magic eye doctor

Chapter 3010 Cannot be disposed of

God punished the thunder to return to the sky, and none of the monks gathered in the sky came close to see the creatures struck by lightning.

They know that the person who has been punished by heaven is not dead yet.

After a while, a Mahayana broke the silence: "People who have been punished by heaven must have committed serious crimes, and it is best to deal with them early, so as not to cause disaster for Tianxian City. Do you have any objections?"


"It must be wiped out."

"Put it first."

"Since the history of Tianxian City, there has never been a person who has been punished by the gods. This person actually made such an example. It will be passed down in the future. I don't know how other cities laugh at Tianxian City. This person's crime cannot be forgiven."

All the Mahayana monks seconded their proposals one after another.

The cataclysmic monks and lower-level monks are not qualified to intervene, but they unanimously approve of the way the Mahayana monks handled it.

Laughing, Chef only took a moment to comprehend. The Mahayanas had already made the decision to kill a certain little monk. They were so terrified that they rushed over and shouted: "Keep people under your command!":
Hundreds of Mahayanas glanced over, and one Mahayana recognized him, and turned to look at a dozen Mahayanas on the other side: "Could it be that the people inside are you Xiaoshi's children?"

When the fire spread to his own family, the monks of the Xiao family all denied it: "No! It has nothing to do with our Xiao family."

The Patriarch of the Xiao family was also there, looking sharply at the person who came with him: "Xiao Changkai, do you recognize the people in the house?"

Although the Mahayana monk's eyes didn't show any murderous intent, there was a hint of oppression in his eyes, laughing at the pressure, Chef bravely took a few steps forward and saluted in all directions.

"True monarchs of all races, please listen to me first. The little monk who was punished by heaven is not a child of my Xiao family, nor is it my friend. There is nothing special about this person. He is similar to an ant. killed.

However, the person who placed this person here has a lot of background, even if this person deserves death, we can't let our Tianxian City deal with it arbitrarily. "

"Tianxian City is also a big city within the territory of Songzhu. Who is so big that we can't move Tianxian City with all the strength of the city?"

"When does Tianxian City have to look at other people's eyes to kill a sinner?"

"Which Immortal Sect is behind this person?"

"Send such sinners to Tianxian City, and the people behind them must be plotting evil."

"Who is so big-faced to place people here and bring trouble to Tianxian City, why don't we wait to deal with it?"

"I also want to see whose face is that big."

The Mahayanas were slightly angry.

"Be careful with your words! Masters, please be careful!" Mahayana masters spoke rudely, laughing at the chef so that the tip of his nose was sweating, and quickly took out two paintings, unfolded them and placed them high in front of his eyes and the back of his head.

Fearing that people would say disrespectful words again, he hurriedly shouted: "Please respect this painting before it is too late to talk about other things."

The resentful Mahayanas turned their eyes to Xiaoshi's robbery monk, and when their eyes touched the picture of a fairy holding a tree in the painting, their resentment and contemptuous emotions subsided instantly.

"May the divine tree prosper! The fairy grows healthy!"

The monks paid tribute to the painting.

Many Mahayana monks even lowered their heads a few feet to show respect.

"Here, this is the fairy face of the guardian of the longevity tree. Why did you ask me to look up at the fairy's treasure?"

The Mahayana monk was surprised.

"The people in that house were sent by the fairy to Tianxian City to be placed here." For the convenience of speaking, Chef Xiao carefully rolled up the painting, and then sent it back to the box in the storage container for full bloom.

Then he explained: "Presumably, the rich people in the city also know that there are monks who sold the mountain-breaking dragon cubs in the mission hall of the western district more than two months ago. The female repairer who sold the mountain-breaking dragon cubs is the guardian of the longevity tree.

The fairy didn't want to attract all kinds of teachers and teachers to entertain her because of which city she appeared in, so she went out in disguise to hide her appearance.

The fairy placed the little monk in Tianxian City. He had traveled far away from the city five days ago and did not know where he was going.

Although I don't know what the little monk inside did to attract thunder and divine punishment, but it is absolutely true that the fairy placed the person here, and I would like to swear my soul to prove the truth.

True Monarchs did not hesitate to look at the little monk, she was punished by heaven, but she still did not die, the way of heaven did not take her life, which means that this person's life and death should not be determined by the Celestial City. "

At this moment, the monks around suddenly realized that they were brought by the guardian of the longevity tree. No wonder they did not die after being punished by the gods!
Everyone was relieved.

Patriarch Xiao was so angry that he rushed in front of his children, slapped Xiao Changkai on the head, and cursed angrily: "You unfilial son, why didn't you know about such a big thing as the fairy coming to Tianxian City? You mother Hippy bastard, I really want to split your head open to see if you've got a bag of grass in your head..."

