Chapter 298
Foxes can talk, that is a scene in mythology. Ordinary people will be so frightened that they will kneel down and worship and shout "Daxian" to beg for mercy, or think that they have hit a ghost.
Now that she has space, she doesn't find it inconceivable about the existence of ghosts and foxes in the world. Although it is very mysterious, even the magical things like space exist. Why can't souls and gods have them?

When she finally encountered the legendary sperm animal, Le Yun had an idea in her mind: research, research, research!It is best to dissect and study, and compare the difference between sperm and non-sperm animals.

that's amazing!

Looking at the talking animals, people are about to explode with excitement, poking the fox's head, paws, chin and neck, looking at the belly, and saying that it is not allowed to be refined, but it has learned, it must be different.

"Little girl, if you touch again, this fox is going to be angry." The little human girl is not afraid of herself, and she doesn't have a ghost-like expression. The fox is good-natured and lets her poke it, but the little girl is not serious and stabs him in the belly, which cannot be tolerated. .

"Well, will you spray the real fire of Samadhi when you are angry? Can you raze the whole building to the ground with a swipe of your tail, will you suck out my soul and eat it?" Le Yun was so excited that she couldn't find Bei, She poked the red fox intensified, and she just wanted to see if the special parts of the fox had changed.

The fox stared, and the fox's eyes were full of arrogance in the world, what kind of jokes were made to attract people's souls?That's what little sprites do. Thinking of his dignified god of the Firefox clan, how could he do such vulgar and stupid things as cannibalism?

Are all humans as crazy as little girls?

No, the human beings he met before were either frightened or stupid, or filthy, and always wanted to cultivate his vitality with him. This little girl is a little different. She has no dirty thoughts, no fear, no malice, just like Like a child when he is a playmate who can talk.

Lord Firefox said that he was very puzzled. Did he sleep for too long without contacting the outside world, and the world has changed?Looking at the little human girl's little hand reaching out to touch her belly again, he pushed the human hand away with one paw and stared at warning.

The fox didn't let people study, and Le Yun was hit hard. She pouted and started a friendly dialogue: "It's stingy, what's the point of letting me touch?"

"I've touched it all, are you going to be this fox's concubine?" The human girl's thinking is indeed different from that of human men.

"Being your wife? No, no, you can live for a thousand years. I only have a life span of a few decades at most a hundred years. It's not fun to be a fox's wife. I'll honestly find a handsome human guy who is too young. The days are more realistic."

Marry a fox?No, no, Le Yun shook her head like a wavy drum. If a human and a fox are in love, it would be fine if they gave birth to a human or a nest of foxes. If they were born half-human and half-fox offspring, then they would really be hybrid beasts, not to mention immortals. Ghosts are immortal for thousands of years, and human beings live for only a hundred years. When they fall in love with a righteous fox, when she gets goosebumps, his appearance is still the same, and it hurts to think about it.

"Little girl, there are many benefits to being a fox concubine of this fox, don't you think about it?" Firefox raised his head coldly and proudly, his eyes looking at the country, because it was the original form of a fox, and his appearance was very cute.

"I don't care about it. Speaking of human words, vixen, how did you find me?" Whoever wants to be the wife of a vixen, she doesn't want it. She doesn't want to be called a female vixen.

"This fox is not a fox spirit, this fox has proven the Dao, and he has achieved a positive result." The fox spirit is a little monster with a bit of Taoism, how can it be compared with the gods who are in the fairy class?

"Oh, it's not a fox spirit, that's a fox fairy, a fox fairy, what are you looking for me for? It's not because you want someone to settle the bill, right? My companion, that handsome guy said that he wanted to skin you and make a scarf to scare you. If you came to the city and were caught by the bad guys to be slaughtered and slaughtered for fur, don't be too stingy, if you come to settle for this matter, it will damage your image as a tall fox fairy."

Don't touch it, don't pinch the ears, the fox fairy is not cute at all, Le Yun really wants to call the big fox fairy to take a look at it, the fox spirit is very beautiful, the fox fairy should be more beautiful, right?

"The human boy wants to rip off this fox's skin, and this fox will keep the account first. Today, this fox will not trouble the human boy, but this fox will only look for you."

"Why are you looking for me? I see. You asked me for pills, didn't you?"

"No," the corner of Firefox's mouth curled down, and his tone was mournful: "You move out of Benhu's nest, and Benhu doesn't ask you to find anyone."

"Nest?" Le Yun was at a loss: "I didn't destroy your nest. I haven't even seen what a fox's nest looks like. You can't wrong a good person."

"Ice coffin, this fox's nest." Firefox spit out a few words slowly.

