magic eye doctor

Chapter 3012 The reason for the lightning strike

Su City Master and Xiao Family Master met the guardian of the longevity tree, and they were overjoyed. They took their seats and looked at the fairy's treasure seriously.

The City Master Su even set out a table and the Four Treasures of the Study, laid out drawing paper, and prepared to paint the fairy face.

Xiao Patriarch personally grinds ink for the city lord.

The laughing chef was speechless in shock, Jiang is old and hot, why has he never thought of painting a fairy statue?
Dazed for a moment, he also put out a set of piano case and stationery, and spread out bright yellow silk cloth to paint pictures of fairies and fairies.

Le Yun did not refuse, and let others use herself as a model.

City Master Su has a lot of experience in painting the road, and he drew a picture of a fairy walking and sitting in less than half an hour.

He is a realist, and he painted the appearance of a fairy sitting on a chair in his own eyes. Of course, he didn't draw the girl with a needle in her head next to her, the house behind her, etc., but only the fairy.

After drawing a picture, I burned the date and seal on the corner, and handed it to the fairy for review.

"The painting is very similar. The achievements of Su Chengzhu in painting are beyond the reach of ordinary people." Le Yun admired her portrait. Su Chengzhu's brushwork is delicate and his eyes are the most vivid.

"My painting skills are mediocre, and I can't draw a ten-thousandth of the charm of the fairy's treasure." After receiving a compliment from the fairy, Su City Lord was excited.

Le Yun took out her Four Treasures of Study, chose the thinnest brush, poured ink on it, and wrote a line of small characters on the upper side of the portrait's bundled hair—the only way to stay true is to never forget the original intention.

Then he took out his own printing box and seal, dipped it in ink, and stamped it.

City Lord Su was shocked and lost his voice when he saw the fairy taking a pen to write on the canvas. When the fairy added a seal, he fell to the ground and said, "Thank you fairy for giving me the calligraphy!"

It is a great blessing for me to draw a picture of a fairy in front of the fairy. I didn't expect the fairy to add words and chapters to the picture of the fairy walking. This is equivalent to having a handwritten note by the fairy !
This painting will be the treasure of the Su Clan from now on!

The owner of the laughing house is full of envy.

"Let's get up." Le Yun returned the painting to Su City Lord: "Be cautious in your words and deeds, don't forget the original heart of practice, and be content all the time."

"Thank you fairy for your kind words." City Lord Su took the silk painting in his hand, rolled it up again, took out a jade box to put it in, and immediately laid out a second silk painting.

Chef Xiao also stopped painting when the fairy was watching the painting. He was also envious of the good luck of the city lord Su, recovered his senses, and concentrated on painting again.

Laughing Chef’s painting is not yet finished, Miss Lin’s acupuncture is over.

Le Yun put Miss Lin to sleep first, and asked the two monks to continue painting.

About half an hour later, Chef Xiao's masterpiece was finally completed. He marked the date and the location of the painting, and presented the painting to the fairy for a look.

Master Lingshan's painting skills are not as good as those of City Lord Su, but his paintings are better than the details, which is also remarkable.

Le Yun was not stingy either, and also added a small letter to the painting and stamped it with a seal.

Chef Xiao held the fairy and left a picture of the Chinese characters "Be cautious in words and deeds, and fortune will come from you." If you find a treasure, hurry up and collect it.

City Master Su also spent half an hour painting the second painting, and he presented the second painting to Master Xiao as a thank you for his friendship in sharing news.

Le Yun also added the eight words "Don't forget the original heart, and always have the end" on the portrait, stamping the chapter.

After getting the painting with the fairy calligraphy, the owner of the laughing family couldn't help being overjoyed, fearing that the city owner would repent and snatch the painting, he treasured the painting into a scroll and kept it.

The mundane affairs are over, Le Yun puts away the chair, throws Miss Lin who has fallen asleep into a wishful room, then takes out the veiled hat and puts on neatly, ready to send Miss Lin to a new place.

