magic eye doctor

Chapter 2993

Chapter 2993

The snow in the middle and inner circles of the Raging Bear Mountain Range melts late, but the day and night also change with the seasons. As the season enters spring, the time of darkness gradually becomes later and the time of dawn gets earlier and earlier.

At about Chen's time, it was dawn.

In fact, it is true that dawn breaks, because everywhere is white, and the morning light at dawn matches the color of snow, thus making the world bright.

After meditating for a while, Le Yun also got up and gave herself a dust removal technique, then went to the edge of the platform to get water to rinse her mouth, and it was OK.

After tidying himself up, he took off the cloak with white fox fur collar, walked slowly into the cave, and used spiritual power to insert more than a dozen special nails into the cave wall and ceiling, and hang the night pearl.

Evenly distributed night pearls illuminated the originally dark cave.

After solving the light problem, the wishful house carrying the cubs was moved to the cave for placement.

The Ruyi House where the cubs live is also moved out and placed next to the cave wall on the west side of the cave, still arranged in the previous order from south to north.

The Ruyi House for teaching is placed opposite to the Ruyi House for the children. It has a special function and is enlarged twice to make it larger than the Ruyi House where the children live to highlight its status and majesty.

After finishing the preparations, Le Yun entered the Teaching Ruyi Room, performed the dust removal technique several times to remove the smell in the room, and then went to the round table to take a seat, first took out a meal and set it up.

The cubs have a relatively stable work and rest time. They get up at dawn, then go to the washing room to freshen up, and then go to the public Ruyi room to eat and study.

It was also the same that day, the youngest bamboo rice was packed first, and he was going to wait for his friends in the public Ruyi House outside. When he walked out of his residence, he saw that he was no longer familiar with the appearance in front of him.

He was startled, and he didn't come back to his senses until he felt a chill. He turned his neck and looked around quickly. He saw the big wishful house on the opposite side, and also saw the bright white round object in the distance.

At this moment, Zhumi also guessed that the place that the fairy who might arrive said was suitable for cultivation, let go of his feet and headed towards the wishful house diagonally opposite.

Like a cannonball, the child rushed into the Ruyi House, and sure enough, he saw familiar objects and fairies.

"Fairy Fairy!"

Seeing the fairy who hadn't shown up for a while, Zhumi selectively ignored the smell of the food, and rushed to the fairy like a baby swallow returning to her nest, hugging the fairy's arm.

The little bamboo rice cub is as sticky as his younger brother from the warm heart brand. Le Yun stretched out his hand and rubbed the little guy's head, asking him, "Can you write the runes?"

The cub was lazy, didn't comb his head, and directly tied his hair into a high ponytail. Some short hairs didn't fit in with the group and stretched freely, so that the hair looked frizzy.

"It's almost there." Zhumi raised her face, eyes full of fairies.

"It almost means that there are still a few words left to learn?"

"The fairy left sixteen runes, and I know twelve and a half."

"Can you still speak half of the words?"

"Yes, there is a talisman, half of which can be written smoothly, but the second half is broken after writing."

"Then keep working hard and try to learn the second half as soon as possible."

"Hey! I still haven't learned a few talismans, and Qian Bing and Jing Ning also..."

Before the little friends came, Zhumi poured out the learning progress of the little friends like beans in a bamboo tube.

In fact, when Zhu Mi said he had learned a few talismans, his little friends Qian Bing, Jing Ning, and Miss Lin had already left their respective Ruyi Houses one after another, and they were stunned for a moment when they saw a completely unfamiliar environment.

Da Zai tidied himself up, and waited for the black dog to wash the latrine pit after he defecated. He was a step behind, and finally the black dog was the last one to walk out of the wishful house.

Da Zai was also stunned.

The black dog smelled the scent of Qianxiu's cub in the air, cheered, and rushed to the big wishful house opposite.

The three children and Miss Lin, who were in a daze, were brought back to their senses by the cheers of the black dog, and they also ran.

The black dog didn't wait for anyone, left the little master and the master's little friends, and rushed into the Daruyi House first. Seeing Qianxiu's cub, he ran to the side of the fairy and jumped up and down while screaming.

The black dog complained that Zhumi’s cub didn’t wait for his companion, Le Yun didn’t touch the dog’s head, and looked at the black dog who bullied the cub who didn’t know how to speak the dog, amusedly: “It’s you who snoozes and refuses to get up earlier, how can you blame me? Bamboo rice won't wait for you."

Zhu Mi, who kept talking about his friends' learning process, saw the black dog and knew that the friends were coming soon, so he stopped talking.

I heard the fairy say that the black dog complained that he didn't wait for his partner, he kept laughing, and had to choose between waiting for his partner and meeting the fairy, of course he chose the second one.

Zhumi also let go, and quickly ran to the chair on the left side of the fairy to sit down, occupying the best seat next to the fairy.

The black dog was jumping happily, hearing the sound of the little master and other cubs entering the wishful room, and cleverly occupied a chair on the right hand side of the fairy.

Miss Lin, You Bai Ning, Da Zai, and Ni Wanzi, who rushed into Da Ruyi House, saw the fairy who was present here, and understood why Zhu Mi was missing.