The majestic Laughing Patriarch in the late stage of Mahayana burst into a rage without any image.

The head of the Xiao family questioned his own son Xingshi, but none of the monks from each family tried to persuade him. Whoever called the monks of the Xiao family's catastrophe was not kind.

Chef Xiao didn't dare to run away, raised his hand to wipe off the saliva that the Patriarch sprayed on his face, with a helpless expression: "Patriarch, image, you always pay attention to your image!"

"What kind of image do you want? I want to tear your bones apart when I think that I have the opportunity to look up at the real face of the fairy, but because you did not report it and I missed the fairy."

"Patriarch, I really can't blame me for this. I only found out about Fairy's identity when Fairy was about to leave. Fairy didn't allow me to reveal her whereabouts. Even if I had a hundred guts, I wouldn't dare to do anything wrong."

"Wait, it is said that the nun who sells the broken mountain dragon cubs invited a spiritual food master to make spiritual food for her outside the mission hall. That person is you? You have been with the fairy for more than two months, and you didn't recognize the fairy ?”

Several Mahayanas remembered the past and stared at Xiaoshi's Tribulation Transformation with unfriendly eyes.

"Yes, it's me." The laughing chef laughed even weaker: "There are five little monks, four men and one woman, beside the fairy, and the fairy asked me to cook spiritual food for the little monks.

The four young men beside the fairy are extremely talented, and they cultivated to the bigu state before they were 30 years old.

Originally, I didn't know the identity of the fairy, and I wanted to pry the corner of the wall, and wanted to compete for one or two young men to take in as apprentices. The fairy said that the young men have masters, and they are the kind of big men that mainland monks look up to.

After a while of guessing, I guessed that the masters of the young men were all fairy-level figures, so I knew the identity of the fairy.

The fairy also said that the girl she brought will stay in Tianxian City, and asked me to take care of it secretly. The fairy is worried that the monks in the city will know that the girl is the person she brought, so they will take care of her. growth, thus keeping me secret. "

"You idiot!" Patriarch Xiao was so angry that he didn't want to speak anymore, why did Xiao Shi become such an unreliable idiot.

The monks were also so angry that they wanted to clean up the monk Xiaoshi Jiechang, but they didn't do anything and looked at the city lord.

The lord of Tianxian City was named Su, and the lord of Su was also the first cultivator who said that he would deal with the sinners who caused the punishment of heaven.

I couldn't think of a good plan, so I had to take a step back: "It turned out to be the person who was placed here by the fairy. We really can't deal with it directly. From this, the person will fend for itself. What do you think?"


All Mahayana masters have no objection.

"You can ignore it, I have to take care of it, I can't live up to the entrustment of the fairy, please rest assured, I will not do anything else, just give some medicine to save her life."

Chef Xiao took the initiative to explain the situation. The fairy said that his fate with the little girl was over, although he was entrusted to take care of her secretly, in order to save the girl's life.

Now that the girl made a big mistake and offended Heaven, she was punished by thunder and her breath was weak, so he naturally had to save her life, but he didn't want to cause public anger because of this, so it was necessary to report to the high-ranking true monarch in the city in advance.


The Mahayana True Monarchs of the various families did not stop them, and it turned out that the guardian of the Longevity Tree entrusted the Xiao Family Tribulation True Monarch to take care of him, so naturally he couldn't let him lose his promise to the fairy.

Under everyone's stare, Chef Laughing felt pressured, so he flew to the courtyard without the protection of the defense array without hesitation, flew directly to the top of the courtyard and landed beside the girl.

The little girl's clothes were also burned away by the thunder, and her skin was dry and scorched, as if she had been coated with a layer of black paint, quite like a piece of charred wood that had been burned to remove the outer skin.

Chef Xiao took out a robe to wrap around the girl, and checked her for injuries.

There was no fatal injury on the girl's body, but her body was seriously injured. He penetrated his consciousness into the girl's body to check the reason, and suddenly found that the girl was missing a spiritual root!
The fairy has clearly said that the girl has the twin spirit roots of fire and thunder, but now the girl only has one golden spirit root left, and the golden spirit root is also extremely weak.

Where did the girl's Leilingen go?
Smiling at the chef full of astonishment, he pressed the question in his heart, and then checked the girl's consciousness.

The girl's sea of ​​consciousness was also severely damaged, like porcelain covered with cracks, it would "crash" and shatter when touched lightly.

Her spirit is weaker, like a cloud of thin smoke, which will dissipate when the wind blows.

Both the girl's physical body and soul were severely injured. She was not dead, but she was on the verge of dying. If she was left to fend for herself, she would most likely die.

Chef Xiao checked the girl's injuries, took out a few bottles and poured out the elixir, then pried open the girl's mouth to forcefully feed the elixir first, and then injected a ray of spiritual power into her.

