magic eye doctor

Chapter 3005 Celestial City

Miss Lin followed the fairy to practice in the Angry Bear Mountain Range, focusing on improving her practical experience, and rarely thought of her younger brother Lin Pan'an and Granny Lin.

Granny Lin, who is far away in Wangzhu County, misses Lin Panhao more and more every year.

Lin Pan'an is still in school, he works very hard, but there are many talents in the county, many of them are better than him, he is not particularly outstanding.

Especially with the special confession made by the fairy before leaving, the Youbai family and the prominent big families treated the grandparents of the Lin family as if they were ordinary people.

In order to find a good helper for her grandson Pan'an, Granny Lin began to search for Pan'an when she was 14 years old. She originally wanted to find a girl from a well-established and well-established scholarly family in the city to help Pan'an. It's just that the girl doesn't like Pan'an.

Granny Lin also guessed that the people in the surrounding area probably got a clue from the attitude of the Yubai family and the big family towards her family, and felt that Pan An was not a good match.

She had no choice but to look far and near, and searched for the disaster-stricken areas outside the city, and finally fell in love with a young girl from a poor immigrant family with many daughters.

There is no family separation in that family, the grandparents are still alive, there are five brothers in the son's generation, there are about thirty grandchildren in total, and there are as many as sixteen cousins.

The little girl in Granny Lin's eyes is two years older than her grandson Lin Pan'an. She is a diligent and capable girl with good looks.

She wanted to entrust the neighbors to help the matchmaker, but the neighbors refused to help, so she had to spend Lingzhu and ask a matchmaker who specializes in matchmaking to help.

The matchmaking was done.

In fact, the girl was unwilling at first, because her family was poor, and her family was moved by the dowry promised by the man by the matchmaker.

The order of the parents, the words of the matchmaker, the parents agreed to marry, and the little girl had to compromise.

Granny Lin had an agreement with the little girl's family and made an appointment first. She originally planned to let the child marry when Lin Pan'an turned 16, but Lin Pan'an was unwilling and delayed for another two years.

When Lin Pan'an was 18 years old, Granny Lin and the little girl's family agreed on the marriage, and they got married that year.

The little girl hadn't read any books. Lin Pan'an felt that his wife was not good enough for him. He didn't want to, but Grandma insisted. He had no choice but to accept it. After getting married, he was very indifferent to his wife.

The little girl who entered the Lin family's family, just like Lin Panhao in the past, has become the pillar supporting the family.

Lin Panhao didn't know that Granny Lin made the decision to marry Pan'an. Since she had a nightmare about being extracted from her spiritual root by her younger brother Lin Pan'an, she had a shadow and became more persistent in cultivation.

There are no Jiazi in the mountains, and the years of cultivation are unknown.

In the grinding calendar of the little cubs following the fairies to find monsters and beasts everywhere, cold and summer, spring and autumn, the wheel of time turned round and round, and five years passed in the blink of an eye.

When the New Year's Eve came again, it took ten years for the little Lolita to take the cubs into the middle of the Angry Bear Mountain Range.

Ten years is neither long nor short. Little Lolita's hair is gathered up and tied into a high ponytail on the top of her head, and the ends of her hair are also as long as her knees.

Among the four cubs who were once children, Youbai Tranquility, Dazai and Niwanzi have all passed their weak years, and the youngest Zhumi has also turned 19 years old, and they have all grown into handsome young heroes.

Under the guidance of the fairy, the cubs spent the most precious youth in their lives, and their cultivation did not disappoint. They all cultivated to the late stage of Bigu.

The strength of the black dog was also suppressed again and again, and it was also suppressed in the late stage of bigu.

Miss Lin introduced qi into her body three years later than the children. After realizing her shame, she was brave enough to break through the qi refining realm in seven years, and successfully established a foundation in December.

The cubs have grown up and it's time to go.

After the Chinese New Year and two days of recuperation, Le Yun performed acupuncture for Miss Lin to get rid of the birthmark on her face, and took the cubs out of the secret place on the fifth day of the Lunar New Year.

The spirit boat flew between the vast white sky and the earth for more than ten days, arrived at the outskirts of the southeast of the mountain range, and arrived at "Tianxian City", one of the ten largest free cities in the outskirts of Nuxiong Mountain, in the middle of the afternoon.

The city was originally not called the City of Immortals, because there was once a brilliant genius who succeeded in being promoted to an Immortal, the city was proud of him, and the city was renamed the City of Immortals.

Le Yun put away the spirit boat more than [-] li away from the city, put on the veiled hat, and then used the aircraft to fly the cubs to the west gate and landed on the ground.

Lady Lin, Niwanzi and the others did not wear curtains.

There is aura to nourish the body, and Miss Lin also nourishes her skin like fat, and she is also a beautiful beauty after removing the birthmark on her face.

Ni Wanzi and the others are extremely handsome, and they are well-deserved handsome men in the practice world.

