magic eye doctor

Chapter 3043 "Surprise" given by the cubs

The treasure she found was the water-holding magic weapon that she had been thinking about. Le Yun was in high spirits. She thought it was the divine material needed by immortals to cast a golden body when she saw some rays of light.

She didn't delve into the reason why the shells gathered together and were buried in the ground of Haiji Lake, nor did she delve into the reason why they escaped the eyes of other monsters.

No matter what the reason is, the seashells have been sleeping in Haiji Lake Bay for trillions of years, and now they are in her pocket. This is the result of her labor.

Next, continue digging the rocks beneath the intertidal zone.

The puppet group dug an underground tunnel into the depths of the intertidal sandy beach layer, dug out the god gold and spirit gold mines first, and then cleaned up the rock layer hiding the seashells, and then dug the seashells.

It's a pity that after exhausting all the efforts, a large number of seashells were dug out, only one earth fairy and two mortal-level swallowing snails.

Although a little disappointed, overall, the treasure digging operation came to a successful conclusion.

After digging out the treasures hidden deep underground, the puppet team worked diligently to dig the shells. They can be called the best all-around good helpers. If you judge the people who moved the world, they must have their place on the list.

After getting a bunch of magic treasures for holding water, little Lori didn't even dig pearl shells, and ran to share the joy of the harvest with little fox, and asked him to identify which shells belonged to the shell monster tribe.

After hearing the little girl's treasure hunt, the little fox stared at a pair of golden pupils, the whole fox was speechless.

No wonder the little girl confidently said that even if she didn't make an agreement with someone, she wouldn't suffer a loss. With her luck of picking up treasures, it's no wonder she would suffer a disadvantage.

Today is another day when the little girl is so mad at the darling of the heavens in all worlds!
Feeling sorry for the darlings of the Ten Thousand Realms, the little fox happily admired the piece of shell of the heavenly level, even though he was a god fox, he didn't recognize what kind of shell it was.

The shell was white, with some blue, purple, yellow, reddish brown patterns, other than that, it had no other features.

The aura belonging to the monster in the shell has long since dissipated, and there is no trace to be found. Who knows what kind of shell it is or the scale fragment of some kind of monster.

If you can't identify it, the little fox can only admit it.

Even the jack-of-all-trades little fox couldn't recognize the origin of the shell, so Le Yun threw it into the natural gourd magic weapon and left it alone, and exchanged a pile of mines for the empty storage container, and then went to visit the cubs.

Four cubs and a dog have dug a lot of mines and collected a lot of spiritual plants and spiritual fruits.

If you stay in one place for a long time, you will get tired of it. Little Lolita moved people to another place again, so that the cubs can continue to mine and collect.

Finally, I went to inspect the progress of the puppet collection group. The work progress of the collection team is still in progress in an orderly manner. It is getting closer and closer to Haiji Lake. It is expected to arrive at the bay before the mining team finishes digging the pearl shells in the bay.

After going out for a stroll, Xiao Le went back to the bay, collecting fresh water while digging shellfish, and mopping up fruit resources during the fruit harvest season.

During the spawning season of pearl oysters in the following year, the excavation team will go to collect shellfish, and then return to the bay to dig shellfish.

The puppet collection team arrived at the bay of Haigaoji Lake in December of that year, and the puppet mining team advanced along the veins and had already surpassed the lake bay area by more than [-] miles.

Little Loli made a new collection route and plan for the collection team, and asked the team to go east along the direction of the spirit stone veins, and the collection range was within the aura coverage area of ​​the spirit stone vein lines.

The collection team packed up and set off.

Le Xiao led the shellfish digging team to work until the next year, sweeping the lake bay area before the pearl oysters spawned, and led a large team to set off, walking east along the shore area of ​​Haiji Lake, collecting and looking for shellfish. There are beaches and bays with pearl oysters.

Haiji Lake is from Dahu Bay to the east, and there are no large lake bays for nearly several million miles, only some small lake bays or a few flat sandy beaches, and the amount of pearl shells is small.

When not digging pearl oysters, Le Yun led the vanguard blue-armored puppets to clear the way for the collection team. First, they went to the front to clear the lairs of monsters and clear away the obstacles blocking the way.

The puppet mining team and the collection team marched forward regardless of the season, and it took only eight and a half years to reach the end area of ​​the Lingshi vein. In order to keep pace with the large army, the collection area was expanded and the mining team was waiting.

Classmate Le Xiao excavated a small branch near the end of the Lingshi vein, and threw four cubs into the mine to dig the Lingshi mine.

The four little golden pills and the black dog had originally cast a shadow on mining, but after being brought into the mine, they were stunned to see the bright ore.

"Spirit stone?!"

The four friends screamed in disbelief, ahhh, the fairy found a vein of spirit stone!
The black dog reacted more directly, yelling and rushing over, grabbing at the mine wall, successfully grabbed a few pieces of spirit stones, and was so excited that it "fangfang" rolled and screamed.

