magic eye doctor

Chapter 2962 Benefits

Chapter 2962 Benefits
Xiao Yujing, Xiao Huajing, a child of Zhiren Zhima, looked at the sky at the bow of the spirit boat, and soon saw lightning flashing in the cloud, and then a purple-gold lightning about three feet thick broke out of the cloud.

The strong light of thunder and lightning was so bright that the valley was shaped like daytime.

The beam of lightning went straight to the coupling doll on the ground, and landed precisely on his head.

The doll that was patronized by Zijin Lei had electric current all over its body, and the whole doll trembled under the electric current.

At first, a few little creatures could still see the doll in the lightning, but after a few breaths, they only saw a purple-gold lightning light in their eyes.

Xuan Shaoyan was far away from the beasts, and felt that his eyes were also hurt by the light of lightning, so he closed his eyes and observed with spiritual consciousness.

Also because the lightning is too strong, their consciousness cannot enter the lightning, and they can only roughly see the doll shaking violently in the lightning current.

The lightning flashes and flashes continuously, and the electric current swims on the doll, making a "sizzling" sound.

In the first round of nine thunderbolts, a lot of strikes were completed, and the purple gold lightning beam quickly returned to the Jiedong group.

The doll who had been struck by lightning fell to the ground, scorched all over, with dozens of large and small wounds on his body, and several holes were torn in his bellyband and trousers.

The doll that had been struck by lightning remained motionless like a rag doll.

Several little creatures gasped.

Xuan Shao, Yan Shao and the beasts were all stunned.

Le Yun moved directly to the baby, picked up the wounded baby, and quickly fed him a handful of pills.

Hearing another thunderclap in the sky, he rolled his eyes furiously, and immediately moved the Yuanye Lingzhi Space Tree not far from him.

The round leaf tree had just moved to a new position, and the second round of thunder from the baby also struck down.

The purple gold thunderbolt landed on the crown of the round-leaved tree, shaking the tree body, and the leaves rattled, and then lightning rushed into the tree body, causing the leaves and branches to make a "squeak" sound.

The round leaf tree greedily absorbs the power of lightning.

The second round of Tianlei's nine thunderbolts ended without a trace of lightning hitting the Lord's head.

The couple was seriously injured, and after taking a handful of pills, he was relieved a little.

Le Yun fed the doll a handful of pills again, spread out a mat on the ground, laid the doll on the mat, and took needles for him.

Thunder strikes one after another, and the round leaf tree accepts all comers.

When the sixth round of lightning struck the seventh, Le Yun took back the medical needles and tools, took the doll into the air, and when the last thunder struck, intercepted half of it and gave it to the doll.

The doll was once again flooded by lightning.

The last thunder of the sixth round of sky thunder is no less powerful than the sum of the fifth round of sky thunder.

The round-leaf tree easily withstood half of the lightning force, and none of the leaves were missing.

Although the doll only received half of the lightning power, he was tender and tender, and his skin was torn apart by the electric shock, the outside was scorched and the inside was tender.

After the thunder ended, the doll fell towards the ground like a kite with a broken string.

Le Yun flew over to catch the doll that had turned into black charcoal again, fed him a handful of pills, and then landed, and put the doll on the ground for him to recover by himself.

She moved the round-leaved tree a little further, and stretched it to its maximum limit, hoping that when the rain of aura flowers bestowed by God came, it could absorb as much aura as possible.

Like ganoderma lucidum, peony, Chinese cabbage and other spiritual special vegetation human figures, like arbor plants knotting Nascent Soul or monsters and beasts to promote Nascent Soul human form, heaven will bestow spiritual energy and flowers rain after the thunder calamity.

The doll has survived the thunder disaster, and will soon usher in a god-sent aura rain.

The plant form is evolved from a spiritual creature to an intelligent creature. The aura given by the thunder and heaven contains the power of the Dao rule. It is an excellent opportunity for enlightenment no matter for the evolving creature, human or monster. .

Before the thunder calamity, little student Le moved out all the little creatures around him who could see the light. Now that the thunder calamity passed, naturally he was busy again.

She also laid out the coniferous trees, the stone-shaped immortal spiritual plant space that she made herself, and the stone-shaped spiritual plant space that is [-] or [-] feet wide, making them circle around the doll as the center.

Then quietly moved the little fox and Xiao Huihui who were sleeping on the spirit boat in the star core space, together with the spirit boat, and placed them on the canopy of the coniferous tree, so that they could get some light later.

Then, calling the spirit boat outside the safety zone to her side, Le Yun slowly walked back to the spirit boat.

Er Junshao looked at little Lolita, hesitating to speak.

Their eyes were too hot, Le Yun wanted to pretend that she didn't know, and asked, "Why are you two looking at me?"

"Your doll was hacked so badly, you didn't even jump." Yan Xing suspected that little Lolita had changed her mind, and she was so talkative!

"I also thought you would be angry, little beauty." Young Master Xuan also felt the same way. The little beauty is too peaceful, and it feels a little... unreasonable.

"What's there to be angry about?" Le Yun said with a calm face, "If God wants to chop anyone around me, just do it. At worst, I'll torment God's son."

Don't you know that she is small-minded?

God Yunlan tosses her little creatures or the oil bottle she brought, at worst she also tosses the cubs protected by God, don't forget, those cubs are still waiting for her to teach.