A group of handsome monks came to Tianxian City in the snowstorm, and the guards on duty at the city tower opened the city gate, collected the city entrance tax and issued waist cards to welcome people into the city.

The layout of Tianxian City is different from that of Tianhu City. In the center of it is a high mountain and a lone peak protruding, surrounded by small peaks, like stars arching the moon.

Residents in the city also built houses with their backs to the mountain peaks and facing the four directions. The inner and outer cities were demarcated, and they were also divided into four districts: east, south, west, and north.

The southern and northern districts of the outer city are full of mortals. The outer western district and the eastern and western districts are the residences of former monks’ families. The inner city is populated by monks and their families, and a small number of mortals are also monks’ families without spiritual roots. people.

After entering the city, Le Yun still used the aircraft to fly the cubs close to the ground. When entering the inner city, they checked their waist cards.

There is also a monk alliance in Tianxian City, and there is a mission hall for the alliance in the west and east districts.

Little Loli arrived at the inner city west with the cub, put away the flying machine, and went shopping on foot.

Tianxian City also opened a defensive array to block the wind and snow, and there was no snow in the city.

In winter, monks seldom go out to practice, especially in the first month, the streets are very deserted, and there are very few open shops and stalls.

Those who set up the stalls are actually young monks who are not well-off, especially the small monks who are in casual practice, accounting for the vast majority.

Miss Lin, Youbai Ningjing, Dazai, Zhumi and Niwanzi walked slowly with the fairy, secretly learning about the prices and rules of Liberty City.

Stroll until dusk, enter the inn to rest.

The six of them only ordered one guest room, and went to the lobby to have dinner at dinner time, and listen to gossip by the way.

A group of people stayed in the inn for three days, and also wandered around the nearby streets and alleys. When they understood the situation, they checked out and went to the mission hall of the monks' alliance.

There are large squares in the east and west of the mission hall, and small squares outside the south and north gates.

The mission hall is open all year round, and it is still open for business during the first month of the month.

It was freezing cold at the beginning of the first month, and the monks hadn't gone out to collect resources yet. They were still paying attention to the news released in the alliance mission hall. Once they found a mission with low risk and high return, they would act first.

He Xini's family is a big family of cultivators. Ni Wanzi has received family education since he was a child. He is the one who knows the most about cultivating immortals among his friends.

Ni Wanzi knew about the mission hall, and was taken for a walk by the elders to satisfy his curiosity.

Because of this, he himself doesn't have much interest in places like the mission hall, and he is not as enthusiastic and radiant as his friends.

There are monks coming and going to the mission hall every day, and there are many people wearing veiled hats. The arrival of Le Yun and his party did not attract attention, nor did they attract inquiring eyes.

A group of people calmly entered the mission hall.

The mission hall also faces south. In the spacious hall, on the west side, there are hundreds of wide stools like square beds, which are wide enough for a monk to meditate.

Rows of tuanfu are arranged on the ground on the east side, which is also a place for people to rest while waiting.

There are a small number of monks meditating on the west and east sides. The monks on the west side are at the lowest Nascent Soul stage, and the monks on the east side are below the Nascent Soul stage. The real path is clear.

That is also the most common behavior in the practice world. In order to show the majesty of the true monarch, high-level monks rarely mix with low-level junior monks, so that the low-level monks maintain the awe they should have for the high-level true monarch.

The office counter of the mission hall faces south, and the east and west walls are inlaid with mirror-like magic weapon display screens to display information. The tasks on the west side are all tasks with high risk factors, and the tasks on the east side are low in difficulty.

There is also a bounty list on the south wall, and three or five people are on the "gold" list.

Stepping into the lobby of the mission hall, Zhumi, Dazai, Youbai Ningjing and Miss Lin are like grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden, looking around in amazement.

Le Yun didn't stop the boys from exploring, first glanced at the information on the west wall, saw that there were no bright tasks, and turned to the east wall.

When his eyes turned to the east wall, he paused on a message, the content of which was to buy a mountain-breaking dragon cub of seventh rank or above.

It seems that a certain family is looking for contracted beasts for their own children. Adult Nascent Soul beasts or monsters above Nascent Soul are very powerful, and unless it is voluntary, human children cannot control it.

The children of the human race have the safest contracts with the cubs of the monster beasts, which can not only cultivate deep feelings, but also foster a tacit understanding.

Skipping the information about buying cubs, and then looking at others, but not finding anything that interested her, Le Yun walked towards the director counter of the mission hall.

There is a Zen chair with high legs in front of the counter. If monks receive or pay tasks, they can sit and rest if they want to wait.

Le Yun walked to the front of the stage, dragged a Zen chair and sat on it. Just as she sat down, a handsome deacon behind the counter offered a cup of hot tea.

The deacon's voice was as clear as his own: "Excuse me, sir, did you receive the task or return to settle the task after completing it?"

Le Yun reported the serial number of a certain task on the east wall, took out a tenth-level broken mountain dragon cub and a piece of scales, and talked to the deacon: "Please ask the master of the tenth-level What price can he afford for a broken mountain dragon cub."