Chef Xiao also followed the gourd painting, and also wore a gauze hat on his head.

When Su City Master and Xiao Patriarch saw it, hey, who doesn't have a hat yet?

The two Mahayana monks also took out their top hats and put them on, and stood silently with Xiao Changkai, ready to leave at any time.

Chef Xiao stopped talking nonsense, took the lead in flying out of the house, and quickly rose towards the sky.

Le Yun kept up with her, as if following her.

City Master Su and Patriarch Xiao followed closely behind.

The four of them were like arrows flying off the string, they flashed a few times and then flew to a height of thousands of feet, then flew northward, exited the inner city, flew over the northern part of the outer city for a few tens of breaths, and then fell slowly.

The northern part of the outer city used to be the residential area of ​​monks’ families, but now they are mostly mortals. Even if there are monks, they are only small Qi-refining monks with extremely poor spiritual roots and no hope of building a foundation for life, and there are only a few of them. There are monks in every family of Miao Miao.

In order not to cause unnecessary trouble, Chef Xiao landed in the field area, and then led the way into the northern area of ​​the outer city to find the rented house.

The four of them walked close to the ground and walked about five miles before finally arriving at the newly rented courtyard.

It is a small yard with one entrance, facing east from the west, and there is no inverted house on the east side, only the upper room and wing room, and there are skirt rooms in the northwest and southwest corners of the upper room as huts, livestock houses, and firewood houses, etc. house.

The area of ​​the small courtyard is roughly equivalent to the width of the front yard of the residence in the previous courtyard. It would be no problem if there were seven or eight people living in a family of ordinary people, but it seemed cramped for monks.

The deacon of the mission hall who arrived first has already done dust removal for the small courtyard, and is waiting for the smiling chef in the courtyard.

Chef Xiao led the way, went to the small courtyard and pushed open the half-hidden door, and accompanied Fairy, City Master Su and Patriarch Xiao to visit the courtyard together.

When the small courtyard was returned to the mission hall, there were furniture items left by the former owner of the courtyard, and the flowers and plants planted in the courtyard and a jujube tree were also kept intact.

Entering the small courtyard, Chef laughed and closed the door, and took off his veil.

The deacon was waiting under the eaves of the wing house. Seeing that Master Xiao came with the three hatted guests, he rushed to the courtyard to welcome them, and saluted the four guests. He briefly introduced the condition of the house.

The house is an old house, but the owner cherishes it. Where the tiles are broken, the tiles are replaced in time, and where the walls are slightly damaged by the wind and rain, the walls are also repainted with wall plaster.

Le Yun took a few glances, and felt that the small courtyard was very good, the neighbors were separated by a wall, the sound of children playing and playing came over the wall, chickens and dogs could be heard, full of fireworks in the world.

The fairy was satisfied, and laughed at the chef, who was very happy, and rewarded the deacon with a middle-grade spirit stone.

The deacon got the reward, handed the key to Xiao Zhenjun, and went back to the mission hall happily.

Fairy deliberately turned back to Tianxian City for the girl's affairs, and even personally sent her to the new residence. Presumably the fairy and the girl had something to say, Su and Xiaocheng thought they retreated to the gate.

Chef Xiao took out the veiled hat and put it on, and when he was about to evade, he heard the fairy's crisp and jade-like voice: "It's no secret for me to talk to the girl, so there's no need to avoid it."

Chef Xiao, who was about to avoid it, was slightly taken aback and then moved, the fairy actually trusted him so much!

This trust is so precious, Chef Laughing respectfully responded, and did not avoid it deliberately, and followed the fairy to the middle hall of the upper room.

In the middle hall of the upper room, there is an Eight Immortals table in front of the back wall, a bamboo chair on the left and right, and six bamboo chairs on each side of the hall. There is no other furniture.

The deacon of the mission hall helped to clean up the house, and the outside and inside of the house were spotless.

After entering the upper room, Fairy took the main seat as a matter of course, laughing that the chef was not polite, and took the guest seat.

