magic eye doctor

Chapter 3016 Leave

In the eyes of ordinary people, monks are free and easy, but they don't know that monks are also bound by rules.

Ordinary people act recklessly, and sooner or later they will have to bear the consequences or pay the price. Sometimes the person who bears the consequences is not necessarily themselves, but may be their descendants.

The monks act recklessly, and the consequences are more serious than the price that ordinary people have to pay.

Miss Lin also paid a heavy price for her reckless actions. She will stop at the foundation building stage for the rest of her life.

That was the punishment given to her by the way of heaven, and it was also to prevent problems before they happened.

If the way of heaven is not restrained, Miss Lin will grow up like a normal monk. Because of her distorted mind, she may become a demon one day and become a cancer in the world of practice.

To get rid of the punishment of not being able to advance to another rank for life, unless there is a golden fairy-level fairy who is willing to sacrifice everything he has suffered on behalf of the Lin girl, in order to be forgiven by heaven.

Tiandao lifted Miss Lin's punishment, so she could return to the normal treatment of a monk and be promoted again.

And the golden fairy who was received by Miss Lin will surely die and disappear.

Such a price is too high, not to mention that there is no deep relationship with Miss Lin herself, even if there is, no golden fairy is willing to sacrifice herself.

Miss Lin did it on her own, Le Yun didn't feel sympathetic, but she couldn't help it. She personally taught Miss Lin for more than ten years but failed to lead Miss Lin to the right path.

After Miss Lin was punished by heaven, in order to observe her past, she went back forty generations.

Over 36 lifetimes, the reason why girls were not tolerated by Dao could not be found, which means that the real reason most likely came from before a hundred lifetimes.

Probably because the girl committed too many crimes a hundred generations ago, so even a person with my own luck could not change the girl's temperament if she personally taught her.

In fact, no matter what Miss Lin did in the past hundred lives, it stands to reason that she has shelter and support in this life. If the girl is dedicated to good, she can naturally change her destiny.

It's a pity that because of the girl's mistake, she cut off her own way forward.

Miss Lin is hopeless, Le Yun sighed, after observing the current situation of the girl, her spiritual sense drifted to the distance again, looking for how many wise animals there are in the city.

Lin Panhao, who had fainted, woke up Yoyo and was in a daze for a while, regained consciousness, and cried loudly: "Fairy, fairy, I was wrong, I was wrong..."

Filled with remorse, Lin Panhao cried and climbed up with his hands and feet, summoned the flying sword and climbed up to fly into the air.

Her mind is unstable, and she avoids emotional fluctuations such as great grief and great pain, but she can't avoid it. When she gets emotional, her brain throbs again.

The severe headache made Lin Panhao unable to control Feijian, and Feijian lost control and fell from the air.

Fortunately, they didn't fly very high, not exceeding the height of the roof. The man and the flying sword fell heavily in the yard like a kite with a broken string.

The girl is lying on the ground in a dog-eating mud posture.

After this fall, Lin Panhao fell like a frame all over his body, his limbs and bones were in pain, but the pain was nothing compared to the fright in his heart, and he cried.

"Fairy, Fairy, I was wrong, Pan Hao knew I was wrong, please give Pan Hao one more chance, please save Pan Hao... oh, Pan Hao really knew it was wrong this time..."

If people in Tianxian City recognize her as the girl who was struck by lightning and rejected by the guardian of the longevity tree, people in the city will definitely kill her.

She can cultivate, she doesn't want to die, she wants to become a fairy, a fairy that everyone admires!

Lin Panhao, who was crying bitterly, sat up with difficulty, summoned Feijian again, stood up unsteadily, climbed onto Feijian and lay on his stomach, and flew into the air again.

The flying sword only flew less than ten feet high, and because of its owner's weak spiritual sense, it lost control again, wobbled a few times in the air, and landed out of control again.

This time the fall was harder and the girl broke two ribs.

The old wounds on Miss Lin's body were not healed and new wounds were added, which was like adding insult to injury. At that time, the corners of her mouth were bleeding.

Miss Lin who was lying on the ground couldn't even get up, looked at the rays of light in the sky, cried until her heart broke, and choked up: "Fairy Fairy, Panhao knows that I made a mistake, I beg you to give Panhao one more chance, Panhao will definitely Be obedient..."

The girl said over and over again that she knew she was wrong, crying blood.

Le Yun's spiritual consciousness floated above Tianxian City, so she heard it naturally, Quan was deaf, everyone should be responsible for their actions, Lin Fulang also had to bear the consequences for her actions.

Wrong is wrong.

Some misunderstandings cannot be uncovered by saying "I was wrong". There is medicine to bring the dead back to life in the world of cultivating immortals, but there is no medicine for regret.

There was nothing new in and out of the city, Le Yun took back the divine consciousness that had been allocated, and counted the time quietly.

