magic eye doctor

Chapter 3054 Blocked

Chapter 3054 Blocked
Because of getting a precious piece of divine gold, the sadness of missing resources in Le Yun's heart was swept away, and the whole person was as excited as a chicken blood.

Enough admiration, the treasure god gold is divided into the amount needed to make the magic weapon and collected in the dantian for storage. At the same time, he also took the Jingling flower and the five elements spirit tree and put them in the sea of ​​​​knowledge.

The fruits of the Dragon Bone Earth Bone Treasure Tree and Dragon Bone Spirit Treasure Tree are not ripe yet, so they will not move for the time being, and they can just take the materials directly when practicing the natal Dharma.

But soon, little Lolita couldn't be happy anymore.

As the sacred gold at the bottom of Hualong Pond is continuously being dug away, the hollowed out area is getting wider and wider, and the array plates and drying trays alone cannot bear the weight of Hualong Pond.

Le Yun had no choice but to throw some aircraft out as load-bearing pillars, and also arranged canoe-like aircraft, but they still couldn't bear the weight of life!
There was really no other way, so he used the spirit boat to bear the weight.

Throwing two spirit boats up to serve as load-bearing plates, Le Yun asked the Nine Brothers of the Silver Star to collect them first, and then made 36 pieces of weapons with divine gold, mainly for load-bearing and defensive purposes, and also for drying things Frisbee.

36 flying discs are arranged in each area to form a giant flying array, which finally solves the load-bearing problem.

The Nine Brothers of Yinxing returned to the ground again, and they dug without rest for a month before they dug out all the divine gold at the bottom of Hualong Pond, and the entire Hualong Pond became a hanging pond in the air.

Le Yun posted hundreds of talismans around the Hualong Pond, and with the collective assistance of the Nine Brothers of the Silver Star and the Flying Disk Array, the Disc, and the Aircraft Tool, the huge Hualong Pond was moved into the star core space as a whole, and it was buckled in the dugout. On a good giant pit.

Hualongchi has moved back home, and her consciousness and spiritual power have also been exhausted.

As soon as the pool fell to the ground, Le Yun couldn't hold on, and even failed to recall the tool man and magic tools that were still at the bottom of Hualong Pool, and passed out.

Inside the giant pit where Hualongchi is placed, there are vertical grooves, frisbees and drying trays. The puppets carry a piece of land and fly into the giant pit. When the land falls, they also sneak into the grooves between the vertical grooves to hide in time. .

There is no order from the master, and the magic weapon and the puppet stay in the groove.

Little Loli Le, who fainted due to the exhaustion of consciousness and spiritual power, woke up faintly after lying down for a day and a night. When she woke up, the space was dark.

After staring at the gray and foolishly for a while, Le Yun's brain was functioning normally, and when she was able to think normally, she also felt a throbbing pain in her head.

I sensed it for a while, and found that my sea of ​​consciousness, which was like a small ocean, was empty, with only a few wisps of mist-like spiritual power, and the true energy in the dantian was pitifully small.

If the Sea of ​​Consciousness and Dantian were compared to warehouses, and the power of soul and true energy were wealth, then she would become a pauper overnight.

After checking her own condition, Le Yun was puzzled, how weak her spiritual power and true essence could be if she was so tired after moving a huge pond!

Judging from the current level of spiritual knowledge, it can't support the project of casting the natal magic weapon at one time.

It is imminent to increase the power of the soul.

Turning her mind around, Le Yun sat up with her painful head and tired body, and swallowed a handful of pills.

After recovering a little bit of strength, he didn't care about adjusting his breath, and hurried to find the magic weapon and puppets who were still under the Hualongchi ground.

Called by the owner, the Nine Silver Star Brothers and a bunch of magic weapons crawled out of the groove, then blocked the gaps around the ground with stones, and spread a layer of soil.

After rectifying the gaps around the land of Hualongchi, Le Yun sent the puppets out of the star core space, and let the helpers continue to dig out the spiritual plants around the big pit.

The Nine Brothers of Yinxing rushed into the place full of plants, working under the stars and wearing the moon.

The puppets dug up some spiritual plants and vacated a large open space. The cone drill, array disk and hurricane swept up the field to dig the ground to collect soil.

After arranging the work of the helper, Le Yun climbed up a Longxie stone and meditated on the ground.

The Nine Silver Star Brothers were digging spiritual plants around the huge pit exposed by digging a piece of land. They took advantage of the master's practice and dug around the pit. When the master woke up from meditating all night, they had already started the second lock up.

Thanks to the blessing of the ancient secret realm, Le Yun meditated for one night because of the rich spiritual energy, and the spiritual energy in the dantian recovered. Naturally, she was reluctant to waste any more time, took away the soil collected by the gadgets, and went to work digging spiritual plants.

The Hualongchi area is only ten thousand miles away, but the plants are all spiritual plants and spiritual trees, the soil is the top spiritual soil, and the rocks are either divine gold ore or the purest Longxie stone. The abundance of resources has never been seen before.

It is impossible to move the whole piece of land back, but it can scrape three feet.

