go last.

Le Yun took over the job after the break and let the others go first.

Master Ao, Hou Jing, couldn't resist her, so he climbed out of the hole one after another, jumped to the bottom of the pit, Yan Xing climbed out, turned around to pick up Little Loli's backpack, then took two steps back and waited for her.

When everyone left, Le Yun calculated the position and strength, pushed the stone ball with force, and pushed it to the circular groove of the groove. in the sinkhole.

The stone ball she pushed rolled and fell into the circular groove of the groove. The upper end of the slope chute also sank downward. The stone ball slid into the chute, and the upper end was reset again. The slide-like groove rolled, the reel rolled down, and then rolled to the end, stuck in the circular arc groove to firmly block the hole.

When the stone ball rolled down and stuck at the entrance of the hole, Le Yun just stood firm and turned around. Yan Xing and the others saw the stone ball rolling in, and they were so shocked that they were in a cold sweat. The stone ball was very fast!People who are slow will really be smashed into minced meat.

The stone ball jammed into the hole and hit the stone wall, making a humming sound.

The inner wall of the tiankeng is uneven, some places are concave, some places form a small schist cave, some places are convex, the tunnel exit is a convex place, the stone ball is stuck there, and the color is not much different from the outside, if not with your own eyes As you can see, no one believes that there is a secret passage there.

Monkey Jing and others had a feeling of the rest of their lives. They sat down on the spot and felt the joy of seeing the sun again. They also thought about how to climb out of the tiankeng and called the police for help. How would they explain that they would appear in the tiankeng?Looking for friends, uh, I feel that far water can't save near fire.

Yanxing opened his backpack to dig and dig. He took out his mobile phone first. The signal was quite poor. He edited the sentence first and sent it when there was a signal. He was very patient and sent several messages in a row. Reply.

Everyone waited for his good news. After waiting for about ten minutes, Yan Shao received a text message reply, and Longmu was bright: "Someone will come to the rescue when it is dark."

"Wow, that's great!" Hou Jing and the others shouted happily.

In winter, there are few people visiting Tiankeng, and the pit is deep. As long as they don’t shout at the bottom of the Tiankeng, they can’t hear them when someone passes by, so don’t be too depressed.

After finding the rescue, everyone immediately looked for a shelter from the wind, dragged their backpacks, walked along the wall of the pit, and walked a few meters away, Yan Xing gave a surprised "huh" and pointed to a place: "Little Loli, look, there is a fox there! "

Master Ao and others also looked over and followed the direction pointed by the masked man, and saw a fiery red patch in the grass at the bottom of the pit, because the red color was like the red leaves of a sumac tree, which was easy to confuse people. At first, no one paid attention. When you look closely, it really is an animal!

A fiery red fox was lying on the grass, and it only looked up when it saw them.

Le Yun's eyebrows were twisted into twisted strips. When she came out of the tunnel, she didn't smell the smell of fox at all. Where did that beautiful red fox come from?
Is it hiding too well, or is there something wrong with her sense of smell?
She didn't notice any alien creatures, which made her heart pounding. She opened her eyes and scanned the fox with X-rays. It was okay if she didn't look at it. At a glance, her eyebrows were twisted into knots. The fox was sick. It was a strange disease. It had almost no body temperature, as if it had been frozen. of.

"Little Loli, I will help you catch the fox for you to play with, and then take it out and release it." Yan Xing was a little excited when he saw the red fox, and it was just right to catch it for Little Loli as a hand warmer. If it's not well behaved, consider peeling it for a scarf.

"Don't!" Le Yun quickly grabbed Handsome Yan's sleeve and said, "You will be surprised by it in the past. It shouldn't have eaten for a long time. It's very weak. I'll go take a look."

Being pulled by the sleeves of Little Loli, Yan Xing stood up. Little Loli did not despise herself for catching small animals, and he was happy to let Little Loli decide for herself.