After sitting down, Le Yun lifted a piece of veil in front of the veiled cap, then moved Miss Lin out of Ruyi Room and placed it on the ground in the middle hall, gathered a few wisps of spiritual power and tapped on Miss Lin's acupuncture points.

The girl was stroked straight, with her head outside and her feet inside, like a shoulder pole placed on the ground.

Chef Xiao's elixir was only to protect the girl's life, and the point of Le Yun's acupuncture for the girl was to keep her spiritual platform from collapsing, and did not treat her whole body.

But because the girl took the elixir, she still kept the skin scorched by Lei from festering, but she didn't recover much, her skin was still dark and her head was bald.

When Miss Lin woke up, she still had the same reaction as an ordinary person—first she stared blankly at the top, and she became fully conscious after a while.

The consciousness is really awake, and the brain is functioning normally.

The brain can think, and naturally recall what happened.

Recalling what happened to her, Miss Lin sat up in horror, subconsciously covering her chest with her hands, and when her hand touched the burnt flesh, it seemed that some switch was turned on, and the pain flooded in like a tide.

Severe pain hit, Miss Lin trembled with pain, her mind became more clear, suddenly, remembering that she vaguely saw someone before, she tried her best to gather herself and looked forward.

With just one glance, Miss Lin's eyes were fixed on the person who was covered in black veil and only lifted a corner of the veil to reveal his face.

Her pupils widened and opened again, her eyes almost splitting open, and then countless grievances welled up in her heart, tears welled up in her eyes, she forgot the pain for a while, got up and rushed forward, crying bitterly: "Fairy save me, fairy save me!" I!"

She didn't rush to the fairy, but was blocked by thin layers of light.

That layer of light surrounded Fairy and another person who also wore a veiled hat, blocking her from the light shield alone.

Miss Lin, who was rejected from the mask, rushed forward desperately, hoping to get close to the fairy and touch the fairy like before.

She couldn't get into the thin mask even with all her strength, Miss Lin slid and sat down feebly, crying: "Fairy Fairy Fairy..."

Even though she was crying hoarsely, Le Yun remained unmoved: "This fairy has brought you by my side to teach you in words and deeds for more than ten years, and taught you the inheritance skills that can only be passed on from master to disciple or that can only be passed on by blood. Due to your own reasons, you have been unable to introduce Qi into your body for a long time, and you will not hesitate to reveal the secrets of heaven to enlighten you.

For your future, this fairy traveled more than one billion miles, spent countless spiritual stones, and sent you from the Angry Bear Mountain Range to Tianxian City, letting you wait for your chance and destined master here.

Before leaving, this fairy not only prepared a house and cultivation resources for you, but also entrusted a true robber to guard the way for you secretly.

And you, how do you treat this fairy, and how do you treat this fairy's kindness to guide you and teach you? "

Fairy didn't get angry, but just stated the facts calmly. Hearing Fairy's accusation, Miss Lin stopped crying in horror.

"Fairy Fairy, Panhao remembers Fairy's great kindness and is grateful..."

"Your so-called remembering the great kindness, the so-called gratitude means that you have resentment in your heart, resentment that this fairy left you in Tianxian City, resentment that this fairy led you to the road of cultivation but could not protect you for the rest of your life?

Your so-called gratitude is to hate this fairy for being unfair to you, for not continuing to take you through training? "

"..." Her heart seemed to be seen through, Miss Lin was paralyzed with a pale face, trembling all over: " resentment..."

Le Yun sneered: "Back when I was teaching you, I explained to you the color of the sky thunder during the thunder disaster. Do you still remember what the white sky thunder represents?"

"White sky thunder... The white sky thunder is the god's punishment sky thunder, which only strikes the most sinful...sinners." Lin Panhao remembered the meaning of the white sky thunder, terrified and frightened, and crawled desperately into the mask again.

"Fairy save me Fairy save me..."

The girl's face was terrified, and Le Yun's heart was like still water: "I saw that your spiritual root is good and led you into the world of practice. At first it was because of pity, and later it was because of cause and effect.