Le Yun, who even wanted to pull out the roots of Yan Guo, took the nine Yinxing brothers and a bunch of small digging tools to pluck resources day and night.

She was so busy that in the star core space, Little Fox and Little Huihui, who had been running outside for a while, returned to the ninth-floor altar area in the Divine Tree area to recuperate when their work came to an end.

However, when they returned, in an area thousands of miles away from the sacred tree area, their spirit boat encountered an invisible barrier, making it difficult to move an inch.

The little fox driving the spirit boat couldn't figure it out, why couldn't he go back to the Shenshu area?

Could it be that the little girl has done something to make the Shenshu District go through some changes, so she can't go back for the time being?

Thinking of that, the little fox couldn't help getting excited.

The little fox drove around in the spirit boat, Xiao Huihui didn't know what to do, and said, "Why don't you leave?"

"There is an enchantment in front, it may be that the little girl has found a treasure again, which has changed the formation in the Divine Tree area, and we can't get in for the time being, let's go to other places first, and return to the Divine Tree after a while."

The little fox explained the reason, turned the spirit boat, and ran to another area instead.

Xiao Huihui is very happy, it is a great thing that the young lady has found the baby!

The two cubs switched to areas that hadn't been picked before, and continued to pick plants, flowers and fruits.

Le Yun was busy collecting resources and had no time to return to the star core space, so she didn't know that the little fox and little Huihui were blocked by the barrier of the keel spirit treasure tree.

After several months of unremitting efforts, one person and nine puppets swept away the three thousand miles of soil and divine gold around Yuanhua Longchi.

In the outer area, except for the planned spiritual wood seedlings left in some specific areas for reproduction, all the plants in other places were wiped out, and even a layer of soil was scraped off. Longxie stone and Shenjin mine rocks Also move away.

There is only one huge pit and scattered plants in the entire Hualongchi area.

After moving away the resources that could be moved, Le Yun refilled the huge pit and the shallow pit that scraped away the soil layer, using the soil collected from the Qianzhe Swamp and the desert area of ​​the ancient secret place.

The huge and shallow pits were backfilled with mud, and a layer of fertile soil mixed with plant seeds was sprinkled on the surface.

After restoring the surface layer of the Hualongchi area, Le Yun went to fill some of the reserved pits with ordinary spiritual field soil, and when everything was ready, she was ready to plant longevity trees.

Before tree planting, move the spirit boat where the dragon eggs are placed to the stern of the spirit boat that travels at a speed of [-] miles, and put the conifer, round-leaf tree spirit planting space and the immortal and heavenly level spirit planting spaces at the bow.

Then move the little fox and little Huihui out of the star core space, and then move a few little creatures out of the conifer tree spiritual plant space, allowing them to receive the precious light of the sacred tree.

When the little fox saw the little girl, he wanted to rush over to ask what was going on in the Shenshu area of ​​the space, but when he saw the little girl move a few little creatures out, he guessed that there must be something good, so he didn't go to the little girl first. The girl speaks.

Zhihuahua and other little creatures were moved from the Lingzhi space to the bow of the spirit boat, and no one ran around, lying on the side of the boat curiously watching what the little fairy was up to.

Everything was ready, Le Yun took out the ginkgo saplings that had been spawned in the secret realm of Guanxing Pavilion, planted them in the first pit, cultivated the soil, and watered them.

The sacred tree fell to the ground, the sky was brightly golden, and the aura of flower rain poured down like a torrential rain, the sound of dragons and phoenixes and auspicious beasts and auspicious grasses suddenly appeared.

A ray of golden light engulfed the sky ladder, flew from the distant sky to the core area of ​​the Angry Bear Mountain Range, penetrated the vast white mist and barrier, and landed in the sky above the sacred sapling.

The little creatures on the spirit boat didn't see the ladder coming from the sky. They knew that the little fairy was planting the sacred tree, so they quickly sat on the ground to absorb the spiritual energy from heaven.

After pouring spiritual spring water for the young saplings, Le Yun looked up at the sky, and found that the horizontal ladder turned out to be the real body, not a phantom.

When she planted the divine tree in the ancient secret realm of the wilderness, the ladder that crossed the mainland to the ancient secret realm was a clone of the ladder, a phantom.

But this time, the sky ladder not only came quickly, but also descended on its own body. From this, it can be inferred that Yunlan Tiandao's takeover of the secret realm of the ancient dragon ruins is of great significance to the Yunlan world.

Perhaps Tianlan Tiandao took over the ancient dragon ruins, which can speed up the recovery of the ladder.

After looking at the sky, Le Yun walked to another tree pit and took out the sacred saplings that were born when setting up the formation in the Kuzhuling volcanic area and planted them in four pits in different directions.

Every sacred sapling falls to the ground, there must be a rain of spiritual energy and flowers.

Five sacred saplings formed a small five-element formation, and the spiritual energy flower rain condensed into a huge golden beam of light, connecting the sky and the earth.

The precious light of the sacred tree radiated, shining for millions of miles.