Moisturized by elixir and external spiritual power, the girl's aura gradually strengthened, and it stabilized after about one or two cups of tea.

The girl was no longer in danger of her life, Chef Xiao went to the place where the array was placed in the atrium, and summoned the defensive array that the mission hall had set up for the courtyard.

The girl hasn't recognized the array yet, so outsiders can also control the array.

The array disk was hit by the powerful force of the sky thunder, and the aura was exhausted, but the array disk itself was intact, and it could still be used if there was enough aura.

The defense array prepared by the mission hall for the house only serves to protect the house from wind and rain and to prevent prying eyes. It can prevent monks below the Nascent Soul class from prying and snooping, but cannot protect monks at the Nascent Soul class or above.

Chef Xiao added hundreds of high-grade spirit stones to the formation plate to replenish the spiritual power of the formation plate, then flew high into the sky, then put the formation plate in its original position, and reopened the defensive formation.

A thin layer of light protected the courtyard again.

Seeing that the monks hadn't left, Chef laughed and came near the Mahayana true monarchs, bowed, and told the truth about the girl's situation: "The fairy once clearly said that the girl has two spiritual roots of thunder and fire, but after being punished by thunder, one was missing. Both the spirit and the body of Lei Lingen have been severely injured, and their foundations have been damaged, even if they are carefully nurtured with abundant resources, it will take at least three to five years to recover."

"One of the spiritual roots disappeared?!"

"how can that be?"

Mahayana True Monarch also couldn't help but change his face, they all looked at Xiaoshi Jiebian in disbelief, wondering if he was negligent and made a mistake.

"It's absolutely true. It's impossible for a fairy to tell lies. What's more, when I made spiritual food in the courtyard, I often shared meals with fairies, girls and others at the same table. There’s nothing wrong with it.” Chef Laughing proved that he never made false statements.

"So her Lei Linggen was taken back by Heavenly Dao?"

Mahayana True Monarchs thought of the only possibility, the way of heaven can give living beings the chance to cultivate into immortals, and naturally it can also cut off the chance of living beings to practice!

Guessing the reason for the disappearance of the monk's spiritual root, the Mahayana true monarchs sounded the alarm bell in their hearts, reminding themselves that they must take this as a warning, and must not do evil karma that touches the way of heaven.

Knowing the consequences of the monk who was punished by thunder, the Mahayana True Monarchs also had no intention of staying, and the acquaintances greeted each other, and each turned into a stream of light and went away.

The true masters of the Mahayana left, followed by the catastrophe and the monks of the Taoism stage fled one after another.

The high-ranking true monarchs dispersed, and the remaining monks also dispersed.

The monk left in a blink of an eye, leaving the smiling chef alone in a mess in the wind.

Let the other monks leave as soon as they leave, and even the Xiao family doesn't share their worries.

Chef Xiao, who became a loner, breathed a sigh of relief, flew to the top of the courtyard wall, entered the Ruyi House by himself, put the Ruyi House under the eaves of the door, and silently protected the people in the house.

People who have been punished by the gods are unlucky, even if the girl has abundant resources, the monks and their families who know the inside story will not snatch it, for fear of getting bad luck.

But those who don't know may not be so, especially a few days ago, the fairy led people to purchase supplies in the city, spending a lot of money, which attracted the attention of many active monks.

A few days after the fairy left, several groups of monks had already visited the site near the house.

Two of the monks saw that there was only the most common magic circle in the house, and they intended to forcibly break through the circle to investigate in the middle of the night, and it was he who secretly drove them away.

Now even if a certain female cultivator has become an existence that everyone shouts and beats, Chef Laughing still fulfills his duty of care.

A day passed, and Miss Lin fell into a coma.

Two days later, Miss Lin lay motionless.

Three days and three nights passed, Miss Lin was still in a coma.

Just as the chef couldn't stay still anymore, and was hesitating whether to take a few more medicines, Miss Lin finally woke up in the morning of the fourth day.

Lin Panhao, who just came out of a long-term coma, still doesn't understand what happened, staring blankly at the thin light above, his mind is also blank.

After a while, she subconsciously wanted to sit up, moved slightly, and felt a sharp pain, causing her eyes to be in a daze.

The heart-piercing pain made Lin Panhao's consciousness slowly come back. She remembered the despair of her thunder root gradually disappearing when the white light hit her body, and her head ached.

His head seemed to be pierced by a sharp awl, and it was like someone was hitting his head with a sledgehammer. The headache seemed to burst in the next moment.

Limbs and bones also seemed to be chopping with knives, burning with fire, and the pain was overwhelming. Lin Panhao was overwhelmed by the pain again, and his consciousness was once again blurred.

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