The deacons who had nothing to do behind the counter swished up and admired the cubs of the Broken Mountain Dragon.

The mountain-breaking dragon has a violent temper, and its cubs are hard to catch, especially the cubs of high-level mountain-breaking dragons.

The bloodline of monsters is very important. A cub of a seventh-level beast can grow into a sixth-level monster at the lowest level, and a tenth-level mountain-breaking dragon cub can grow into a ninth-level monster at the lowest.

The little beast that a certain monk took out was the little beast of the blue-scaled mountain-breaking dragon. According to visual inspection, it was less than three months old, and its eyes hadn't been opened yet.

From the analysis of the breath of the scale armor, it is undoubtedly a tenth-order mountain-breaking dragon, and further analysis of the breath of the scale armor and the little beast can also prove that it is a mother-child relationship.

After a rough appraisal, the deacon contacted the elder who specialized in appraising monsters, and then contacted the master who issued the task to explain the situation.

The elder who appraised the monster quickly rushed to the lobby, personally appraised it, and issued a certificate of authenticity.

Zhumi and the others didn't follow the fairy when she was walking towards the counter. They went to the east and west sides to look at the information on the ritual vessel.

The master who issued the mission also came to the mission hall in person soon. He was still a robbery monk. He entered the mission hall through the small door of the mission hall, and accompanied the deacons in the hall to the director's area to see the cubs.

The appraisal elder was still there, and exchanged a few words with the master with his spiritual sense.

The catastrophe cultivator also wore a knee-length veil that could block the prying eyes of outsiders. After communicating with the appraisal elder, he walked to the counter and inspected the cub himself.

The cub was placed in a twig basket with a layer of animal skins on it. The little cub was curled up in a ball, sleeping soundly.

Judging from the aura of the mother beast's scales, it is a great monster at the peak of the tenth order. According to the aura of the bloodline, it is speculated that there is still a lot of room for advancement.

The blood of the cub is very pure, and it has the potential to grow into a catastrophe or even a Mahayana beast.

The catastrophe cultivator repeatedly studied the little cub and sent a voice transmission quotation to the deacon.

The deacon then communicates to the owner of the cub.

Hearing someone's offer, Le Yun put away the basket containing the cubs without any hesitation, and said neatly, "This deal is out of the question. Deacon, let's talk about another business. This fairy is asking Tianxiancheng Jing It will be repaired for a while, and I want to rent a yard."

The owner of the cub put the cub away without saying anything. The deacon of Ren Beitang and the elder appraiser looked at the guest in disbelief. Is this guest so hot-tempered?
The monk who changed the robbery was also slightly startled, and immediately sent a voice transmission to the deacon, saying that the price can be negotiated.

The deacon conveys the words of the host to the guests.

"The bid is so low, the bully doesn't understand the market, right? Since there is no sincerity at the beginning, there is no need to talk about it, and this fairy is not short of those millions of spirit stones.

If you want to catch the mountain-breaking dragon cubs by yourself, there are many mountain-breaking dragons in the Angry Bear Mountain Range, blue-scaled, red-scaled, golden-scaled, green-scaled, whatever you want to catch. "

Le Yun didn't give any room for further negotiation, she turned her head and yelled at the people in the lobby: "I have a few broken mountain dragon cubs in my hands, whoever wants them can consider them, and those who can't afford them don't have to come."

The guest's operation was too... different, and the expressions of the deacons in the hall were indescribable.

His face was smeared, and the face of the monk under the veil was very smelly.

The clear and crisp voice of the veiled monk spread throughout the hall, and several monks sitting in meditation on the west side heard the voice and quickly responded: "Your Excellency, I have intentions!"

At the same time as the voice responded, the person also floated up, and instantly rushed to wait behind the veiled female cultivator.

The deacons of the mission hall looked over and saw that the several interested monks were all wearing veils to isolate their spiritual consciousness. They didn't know which family they belonged to, and they couldn't tell whether their cultivation level was high or low.

The veiled hat can shield the monk's spiritual consciousness, but it can't block Le Yun's eyes. There are eight monks who intend to buy the broken mountain dragon cubs.

With such strength, even if others know that they have high-level cubs in their hands and want to "balance", they still have to worry about their own weight. It is probably because they are high-level true monarchs that they have the confidence to respond openly.

"Several true kings, wait a moment, and we will talk outside later." Le Yun said something to the monks who came over, and turned to inform the deacon: "Your Excellency, deacon, we will discuss the matter of renting the house later, and you can help me first." Choose a few suitable courtyards, and I will come to see you later."

The male deacon with a complicated expression put on a sincere smile: "Your Excellency, please go ahead."

Le Yun left the Zen chair, greeted the monks who were interested in buying the cubs, and walked out the door.

Girl Lin, Bamboo Rice Niwanzi Dazai, and You Bai Ningjing knew from the fairy's words that the fairy would come to the mission hall again, so they didn't follow, and sat and waited on the east side.

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