magic eye doctor

Chapter 3014

Chapter 3014
Chef Xiao got into the kitchen and devoted himself to cooking the spiritual meal. Due to the lack of time, he didn't include lunch in the plan, and only made evening meals.

Xiao Patriarch really helped to light the fire in the kitchen, organized his own resources, and gave Xiao Changkai a portion of the ingredients and spiritual plants that were suitable for spiritual meals.

My own child is honored to cook spiritual food for the fairy. This is a shameful thing. As the head of the clan, he must give him full support.

Xiao Patriarch was generous, and took out a seventh-level porcupine and a few eighth-level bleeding mushrooms that he was reluctant to eat.

Chef Xiao took a portion of the ingredients from the owner, and when he saw the seventh-level porcupine, he was stunned: "Master, you have hidden this monster for 500 years!"

There are monster porcupines scattered everywhere in the Angry Bear Mountain Range. Most of them are of the first and second ranks on the periphery, and three or four ranks of porcupines can be seen in the middle.

The seventh-level monster porcupine was obtained by the head of Xiao family when he went to explore the secrets of the Nuxiong Mountain Range. He only got one, and it is also the highest-level monster porcupine known to the public.

Before that, a family in Tianxian City had hunted a sixth-order porcupine monster, which caused a sensation.

Arrow pork is delicious, and the rareness of the seventh-grade animal meat can be imagined.

Xiao Patriarch hunted a seventh-grade porcupine, and besides letting go of the blood, he didn't even have to chop off an ear to make a spiritual meal. The porcupine was still intact.

As a spiritual meal master, the most interesting thing is of course the ingredients. Chef Xiao was not less envious of the seventh-order porcupine in the hands of the owner. The owner of the house took it out to make a spiritual meal.

As a result, the seventh-order porcupine fell into his hands today, and it was still a whole one.

If it's you, I'll ask you how you feel.

Laughing Chef's mood is quite complicated, looking at the Patriarch's expression is hard to describe.

"Talk too much! Make a good meal for the spirit, dare not let your heart down and spoil the ingredients, and break your legs." Xiao Patriarch blew his beard and stared, and warned his children fiercely.

"..." Chef Xiao didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he was over [-] years old after all, and the owner thought he was a three-year-old child, thinking that he could frighten people by frightening him.

He didn't quibble, he put the ingredients in the bag first, and prepared to make porcupine tomorrow. The seventh-grade porcupine is rare, so it is necessary to make sufficient preparations before making meals to be prepared.

Suppressing his monks with the authority of the Patriarch, Xiao Patriarch was very satisfied, and asked Xiao Changkai to make potted tea, so he could enjoy the tea comfortably by himself.

After the city master Su left the monk's residence, he did not immediately announce the news that the guardian of the longevity tree was coming to Tianxian City and would perform rituals to ward off darkness for the whole city. He quietly returned to his family and secretly arranged tasks for some elders in the family.

A small number of high-ranking true monarchs from the Su family disguised themselves and quietly left the family, some of them sneaked into the whole city to purchase, and a small team rushed out of the city and hurried to several small towns around Tianxian City.

Su City Master sat and waited in the family until it was almost dusk, and then quietly returned to the private house where the smile was always open.

Xiao Patriarch paid attention to it with a ray of consciousness, and when he saw City Master Su coming, he set up a defensive formation and invited people into the house.

City Master Su went directly to the kitchen to meet Master Xiao, and the two Mahayanas smiled knowingly after meeting each other, saying everything without saying a word.

Chef Xiao took a distracted look at the two true monarchs who had "bad" intentions in his busy schedule, and muttered in a low voice: "You two really didn't report the news, other families in the city alliance will know about it in the future, so be careful not to be spit on." Yanzi."

One of them is the master of the city, and the other is the master of the family. They both suppressed the news that the fairy came to Tianxian City. In the future, when other clans in the city know about it, they can be drowned by one mouthful of spit.

"Who said that the owner of the city will hide the truth and not report it? Obviously, the time is not right, and the owner of the city will announce it to the whole city tomorrow." Su Chengism is sternly refuting Chef Xiao's statement. No report, he just postponed the announcement.

"Tomorrow, the remaining ingredients such as blue and white dolphins, spirit flower poultry and spirit fish in the whole city will probably be snatched up by the people you two sent out." Chef Laughing glanced at the two Mahayanas faintly. Zhenjun, don't think that he doesn't know what these two are up to.

In Tianxian City, there are blue and white spirit dolphins, spirit flower poultry and spirit fish animal garden shops, but almost all the shops that have been patronized by fairies have been cleared. The stock of spirit dolphins and spirit birds in the city is limited.

City Master Su and Patriarch Xiao seized the opportunity, and this time of half a day plus one night was enough to run all the places in the city that sold spirit birds and dolphins that the fairy had never been to.

After knowing that other families know the news, if they go to purchase resources such as spirit dolphins, they will definitely return empty-handed.