The cultivation skills, body forging and soul forging techniques taught by this fairy to you are all priceless treasures. In the practice world, even the top immortal sects are treasured secret books of the immortal family.

This fairy taught you the cultivation method, and I didn't expect you to be impressed by it, and I didn't ask you for anything in return. I only hoped that you would not forget your original intention of cultivation, and you could blaze a trail of your own.

And you?Saying gratitude in your mouth, but resenting me in your heart. When you are in trouble, you think of me begging me for help at a critical moment. What do you think of me as a fairy? "

Lin Pan was so panic-stricken, he desperately shook his head and cried in denial: "Pan really didn't hate... Pan really didn't hate the fairy..."

The girl's eyes dodged, and even if she tried her best to deny it, she couldn't hide her guilt and the panic of being punctured. The smiling chef was extremely shocked: "Fairy, girl...does she hate you?"

What a blessing it is to be taught by the words and deeds of the fairy?

How many people even want to see the true face of the guardian of the longevity tree with their own eyes is an extravagant hope. How many people can't ask for luck in their lifetime that a girl can be supported by a fairy.

The girl got the fairy to teach the cultivation method personally, but she still resents the fairy?

What a ruthless person can do this.

Even if the fairy is not the guardian of the longevity tree, or an ordinary monk, not to mention the cultivation method taught by another person, even if he gets a few pointers, he must be grateful and respect him as a half-master or a noble person.

The girl was led to practice by the fairy, and she also got the cultivation technique passed down by the fairy, and she actually felt resentful towards the fairy. If she is so ungrateful, it is no wonder that she will be punished by the gods.

Chef Xiao just had one idea - he deserves to be struck by lightning if he doesn't know the blessings in the midst of blessings!
"Yeah, she is not only full of resentment towards this fairy, but also the kind of resentment that is full of resentment. It is fine for her to resent this fairy, but she has also forgotten her original intention of cultivation, and she has evil thoughts in her heart, and she has thoughts that should not have arisen, which is why it alarmed the heavens. It was only then that the Heavenly Dao sent down the Heavenly Punishment Thunder and took back the Thunder Spirit Root that was given to her."

Le Yun sighed, the Chinese Buddhist language said "Buddha is not destined for people", she wanted to cross the forest girl, but it is a pity that the forest girl's fortune is poor, and she can't bear this transition.

"I don't... Fairy, I don't have evil thoughts in my heart..." Miss Lin was terrified, crying and denying her heartbreakingly.

"You said no, what were you thinking before the thunder came down?" Le Yun looked at the girl who tried to hide her guilty conscience with a loud voice: "The way of heaven is the most fair, if you didn't want to wait for you to cultivate High-ranking went to kill those four children, how could Heaven hack you? How could it take back your Thundering Root?"

"" Lin Panhao finally understood the reason why he was struck by lightning, and screamed loudly: "I'm just jealous of them, and I feel unwilling when I get dizzy... just thinking about it, I didn't do anything...what's wrong with me..."

"The four children have been with you for more than ten years, taking care of you everywhere, worrying about your inability to practice, and sharing their cultivation insights with you free of charge. For food and use, they will share with you all the resources they have worked hard for. The resources prepared by the family for them are also presented to you.

They care about the fellowship of fellow countrymen and regard you as the eldest sister, but you think that you will use this friendship to find them and kill them in the future.

You have the opportunity to cultivate immortality because of a few bamboos and rice, and you, because of jealousy, are so heartless, how can heaven tolerate you? "

You shouldn't, you shouldn't, Miss Lin's biggest mistake is that she shouldn't have murderous intentions towards the four children and hate her. Others are heavier.

Those four children once died in order to save the world, and like Cultivator Yan, they had been reincarnated dozens of times before they died accidentally and failed to prove the way of immortality again.

Reincarnated in this life, it was because of her appearance that they were saved from another premature death, and they had the opportunity to re-enter the immortal way and prove the great way again.

