magic eye doctor

Chapter 3025 Epiphany

The cubs agreed to be neighbors, Le Yun didn't say anything, just smiled and waited for the cubs to discuss it before releasing the spirit boat and taking the cubs to take off.

The spirit boat sets off and will be flying in the air for a short time. Zhumi, Dazai, Niwanzi, and Youbai Tranquility can't bear to waste time, so they go into the wishful house and try to improve themselves.

The purpose of Le Yun's going has a general direction. Because the mountains are full of secret places, some places need to be detoured, but basically it can be said that there is no danger.

Generally speaking, there is no need to worry about safety, and you can also use one mind at two tasks. You can use a ray of spiritual consciousness to monitor the surroundings of the spirit boat, and take the opportunity to organize resources when you control the spirit boat.

The collected spiritual plants and medicinal plants were sorted and organized neatly, and some plants and flowers that were not suitable for long-term preservation were processed, and the newly collected humus and fertile soil were mixed with homemade fertilizers to make spiritual field soil.

A large amount of newly prepared spiritual field soil was spread in the coniferous spiritual planting space that had not yet been paved with spiritual field soil, and the land was only spread less than three thousand miles wide.

After finishing the work at hand, the spirit boat has been flying in the air for more than 50 days.

The spirit boat travels 50 million miles in a day and night, and it has traveled more than 50 billion miles in more than [-] days of flying, but it is still within the inner range of the Bear Mountain Range.

From this we can see how wide the Angry Bear Mountain Range is.

The inner circle of the Raging Bear Mountain Range is full of dust-covered mysteries.

Of course, the distance to the destination is also getting closer and closer, and the colorful lights of the destination's enchantment are becoming clearer and clearer.

To drive the spirit boat, you can't do things that consume too much consciousness, and you don't have other things in your hands. Le Yun is also a person who cherishes time like gold. She doesn't want to be idle, so she decides to make clothes for little creatures.

Just do it, pick out the color suitable for the little creatures from the cloth in stock, cut the cloth according to the suit, and then fly the stitches.

The four cubs are practicing and studying in the wishful house, and go out to have a meal with the fairy every now and then, or ask the fairy for advice if they have difficulties in cultivation or talisman.

After staying in the wishful house for four days, and it was time to have dinner with the fairy, the four friends walked out of the wishful room happily.

When the joyful little friend ran to the bow of the spirit boat and saw a pile of needlework baskets, cloth on the table, and a set of small ready-made clothes on the hanger beside the fairy, he was shocked and tongue-tied.

The little friend seriously suspected that his eyes were dazzled, and subconsciously rubbed his eyes.

That's right, the fairy is really doing needlework.

"Fairy, know how to do needlework?" Zhumi's voice was floating, full of ethereal and unreal taste.

"Yes." Le Yun was calm as usual, and the needle in his hand shuttled back and forth quickly: "In order to learn embroidery and weaving skills, this fairy has specially found the most professional embroidery masters to study for a period of time, and also specially studied silkworm rearing, spinning and weaving."

"You... still need to learn those mortal skills?"

The four little friends were so shocked that they could hardly speak. The fairy is a fairy. She practiced alchemy, utensils, talismans, and array skills, and also minored in cooking skills, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. Mortal textile skills!
Fairy, she obviously only has one head and one pair of hands, how could she learn so many things?
It's not scary to like to study, what's scary is that the fairy can learn everything, and feels that the fairy has cultivated every skill to the extreme.

This is terrible.

The talent of the fairy is beyond their reach, and the quality of the fairy's eagerness to learn is also something they can only look up to.

"Skills don't distinguish between mortals. They seem to be mortal skills, but they are also popular in the practice world, but the way they are used is different.

For example, papermaking, all man-made paper has no aura, it is ordinary paper, and the man-made paper is the talisman paper used to draw talismans, and the most basic steps of making paper are actually the same.

The difference is that the monks will remove the impurities in the raw materials when making paper, leaving only the essence of the paper-making raw materials, so that the paper made is more aura and flexible, and can bear the spiritual power of the immortals.

Besides painting techniques, mortals have no spiritual power when painting, and the paintings they draw are just decorations for decoration. Monks use spiritual power to paint, and the paintings they draw are spiritual paintings, which can allow the viewer to enter a certain artistic conception of cultivation or Get inspired or enlightened.

It's only the difference between spiritual power and spiritual power, and whether there is spiritual consciousness. The painting skills and techniques are actually similar. At most, monks' paintings hide talisman seals.

Another example is the weaving technique. Ordinary people spin and weave cloth, and what we weave is silk and satin. Monks weave, and what we weave are magic weapons or magic materials.

The difference between mortals and monks lies in whether they can use the spiritual energy between heaven and earth. The essence of the skills is actually the same. If you look at the crafting technique, the crafting technique in the practice world can actually be regarded as a sublimated version of the mortal blacksmith's blacksmithing technique.

The alchemy practiced by monks is the sublimated version of mortal healers who boil medicine and make pills.

Ice comes from water but is colder than water, and the existence of ice is different from water. Similarly, the monks' practice comes from the ordinary and transcends the ordinary. "

Dazai, Zhumi, Niwanzi, and Youbai Tranquility were at a loss at first, and then fell into deep thought. The difference between mortals and immortals lies in whether they can use the spiritual energy between heaven and earth. Mortals and monks are actually flesh and blood, and their essence is the same!

