magic eye doctor

Chapter 2988

Chapter 2988
The monk families communicated with each other, and soon there were results.

The real reason why the top ten families of the City League are busy is still unclear, but the cause is clear - because the city lord personally visited the female cultivator who purchased resources at the mission hall square of the City League General League.

Therefore, the real reason should be because of that nun.

Many monks who went to the female cultivator to do business, thought about it, and thought about it, but they didn't understand the difference between the female cultivator, or they couldn't understand what kind of transaction the female cultivator made with the city lord's family, which led to the ten major members of the city alliance. The family went on a shopping spree.

Soon, the high-ranking monks had new news—it was said that a child from He Xini had fallen into the nun's eyes, and the nun wanted to take the child away.

It is said that the city lord and He Xini were very excited when they learned that the child was favored by the nun.

The news came from a monk who was negotiating with the nun when the city lord and his party visited the nun. The news was absolutely reliable.

The Hexini family controls Tianhu City, and is one of the most famous city lords around the outskirts of the Nuxiong Mountain Range. He is very powerful and very rich.

Such a family has enough strength to train their own children, and there is no need for their children to be disciples of other immortal sects.

He Xini's child was taken by the female cultivator, but they were not annoyed, but very happy, which shows that the female cultivator's status is unusual.

Many high-ranking monks and immortal cultivating families in the city who had not been to the mission hall square of the city alliance general alliance rushed to the mission hall in the city.

Some monks or senior monks of the family did not go to the square to find nuns to do business. They also ran to the east of the square to throw arrays or pitch tents, and wait and see what happened.

After returning to Nancheng, Fu Ying, who was going to rest at home for two months before going to find a suitable place to retreat, also received a message from the cultivator of Huashen. He was in a daze. Is it big?

He thought and thought, after thinking for a long time, suddenly his body shook, could it be that the fairy she she...she...

Fuying couldn't sit still, she left home in a hurry and rushed to the central area of ​​the city.

It was evening when he arrived in the central area of ​​the city. There were more than [-] defensive masks on the east side of the square, and thousands of monks gathered on both sides of the mission hall. Those people sat on the ground without entering the mission hall.

There is only one spirit boat and a few poles on the west side of the square, which are also very conspicuous.

Fuying entered the square, searched, and found a friend who was a cultivator of transformation gods sitting on the east side of the entrance of the mission hall, and quietly went over to sit down next to him.

His friend, a cultivator of Huashen, was surnamed Tu. When Tu Huashen saw that cultivator Fu was coming, he sent a voice transmission with his spiritual sense: "Do you feel anything?"

Fu Ying hesitated for a moment: "I think, I probably know who the fairy is."

"Ah?" Earth Transformation God was so astonished that he couldn't help turning his neck to look at his friend: "Do you know the identity of the female cultivator? Who is she, who can shake the big families of the city alliance?"

"If you find out who the fairy is, your family will also be shaken." Fu Ying glanced at her friend slowly. This person can still come to watch the fun so calmly, but he doesn't know who the fairy is, but Fantu When the family knew about it, they must come to Tianhu City in the starry night.

"What is the identity of a female cultivator?" At this moment, Earth Transformation God was also aroused from curiosity.

"If I'm not mistaken, this female cultivator is the new guardian of the longevity tree."

When cultivator Fu transmitted the sound with his spiritual consciousness, his voice was neither fast nor slow, but when the words "Guardian of the Longevity Tree" came into his eyes, he was suddenly startled, and even choked his breath.

" do you say she is?" He was so nervous that he forgot to use the sound transmission technique of spiritual consciousness.

When he shouted, the monks around him looked over with condemnation in their eyes.

Fu Ying was startled, and in desperation, she covered her friend's mouth.

With his mouth and nose covered, Earth Huashen almost wanted to jump, but he also realized it, and immediately put on a shield of spiritual consciousness, and opened the hands of the Fu monk.

He took a deep breath: "Can you tell me again, who is the nun?"

"Guardian of the new longevity tree." Fuying was angry and funny: "Haven't you seen the face of the fairy? When I first saw the face of the fairy, it felt a little familiar. At that time, I didn't think about the identity of the guardian of the new longevity tree.

The guardian of the new longevity tree is said to have long hair reaching the ground. He loves to wear blue dresses and blue cloaks. He also likes to wear gourd-shaped ornaments. Boat.

But this Fairy Cultivator obviously has short hair, orange clothes, and a white cloak. No one who sees her will think about the new guardian of the longevity tree.

When I also received your message, I thought about it for a long time before connecting the fairy with the new guardian of the longevity tree. Only such a character can let the city lord visit him as soon as he returns to the city, and still have a humble and respectful attitude. "

Earth Transformation God's face changed like a cloud, and after a few breaths, his breath became short of breath: "No wonder, no wonder it is like this!
The new guardian of the everlasting tree took a fancy to a child of the Hecheng Lord's family, how could He Xini not be excited!If it were our Tu clan, I'm afraid there will be a family celebration! "

He paused, and immediately took out the communication talisman to communicate with the family, and reported the news of the arrival of the new longevity tree guardian to Tianhu City to the family.

After sending a summons, I couldn't help but mutter: "My home is in Xuezhu City, so far away from Tianhu City, I don't know if they can come here in time."

"..." Fu Ying couldn't answer.