"This vein of more than 3000 miles belongs to you. This fairy will not help you dig mines. Work hard yourself!"

Le Yun looked at the cubs from the first time they heard about the mining, showing a look of lovelessness, and now with a surprised expression, which gave me a sense of accomplishment.

Before Ni Wanzi left Tianhu City, his family prepared a large amount of materials for refining weapons, and he gave a copy to each of his friends.

The four cubs have refined a lot of storage containers by themselves, and they haven't filled them yet, so they still can't experience the sadness of not having enough space containers but lacking the materials for the storage containers.

Anyway, Le Yun will not remind the cubs for the time being, I believe that day will come soon, when their storage containers are full, and after they taste the helplessness of lacking storage containers, then teach them new lessons.

"Wow, it's so long."

How many days will it take to dig out the three thousand-mile-long Lingshi vein?

With a sense of urgency in their hearts, the four were so excited that they rolled up their sleeves and went to work immediately, not wanting to waste even a moment of time.

The boys were not mining for the first time, they had experience, Le Yun was not present to supervise, and left the mine with teleportation to go to work.

The place where the cubs dig mines is in the town of Jieshan, Baixing Town, so it is very safe.

Le Yun led the pioneer team to explore the road along the shore of Haiji Lake, and explored hundreds of millions of miles forward, and then turned back to deal with the spiritual plant in his hand.

The large ore veins are long and have many branches. It took another three years for the puppet beast mining team to dig out all the mines that could be mined, leaving a long underground mine.

After the mine is dug, you can set off eastward.

Little Lolita went to pick up the little miners who were mining, and the large army set out, mainly collecting along the way.

The team stopped and went, and it took 25 years to walk from the southeast area of ​​Haiji Lake to the due east of Haigaoji Lake.

Haiji Lake is from the southeast to the east, and the coast is dominated by tropical rainforest, which is also mixed with microclimate. The monsters are mainly birds, primates and lizards, as well as pythons and frogs. class of monsters.

In addition to large primate mammals, there are leopard and tiger monsters that like dense forests, but there are fewer turtle monsters.

The entire area is low-lying, with a large number of rivers flowing into the lake, and the water area about [-] miles wide from the shore of the lake to the lake is all freshwater.

The 800 million miles along the east bank of the lake are vast plains, with countless large and small bays or flat beaches. In addition to the tidal marshes, there are also a large number of water-loving jungles at the junction of the plains and the lake.

The intertidal zone of lake bays and flat beaches has an average width of more than [-] miles, and the subtidal zone, that is, the shallow water area near the shore, has an average width of more than [-] miles. It is the home of small monsters and creatures such as shellfish, sea crabs, and clamworms.

The plain has a high forest coverage rate and abundant water resources. There are also a large number of grasslands and savannahs, which are the habitats of large monsters such as hippopotamus, elephant, rhinoceros, ox, tiger and lion.

Before reaching the Eastern Plains, the storage containers of the four cubs were all filled to the brim.

The four little friends had no empty storage containers in their hands, and the mines for refining the storage containers were not complete, so they could only look at the resources and sigh, and the corners of their mouths were blistered with anxiety, frowning every day.

The bad-hearted Le Yun just watched the kids running around in a hurry and firmly refused to support them. Man, you only know the importance of umbrellas after being exposed to the rain.

Only when monks go through the plight of lack of materials can they know the preciousness of resources and the importance of collecting them all.

Arriving at the Great Plains in the east of Haiji Lake, Le Yun was overjoyed to see the vast lake shoreline and intertidal and subtidal silt deposits.

Oh, such a wide tidal marsh area, such a wide intertidal zone and subtidal zone, are all habitats for pearl oysters. How many pearl oysters can be harvested here? !
Just thinking about the amount of pearl oysters harvested, Le Yun was so happy that she flew into the plain lake shoreline decisively, and reasonably allocated the shellfish digging and collection teams to work.

The Puppet Beast Legion, which has no experience in shell digging but has experience in digging sand and soil, is also all arranged to dig shells this time, and the digging team with rich shell digging experience naturally becomes the best leading team.

The puppet team that used to be responsible for collecting shells was also divided into half for digging shells, and only half for collecting.

Le Yun led the vanguard to sweep the plains and lakeshore areas within a radius of 300 million miles, and drove or cleared the dangerous monsters.

After eliminating the hidden dangers, the collection team was allowed to work temporarily, and she personally taught the cubs how to make alchemy.

Because the storage devices are not enough, the four cubs who can only look at the resources and sigh, learn alchemy seriously. If they learn alchemy, they can make a lot of spiritual plant resources into pills, and they can also free up a lot of storage. device.

The four cubs studied very seriously. They first learned the theoretical knowledge of Lingzhi matching, and then formally learned alchemy. The most common alchemy pills and bigu pills were used for beginners.

