magic eye doctor

Chapter 3057 Cooperation

The survival rule in the animal world is that the strong prey on the weak, whoever is strong is justified, and the monsters have fully demonstrated the principle of the weak to the strong. It is normal for the powerful monsters to bully the few and the strong to bully the weak.

The python came one step ahead, and naturally regarded a dragon clan's relic as its own, and would never allow other beast clans to get involved, especially beast clans that were weaker than itself.

There was only one golden light group that came, and the big python monsters thought it was a big monster of the Earth Immortal rank. When the golden light changed from flying at high speed to static, they suddenly discovered that the golden light group was a humanoid two-legged beast.

Knowing that it was the human race who came, the big python monsters had no scruples, and smashed their claws, head, and tail at the golden light group unceremoniously.

The beast's claws, tail, and head wrapped in spiritual power slapped against the defensive mask of the spirit boat, and the sound of thumping was endless, accompanied by the golden light trembling and the sparks produced by the collision of spiritual power.

The defensive cover of the spirit boat was not damaged, but it was flipped over several times in the air.

Before he could make a move, the monster broke up again without saying a word, Le Yun stabilized the spirit boat, then drove the aircraft to get rid of the attack, and rushed towards the swarm of pythons at the mortal level.

The spirit boat traveled at a speed of hundreds of millions of miles, faster than the pythons of the Earth Immortal rank, crashed into the swarm of mortal pythons, overturned several pythons, and then flew over the group of monster beasts.

Le Yun threw a few talismans out of the defensive mask, then ran aside and waited to reap the benefits.

The pythons of the Earth Immortal Rank also chased the human-shaped two-legged beasts in the golden light group back to the group, and when they chased the two-legged beasts running up, the sky thunder slammed down.

The pythons of the Earth Immortal and Immortal Rank ran away with their heads in their arms.

Tianlei caught up with the monster, a thunderbolt sucked a beast, crushed it and beat it.

Seeing that the pythons were restrained without falling, Le Yun ran to the bottom of the herd of beasts in a spirit boat, and threw out a bunch of drying dishes and Frisbees and other small magic tools waiting to receive the beast carcasses.

The golden sky thunder with a ray of black thunder hidden in the center struck the python one after another, and the crackling was accompanied by the sound of "hissing and buzzing", and the howling of the python resounded through the sky.

In about a quarter of a cup of tea, the pythons turned into dead fish.

The thunder that completed a beheading mission quietly dissipated.

The sky was bright again, and the sun was still shining brightly.

Only the smell of blood and the huge animal carcasses lying on the frisbee on the drying plate proved that there was a tragic battle not long ago.

This battle ended with the annihilation of the pythons.

The collaborators left the arena, Le Yun quickly cleaned the battlefield, picked up a pile of animal carcasses, scraped and collected the animal blood, and only used the dust removal method to clean it up and put it away.

After killing a group of dragon dragons from Yinlei, she didn't hide them anymore, and the collective fights with monsters were all caused by lightning strikes, and the small magic tools such as drying plates and array plates took on the important task of picking up the beast corpses again and again.

Originally a small magical tool for mining, digging, and drying things, it has been forced to switch to a professional corpse tray. Even Le Yun himself thinks it is a waste of time to clean it every time, so he uses the dust removal technique to brush it several times to finish the job.

Putting away the small magic weapon, I went around and searched for the blood dripping on the leaves or tree trunks, and put a pill between the forks of a tree.

The faint smell of the pills neutralized the smell of blood, making the air fresh and natural again.

After solving the post-war affairs, Le Yun put away the spirit boat, flew into the jungle to collect, and waited leisurely for the next batch of ingredients to arrive.

As expected, two days later, the second group of monsters landed on the big island.

The second team of monsters is also a big clan in the water - Tengjiao.

Teng Jiao is a descendant of Teng Snake and Jin Jiao. Teng Snake has two wings on its back. Teng Jiao has inherited the advantages of Teng Snake.