It is a misunderstanding of consciousness that ordinary people regard monks as unattainable.

Monks also die, but in fact, they have not escaped from reincarnation. Only those who have truly attained enlightenment and become immortals can break the first shackles of life and death.

If you want to live longer, you have to practice continuously and break the shackles one after another until you break all the shackles of life and death in order to transcend the world and achieve real longevity.

If you want to live forever, you can only keep improving and pursue a higher realm.

Suddenly, something seemed to break open in the corner of my heart.

For the four of them who were lost in thought, the Lingtai was clear and bright, surrounded by a faint white air.

The human cub suddenly stopped talking, and the aura around him changed strangely. The black dog who followed the little master to the bow of the spirit boat was so shocked that he didn't dare to make any noise.

"It's an epiphany again." Le Yun sighed silently, quickly put down the work at hand, and used spiritual power and spiritual consciousness to create a protective cover to protect the four cubs.

The fairy made a move, and the black dog ran to the fairy's feet and rubbed the fairy's calf.

"Your little master and friends have collectively realized the epiphany, and when they realize it, they will inevitably touch the threshold of alchemy, and alchemy is a matter of course.

They need to be quiet, this fairy has to find a suitable place to stay, you go and play by yourself. "

Le Yun rubbed the head of the black dog, explained the current situation of the cub, reassured the black dog, and then released his consciousness to find a suitable place to stay.

The cubs have an epiphany, and they will soon form alchemy, so they must find a suitable place where they can practice with peace of mind, and welcome the alchemy thunder disaster.

Even if the cubs don't have an epiphany this time, Le Yun will find a place to stay before entering the destination, and wait for the cubs to form pills before going to the ultimate place.

The cubs are all little bigu monks, they are too weak.

Although, even if they reach the Golden Core level, they are still weak in theory, but relatively speaking, the Golden Core monks have stronger spiritual consciousness, stronger bodies, and stronger resistance to blows than the Bigu level.

The most important thing is that Jindan monks can fast, and they will not starve to death if they don’t eat food for ten or a hundred years. However, the little monks of the bigu stage can’t completely fast, so let him go without food for a year or a half, and let him go for three years. If you don't eat food for five years, you will die.

The cubs are too weak, Le Yun dare not take them directly to the destination, and must find a place for the cubs to advance before going to a certain place.

Now that the final destination is not too far away, the cubs have another opportunity to advance, and they are just looking for a place to stay for them to retreat and advance.

"Wow!" The black dog cheered when he heard that the little master and the cubs had an epiphany, and they would soon be able to form pills, and then lay down on the spot without making a sound.

The black dog wanted to accompany the cubs, but Le Yun didn't stop her. She scanned the surroundings and found a secret realm of the Immortal Cave Mansion full of aura, and rushed to it with all her strength.

About a quarter of an hour later, the spirit boat arrived outside the secret place exuding several kinds of luster.

The cubs are still enlightened and should not be disturbed.

In order to protect the cubs to maintain the state of epiphany, Le Yun shrank the spirit boat, held it in the palm of her hand to protect it from the wind, and stepped into the secret place by herself.

The newly selected secret realm has a total of twelve fairy treasures to protect the realm, nine of which emit nine-color divine light, and three magical treasures emit twelve-color divine light.

This also means that nine of the spirit treasures protecting the secret realm are artifacts, and three are quasi-super artifacts.

Being able to take out nine artifacts and three quasi-super artifacts in one go as a defensive magic weapon to protect the territory shows how strong the original owner of the secret realm is. .

If the secret realm is not a personal territory, it must be the Xianzong sect or a powerful Xiuxian family or tribe. Generally, even a small Xiuxian family or sect, even if they have such a deep foundation, they will definitely take the fairy treasure away when they leave, and will not let it stay. down.

Even though she is special, Le Yun can freely enter and exit various man-made or natural enchantments, but when entering the enchantment, she cannot avoid being affected by the power of the enchantment rules, causing dizziness.

Moreover, the dizziness experienced by entering the artificial defensive formation is stronger than that of entering the natural enchantment.

After stepping into the enchantment, it feels like being thrown into the extremely fast rotating washing machine drum to spin. When I feel that my brain is about to be stirred into a pot of pulp, the vortex-like circles in front of me finally disappear, but the feeling of spinning still there.

After a while, Le Yun heard the roar of beasts, and felt the wind, snow and cold on her face. Guessing that she must have passed through the barrier, she hurriedly opened her eyes.

Well, she landed in mid-air again.

People float in the void, about [-] feet away from the ground, about [-] feet behind is the barrier of the secret realm, and in front is the endless snowfield.

Covered with thick snow, it should be forest and savannah, and there are many sunken snow pits, which prove that it is a frozen lake.

A few tens of miles away, a group of wild deer were digging snow for food on the snowy slope, and a few miles away, a few sixth-order prairie white-tailed wolves were sneaking towards the deer herd.

At high altitude, there was a second-tier monster black eagle hovering, probably considering whether to catch a wolf or a deer.

The plain has no spiritual stone veins and no spiritual springs, so it is not suitable to be used as a place for young children to retreat.

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