Earth Transformation God was very anxious.

Fu Ying didn't quite understand: "Why do you want the family to come here? What can they do?"

Earth Transformation God was stunned: "Of course it is to let the family members come to admire the fairy's face? The longevity tree has been extinct for more than a billion years, how precious is the new longevity tree to Yunlan, and the new guardian of the longevity tree How honorable it is.

It is impossible for me and other people with such a cultivation level to have the opportunity to look at the longevity tree with my own eyes. If I am lucky enough to look at the immortal posture of the guardian of the longevity tree, I will never be shaken in my life. "

Fu Ying was silent, and what the Earth Transformation God said was right. For monks like them, it was a great blessing to see the guardian of the longevity tree in their lifetime.

Most of Yunlan's monks may never see the face of this fairy in their whole life.

He was silent for a while, and suggested: "Why don't we invite the other four people to discuss whether we should dedicate the secret place we discovered to the fairy?"

Earth Transformation God thought for a while, and agreed to the proposal.

They sent a summons to the other four, and considering the slow speed of the Jindan cultivator, Tuhuashen went to the east of the city to pick up the Jindan friend in person.

Fu monks still stayed where they were and waited for their companions.

Tu Huashen received the golden elixir and took it to the square. Seeing that the three people from the south of the city hadn't arrived yet, he went to pick them up along the way, and also received the Nascent Soul Nvxiu and two golden elixirs on the way.

The Nascent Soul cultivator rushed on with two golden elixirs, and with the support of the cultivator of Huashen, the three of them turned to the flying sword of the cultivator of Huashen.

Earth Transformation God took the three of them to the square, and found a quiet corner, placed a formation plate, set up a defensive formation, and then set up a spiritual barrier barrier.

Cultivator Fu first explained the fact that he had guessed the identity of the Lingzhou female cultivator, and then discussed with his allies the secret they were keeping—they discovered a teleportation array in a secret realm in the Angry Bear Mountain Range.

The teleportation formation in the secret realm was discovered when they went on an expedition in 11 years, and they also kept the secret for 11 years.

Knowing that the female cultivator is the guardian of the new longevity tree, the Yuanying female cultivator and the three golden elixirs were so shocked that they couldn't recover for a long time.

They tried a lot of methods but couldn't open the teleportation array of the secret realm, so they could only stare blankly. As for telling others, they didn't dare.

They were worried that once they told the secret to some family or monk alliance, they would turn into dead bodies.

Earth Transformation God has a family, and he also dare not tell the family, after all, the family is not monolithic.

They have been keeping a secret for ten years, and they actually don't feel well, for fear that one day someone will catch them and search their souls and reveal the secret.

The six discussed for a while, gathered their mood, put away the formation disk, and went straight to the spirit boat on the west side of the square.

Running to the spirit boat, Fu Ying brazenly took the lead: "Fairy, Fu Ying is here to disturb you again."

Le Yun looked at the six familiar faces and smiled: "Let's talk about business in Lingzhou."

The small team of six responded, and flew onto the spirit boat.

When people came up, Le Yun opened the spirit boat defense, pointed to the seat with a smile: "Sit down if you have something to say, this fairy is absolutely safe here, don't worry about others snooping."

The six sat down as promised.

They didn't know the identity of the female cultivator before, but they dared to look directly at the fairy. Now that they knew the identity of the fairy, they didn't dare to look directly at the fairy's face anymore. They all lowered their eyebrows and sat upright.

"So nervous, it seems to be a big deal?" Le Yun glanced over the six people, knowing it well.

"There is something I want to talk to Fairy." The allies didn't make a sound, but Fuying bit the bullet and went into battle: "We went to the middle of the Angry Bear Mountain Range 11 years ago, and accidentally found a teleportation array..."

He just talked about the teleportation array, and suddenly found that he couldn't open his mouth, looked at his companions, and found that all of them were looking at him, and couldn't help sweating profusely.

Le Yun heard the word teleportation array, and cast a silence spell on the six people: "Don't worry, this fairy just cast a silence spell. The teleportation array you mentioned is your secret, and it is also your chance.

Keep the secrets tight for yourselves, and in another 23 years, you will go there and wait. "

The six wanted to speak, but their mouths were blocked, no matter how urgent they were, it would not help.

After a while, the mouth was unsealed.

The six monks looked up at the fairy and saw her soft brows and a slight smile. All kinds of emotions rushed into their hearts for a while, including ups and downs, sweetness, bitterness, saltiness and so on.

Because they guessed the fairy's identity and knew that she would not be silent if she knew the secret realm, they wanted to dedicate the location of the secret realm to the fairy. They never thought that the fairy not only refused to accept it, but pointed out the opening time of the secret realm to them.

The six people were moved, and they got up and knelt down to worship the fairy's kindness.

Le Yun asked the six people to get up, and also asked them to take a break first, and think of a suitable reason to deal with it before going out, so that they would not reveal their flaws when asked.

The six monks waited for a full quarter of an hour, discussed the countermeasures, and then got off the spirit boat.

Sure enough, as soon as the six of them returned to the east side of the mission hall, they were surrounded by some high-ranking monks who were waiting to find out what they were doing with the female cultivator for the second time.

The six of them had already had a countermeasure, and they were confident in their plans. They responded without panic, and successfully cleared their suspicions.

(End of this chapter)

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