magic eye doctor

Chapter 3028 Seems a bit eccentric

The black dog managed to stay until the fairy was free, thinking that the fairy could cook and eat, and he could also eat and drink some light, but who knew that the fairy was busy refining weapons again when she came back.

Without a chance to satisfy his hunger, the black dog became listless again.

With the help of his friends from the God of Fire, Fenyue, little student Le made [-] array discs and [-] drying plates in just a few days.

While the iron was hot, a peeler, a small juicer for squeezing juice, and a small blender for crushing plant fruits were refined.

Finish the refiner and start processing the golden fruit.

The pericarp and pulp of golden fruit, kernel and fresh tender leaf all can be used as medicine or elixir.

Little Luoli first peels a batch of fruits, then squeezes the juice, and finally throws the juice-removed fruits into a small blender to make a puree, and then uses a drying tray to dry.

The peel is stirred separately into a puree, part of which is sealed for later use, and part of which is mixed with pulp puree and tender leaf pulp, and then mixed with some medicinal juices and ointments prepared before to form a paste, which is put in an altar for fermentation.

After drying and preparing some pulp puree, the little loli prepared a batch of medicinal soup with fruit juice, poured it into the brewing wine mother, and prepared a hundred jars of rice wine with special functions.

The fairy was too busy to touch the ground, and had no time to take care of herself. The black dog couldn't stand the temptation of the aroma of the wine. When the fairy was busy sealing the mouth of the wine jar, while she wasn't paying attention, the black dog sneaked to a wine jar and used spiritual power to draw it out. A bowl of wine, hide and run.

With the wine, the black dog ran back to the spirit boat where the young masters had realized their epiphanies, got into the wishful house of the young masters, and enjoyed the stolen wine again.

The wine is very fragrant.

After the black dog drank a bowl of wine, he didn't want to finish it. He didn't dare to repeat the old tricks to steal the wine, and lay down in the wishful room to savor the beauty of the wine.

On his stomach, he fell asleep.

Le Yun turned a blind eye to a demon dog who was stealing alcohol, and went to observe and collect first-hand information every day after the black dog became drunk.

The black dog slept day after day, and still did not wake up after sleeping for a month and a half.

The black dog has not yet woken up, and the white snow in the plateau mountains is showing signs of melting, and the cubs have had their epiphany for four months.

On the third day of the fifth month of epiphany, the cubs finally recovered from the long epiphany. The moment a person wakes up from a certain state, the whole body's spiritual energy riots.

The opportunity for the cubs to form alchemy has come.

Le Yun didn't spare the fragrance and jade, rolled the four cubs out of the spirit boat, sent them to the square where the bluestone was exposed, and arranged a huge spirit gathering array for them.

After setting up the formation, he flew to the Lingzhi Garden, transferred the little creatures to the spirit boat where the round-leaf trees and coniferous trees were placed in the spirit planting space, and then hurried back to the mansion where the little cubs advanced.

Outside the safety zone, Le Yun put the spirit boat in the air, then moved the plum blossom gun, Hanmei hairpin, and silkworm ghost to the bow of the boat, and finally moved the little fox, Xiao Huihui, and Dan Baobao out of the star core space.

Chihuahua and her friends surrounded Danbaobao, very curious.

The little fox, Xiao Huihui, ran to the coniferous tree and stayed there, watching the four human cubs advance.

The cubs have just started to attack the Jindan stage, and the thunder cloud has not come yet.

Le Yun moved a small chair and sat down, hugged a bag of shells, and opened them happily. After knocking for a while, she found a group of cuties staring at her eagerly, and the little hands holding the shells paused.

The little fox squatted on the coniferous tree, his golden pupils were full of accusations: "Little girl, don't you feel bad for eating alone?"

"It doesn't hurt." Le Yun, who came to her senses, said two words with a bright smile, took out the shells in a hurry, and gave each little creature a bowl of shells.

While dividing the fruit shells, he said brokenly: "You didn't say you want to eat fruit shells, but I didn't know that you also wanted to eat shellfish. Just say it if you want to eat it. If you don't tell others, how will others know, although I know that I may not condone you. , but how will you know if you don’t try it…”

The little fox got the shell, swished away from the little girl's place, crushed a shell and ate it, then touched the little monkey, and whispered: "Did you notice that your little sister seems to have grown up too?" Chattering."

Xiao Huihui stared, and squeaked in dissatisfaction, what does it mean that a young lady has become a chatterbox?Miss sister is obviously the most beautiful and best little fairy!
The chatter has always been the little fox himself.

The little fox likes to make trouble, he doesn't admit it, he talks, but he doesn't admit it!
Xiao Huihui stands for Miss Sister at all times, and her thoughts of firmly supporting Miss Sister will never waver.