After waiting for a while, the time limit of a quarter of an hour expired.

The time limit was up, Le Yun kept her word, and sent the porcelain pots and wooden blocks planted with ginkgo saplings back to the star core space on time, then shrunk the spirit boat into the sleeve, and activated the teleportation technique to leave.

Using the teleportation technique, he moved to the mountains more than a hundred miles away from Tianxian City, did not stop for half a moment, then took out the spirit boat, took the boat straight up to Yunxiao, until it was under the sea of ​​clouds, and then rushed to the Angry Bear Mountain Range at full speed.

The longevity tree was put away, and the glow that covered a million miles wide also disappeared, and the Tianxian City and the surrounding mountains returned to night.

The monks in Tianxian City were all immersed in cultivation, and they didn't find that the five-color glow disappeared. On the contrary, most of the mortals knew it when the glow disappeared, and some mortals also quietly fell asleep in the divine light.

When the divine light disappeared, the common people did not hear the voice of the cultivator, speculating that the mighty might have entertained the guardian of the sacred tree, so they went back to sleep without waiting any longer.

Miss Lin, who cried and begged the fairy for forgiveness over and over again, after the five-color light disappeared, was stunned and then trembled.
Lin Pan got up in horror, ignored the pain, and summoned the fan-shaped flying machine given by the fairy instead, lay on the flying machine, ran towards the sky, and called out heart-piercingly: "Fairy, wait for me, fairy, wait for me... "

The aircraft has not yet flown over the ridge of the roof, because the owner's consciousness is unstable, it is like a leaf swirling in the wind, wobbly and wobbly.

The fan-shaped aircraft swayed more than a dozen times, because the master's spiritual consciousness was suddenly interrupted, it spun like a small boat in the wind and waves, and fell to the ground like a weightless kite.

Miss Lin, who fell from the sky again, spat out a mouthful of blood after falling heavily to the ground.

Lin Panhao's mood almost collapsed, and she crawled up and sat up with pain like a knife and hammer, staring at the sky stupidly, hoping that the fairy would come to see her again before leaving the Tianxian City to see if she repented.

She waited bitterly, but she never saw the familiar figure.

Waiting and waiting, waiting from the disappearance of Xiaguang to dawn, but I didn't wait for the person I wanted to wait for.

Lin Panhao, who had waited for half a night, let out a mournful cry like a trapped animal: "Fairy..."

Fairy really gave up on her this time!

Last time, she misunderstood that the fairy left her in Tianxian City and abandoned her. This time, it was the fairy who really abandoned her.

The fairy obviously had people eat the elixir of the long spirit root, but she would rather give it to a dog than to her family, and Tu left her behind and left her in Tianxian City. For various reasons, she felt that the fairy was unfair , and thus resentment.

It wasn't her fault alone.

The fairy knew that Pan'an dug her spiritual root for the purpose of cultivating immortals. If Lin Pan'an had a spiritual root, she would naturally not dig her spiritual root. Why didn't the fairy give Pan'an one?
Even if Lin Pan'an is really selfish, but the fairy can give Lin Pan'an the elixir of life root directly, she can give it to her. Whether she gives Lin Pan'an and Granny Lin the elixir is her business.

If Fairy Ruo Ruo had given Lin Pan'an and Granny Lin the elixir that could grow spiritual roots, and didn't leave her alone in Tianxian City, how could she resent Fairy for being unfair?
It is obvious that the fairy is partial to children, why can't she complain in her heart?
Granny Lin abandoned herself for Lin Pan'an, and Fairy also abandoned herself favorably, so why not allow herself to have emotions?
Why did the fairy give her resources and then take them back?
Why should she bear such an unfair fate?
I already knew I was wrong, why can't the fairy give me another chance?
Lin Panhao felt wronged, and because of physical and mental exhaustion, she cried and cried for a long time and passed out.

The mortals in Tianxian City are only grateful to the guardian of the longevity tree.

They had a good night's sleep. Many people found that their bodies became stronger after waking up, especially those who were sick found that their illnesses were cured or most of them were cured. They couldn't help kowtowing to the sky to thank the guardian of the longevity tree .

When the sky dawned, most of the cultivators came back to their senses from their cultivation, and many cultivators below the Nascent Soul level went up to one or two or three levels of cultivation overnight.

There are also monks who have successfully formed alchemy or infants.

For monks above the Nascent Soul level, some cultivation bases have risen, some have undergone qualitative changes in spirit and soul, and some have successfully broken through the bottleneck and advanced to the next level.

So just after dawn, the sky of Tianxian City was once again darkened by the robbery clouds.

The monks who are about to advance to the rank also know that they can either go to the air on the top of the mountain to advance to the rank, or rush to the square in front of the mission hall in the east or west of the city to advance.

At this time, the high-ranking true monarchs of various families in the city don't care whose family is promoted, and whoever is close will help them protect the Dharma.