"What?" Le Yun jumped up, her eyes rolling wildly: "I have only seen the county magistrate, what kind of ice coffin, water coffin, gold coffin and wood coffin, I have never seen it."

After finally picking up the ice coffin with spiritual energy, I must not return it!
After all, the fox immortal also carries the word immortal. If there are no good things, how can there be such a pair of ice coffins, so it is okay for her to move the coffin away.

"You moved the ice coffin in the center of the Jiuqu Veranda Array." The little girl was dead and stubborn, and Firefox was in no hurry, and had time to fight with her.

"Who said that?" Le Yun made up her mind not to admit it: "You see how small I am, how can I move such a big coffin? There must be people who visit me after I leave, and it must be done by someone with magic skills. "Fox Daxian, don't you just stare at me? I'm just a little human ant, I can't do that kind of big thing, Daxian, please let me go."

"Little girl, move Ben Hu's bed and hide it in the blessed land you got, thinking that Ben Hu won't be able to find it?" Firefox moved his eyes amusingly. There are many blessed places left in this human world. When people are opened, the little girl can actually open the heaven and the blessed land. She can be regarded as a spiritual girl who combines blessings and longevity in the world, but her temperament is too cunning.

"Hmm!" Le Yun sat down like a deflated ball, her face was so cloudy that it was about to rain, the fox fairy actually knew that she had space?Woo, the ice coffin can't be kept!

No, you shouldn't be entangled in this, the point is that the fox fairy knows that she has a paradise, will she rob her of her space!

A sense of urgency welled up in her heart, and Le Yun stared at the fox warily: "Okay, I will send you the ice coffin back to the place tomorrow, you almost killed me and my companions with a ferocious formation, I will take yours away. Ice coffin, let's clear it up."

"This fox won't take your cave, little girl, this fox doesn't care about you stealing the ice coffin, if this fox does, he will shoot you to death when he senses that someone moved this fox's nest and rushes back to see it, making you a offerings."

"Fox Daxian, you really don't take my space?" Le Yun was resurrected in a second. If Foxxian didn't grab her space, other things could be discussed.

"If you don't grab it, even if you grab it by force, it won't work. Your heaven and blessed land is in harmony with your soul, and it can't be opened if someone else takes it away. You can rest assured. Of course, you have to be on guard. There are many types of Taoism on the earth where you grew up. People, whose cultivation is higher than you, does not rule out their greed when they see the treasure."

"Wow, I can rest assured now." My space is only available to me, and Le Yun immediately blooms. As for those cultivators, um, they don't have to come to grab the treasure. Whoever comes will be poisoned to death!
Her excited eyes sparkled, and she stared at the fox again, and suddenly found that the fiery red fox seemed to be getting smaller. She thought she was dazzled by surprise, wiped her eyes, and looked again, yes, the fox is getting smaller, In the blink of an eye, it shrunk again!
Change, change, change!
The fox shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye, and in a flash it shrank to the size of a cub, with red hair like fire, its eyes slowly turning golden, and its tail grew bigger and bigger, and a large piece of tail appeared in the blink of an eye.

Omg, golden-eyed fox?
Le Yun stared at the beads and fell to the ground. She opened her mouth and almost could stuff a big watermelon. After two seconds, she closed her chin, and "Kacha" put the chin that was about to fall back to its original position and stuttered: "Fox Daxian, is this what you look like? One, two, three, four... Eleven, twelve, you have twelve tails?"

Isn't the tallest fox with nine tails?Why does this fox fairy have twelve tails?Also, what's the matter with this discordant becoming smaller?

Sanguan was overturned again, Rao Shile's heart was strong enough, and he was stunned.

"This fox was originally twelve tails." Firefox couldn't maintain the appearance of the black-eyed fox, so he had to reveal his body, and his voice was weak.

The fox was as weak as when he first met, and Le Yun lay beside the bed and stared at him: "You really are sick."

Firefox lacked vitality and lay down quietly.

"I wonder why you don't have a heartbeat, your blood is cold, and your whole body looks like it's frozen. It turns out that you've been hit by a strange cold poison, and it's still the kind of cold poison that you can't see the sun, and your blood freezes when you see the sun."

"Little girl, not bad, as expected of the person who can open the Heavenly Paradise, she actually recognizes the cold poison in this fox." Firefox vigorously praised.

"I don't know what the specific poison is. I only know that it is a kind of extreme cold poison. With my ability, I don't have any clues at present."

"Little girl, this fox is going to sleep. Send this fox back to the ice coffin. In the future, this fox will live in your paradise. After this fox has enough energy, I will tell you what you are interested in."