Ordinary people still protect their shortcomings, let alone the way of heaven.

Yunlan Tiandao guarded his shortcoming in a fair and aboveboard way, and struck a lightning strike on the spot to Miss Lin who had murderous intentions towards the four cubs, and also took back a spiritual root.

Le Yun is also a person who protects his shortcomings, so he expresses his deep understanding of Yunlan's behavior of protecting his shortcomings.

Laughing at the chef's silence, this girl is really self-inflicted!
"No, no, no..." Miss Lin kowtowed desperately: "I was wrong, I was wrong, I beg the fairy to give Pan another chance, did Pan have intentions... Pan is just because the fairy would rather give a dog precious pills I also don't want to give a medicine to my younger brother and Granny Lin, because I feel that the fairy is biased, so I feel resentful..."

"You said that this fairy is unfair, and you blame this fairy for being partial?" Le Yun sneered: "This fairy also told you, because Zhumi, Dazai, and Youbai Ningjing have a deep relationship with this fairy, so this fairy Take it with you and teach it yourself.

Because this fairy needs to teach Da Zai a few times in person, when I found out that your spiritual root is good, I cherished my talents. I thought that I would teach three children anyway, and it would be no harm to teach you one more, so I sent you Take it with you and teach.

If it weren't for the three children Youbai Ningjing, Zhumi and Dazai in front of you, even if your spiritual roots are excellent, this fairy would not be able to stay for you, let alone bring you by my side to teach in person.

You got the chance to cultivate immortality because of the blessings of Zhumi Dazai and Youbai Tranquility, but you actually think that this fairy is eccentric?
This fairy also told you that this fairy taught the four children's masters their exercises, and their masters paid them a lot of money.

You mud, this fairy taught you, have you ever paid this fairy?

This fairy taught you and the four children equally, but you said that this fairy is partial?Your conscience was eaten by a dog? "Le Yun was really angry. Sure enough, a heartless person can say anything and do anything.

The fairy's words were like a hammer, and they fell down one after another. Lin Panhao was so smashed that his eyes were staring, his limbs trembled, and he was almost going to collapse. She took a step forward with all her strength, and stuck tightly to the mask.

Crying so loudly: "Fairy Fairy, I shouldn't be thinking wildly... Please give Pan one more chance, please..."

"No matter what you did before, no matter how disappointed this fairy is, I still gave you chances again and again. If you fail, you will fail. This time you have offended Heaven, which is selfless and ruthless. Heaven will not give you a chance, even if it is a god. Difficult to get you."

Le Yun doesn't feel sorry for Miss Lin, this is what she asked for: "This fairy taught you that since you are cultivating immortals, you must learn to restrain yourself, once you have some evil thoughts, you will never recover.

And you have murderous intentions towards children, and you still feel that you are not at fault.

This Fairy warned you when you drew your breath into your body, think twice before acting in the future, and don't make decisions lightly.

You didn't take this fairy's warning to heart, you have forgotten your original intention of cultivating immortals.

The house that the Fairy chose for you is the house of Daji. You practice there for a few years, and when the time comes, the master who is destined for you will appear.

Now, you have been punished by the gods, and your relationship with your future master has also been broken.

You disdain the cultivation resources that this fairy gave you, and this fairy takes back the gift. You can experience the difficulty and hardship of casual cultivation, and feel the cruelty of the cultivation world.

There is no such thing as good or bad, only people bring it on themselves. This catastrophe was brought on by yourself. You can’t blame others. Except for the forgiveness of heaven, no one in the world can save you.

This time, Heavenly Dao did not chop you to death on the spot, it was very merciful, if you kill yourself, if you offend Tianwei again, you will die on the spot, and there will be no chance of reincarnation.

This fairy is exhausting, I hope you can live until the day you truly wake up. "

The girl was so stubborn that she might not be able to listen to harsh words, Le Yun gave her warning words again, put down her veil, got up and stepped out of the main room, leaving without looking back.

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