Alchemy is a technical activity.

It is also a skill that requires talent.

Obviously they were taught by the same teacher, and the content of learning was the same, even the spiritual plants used for alchemy were the same. When it was officially alchemy, the four cubs didn't fry the furnace, but the results were quite different.

Da Zai is a golden fire spirit root, he is a good seed for refining equipment, learning alchemy, there is no problem in the early stage, and the operation is also no problem, but he is obviously refining Bigu pill, he forcibly refined it into a furnace of poison pill.

The clay balls made of ice, wind, fire, wood, earth spirit root, the elixir refined is not a poisonous elixir, but it has become a potion of nourishing elixir suitable for people with fire attribute spiritual roots.

The aura and efficacy of the pills are naturally far inferior to those of the fire-type nourishing pills refined by serious alchemists, about half of the aura of pills of the same grade.

The alchemy made from bamboo and rice is Bigu Dan, but the aura contained in it also has attributes. There are two auras of gold and wind, which are good pills for monks with golden and wind roots.

Among the four, only Yubai Ningping, who has the root of Fengmu spirit, made the alchemy of Bigu pill.

Seeing the finished product of Xiao Zai'er, Le Yun was shocked, what hidden attribute did the Xiao Zai'er unlock?
She has yet to find out why.

After thinking about it, let the cubs continue to refine Bigu Pill, and make a few more furnaces to see if there is any change.

The cubs obeyed and continued to refine alchemy, one furnace after another.

Good guy, Le Yun is an eye-opener, except for You Bai Tranquility, the pills made by the other three cubs have never been normal!
Let’s rule out other things first, and only talk about the results, Dazai’s performance is stable—all the refinements are poisonous pills.

The pills made by Zhumi and Niwanzi were either changed to nourishing qi pills or changed to strengthening qi pills, and the aura attributes in each pill were different.

After sitting and watching the cubs refining the eight furnace pills, Le Yun calmly let the cubs rest, and then started the furnace to refine the qi pills the next day.

The result is still within expectations, everything that Dazai refines is a poisonous pill, and Zhumi and Niwanzi can always turn decay into magic, refining pills that are different from their goals.

You Bai Tranquility has become the only person who carries the big banner. The alchemy that he refines may not be of high grade, but after all, what he refines is what he does, and there is nothing wrong with it.

With a calm face, Le Yun continued to teach the little cubs how to refine Yuandan and Gujidan, and then taught them how to refine Zhujidan.

The cubs still give surprises time and time again.

Regardless of whether the other friends are crooked or out of tune, Youbai Tranquility is as stable as Dazai who always refines poisonous pills, and it can be regarded as preserving the alchemist's dignity.

After many days of observation, Le Yun probably figured out the reason. The reason why the cubs are so crooked should be related to the laws of the ancient secret realm.

The four cubs were not born within the rules. They were outsiders and had not yet been recognized by the laws of the ancient secret realm. Various accidents naturally occurred during alchemy.

Because Youbai Tranquility is a wind-wood spiritual root, he has a higher affinity with the natural world, and is easily accepted by the ancient secret law, and he is least affected by interference.

Figured out some clues, Le Yun tacitly said nothing, insisted on supervising the cubs refining the pills for a month, and then asked them to refine the tools.

The four little golden elixirs formally learned about refining weapons, weapons used by monks or defensive magic weapons, etc.

The results of alchemy refining are better than those of alchemy, of course, it is far away from the words "remarkable achievements", at least it is not a white grade, and it has met the requirements of a low-grade magic weapon.

The four of them refined the magic weapon for two months, consuming a lot of ore materials.

Through alchemy and refining, some resources were consumed, and more than a dozen storage devices were finally freed up.

Classmate Le was very straightforward and threw the cubs to mine.

There are also hills in the plains, which are a little farther away from Haiji Lake, more than 1000 million miles away from the shoreline of the lake.

Le Yun sent the cubs to the hilly area, circled a piece of land, protected it with the boundary mountain of Baixing Town, and arranged for the cubs to mine and collect.

Niwanzi, Dazai, Zhumi, and Youbai Tranquility have experienced the suffering of insufficient ore, and they no longer dislike the boring mining, and are serious about being mining rats.

When they exhausted their spiritual power and consciousness from mining, they took advantage of the time to recover their true energy to breathe, and by the way, scouted out the mines that the fairy had designated to dig.

After wandering around a few places, the four of them suddenly discovered that the ore vein that the fairy had ordered them to dig was exactly the material needed for refining the storage device, and it was also the kind of ore they lacked in their hands.

The little friends got excited, they didn't even care about collecting, they were busy digging, dug five mountain peaks, finally got together the raw materials for refining the storage device, and hurriedly refined the storage device.

Refined some storage containers, went to collect them, and then worked hard to collect ore.

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