magic eye doctor

Chapter 3003 Experience

The cubs were practicing their swords hard, and the black dog felt that he couldn't relax, so he ran to the snow to practice hunting.

Le Yun has been busy in the star core space for several days, and it didn't come to an end until the beginning of March.

The cubs had a regular schedule. After supervising the cubs' practice for a day, Le Yun started the furnace to make things silently. After three days and three nights, they left the customs. Each cub also got a set of armor including boots.

The next day, the cubs put on the iron armor, and the armor never left their bodies, and only took it off when taking a bath.

The armor is very thin, but it weighs more than a hundred catties. There are pockets for adding copper strips to increase the weight in several areas of the boots of the armor.

The cubs in the armor have to add two copper and iron bars to their arms when practicing swords. Because of the heavy load, they used to be able to practice swords three times in one breath, but now it takes a lot of effort to complete one time. force.

Every time the little guys finished their sword practice, they were so tired that they couldn't even lift their arms, but no one said a word, and once they sat down to rest, they continued to practice the technique.

Cultivating under harsh conditions, the cultivation base of the cubs also rose at a rate of one and a half or two floors a month.

While the cubs practiced diligently, the temperature slowly rose, the ice and snow quietly melted, and the river surface thawed.

This time, Niwanzi and others practiced swords in the snow every day, and they also clearly sensed the changes of the seasons.

The ice and snow melted quickly. In the middle of the second half of the year, the snow on the plains and halfway up the mountain melted into water, and the swamps and wetlands in the low-lying areas of Meadow also revealed the true face of Mount Lu.

The snow melted, and the speed at which the plants were renewed was also visible to the naked eye.

When the frozen river thawed, Heigou would go into the water every day to catch dozens of fish and store them.

When the black dog and the cubs explored the new environment around them, they also found Lingquan Lake. They were strictly prohibited from going into the lake by the fairy to avoid polluting the water and destroying the swamp environment.

Once the freshness of Lingquan Lake was over, the cubs devoted themselves to the practice again.

Little Lolita supervised the cubs to practice for half a month, then went out again, and sent the puppets who were on standby to a place rich in resources in the secret land for collection.

She went to various points to retrieve the spiritual spring water by herself, and also picked tea leaves and juices from certain plants in the habitat of the red-scaled ankylosaurus.

At the beginning of May, Le Yun returned to the camp to supervise the cubs' cultivation.

The cubs only reduced their cultivation a few years ago, because their diligence has also paid off, and their cultivation has returned to the ninth level of Qi refining in just four months.

By the end of May, the cubs have reached the Dzogchen in the late stage of qi refining, and they have been cultivating hard for less than ten days, and they have successfully established their foundations.

Just after the foundation was established, it will take some time for the cubs to consolidate their realm. Classmate Le Xiao went out to collect again. At the end of the month, the puppet team sent out to work will be called back, and they will be arranged in batches in the pine bushes of the Grand Canyon.

The puppet team received a new task-picking pine cones, digging holes for pine trees and releasing lamps and turpentine.

The plains of the Grand Canyon are rich in forest resources. Even in mixed forests, the proportion of pine trees is extremely high. There are even many areas where pine trees are the main forest, and pine trees account for 70.00% of the total.

July is the hottest season in the plateau, the most suitable for cutting trees and flowing turpentine, and every July also enters the season of collecting pine cones, and the puppets happen to dig pine cones and put oil lamps for the pine trees while picking pine cones.

The job of the puppet team responsible for dissecting wild animals and fish remains unchanged.

Little Lolita supervised the cub's practice in the camp, and when the lamps used by Liusong were not enough, she trained another [-] magical lamps and gave them to the puppet people.

She goes out once in a while, sometimes to collect spiritual spring water, sometimes to collect some precious spiritual plants, and sometimes to the puppet to collect a batch of pine cones and pine trees that have lost their turpentine oil.

At this time, the drying tray has a place for heroes and has become a good tool for drying pine cones.

The pine trees in Yunlan are taller and bigger than the pine trees in Dongchen Continent, and the pine resin is flowed by lighting lamps. It takes half a month for a 500-year-old pine tree to flow out the pine resin, and it takes 20 days to one for a pine tree that is more than a thousand years old. moon.

The puppets felled a large number of pine trees, and Le Xiaotong sent Yinyue brothers and sisters to split the wood, build a frame on the meadow in the Grand Canyon, and throw the split pine trees on the frame to dry.

In the absence of rain, the pine blocks are dried in the sun for a month, and the water loss is almost the same. The quality of the smoke is the best when burning wood to get smoke.

Le Yun is also very caring. He often checks the dried pine logs, and puts them in storage containers when they are dried to a suitable degree. At the same time, he also pays close attention to seasonal changes.

At the beginning of September, a small team of [-] puppet people was dispatched to sweep away the bamboo bird's nest and bamboo fruit with the guards.

Bamboo resources in the secret land are also very rich, and bamboo forests in many areas stretch into bamboo seas.