The four of them, three small and one big, saluted the fairy respectfully, and ran to the round table happily when the fairy said "Excuse me".

Da Zai had the black dog to occupy the seat, and he successfully got the opportunity to sit on the right hand side of the little fairy. The black dog was clever again and sat in the gap between the little master and the fairy.

Niwanzi was next to Qianxiu, and on the other side of him was Miss Lin.

You Bo quietly sat next to Da Zai.

"Did you wash your hands? Eat morning food after washing your hands."


The cubs responded, and stretched out their hands to pick up their chopsticks.

Le Yun also picked up the chopsticks, picked up a piece of fried pork with mushrooms and tasted it, and then picked up a bun made of sorghum, and ate it slowly.

The fairy moved the chopsticks, and the four cubs and Miss Lin also took the buns and vegetables.

The staple food of Chaoshi is steamed stuffed bun, with three main courses of two meat and one vegetarian and a soup for nourishing the stomach.

It is said that the Tengshi made by restaurants and restaurants is exquisite and delicious, and it is naturally better than the meals made by the Youbai family.

Miss Lin and the four cubs ate with gusto, and when the fairy finished eating, she put down her chopsticks, and the five of them ate up all the food.

After the cubs had finished eating, Le Yun cleaned up the dishes with dust removal techniques, put away the tableware, and then took out a plate of rice and side dishes and handed them to the cubs to feed the black dog.

Da Zai took the black dog back to his residence, and put the food in the black dog's rice bowl.

The rice has rice, meat, and vegetables. It is nutritious and smells delicious. The black dog will eat it happily.

Da Zai waited for the black dog to finish eating, washed the basin, and hurried back to Daruyi House.

Everyone is here, Le Yun is happy to see the mountain and expresses his purpose: "This fairy has found a suitable place for cultivation, and I will officially teach you how to practice today.

Cultivation is hard. It is common to use the sky as the roof and the earth as the bed. To practice, you have to practice in summer and winter and in winter. You can't stay in the greenhouse, you have to be in the world.

Therefore, when this fairy officially teaches you how to practice, she will not teach in the wishful room. I will take you out to see the place where you will practice in the future. You should familiarize yourself with the environment first. "


The four cubs and Miss Lin were shocked, and immediately stood up and stood aside.

Le Yun got up, and led the cubs out of the wishful house: "This is a cultivation cave excavated by a twelfth-order monster, and this fairy snatched it.

Before you draw the qi into the body, you practice in the cave during the day, and you can go back to the wishful room to meditate at night. After you draw the qi into the body, you are not allowed to go back to the wishful room at night, and you can meditate here. "

"Yes!" The five people who followed the fairy to the cave all agreed and looked at the cave seriously.

The black dog is also beside the fairy, docile and well-behaved.

After explaining the rules of cultivation, Le Yun led the five of them slowly to the entrance of the cave, letting the cubs enjoy the scenery outside.

The platform below the cave is arc-shaped, like a crescent moon. Because it is not particularly wide, it is more than ten feet lower than the entrance of the cave. Children standing at the entrance of the cave can see the opposite mountain.

As for the canyon, they couldn't see clearly, only a patch of color.

"It is more than 300 feet above the valley floor, and there are several steep rock walls below, which can be walked on foot. If you want to walk down, detours are feasible, but it takes several times the time.

If it is not necessary, this fairy will not let you go down and play.

You can only work hard, and when you are able to fly the aircraft, you can leave the cave openly and take the aircraft to the canyon or nearby activities.

The platform below is where the big demon practiced.

You are still too weak to withstand the cold, and this fairy does not require you to practice in the open air. After the snow melts, you will also go to the platform to breathe during the day, absorbing the aura of heaven and earth and the essence of the sun and the moon. "

The location of the cave restricts the range of activities of the cubs to a certain extent, it is like a training cave tailored for the cubs.

"Understood." One big, four small and five people agreed again, how good it is to practice, who has the time to go out and play, they don't like to run around.

Having said enough, Le Yun told the five of them to digest first, then took out a piece of tree, took the sword and chopped the wood.

The fairy let the rest rest, Miss Lin and the four children scattered, ran here and there, and got familiar with the cave.

Le Yun's speed was extremely fast. In less than a quarter of an hour, he cut a piece of wood into a step, put away the sawdust and tools, and flew to the platform.

First remove the ice on the wall of the platform next to the entrance of the cave, then clear the platform, and then put down the newly made steps and ladders.

The wooden step-shaped ladder leans against the stone wall in front of the cave entrance, and one side is flat against the platform, forming a bridge from the platform to the cave entrance.

With it, the cubs can also travel between platforms and caves, with a wider range of activities.

The fairy built the steps, and the black dog, who had been squatting at the entrance of the cave, galloped down the steps, ran all the way to the platform, and jumped happily on the snow.

Le Yun ignored the black dog and went back to the cave. The east of the cave was used as a teaching place and told the cubs to prepare.

One, four, and five people immediately ran over and stood in a row in front of the fairy.

(End of this chapter)

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