The territory of the Tengjiao Clan is farther away from the Dragon Turtle Clan, and they are one step behind the pythons.

Tengjiao is bound to win the relics of the Dragon Clan. There are 35 Earth Immortals and three hundred mortals in the expedition team. Because of the high status of their ancestors, Tengjiao and their bloodlines of divine beasts, they have always looked down on the Dragon Turtle Clan and entered the waters of the Dragon Turtle Territory At that time, in order to demonstrate the combat power of the Tengjiao clan, they also fought with the Dragon Turtle clan.

The expedition team of the Tengjiao tribe landed aggressively from the south bank of Longgui Island, saw the humanoid Two-legged beast digging for pearl shells, and couldn't help but rush to beat the Two-legged beast.

The Dragon Turtle Clan heard the news and rushed to intercept, and the two sides fought again.

Le Yun, who was waiting for the monster to come to her door, received an urgent message from the puppet man and the earth fairy dragon tortoise, opened the spirit boat to the limit speed, and rushed to the south bank of the giant island.

With the Dragon Turtle Patriarch in town, the Dragon Turtle Clan insisted on holding back the Tengjiao Great Monster team, but the puppets suffered heavy losses. More than 1000 puppets were beaten or maimed.

Le Yun, who rushed to the coast, was furious, summoned the puppets aside, and protected them with magic weapons.

Seeing the little monks from the human race arriving, the ancestor of the dragon tortoise told the tortoise to dive into the water quickly, so as not to affect him when the human race's majestic power attracted the thunder.

The Dragon Turtles ran away quietly, but Tengjiao disdained them and rushed towards the humanoid Twolegs.

Those humanoid twolegs on the shore of the lake, but without flesh and blood and life breath, are too weak, and if they are scrapped, they will be beaten for nothing. The flesh and blood humanoid twolegs are different, and they can be stuffed between their teeth when they are captured.

Teng Jiao, who has never eaten a human-shaped two-legged beast, wants to be the first Teng Jiao to eat a crab, scrambling to catch a human-shaped beast.

Le Yun, who was full of anger, rushed into the swarm of snakes in a spirit boat and killed a few times on a rampage, hitting and killing a few mortal dragons before he let out a sigh of relief and was willing to throw the thunder attracting talisman.

Normally, throwing one to three lightning talismans is enough, but this time she was so angry that she threw nine lightning talismans in a fit of anger.

This time it was good, the thick black purple sky thunder fell down like raindrops.

Jiao Shao Lei Duo.

The number of thunders far exceeded the number of monsters, so each dragon was favored by three or four thunders. Some thunders cut their necks, some thundered their heads, and some blasted their bodies. .

Don't talk about running away, even struggling has become difficult, only the writhing body represents that they are struggling to survive.

The tortoise group of the dragon tortoise tribe quickly fled away, and only after running several hundred miles did they poke their heads out of the lake, and their consciousness floated to the sky, watching the battle between Tengjiao and the human race.

They saw the huge black clouds covering the sky and the thunder and lightning in the sky near the island, and heard the screams of Teng Jiao from afar, they were unanimously silent.

The human race... is too cruel!
No wonder the ancestor told them all to evacuate into the water when he knew that the human race was coming towards the island where they lived, and he also issued repeated orders to strictly order the dragon and tortoise race not to fight against the human race.

The Dragon Turtle Clan is good at defense, if they are facing the thunder summoned by the Human Clan, they will also be unable to resist it.

Teng Jiao is arrogant, it's fine to provoke the Dragon and Turtle Clan, but if he doesn't listen to the advice, he has to try his own way to provoke the Human Clan.

The Dragon Turtle Clan looked at the Teng Snake Clan who was struck by the thunder in the distance, and made no secret of their gloating.