The little fox was angry, and snorted indignantly: "I forgot that you are your little sister's number one little fan girl, and you have the best little sister in your heart."

Xiao Huihui ignored the little fox, she was the best young lady in the first place, and only their family had such a good little fairy young lady.

Lingzhiwa and Xiaoyujing hugged the fruit shells while knocking and listening to gossip. The two on the tree stopped bickering and felt quite regretful.

Zhumi, Dazai, Niwanzi, and Youbai Ningjing had no idea that they had had an epiphany for more than four months, and they only felt as if only a moment had passed.

When their consciousness came back from the trance, they felt the spiritual energy in the dantian surging, and they also knew that this was about to advance, so they sat down and rushed to the stage before they had time to think about it.

The four of them organized their spiritual energy wholeheartedly to attack those barriers blocking the way.

They have been promoted many times, and they are calm and calm, but because they are forming alchemy this time, they feel that the barriers on the way to promotion are extraordinarily strong, like walls, hard and hard.

Therefore, every time a barrier is broken through, it takes time to accumulate strength, so the process is a bit slow.

It took the four cubs a day and a night to finally clear the roadblock. At that moment, the spiritual power of heaven and earth rushed to the four of them from all directions.

At the same time, the robbery clouds began to gather in the sky.

The four people were promoted at the same time and at the same place, each with a spiritual vortex above their heads, and the picture was very spectacular.

The Spirit Gathering Formation transformed the spirit stones into spiritual energy, which was continuously delivered to the four people in the formation.

The little fox looked up at the sky, then at the ground, threw the shellfish basin into the space device, grabbed the little monkey, and squatted on the shoulders of a jumping little girl.

He squatted down, grabbed two shells from the bag in the little girl's hand, gave one to the little monkey, squeezed one for himself, and sucked it into his mouth.

Knocked one shell, went to grab two more, said while kowtowing: "Little girl, are you really assured that they will survive the thunder disaster in the same place?"

"It's okay." Le Yun wasn't worried at all, the four little cubs had registered at Yunlan Tiandao, God would have to aggravate the thunder disaster for his own little cubs.

Well, let's not talk about the little fox, the little girl knows what he is so worried about.

It took a long time for the four cubs to condense the golden core, it took a full three hours, and after the thunder clouds gathered, they also hung in the air and waited for a full three hours.

When a golden ball the size of an egg condensed in the dantian of the cubs, and a layer of golden liquid accumulated, the sky thunder struck down.

The Golden Core Thunder Tribulation of the four little cubs are all eighty-nine purple golden thunders.

But Tianlei was only as thick as an arm, and when it came down, it landed on the top of the person's head without deflecting or slanting, and a Tianlei empowerment came.

A group of little creatures were stunned.

"Why do I feel that this thunder seems to be a bit biased?" The little fox also noticed the strangeness, and whispered to the little girl through sound transmission with his spiritual sense.

"Ah, little fox, you've finally seen it. You're not blind." Le Yun gritted her teeth.

It is said that the way of heaven has gone to the edge of the sky: chopping the key point will be said that the way of heaven is ruthless, and even his own children will be ruthless.

It is difficult to be a human being, and it is even more difficult to be a god.

No matter how difficult it is, this work still has to be done.

The eccentric God, down-to-earth thunder strikes the little cub, one thunder after another, giving strength to the cub again and again.

However, Zhumi and the others don't know.

The four of them were forced to endure the thunderstorms, and they felt that God might think they were too lucky and could not understand them, so the thunderbolts struck their bodies accurately and ruthlessly, without wasting even a single sliver.

The power of the sky thunder was too strong, they had to lead the thunder to forge the meridians and dantian, and let the power of the sky thunder forge the golden elixir and the meridians again and again.

Every time Jin Dan is struck by lightning, it shrinks by a small circle.

After the eight rounds of thunder blasted, the golden pill also doubled in size, turning into a large pill.

It may be that Tiandao felt that he should not be too biased, the last thunder was thicker, and burned all the hair and clothes of the cubs.

Four handsome young heroes turned into black sticks with bald heads and black faces.

After finally being struck by lightning, Zhumi and the others found that their clothes were gone, immediately took out their robes to wrap themselves up, and then adjusted their breathing.

The sky thunder returned to the cloud layer, and the robbery cloud turned into a flowing cloud and dissipated.

The sky cleared, and the golden light suddenly appeared.

After a while, the heaven-sent golden light turned into a golden beam and descended from the sky.

Le Yun moved the spirit boat not far from Xiaozai'er, and then moved the round-leaved trees and conifers out of the spirit boat, allowing them to occupy a corner each, turning into towering giant trees, and absorbing the spiritual energy with all their strength.