When Xiao Luoli stepped on the site, she found several bamboo seas with long bamboo bird's nests, and also found several bamboo forests that were blooming and fruitful.

There are two bamboo forests with bird's nests in the Xianshi Dongfu area, and the widest one is also there. Its area is three hundred miles long and wide, and it is mainly composed of bitter bamboo and nanzhu.

In a valley full of aura in the secret place, there is a large piece of mian bamboo blossoming and fruiting, and the bamboo forest covers an area of ​​more than a hundred miles in length and width.

The other few strong bamboo forests are narrower, covering an area of ​​more than ten miles to dozens of miles.

Le Yun led the puppet team to collect bamboo and bird's nest first, and then went to clean up bamboo rice in mid-October.

In order to save time, all the strong bamboos were cut down and taken into the space, so it was possible to get all the strong bamboo forests in the pocket before the snowfall.

The team returned with a full load.

Less than five days after Little Lolita returned to the camp, the Snow Bear Mountain Range ushered in the snowfall season again.

The first snow of the year turned out to be a goose-feather snow, with palm-sized goose-feather flakes flying one after another. Since it snowed, in less than half an hour, the sky and the earth were completely white, and the visibility in the snow was less than one meter.

The heavy snow lasted for seven days and eight nights. When the snow stopped, the snow on the plain had accumulated eight feet thick.

After the snow, the temperature continued to drop, and the rivers within a width of less than [-] meters froze rapidly, and the edges of many giant rivers also condensed ice more than ten meters wide.

When the snow first fell, Le Yun recalled the puppets, opened up another place, and arranged for a team of puppets to hustle bamboo and pound bamboo rice.

She didn't make a spiritual meal herself, and retreated to refine the space device.

For the sake of work efficiency, during the refinement, he caught Fen Yue Shanggong who was sleeping in the dantian.

Fen Yue, who was beaten up by her master, was autistic for two years, and was assigned a job, and immediately came back to life, working very hard, and took on the heavy responsibility of melting materials.

With Fen Yue controlling the fire, Le Yun only focused on refining. It took three months to refine a batch of large-capacity space devices. After leaving the customs, he went to find the little fox.

The puppet army started working day and night, dug mines for a year, and dug out four-fifths of the spirit stone mines on the main line of veins.

Le Xiaoluoli transferred the Lingshi to her hand, cooked a pot of sea snail soup to reward the little fox and Xiao Huihui, and waved her sleeves to leave.

She went out for a walk along the way, and when she returned to the camp, it was less than ten days before the New Year's Eve, and she finally started the mode of making spiritual meals.

On the day before the New Year's Eve, the cubs drove the aircraft to climb the cave and took Miss Lin to the foot of the mountain for the New Year's Eve.

Miss Lin followed the children to the foot of the mountain, walked into the defensive formation, and saluted the fairy respectfully.

I haven't seen her for more than nine months, and the breath on the girl's body is calmer than before, which shows that letting her practice alone has some effect.

Le Yun was also not stingy, and encouraged the girl a few words, and also treated the red envelopes equally during the New Year's Day, and gave the girl, the cubs, and the black dog a new year's red envelope.

This time the lucky red envelope is an ordinary red cloth bag, containing a middle-grade spirit stone.

The little cubs happily put away the lucky red envelopes.

Miss Lin stayed at the foot of the mountain for four days. On the fifth day of the fifth day, the children were asked to send themselves back to the cave on the mountainside, and continue to practice penance alone.

During the season when the mountains are covered by heavy snow, it is not advisable to go out for a walk. Le Yun stays at the camp and cooks spiritual meals while guiding the cubs to practice.

At the beginning of February, the black dog was promoted to the consecration stage.

The black dog's rapid advancement in cultivation has stimulated the cubs. They all made their own armor heavier, practiced swords, forged body skills, forged spiritual consciousness, and practiced drawing symbols at night.

Le Yun only speaks when it is necessary to teach the cubs, and never dictates the arrangements of the cubs at other times, and only gives pointers or corresponding suggestions when the cubs ask her questions.

The cultivation of the four little guys has steadily increased.

When the ice and snow on the meadow melted, Le Yun also finished her work as a spiritual meal, and sent out the puppet to gather bamboo.

After turning around, she personally took the cubs and the black dog out to practice.

The so-called experience is to let the cubs fight with monsters to increase their actual combat experience and hone their reaction ability.

In order to experience the effect, they are strictly prohibited from using high-grade magic weapons, and each cub is equipped with a set of low-grade equipment.

For the first time in actual combat, Little Loli chose the mountain-breaking dragon in the middle of the first order for the cubs.

The scales of the Broken Mountain Dragon are hard and resistant to beatings, making it suitable to be a sparring partner for young cubs.

She thought that the cubs might be timid when fighting with monsters for the first time. However, just as the words "born calves are not afraid of tigers", when the little guy saw the little monster, his eyes sparkled, and he rushed forward screaming. .

The speed was as fast as who said that there was a pile of spirit stones that could be picked up for nothing, and everyone couldn't wait, scrambling to be the first.

The Poshanlong who was besieged was beaten so helplessly.