On this day, from morning to evening, there were monks promoted one after another. Above the top of the mountain in the center of Tianxian City, and above the mission hall in the west and east of the city, the robbery clouds dispersed and gathered, gathered and dispersed, gathered and dispersed hundreds of times.

It was the only time in the history of Tianxian City that this kind of monks were promoted on the same day, and it became the only time in history that there was no one before or after.

More than a thousand years later, when the tens of thousands of clans in the Yunlan Continent agreed to use the year when the longevity tree was born in the secret place of Guanxing Pavilion in Songzhuling as the first year of the new history to compile the history of Yunlan, Tianxian City was favored by the guardian of the longevity tree. And be able to leave a strong ink in the history books.

Several years later, when the Yunlan Wanzu collected the life story of the last guardian of the longevity tree to compile the life history of the characters, the Tianxian City and Tianhu City were recorded again because of the fairy.

City Master Su and Patriarch Xiao didn't come back to their senses until the hour of the hour, and when they searched around, they didn't see the fairy, so they knew that the fairy must have left quietly. Dharma protector.

After the collective advancement of the monks was over, Su City Lord summoned high-ranking true monarchs to distribute throughout the city, and released the poultry that had been enlightened by the precious light of the sacred tree.

Then, each family arranged people to collect plants that were illuminated by the precious light of the sacred tree and broke the cycle of seasons, and quickly sent people to the mortal area to test the spiritual roots of the children, looking for children with good spiritual roots to absorb into the family and add new members to the family Blood.

City Lord Su also took the time to meet with the Patriarchs of the Immortal Cultivation Family of the City Alliance, and handed over the gifts from the Fairy to them respectively.

The family received the gift in return, and their admiration for the fairy rose several steps, and the fairy became a god-like existence.

The Xiazhou family, relying on being the guardian of the sacred tree, wanted to publicize the places where the family's children passed by, and they had to collect a wave of money wherever they went, and only received gifts from the most precious natural materials and earthly treasures , or magic weapon.

The new guardian of the longevity tree is low-key and unassuming. In order to hide her whereabouts, she can't wait to avoid people. When others want to see her, they can't find anyone. She takes the initiative to give some small gifts, and she doesn't let people suffer and returns almost expensive gifts in return.

Fairy, the guardian of the longevity tree this time, is a truly respectable guardian.

None of the monks in Tianxian City inquired about the girl who was struck by the lightning. The girl who was punished by the thunder was also told by the guardian of the sacred tree that her mind was not right. , there is no need to waste effort to pay attention.

Miss Lin, who was not paying attention, woke up after a day and a night of coma.

Waking up again, Lin Panhao experienced several ups and downs in his emotions, his mind was unstable, his foundation was seriously damaged, and he had a new internal injury, so he couldn't even stand up.

Miss Lin, who was physically and mentally exhausted, knew that the fairy would never appear again, so she crawled back to the house in despair, was forced to recuperate her injuries, and began a life of struggling to survive.

After leaving Le Yun of Tianxian City, he drove the spirit boat day and night.

Zhumi, Dazai, Niwanzi, and Youbai practiced peacefully for three nights and two days before recovering from enlightenment, and saw the fairy's back as soon as they opened their eyes.

The four of them calmed down, jumped up at the same time, jumped up and down next to the fairy, and then there was a series of screams of "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh".

"You are actually the guardian of the longevity tree!"

"I... I am so happy that I am going to faint!"

The fairy is the guardian of the longevity tree!
Their enlightenment master turned out to be the guardian of the sacred tree himself. How many lifetimes of evil virtues have accumulated to be lucky! .

The excited four wanted to show off their good luck to all races.

Le Yun reached out and rubbed the heads of the little cubs respectively: "I didn't tell you before because you were young, and I was afraid that if you knew the identity of this fairy, you would be under pressure, or because of this, you would be arrogant and arrogant, which would not be good for your cultivation.

The guardian of the longevity tree is only blessed by heaven, and has better luck than ordinary monks. It is not omnipotent, nor does it mean that it can do whatever it wants.

You are the children who have been taught by this fairy yourself. You can't rely on this to do evil everywhere in the future. On the contrary, you should be more cautious in your words and deeds. "

"Fairy, we understand."

"Fairy, we won't embarrass you."

Bamboo Rice Dazai Niwanzi Youbai is as peaceful as soaking in honey water, with happy bubbles all over the body.

The little cubs depended on her wholeheartedly, Le Yun couldn't help rubbing their little heads into chicken nests, masturbating the baby, and took back their little hands after a bit of addiction.

After masturbating the baby, it is a chicken baby.

Little Lolita became the king of destruction, and she didn't even give the cubs time to breathe. She started a new course again, teaching chess skills in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

The four cubs fell into the dire straits of study and life again.

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