magic eye doctor

Chapter 2977 Disappointment

Lin Pan is really stupid, and he also knows that the fairy is unhappy.

She stared blankly at the ground, tears dripping down the ground, and choked up: "Pan is so stupid, I have the high expectations of the fairy."

"It really disappointed Fairy Ben."

Le Yun sighed regretfully: "Originally you have a good spiritual root, but this fairy is going to let you worship a golden fairy as your teacher and inherit the inheritance of the golden fairy.

Unfortunately, you have not passed the test.

From the moment you choose to follow this fairy to cultivate immortality, from the moment you leave home, it is doomed that you will never be able to return to your original home.

Even if you regret that you don’t want to practice halfway, and you can’t live anymore when you go home, other people’s guesses and rumors may force you to not live.

Although it was you who chose to cultivate to be separated from your relatives, but in the end it was this fairy who dug out your spiritual root, which is the reason why this fairy planted it.

Therefore, if you still want to practice, this fairy will still take you away and teach you to practice, but I will not find a master for you again, lest you end up hurting the mighty one who accepted you as an apprentice because you didn't cut off the family relationship And Xianzong sect.

If you regret not going to cultivate immortals, this fairy will send you to a place where no one knows me and no one knows you, and buy some property for you so that you can spend the rest of your life in peace. "

Lin Panhao heard that the fairy originally wanted him to worship Jinxian as his teacher, but because of his younger brother, he missed a great opportunity and couldn't even shed tears.

Fortunately, the fairy was still willing to take her away, and kowtowed heavily: "Pan really wants to cultivate immortality, please let the fairy do it."

"Okay. You go back to Ruyi House and change your clothes." I broke up what I had to say and told Miss Lin. If Miss Lin still couldn't figure it out, she would still give Lin Pan'an or his descendants a chance to implicate her in the future. , and can't blame others.

Lin Panhao kowtowed, slowly got up, and dragged his stiff legs to the wishful house where he lived.

Le Yun looked at the three little ones who were looking out of Dazai Ruyi's room: "You Bai Ning, Dazai, Zhumi, you three have listened for so long, do you have any ideas?"

The three little cubs rushed from Ruyi House to the fairy, standing in a row.

The eyeballs of the three cubs were rolling, and they looked clever. Le Yun smiled and encouraged: "If you have an idea, you can speak freely, and it doesn't matter if you are wrong."

"Then, Zhumi said it." Zhumi blinked her big eyes, with a look of curiosity: "Fairy, I heard from the gentlemen of the Bai family that the fairy accepts apprentices, and the children will break the relationship. Is it true?"

"In the world of cultivating immortals, the relationship between master and apprentice is more important. In the eyes of monks, the relationship between master and apprentice is more important than the relationship between flesh and blood. The sect of the Immortal Sect accepts disciples in the mortal world, and basically they will cut off the selected children from their families on the spot."

"Then, after Zhumi worshiped as a teacher, does he also have to break his relationship with Dad?"

"No need." Xiao Zai'er looked anxious, and Le Yun comforted him with a smile: "The master recommended by this fairy to you, they don't force you to cut off the relationship.

It’s just that when you have reached a high level of cultivation, you need to be cautious in dealing with your relatives or family. You can give some resources to your family or family, but you can’t use the cultivation resources given to you by your master or sect to support the family.

Since you want to cultivate immortality and seek longevity, you shouldn't care too much about worldly affairs, and you shouldn't meddle too much in the affairs of the mortal world.

For example, if you think that the prince or monarch of a country is not pleasing to the eye, you can’t rely on yourself as a monk, go and kill him, and ask others to change the prince or monarch.

Or, whoever in your family or family wants to be a high-ranking official, because he doesn't have the talent to be an official, you can't go to the government office or the king of the mortal world to help him get ahead, and force someone from your family to become an official.

Nor can you run to destroy the family of another country because someone in your family has conflicts with the family of another country, or go to the king or government office and ask them to send troops to attack another country.

Immortal cultivators meddling too much in the affairs of the mortal world will disrupt the order of the mortal world, which will lead to turmoil or war. Cultivators meddling in the affairs of the mortal world will cause heavy casualties to mortals. If they commit too many crimes, they will be killed by thunder. "

"Oh! That's great!" Zhu Mi jumped up happily, he didn't have to break the relationship with Dad!
Da Zai raised his hands and asked: "Fairy, Lin Xiaolang from the Lin family obviously doesn't have spiritual roots, why do you insist on taking him to cultivate immortality? There are so many people with spiritual roots in Tranquility's family, they didn't ask Fairy to take them with them."

"This is because the young man of the Lin family has a wicked mind. This fairy cured the plague for him, and also cured the plague for countless people, and confiscated the spirit beads.

It takes countless resources to cure the plague. He probably thinks that this fairy is willing to spend so much resources to save the people. It is not a big deal to take him to the world of cultivation alone, and it is not a big deal to give him some resources to practice.

He felt that Fairy Ben was so kind, as long as he begged Fairy Ben, Fairy Ben would take pity on him and take him to cultivate immortality.

Another reason is because of his sister. He feels that with his sister, even if he does something wrong, his sister will stand in front of him and be punished on his behalf. Yelling in front of you.

To be clear, he is bullying this fairy who is kind.