The little fox took Xiao Huihui and ran to the coniferous tree to stay, just like a group of little dolls, greedily absorbing the spiritual energy from heaven.

Le Yun was not polite, and turned on the practice mode.

It's okay if she doesn't practice, but once she starts to practice, it's like turning on the siphon mode, and half of the god-given spiritual power is sucked by her, forming a vortex on top of her head.

The little fox, who was busy eating spiritual energy, saw the movement of the little girl, his jaw almost fell to the ground in shock, and he closed his big mouth with a "snap".

He stood on the coniferous tree and forgot to eat.

After standing for a long time, the little fox came back to his senses, his beard trembled with jealousy, the little girl is a freak!

The existence of freaks cannot be explained by science.

Freak...he is incomparable, the little fox who was hit hard, twisted his neck silently, raised his head, sucked the spiritual energy, let's eat, nothing is more important than filling his stomach!

The golden light shone for a full hour.

Bamboo rice, Dazai, Niwanzi, and Youbai Ningjing who were burnt to be bald have absorbed a lot of natural aura, their hair has grown back, and their skin has become whiter and more tender.

Their golden core also absorbed a lot of spiritual energy and grew to the size of an egg again.

After the golden light disappeared, the four of them were still immersed in their cultivation.

As soon as the heavenly golden light disappeared, Le Yun got up quickly, first sent the little fox Xiao Huihui back to the star core space, and then sent the magic weapon and silkworm ghost back to the Lingzhi space.

She put the two spirit plant space trees on the spirit boat to absorb the essence of the sun and the moon, and then put away the spirit crystal marrow left over from arranging the spirit gathering array for the little cubs, and sent a few little creatures into the spirit plant of the mansion. Garden, let them help collect.

The Lingzhi Garden in the mansion is also bathed in the golden light, absorbing a large amount of divine aura, and the plants grow faster.

The little creatures were shocked when they found out that besides the Lingzhi garden they found, there was also a Lingzhi garden.

After being shocked, he hurriedly rushed to the bushes, frantically masturbating Ling Zhi.

Le Yun also went to various spiritual plant gardens, and swept away some spiritual plant flowers and fruits that were waiting to be studied and excavated, and then turned into a collection maniac, frantically sweeping away the plants in the ancient city that had been bathed in golden light.

Zhumi, Dazai, Niwanzi, and Youbai Ningjing practiced for another day and night. The person who recovered first did not move. It was not until the friends woke up from the practice that they hurriedly returned to the Ruyi House to freshen up.

Da Zai went back to his residence, and saw the black dog lying flat, he was full of astonishment, Da Hei was in such a deep sleep, and he and his little friends were making so much noise about forming pills and lightning tribulations, yet he didn't wake up?

He was worried that there was something wrong with the black dog, so he checked it with his spiritual sense, but found nothing, so he went to wash it in silence.

The little friends took on a new look, ran out of the spirit boat, and curiously researched where they were.

They were clearly listening to the fairy talk in the spirit boat, so why did they change places in the blink of an eye? They had no memory of when the fairy came to the new place to camp.

The little friends were suspicious, and observed the shelter circled by the fairy, walked out of the defensive formation, and then released their divine senses, but found that they could not sense the breath of monsters.

Fortunately, I know where the fairy is.

The four little friends started to run, rushing against the wind, chasing after each other like meteors chasing the moon, and soon rushed to the place where the fairy was.

The fairy is picking the fruit of a fruit tree. The fruit is yellow and bright, which is pleasing to the eye.

Without saying a word, the cubs also flew into the air with flying swords, plucking fruits around the tree.

They picked all the ripe fruits and surrounded the little fairy, chirping and asking where they were, but they didn't have the slightest impression.

The cubs were as lively as sparrows, and Le Yun walked slowly towards another fruit tree: "You entered enlightenment on the spirit boat that day, so this fairy had no choice but to find a place for you to stay.

It took you four months and three days to realize your epiphany, plus the time it took you to advance, four months and seven days have passed. "


The four handsome little Jindan were dumbfounded.

"It's nothing strange, the epiphany time can be long or short, sometimes it may be just a short moment, and sometimes it may last for ten and a half months or a year and a half.

In theory, the longer the time, the better for yourself.

Of course, there are also disadvantages to the long time of epiphany. If the timing and place of epiphany are wrong, and no one is protecting the law for oneself, it will put oneself in danger, give the enemy a chance to attack, and may be life-threatening. "


The four little golden pills who were still in a daze responded subconsciously, and the sentence "four months and seven days" echoed in their minds.

The cubs were cute and cute, Le Yun became playful, and floated over again, gave one person a pat on the head, then floated away happily, and continued to rub the golden fruit.

The child whose head was rubbed finally woke up, and chased after the fairy as a little tail, wherever the fairy went, they went there.

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