"Hey, which side are you on?" Su City Master stared, this kid is not very good, why don't you catch him and explain the truth to him?

"I don't stand on either side, I stand in the middle." The laughing chef rolled his eyes.

"Then keep your attitude." Su City Master smiled, and then turned his eyes deeply: "This City Master remembered, your friend..."

"I know that I haven't sent out a message since I met the Patriarch." Chef Xiao understood what the City Master Su meant. His close friend and friend belonged to a member of the Loose Cultivation Alliance.

Su City Master was satisfied: "The fat and water don't flow into the fields of outsiders, you are not bad."

"..." Because I didn't leak the news that I was good, if the news leaked out, Chef Xiao felt that City Master Su would be so angry that his head would smoke.

When City Lord Su and his monks came and went, he laughed at the owner and didn't help anyone, just watched with a smile, and City Lord Su stopped staring at his monks, and he greeted City Lord Su to drink tea.

When it was getting dark, Le Yun went to the kitchen by herself.

The two Mahayanas got up to greet the fairy, invited the fairy to take a seat, handed over a cup of spiritual tea, and served two plates of spiritual fruit.

Both Master Xiao and City Master Su had never seen the four little monks brought by the fairy with their own eyes, so it was hard to ask why the fairy didn't bring anyone with them.

Chef Xiao spent some time with the four little monks, and he had no scruples, and asked, "Fairy, why didn't the four young men come?"

"They are starting to get used to bigu." Le Yun blushed and gave the reason without panting.

The four people and one dog who were left in the spirit boat in the side room by Fairy Fang: "..." They don't want bigu, they want to eat spirit food!

It's normal for the little monks of the bigu stage to make bigu from time to time. Chef Laughing didn't hold back his mouth any more.

In the words of the Chinese people on earth, the soup is called "Chicken Stewed Mushrooms".

City Lord Su was blessed by the fairy, and ate the spiritual meal made by master Xiao's spiritual meal, and his whole body was invigorated.

Le Yun ate the spiritual food, took a few boxes of spiritual food made by the spiritual food master, and went back to the north wing room, and gave a box of spiritual food to share with the cubs.

The four people and one dog who were waiting eagerly were moved to tears.

With Mahayana Zhenjun around, Le Yun was very relieved. She practiced body calcining and meditated in the first half of the night, and slept peacefully in the second half of the night.

Su City Master and Xiao Family Master meditated on the corridor all night, and slipped by the kitchen before dawn, and waited until the fairy came to the kitchen to accompany the fairy to eat.

The City Master Su stayed in the courtyard until the sun was rising, and then flew slowly to the top of the mountain in the center of the city, announcing the news to the whole city that the new guardian of the everlasting tree, Fairy, had arrived in Tianxian City.

He used a magic weapon capable of transmitting sound. When people speak in the center of the city, the voice can be heard in all directions, and can be heard throughout the city, even in the mountains more than two hundred miles away from the city.

The monks outside the city heard that the guardian of the longevity tree is coming to Tianxian City, and will perform rituals to drive away the darkness for the whole city at midnight two days later, so they gave up collecting urgent fire and returned to the city.

When the monks in the city heard that the guardian of the longevity tree was coming, they couldn't believe it at first, but then became ecstatic. The senior monks flocked to the center of the city to meet the city lord.

When the mortals heard that the guardian of the longevity tree was coming, they were so excited that they wept.

Miss Lin, who was forced to raise her in the small courtyard, heard the news from the sky, and had an idea: I don't know how much status the fairy has in front of the guardian of the longevity tree?

Su City Lord announced the good news, and also knew that the monk family and many high-ranking monks in the city would definitely ask him for news, so he was not in a hurry to leave after putting away the magic weapon of sound transmission.

He released the aircraft above the top of the mountain and waited for someone to come.

In less than half a cup of tea, the patriarchs or patriarchs of the immortal cultivating families in the city, as well as the masters of the Sanxiu League, the Mahayanas, came one after another.

The aircraft of Su City Master can't hold so many people, and many Mahayana monks also threw out the aircraft, and used it as a floor.

The Mahayanas who arrived first were not in a hurry, they sat down boldly and waited for the others to come.

Mahayana and Jiebian Zhenjun who were far away also came one after another.

After waiting for a stick of incense, no monks came to the top of the mountain.

Counting carefully, there are about a thousand monks above the top of the mountain.

When all parties arrived, City Lord Su cleared his throat and started the scene: "This City Lord knows why you are here, and it is absolutely true that the Guardian of the Longevity Tree came to Tianxian City.

On the way, the fairy knew that the girl she sent to Tianxian City had recruited Tianlei, and turned back to Tianxian City to deal with the aftermath.

The fairy also knew that the coming of God's punishment made the monks in the city feel uneasy, so she decided to do something for the whole city to purify people's hearts after the day and night.