Little Lolita still had a conscience, she didn't let the cubs kill their training partner, and let the hapless little monster go.

The little monster, which escaped unharmed, got into the cave and dug a tunnel overnight to escape from the area.

The cubs have successfully practiced for the first time.

In order not to inflate Xiao Zai'er, Little Lolita changed her strategy and chose the little monsters in the late stage of Qi refining, and let Xiao Zai'er fight alone with the little monsters.

Moreover, the sparring partners are also different, each cub fights with a different little monster.

In the actual combat alone, the cubs didn't get any benefits, and all of them were honored.

The little loli closed the team and returned to the camp, letting the cubs sum up their own experience and reflect on their own shortcomings, and continue to go out for training the next day.

Going out to fight little monsters every day for ten days in a row, the actual combat ability of Niwanzi and others has also been improved.

After resting for a few days, when she packed up and set off again, Le Xiaoluoli arranged for the cubs to fight with the little monsters in the foundation building stage.

No matter how talented the little guys are, their combat experience is seriously insufficient compared to the little monsters who rely on fighting to survive, and they are all miserably abused by the monsters.

If Ruoruo Leyun was not present to watch the battle, and rescued the cubs in time when their lives were in danger, the cubs would most likely become a feast for the monsters.

"Woo, I'm such a waste!"

Once again defeated by a monster and returned home, Zhumi sat on the ground and wiped his tears. How could he not be able to hurt the monster even though he worked so hard to practice his skills and swords?

He condensed the fire technique and threw it down, the scales of the monster beast didn't even leave a trace of fire, and finally dug a hole three feet into the ground, the monster didn't jump, and the wood-type spells were useless.

Using the wind technique to summon the wind, not to mention overturning the monster, it didn't even stagger.

Zhumi's self-confidence was blown to nothing.

"Bamboo rice is not useless. What you lack is actual combat experience. After more experience, you will be able to beat it with rich experience." At this time, we must appease the fragile hearts of the cubs and not let their self-confidence collapse.

"Yeah." Zhumi wiped away her tears, stood up and regrouped, and rushed towards the monster again.

Xiao Zai Zai became energetic again, and Le Yun let go of the monster that was restrained with spiritual consciousness.

One man and one beast fought together again, and in less than half a cup of tea, the armor-piercing dragon's tail swept away the fallen leaves and the human cubs flew away.

The human cub was thrown into the air, flew a few feet away like a meteor, and landed with a thud.


The three friends watching the battle rushed over screaming.

They rushed to the place where Zhumi fell to the ground and saw bright red blood dripping from the corner of Zhumi's mouth. They wondered if they could get up, so they hurried over to help check where the injury was.

Zhumi was badly injured, two ribs were broken by the mountain dragon's tail, and there were also internal injuries.

The cub was injured, Le Yun felt distressed, let go of the monster, floated over and squatted down beside Zhumi, fed him a pill, picked him up, and brought the cubs back to the spirit boat.

After Lingzhou flew back to the camp, he took Zhumi back to his wishful house, lay on the bed, helped him connect the broken bones, and applied medicine to bandage him up.

Zhumi needs to recuperate from his injuries, Youbai Tranquility, Da Zai, and Ni Wanzi practice sword and body exercises during the day, and go to accompany Qianxiu at night.

With the fairy's panacea, Zhumi recovered after only lying down for two days.

Le Yun let the cubs recuperate for three days, and then took them out to practice again.

Fighting with monsters every day, although it is inevitable to be injured, the number of times the cubs are injured is less and less, and the result of the battle gradually changes from a disastrous defeat to an occasional draw, and then to an occasional draw.

Time turned to the end of June, and Xiao Zai'er fought with monsters of the same level, and the result became a win and lose for each other.

This is huge progress.

Little Loli called the puppet team back at the end of the month as usual, continued to collect pine cones, dug tree holes to release lamps and turpentine, and she still took the cubs to practice.

At the beginning of August, the cubs cultivated to the Dzogchen in the late stage of foundation establishment.

Le Yun once again helped to compress their spiritual power, compressing their cultivation base to the third floor of the construction period.

The cultivation base is suppressed, and the result is similar to that of monsters fighting in the late stage of foundation establishment. There are losses and wins.

After several months of experience, the cubs are very familiar with the weaknesses of the Poshanlong. Le Yun led people to change the map and let them fight other monsters of the same level.

After wandering outside for three months, I ended my training in early November.

After sending the cubs back to the camp, Le Yun taught the cultivation methods again, and taught the cubs the cultivation methods corresponding to their spiritual roots.

The new exercises that the little cubs came to are all the secret methods left by the high-level immortals. Each exercise has its origin, and the people who practice it used to be the lowest level of immortals.

That exercise contains too much content and too much information, enough for the little guy to use for a lifetime.

It's another year of college entrance examination period, I wish the fairies who have their babies in the college entrance examination, their cubs will come out on top!I wish all the children who take the college entrance examination all their wishes come true, everyone will be admitted to 985, and everyone will be admitted to 211~

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