"?" Le Yun was stunned, did the fox Daxian make up his mind to rely on her?She was about to ask if it would be good to live in her space, when she found that the golden eyes of the fox fairy were closed, like a block of ice, and there was no movement.

Sleeping when you say sleep is so disrespectful!

She has too many questions, such as why did he stay in the Nine-Bend Veranda Array, and who set up the Nine-Star Locking God Array?Who is buried in that tomb?
Another example is who gave the poison to the fox fairy?Why did he not become immortal?It should be extraordinary to practice the Tao, why is it poisoned?
But the big fox fell asleep when she said she was sleeping. She wanted to jump, think about it, she could make a decent fox immortal so that it couldn't transform into a human form, but also turned into a little fox with no lethality. sharp.

Although he was very aggrieved, and he couldn't see the fox suffer, he leaned over and picked up the little fox fairy back to the space. As long as the fox fairy is in the space, no matter how many questions, it will not be too late to ask the fox fairy when he wakes up.

Back under the dragon's blood tree in the space, Le Yun turned on the flashlight and searched for a circle. Xiao Huihui was still sleeping in the tree hole of the dragon's blood tree, and fell asleep without moving.

She didn't call Xiao Huihui, she went straight to the ice coffin, ran to the side of the ice coffin, unable to look up at the sky, the ice coffin was two times taller than her, she stood next to it, it was a huge monster, and she was a poor little one.

The altitude is too low to be embarrassing everywhere.

Embarrassed, Le Yun put the fox on the stone table, moved out of space, moved the coffin to another position, and moved a chair to flash back to space, then placed the chair above the stone table under the dragon's blood tree, climbed onto the table, Stepping on the chair, she was finally able to reach the height of the coffin, and the two ends of the coffin were still much higher than hers.

She pushed the lid of the coffin hard, but luckily the lid of the ice coffin was very slippery. Under the push of her milk-feeding strength, the lid slowly slid open.

Pushing the lid of the coffin to a certain extent, Le Yun stood on tiptoe and stretched out her head to look inside the ice coffin. The coffin was more than ten meters long and nine meters wide. The empty belly of the coffin was actually about twice the size of an ordinary coffin. It was wide, and the coffin was empty except for a jade pillow, and there was not even a single hair in the coffin.

The ice coffin is the essence of [-]-year-old chalcedony. It is cold and cold, and it can protect the dead from rot, but all creatures that still have a breath will not die.

Not finding the treasure, Le Yun was very disappointed, climbed down from the chair, went back to the dormitory again, moved a foldable square table for eating, put it on the stone table, and put the chair on top of the square table.

Stack up three layers like an Arhat, and the height is high enough, pick up the fox, climb up the chair, climb into the coffin, put the fox in the coffin to sleep, then climb out with difficulty and close the lid of the coffin.

After doing everything, moving tables and chairs out of the space, and sitting in the dormitory, Le Yun was dumbfounded. What, did she really find a vixen that was only perfect?Life is getting more and more mysterious.

Well, it feels good to keep only a sperm animal in private, and the life of being open is really dreadful!
Sitting for a long time biting his fingers, he jumped up excitedly and rushed to the bathroom to wash his bronze ware. It was a good thing to pick up a fox. When he woke up, let him bring the treasures to the ancient tomb and empty the ancient tomb. Maybe it will be able to accumulate the aura needed for the expansion of the supply space.

After cleaning the bronzes, they threw them on the balcony to dry in the shade. Those things were dark and gray, and they needed to be exposed to the corpse wilderness for a few days, so that Sun and Moon Guanghua could clean them up and bring them back to the space.

After dealing with the bronze wares and the like, I roughly sorted out the medicinal materials. After going back and forth, it was almost eleven o'clock. I rushed to take a shower, climbed back to the space to meditate, and went to sleep.

That night, Le Yun slept soundly and had another long dream. In her dream, someone was studying. She listened to it all night. The voice was still in my ears, and I remembered clearly what was said.

"It's like this again!" Le Yun stared into the darkness with her eyes open, sniffling and pouting into the air. Every time she heard a voice in her dream, she felt that she was close to her, but she couldn't see anyone.

The matter of imparting knowledge in this dream can only be imagined by the space or the previous owners of the space.

After staring at the air for a long time, he turned over and got up, first observed the coffin, the aura of the ice coffin of the two coffins was still there, only the aura of the golden silk nanmu coffin was absorbed by the space.

Le Yun couldn't help but laugh and roll a few times before meditating and practicing. How much wider the space can be, you can see the results after dawn.

(End of this chapter)

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