You have to remember that when you are an adult, even your relatives, elders or people from the same sect, they do not have the obligation to help you when you encounter difficulties or crises.

Others help you when you need help the most, and save you when you are in danger, sometimes out of affection or morality, or because of his kindness.

When someone helps you or saves you, you have to give him resources of equal value or the treasures he needs, and return this favor. "

"Yes, we remember." The three cubs nodded heavily.

"Is there anything else you want to ask?"

"Yes." Zhumi and Da Zai remained silent, and You Bai quietly asked the question in his heart: "Fairy, the young man of the Lin family has learned a lesson. If he realizes his mistake, will you forgive him?"

Le Yun smiled: "His reaction did not show signs of knowing his mistakes. If he felt that he had done something wrong, or that he was a responsible man, he would admit his mistake at that time and ask this fairy for forgiveness instead of asking his sister , Let his sister take the lead on his behalf.

He probably still resents Fairy Ben for being unreasonable, for not agreeing to such a small request, and maybe because of this, he secretly resents his sister for not begging Fairy Ben for him, and the Bai family for not speaking good words for him.

If he admits his mistake, this fairy will naturally not care about his fault of yelling and yelling when he forced his way into Ruyi House. At most, he will teach him a few words, which will not cut off his way to become an official in the future. "

"Ah, it's all like this, he still hasn't realized that he was wrong?" You Bai Ning's eyes widened in surprise.

"Some people are born with a cool nature and are selfish. They start out with their own interests in everything. For their own interests, they will use all available people or things by any means. As long as they can achieve their goals, they will not care about the lives of others.

This kind of person will not think that he is wrong, no matter whose fault it is, he thinks it is the fault of others. "

"Fairy, how do you know he didn't know his mistake?" Da Zai raised his little hand again.

"Practitioners have sensitive five senses. The higher the level of cultivation, the more sensitive the perception. Practitioners can perceive the malice and kindness of others, and see the sincerity of others. Naturally, this fairy can easily see through whether Lin Xiaolang knows his mistakes."

"..." The three little cubs rolled their eyes in a panic, and the fairy can easily read the minds of mortals, so they have no little secrets in the future.

There was an on-site teaching session for the cubs, Le Xiao asked the cubs to sit down, and told them in detail what Lin Xiaolang did since he followed his sister outside the house.

Dazai and Youbai Tranquility only heard the voices outside, and did not see the scene of Lin Xiaolang breaking into the fairy's wishful house, so they belonged to half-informed people.

And because Zhumi is not far from the fairy, she saw with her own eyes the scene where Lin Xiaolang forcibly broke into the wishful house without the fairy's permission and was bounced back.

The fairy said that when Lin Xiaolang forced his way into Ruyi House, Zhumi also vividly described Lin Xiaolang's expression and movements at that time.

Dazai and Youbai Ningjing were so angry that their noses were crooked.

After getting angry, You Bai Ningjing slipped away to the backyard immediately. Instead of going directly to the main courtyard to find the ancestor and Uncle Qi Ji, he called someone to invite the two elders to the backyard, and then told the old man about Lin Xiaolang's forcible break-in of Ruyi House. Grandfather and uncle.

Patriarch You Bai and You Bai Qiji gasped a few breaths when they heard that, but the young man of the Lin family actually forcibly broke into the fairy's wishful house? !
The young man of the Lin family not only forcibly broke into the wishful house, but also shamelessly wanted the fairy to take his family to practice. He was so bold and greedy. No wonder the fairy got angry and cut off his way to study and become an official.

Knowing exactly what Lin Xiaolang did to offend Fairy, Ancestor Youbai knew it well.

Youbai Ningjing also quickly conveyed the matter of fairy and Miss Lin to the old ancestor, the purpose of which was naturally that the old ancestor sent people to keep an eye on the young man of the Lin family from time to time, so as not to let that person hit the fairy with the fact that his sister followed the fairy to cultivate immortality under the banner of doing bad things.

Patriarch Youbai and Youbai Qiji were shocked. The fairy originally intended for Miss Lin to inherit the inheritance of the golden fairy? !
The fairy said that she would recommend a powerful master for Tranquility, so it must be extraordinary!
The hearts of the old and the young were all burning, and they sent You Bai Tranquility away, their eyes still blazing like torches.

"We have Bai's family, and we are not far from the day of success!"

"The old ancestor is right!" You Bai Qiji nodded heavily, and You Bai Tranquility can enter the eyes of fairies, and there must be boundless immortality.

If the Bai family can produce a fairy, the family will take advantage of the luck, which will not only revive the glory of the ancestors, but also bring the status of the Bai family to a higher level.

The fairy has paved a golden road for the Youbai family. As long as they follow the instructions of the fairy, they can achieve the glory of the family.

The Youbai family will keep an eye on Lin's grandparents and deny Lin's young man the chance to be a son-in-law, lest he drag down his sister, and indirectly implicate the fairy who led Miss Lin to practice.

Full of joy, Patriarch Youbai took Qi Ji to bring some items prepared by the clan for Xiao Tranquility, and then asked people to inform the clansmen in charge of picking up Zhu and Lin to let him go to the village at night. The Academy replied.

After giving instructions, Patriarch You Bai sent Xiao Ningjing to the front yard again, and he and Qi Ji went back to the main yard to chat with people from major families.

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