Le Yun's big bag was carried by Handsome Yan. She only carried a small bag, and immediately trotted, stepping on the dead grass and making a shredding sound.

The fiery red fox didn't startled away, just glanced at it, and crouched down weakly again, only the eyeballs were moving.

The closer you get, the clearer you can see. The red fox's hair is as red as fire, as if it has been smeared with oil. Its big tail trails behind, its mouth rests on its front legs, its eyes are particularly bright, and its ears occasionally shake slightly.

There are several breeds of foxes, the red fox is the red fox.

While walking and observing, Le Yun walked in front of the red fox, it was still motionless, she squatted down, took out one of the last two pills from her backpack, put it in her palm, and handed it to the fox.

The red fox's eyes moved and its ears stood up. When the human's palm reached the tip of its nose, it stretched out its red tongue and rolled the pill into its mouth.

Everyone watching from a distance: "..." I feel the rhythm of the fox's understanding of human nature.

Le Yun blinked and handed the last pill over. The red fox rolled her tongue and ate it again. She moved closer and tried to communicate with it: "The pills are gone, there's nothing to eat here, I'll take you later tonight. go out."

She tried to touch the fox, but it didn't resist, she touched its ears and claws, it was obedient, bent over to pick it up, and patted off the grass clippings from its big tail and belly.

Its whole body is red, flaming red, only the eyes, tentacles, and the tip of the nose are black, which is very close to the image of the fox in the cartoon.

Holding the fox, Le Yun became more and more bizarre. It was very light and clean. There was no smell that an animal should have, but only a cold air.

The little girl brought back a small animal, her eyes lit up, and she reached out to touch it, but the red fox shrank its neck and curled its head, not giving him face.

"Does it despise me?" Being rejected, he couldn't help laughing and crying.

"You're too fierce." Heiguotou smiled and leaned forward to test his popularity. He stretched out his hand, and the fox also drilled into the little girl for protection.

"Fifty steps to laugh at a hundred steps!" Siyan curled his lips, saying that he was too fierce, and he himself was not disliked.

There is a lesson from the previous experience of the two. Monkey Jing and Master Ao don't try their popularity, and Yan Xing is smart not to tease the fox. If the fox won't let him touch it, Little Loli might say that he looks scary.

It was too cold in the Tiankeng, and everyone didn't want to drink the northwest wind. They continued to walk along the cave wall, found a place to hide, threw their luggage down, and sat under the rock wall to eat instant noodles and kudzu as water.

Le Yun arrived at the resting place, did not stay for 10 minutes, took a piece of clothing for the fox to sleep in, and wanted to run to dig medicine, but the fox was very clever, so she insisted on her, and she had no choice but to hug the fox and move.

Monkey Jing and several people also wanted to learn more, but she poured a bucket of cold water and stopped them. They would step on the medicinal herbs or if they stepped on the snake's nest and rat's nest, it would make a mess and damage her medicinal herbs. She even cried. No tears.

Yan Dashao is thick-skinned and determined to be a bodyguard. Little Loli can peel the bark, dig the roots of plants, or pick up stones. He only helps her carry things. Leave the seeds to interfere with people's work.

The diameter of the bottom of the tiankeng is less than 70 meters, and there are trees and miscellaneous plants. It is a small plant kingdom, because ordinary people cannot enter the tiankeng to dig medicine, and some medicinal materials are extremely old.

Le Yun was so happy that she could not close her mouth. When she saw something that could come in handy, she said one word: dig!Dig the roots, pick the leaves, peel the skins, pick up the fruits, and collect whatever you can use!

She was happy to dig the medicine, and when it got dark, she continued to sweep with a flashlight. Young Master Yan helped pack several packs of medicinal herbs and sent them to the resting place. Some medicinal vines were tied up, some were packed in plastic, and all kinds of medicinal herbs were displayed for others to see. Was stunned.

Until the sky was completely dark, the little girl reluctantly stopped and waited for the rescuers called by handsome Yan to arrive.

(End of this chapter)

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