The fairy said that the fate with Tianxian City is limited, and the fate with the monks in the city is even shallower. He asked the city lord to inform the monks of all ethnic groups that they do not need to visit. "

When the monks learned that the guardian of the longevity tree had really come to Tianxian City, their expressions were excited. At first, they could not hide their disappointment when they heard that the city lord Su said that the fairy refused people to visit.

The heads of the Xiuxian family discussed with Su City Master one after another, expressing their sincerity in wanting to visit Fairy, and asked Su City Master to convey to Fairy.

All the real kings begged for each other, and the city master Su was in a dilemma. After thinking about it, he answered: "The fairy is temporarily living in the courtyard where the girl was once housed, and now the house has been bought by Master Xiao's Lingshan.

The guardian of the longevity tree is honorable, who doesn't want to look up at the fairy's true face with his own eyes, the true king also knows the feelings of the kings, but he dare not lead you to see the fairy.

I will inform you when the city lord goes back to ask the fairy for instructions. "

"Okay." The monks of the big and small immortal cultivating families and the true monks of casual cultivators all agreed with Su City Master's suggestion.

Su City Lord collected the aircraft and returned to the west of the city.

The senior monks went to the City Lord's Mansion to wait for news.

City Lord Su flew at a height of thousands of feet, landed in the west of the city, returned to Chef Xiao's mansion, went to the North Wing to ask for a visit to the fairy, and conveyed the wish of the high-ranking true monarchs in the city to meet the fairy.

"This fairy has a shallow relationship with the cultivators of Tianxian City, so there is no need to meet." Le Yun refused without hesitation the invitations of various immortal cultivating families and high-ranking true monarchs in the city to meet.

When the monk came to pay her respects, he would definitely give her an earthen instrument as a gift, and she would not let her waste her time in vain.

But no fate is no fate, and cause and effect cannot be forcibly linked in order to reap benefits. This is a matter of principle.

As expected, the fairy refused, and the city lord Su responded, went back to the kitchen, and then sent a message to the Mahayana of the Su family in the city lord's mansion to truthfully convey the fairy's meaning.

Su's Mahayana conveyed the words of the city lord to the true kings who were waiting for the news in the city lord's mansion.

The fairy refused to see them, and all the monks felt lost, and they left each other, and they didn't find a way out.

Many families have acquaintances or their own families live in the monks' residence in the west of the city, and they go straight to the monks' residence in the west of the city to visit relatives and friends.

Those who were close to Xiaoshi all turned their attention to Xiaoshi, and asked Xiaoshi's acquaintances to help them say a few words to Master Xiaoshi's Lingshan.

The monks of the Xiao family were also very depressed. Their family also met the fairy with the head of the family and Xiao Chang, but they couldn't visit the fairy. Didn't these people go to the doctor in a hurry to find them?
But can not refuse.

Can't refuse, contact the owner or smile often.

The answer is obvious-the fairy refuses to see the monks in the city.

Xiao Shi's road was also impassable, and many monks were helpless, so they had no choice but to wait for the next day and night.

And those families who also ran dolphins and poultry gardens didn't react until they learned that all the dolphins and poultry in the family farms were sold out—it must be a good thing done by the Xiao family and the Suchengzhu family!

Master Xiao's spiritual meal was invited to cook the spiritual meal for the fairy for two months, so he must know what kind of ingredients the fairy likes.

Chef Xiao must be the first to know about the guardian of the longevity tree when he returns to Tianxian City. He will naturally inform the family when he knows.

The Xiao family collected the ingredients, and the chef of the Xiao family threaded the needle from them. Some monks of the Xiao family must have the opportunity to meet the guardian of the longevity tree.

Su City Lord announced on behalf of the fairy that the whole city would do things in the city. He must have known about the fairy's arrival a long time ago, and he must have got involved.

Thinking about Guan Jian clearly, the heads of several big families who are also the Xiuxian family of the City Alliance have their noses crooked.
Although it was a little late to know, fortunately there was still enough time, and the heads of several families hurriedly arranged for people to purchase other ingredients and collect spiritual fruits and vegetables.

After arranging the business, the Patriarchs of each family immediately contacted the Patriarch Xiao and the City Master Su, blah blah blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

City Master Su and Patriarch Xiao: "..." If they were kind, they might not have a place in this house, and they would stare blankly among the crowd outside the house.

A dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist.

The two Mahayanas let others scold them, and just said, "Fairies don't want to see the monks in the city, you blame me and I will admit it."

The owner of the city and the owner of the Xiao family are not afraid of boiling water, what can the owners of other families do?Pinch your nose and admit it.

Chef Xiao didn't care how the Patriarch and City Master dealt with other families. In the morning, he cleaned up the seventh-order porcupine and officially cooked delicious spiritual meals.

The seventh-grade porcupine is divided into several parts, braised, stewed, broiled, stewed and fried. The most tender and easy-to-cook meat is fried with spiritual vegetables and spiritual plants.

In order not to affect Master Lingshan's work, Le Yun only eats at noon every day, and spends the rest of the time with the cubs.

(End of this chapter)

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