She is not a person with a vicious mind, and she can't do vicious things that hurt the cubs, but she can be bad, fishing for three days and drying the net for two days, prolonging the teaching time, even ten or eight years. Son.

She doesn't believe that God is in no hurry!
Le Yun's heart is too small, and she has secretly written a small black account to Yun Lan's God, which really makes her unhappy, and she will fight back if she has a chance.

What's more, besides using the cubs to fight back, she has other tricks.

Such as planting trees.

Yunlan has been disconnected from the upper realm for more than a billion years. During these billions of years, Yunlan's spiritual energy has gradually weakened. Other realms that were originally under the jurisdiction of the upper realm with Yunlan may have overtaken them. Yun Lan, or upgraded to a fairy world.

If Yunlan does not establish contact with the upper realm, it will be very difficult for it to advance to the fairy world or the large spiritual world. Visually, Yunlan's Heavenly Dao hopes to reestablish contact with the upper realm as soon as possible.

The Longevity Tree is the key to establish a bond with the upper realm as soon as possible.

The more longevity trees there are, the faster the ladder will repair itself.

If Yunlan Tiandao always threatens her, if Le Yun can't go back and pull up the longevity tree she planted, she can stop planting trees.

If she wants to pull up the longevity tree that has been planted, Yunlan's way of heaven will not let her succeed, but whether or not to plant a tree is not up to Yunlan's way of heaven, she has the final say.

The longevity tree grows into a towering tree, and it can reproduce offspring when it reaches a certain age, but it takes time. After all, the longevity tree is the soul tree of a world, and it has its own set of growth rules.

If the Dao of Heaven can interfere with the birth and death of the sacred tree at will, then Yunlan's longevity tree cannot be extinct.

The existing longevity trees are still far away from the day when new trees will be multiplied, so whether Yunlan can have more longevity trees depends on whether the people who hold the longevity tree species continue to plant trees.

Le Yun has a lot of confidence. Although Jieyin Yunlan's way of heaven is sometimes a bit unkind, she also follows the rules of the way of heaven, so she naturally won't mess around.

The two young masters and the beasts didn't know the details, and when they heard her say that they wanted to torment God's cub, they were struck by lightning.

"God's cub, where is it?!"

Shocked people and beasts tried hard to guess who might be the cub of God.

Xuan Shao took a deep breath: "Little beauty, does God have cubs?"

"Of course, the darling of heaven in every world is God's cub." Le Yun answered as a matter of course.

"It's okay, okay, it's not what I thought." Young Master Xuan wiped off his sweat, he thought that the way of heaven was someone who had cultivated to a certain level of power, oh my god, luckily he was scaring himself.

Yan Xing looked at Young Master Xuan, secretly rejoicing, and told you to take the lead in everything, so you must be surprised now!

Xuan Shao didn't say what he was thinking, and Le Yun could guess where he was going, smiled without saying a word, moved the spirit boat to the area where the baby was crossing the catastrophe, and then picked up the unused spirit crystals.

A few little creatures happily waited for the divine aura.

The thunder catastrophe of the couple was over, the catastrophe cloud quickly dissipated, and soon the sky gathered auspicious clouds.

The auspicious clouds gathered, and the spiritual energy flowers rained down.

The fluttering petals are as dense as snowflakes in mid-winter, and the richness of the aura is far better than that of ordinary aura flower rains, and it is more than four times thicker than the aura flower rain after Yu Si Lei, who was promoted to Mahayana in Golden Lion City.

The aura flower rain almost formed an aura flow.

"What a strong aura!"

Cucurbit Baby and her friends were shocked.

"The Thunder Tribulation of the Coupling Baby exceeds the specification, and the Reiki Flower Rain is naturally different, so it is directly proportional, and you all have to realize it."

Le Yun roughly guessed the meaning of God Yunlan, this super-thick aura rain is the compensation for the super powerful thunder disaster of the couple.

God's typical approach is to slap a sweet date.

At any rate, he gave a sweet date, which is better than just slapping and not giving the sweet date.

As for why God did that, Le Yun gave up trying to figure it out, anyway, it was nothing more than wanting her to do her best for the little boy, as long as she did her best, he would not treat her badly.

For Yunlan Tiandao's petty thoughts, little Lolita pretended not to know, after all, she also had a petty temper.

Xuan Shao, Yan Shao and the beasts didn't know the twists and turns between the little loli/little fairy and Yunlan Tiandao, so they immediately ran to the grass and sat down to absorb the spiritual energy.

Le Yun sat on the bow of the spirit boat as a sapling, enjoying the irrigation of the spiritual energy flower rain with peace of mind.

After eating the elixir, the doll's health improved by six or seven points, and with the nourishment of spiritual energy, her body recovered quickly, and she became a white, tender and watery Lingzhi doll again.

As he absorbed more and more spiritual energy, his cultivation base also increased step by step, from the first level of Qi Refining to the second level, to the third level..., and his cultivation base climbed to the ninth level of Qi Refining before stopping.

The aura of aura bathes the body, and Zhimazhiren and Shuwa, Xiaoyujing and Xiaohuajing also benefit a lot, and their cultivation bases are all increasing little by little.

Xuan Shao, Yan Shao and the beasts also benefited a lot. The meridians were nourished by spiritual energy, and they widened silently and became stronger.

The Plum Blossom Spear and Hanmei Hairpin benefited from the soul, which was stronger, more stable, and clearer.

(End of this chapter)

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