Using the lightning-inducing talisman, Le Yun ran to the bottom of the Teng Jiao group and threw out a magic weapon, waiting to help Teng Jiao collect the body. Watching a group of Teng Jiao being chopped to pieces, she was extremely relieved.

The purple sky thunder was so powerful that it killed the Tengjiao of the mortal rank with three or four strikes.

Tianlei threw one for every long worm killed.

Teng Jiao's corpses fell one after another, hitting the surface of the drying tray or array dish.

Le Yun threw down the spirit boat, covered herself with a spiritual mask to prevent the blood from splashing on her body, and shuttled through the air to pick up food.

The body of Tengjiao is in the shape of a snake, and the meat is as fresh and tender as Jiao meat, which is a top-grade ingredient.

Tianlei scorched the bodies of some Tengjiao, exuding bursts of meaty aroma, very tempting.

The meat charred by Tianlei does not add any seasoning, and the aroma makes people salivate. If it is cooked carefully, the aroma will only be improved to a higher level.

Worried that the smell of meat would attract big monsters to snatch her ingredients, Le Yun mustered up all her strength, and started the agility of walking in the clouds and flowing water and returning to the wind and snow, and put on a show of agility in the air.

With the advantages of speed and body skills, he successfully retrieved the roasted Jiao corpse, and successfully picked up the corpse of Teng Jiao who was also at the Earth Immortal Rank before falling into the magic weapon.

She was busy picking up ingredients, and for a moment she didn't care about when Tianlei took away the thunder. When she was done, she put away the little magic tool, eh, why is it so quiet?

I feel that the surroundings are a bit abnormally quiet. Looking around, the sky is as blue as water and the sun is shining brightly. This is the most common weather in summer and autumn.

However, there was not a single monster moving near the shore of the island, and there were no monsters moving in the lake near the shore.

A few tens of miles away, a group of water-type monsters were swimming desperately into the distance, as if a second of slowness would lead to catastrophe.

About three hundred miles away, the dragon turtle hiding in the water stretched its neck and looked in the direction of the big island.

Farther away, about [-] miles away in the air, there was a group of monsters looking around, as if hesitating whether to advance or retreat.

After watching around, Le Yun withdrew her gaze, recalled the magic weapon protecting the puppet, and repaired the slightly damaged puppet.

This time the loss was huge. In addition to the puppets who were beaten and maimed, there were hundreds of puppets with varying degrees of damage.

Le Yun carried out a restoration treatment for the puppets who were damaged and still able to work, and put away the puppets who were not suitable for work and the puppets who were killed or disabled.

The puppets were fearless, and were not frightened by what happened to Tengjiao. They handed over the collected harvest to their masters, and went to work conscientiously.

Le Yun took a sum of resources, and drove the spirit boat back to the place where the ancestral artifact was located.

When she was rushing back, a group of monsters that landed on Dragon Turtle Island from the north of the island and a group from the northeast arrived at the colorful light pillar area first, and followed the traces to find the puppets who were collecting.

The Earth Immortals of the two monster teams each controlled a group of puppets.

Le Yun, who hurried back to the location of the ancestral artifact, saw the giant-toothed black shark demon who tied up more than [-] puppet guards to "greet" him, and the strange fish demon that looked like Deng's fish in ancient times on the earth and was covered in dark red. Beast, go to war without saying a word.

The other party tied her puppet helper as a gift, and Li Li came and went, and she generously gave two monster teams nine lightning-attracting talismans.

Tian Lei once again executed a beheading operation.

There are more than 260 mortal sharks and 22 earth celestial sharks in the giant tooth black shark. There are 190 mortals and 29 earth celestial fish in the strange fish school.

The herd of beasts who usually domineering in the water had almost no power to resist when they encountered the punishment of Tianlei Zhan, and they were all captured with their hands tied.

None of the two monster beast teams survived, and they both came back and never returned.

There are too many monsters, and there are not enough drying plates and array discs. Dozens of monster corpses fell to the ground.

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