With the enchantment of the Nine-Colored Divine Lotus Magic Treasure as the center, the surrounding area is also covered by the divine tree's light.

Countless plants grew at an accelerated rate, and the dormant seeds also germinated rapidly. Small heads emerged from the ground one after another, bearing the tender germ slices, growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After Le Yun planted the fifth sacred tree, when she was about to rush to the next place to plant the tree, she suddenly found clumps of bright yellow popping up around her.

The plants are just beginning to sprout, and they look colored from a distance, but they look like them up close, which corresponds to the poem "the color of grass looks far away, but it doesn't look close".

The precious light of the sacred tree was amazing, and Le Yun was amazed, and hurried to the next planting point.

At the second point, five longevity trees were also planted, one of which was a sapling that was spawned in Tianxian City, and the other four were young saplings that were newly spawned.

The aura flower rain of the newly planted longevity tree also condensed into a rain column, and the sacred light of the precious tree spread out again, and some of the light overlapped with the precious light of the sacred tree at the first point.

After planting the sacred saplings for the second point, Le Yun rushed to the third and fourth points without stopping.

The sacred trees were planted at the points of the outer five-element array located in the four directions of east, south, west, and north, and then the trees were planted at the points of the inner five-element array located in the southeast, southwest, northwest, and northeast.

Planted the second circle of sacred trees, and then entered the center of the five-element array to plant the sacred trees.

The central area of ​​the double five-element formation is the Liangyi formation, and the center point of the yin and yin fishes of the Liangyi formation is the formation eye, and nine sacred trees are planted in each formation eye area.

In order to let the little creatures and the little raccoon, Xiao Huihui, and other little guys get some light, Le Yun moved the spirit boat where the little creatures stayed to the center of the formation before planting the sacred tree in the center of the formation.

The last sacred tree at the eye of the Liangyi Formation fell to the ground, and the sky above the Angry Bear Mountain Range was torn apart by a mighty force, and a huge golden vortex appeared, and the rich spiritual energy poured out like the water of the Milky Way. Down.

The aura coming out of the vortex is as thick as milk, and it is the aura of aura.

There are still traces of primordial spirit in the ooze.

The aura of aura poured down from the sky like the Milky Way, covering the entire formation with the sacred trees.

"Ooze out of the sky?" Le Yun looked up at the sky, his little mouth opened into an O in shock.

The spirit flow slurry is not a gift from Yunlan Heavenly Dao, but from another world. Visually, it is the flow slurry sent from the world of the old soil of the ancient dragon race ruins.

The aura formed a huge river, flowing endlessly.

Le Yun, who was in a daze, saw a ray of primordial energy drifting in front of her eyes, regained her sanity, and immediately moved the coniferous and round-leaved trees to the ground, turning them into giant trees to absorb the spiritual energy.

I just sat down and practiced.

She sat down and sank into samadhi, and as she performed the exercise, the primordial air in the aura was like a bee smelling the fragrance of a flower, and they all ran towards her, condensed into clusters around her, scrambling to follow the human pores Drill into human meridians.

The music rhyme of Shen Xin's cultivation did not distract her attention to observe the situation outside her body, and absorbed the spiritual energy to enrich her dantian wholeheartedly.

The primordial aura that was introduced into the dantian condensed around the original white light, gathering more and more.

The aura in the aura of aura also rushes towards the person, the aura in the meridians of little Lolita converges into a stream, and finally the hundred streams return to the sea and flow into the dantian.

That broad dantian is like a sponge, greedily absorbing spiritual energy, and compressing it into golden energy for storage.

There is more and more golden energy in the dantian.

While the little fox was sucking the aura, he also wanted to capture the Qi of Chaos, and managed to catch a ray of refinement. When he searched again, he found that the Qi of Chaos had been sucked by the little girl.


Seeing the chaotic aura around the little girl, the little fox felt extremely resentful.

Jealousy can change people beyond recognition, he doesn't want to become a fox beyond recognition, but he can't help it.

Others have gone through a lot of hard work to capture a ray of chaotic spiritual energy, but the little girl is fine, she sits there and absorbs all the chaotic spiritual energy without any effort.

Thinking that he is a majestic fox, he also has luck, otherwise he would not be able to become a god.

But compared with the little girl, he was compared to a scum!

Today is another day when the little girl is mad at Pang'er of Wanjie.

Fortunately, I am not the darling of heaven and earth in my hometown, and I am not one of the darlings of all worlds. Otherwise, I will be beaten by the little girl every now and then, and I will suffer from myocardial infarction sooner or later.

The little fox, who was full of sadness, looked around silently, and felt relieved again. He couldn't grab the energy of chaos, and he didn't even have a share in the sacred tree. What else could he be embarrassed about?
Instead of being jealous of the little girl, it's better to eat a few mouthfuls of Lingqi slurry.

The little fox bowed his head and worked hard to cook.

The aura flowed continuously like a big river, only a small amount was absorbed by the sacred trees, magic weapons and little creatures, and a large amount of aura merged into the earth.

(End of this chapter)

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