magic eye doctor

Chapter 3063 Captured a prisoner

The spirit boat made by little loli herself has a very high defensive performance. Yan Xing knows his own spirit boat very well, so he dared to drive the spirit boat to attack the Nao family.

When he used the spirit boat to attack the monks of the Nao clan, he also activated another layer of defense formation. The two layers of defense masks of the spirit boat were fused together, making it very strong.

Little Lolita made it very clear that as long as there is no problem with the spiritual energy supply of the spirit boat, it will be difficult for Mahayana monks to break through the defense of the spirit boat.

Even if he was surrounded by monks from the Nao family and a bunch of magic weapons, Yan Xing was not worried that the defense of the spirit boat would be breached.

If you have support, you will naturally be fearless.

Seeing that Miss Nao Wushuang went off in person and "advised me with kind words", Yan Xing smiled: "It is rumored that the Miss Nao Clan in Jicheng is like the moon in the sky, and she is unparalleled. I have seen it, it is better to be famous than to see it, and it is better to be famous than to meet."

"Sure enough, it's better to see it than to hear it a hundred times. Seeing it today will make people want to vomit overnight." Xuan Shao nodded frequently, which is the same as the death of netizens.

The eldest daughter of the Nao clan, Nao Wushuang, said to the monks in Guiji City that she was the snow lotus in Tianshan Mountain, the bright moon among the clouds, beautiful, holy, kind and pure.

When I saw her today, I knew that Miss Naoshi was actually engaged in highway robbery, and we could also see how strong her good reputation was.

The monks who returned to Jicheng were either blind, or they took the spirit stones from the Nao family to help spread the word. In the Internet age of their hometown, celebrities secretly spend money to buy hot searches for traffic, and Nao family must have also smashed it. Shao Lingshi buys people's hearts and makes people create momentum for Naoshi Wushuang.

It was the first time someone satirized me for my inconsistency in virtue, and I was so ashamed and annoyed that I couldn't help changing my face: "You don't even know what is good and what is bad, so I will help you, and the elders will teach them a lesson and teach them how to be a person who knows things. "

"If you have the guts, just do it, or you will die together." Yan Xing was unmoved, he was not intimidated, and who wouldn't say harsh words or something.

Xuan Shao also urged nonchalantly: "It happens that I also want to know what kind of impolite you call impolite, just do it directly, don't beep."

The Nao family Mahayanas thought that the two little Nascent Souls must be jealous if the eldest lady personally uttered harsh words to seize them. Even if they refused to accept softness, they would propose negotiations. Prepare to fight hard.

This time, the Naoshi Mahayanas were a little embarrassed.

What should be done now so as not to damage the spirit boat?

Wood-type demons are important, but the most important thing is the spirit boat.

Visually, the spirit boat of the two little Nascent Souls is a spirit boat that travels a million miles. This is a precious magic weapon. If the little Nascent Soul detonates the spirit boat in a fit of anger when they do it, then their work will be in vain.

Followed closely by Missy's Nascent Soul guards, seeing that the ancestors hadn't made a move, they were the first to jump up, swiped their swords and rushed towards the spirit boat, yelling: "Don't hide in the broken spirit boat, come out and fight Sanbaihe!" .”

Xuan Shao saw Yuan Ying who was hiding beside Nao Wushuang rushing towards him, and he refused to show weakness and turned back: "Idiot, if you want to attack, break the spirit boat."

The Nascent Soul guards rushed forward: "Attack as soon as you attack, and wait for this true king to beat you to death."

Nao's Mahayana also hoped that someone would try the spirit boat, and if the little Yuanying made a move, he would be happy to cooperate and remove the magic weapon that surrounded the spirit boat.

The magic weapon was removed, Yuan Yinghu rushed to the front of the spirit boat, and faced each other face to face.

He was so startled that his hairs stood on end, he immediately opened the defense of the magic robe and the magic weapons he was wearing, and quickly took out a small cauldron and put it on his head.

Adding a defensive magic weapon to himself three layers inside and three layers outside, the Nascent Soul guards had the courage to swing their swords and slash at the spirit boat.

The Dharma Sword Dharma light exploded and turned into a several feet long lightsaber, slashing towards the golden mask of the spirit boat.

The four humanoid beasts stopped chattering when Yan Geer was driving the spirit boat forward, and all of them opened their eyes wide, looking for opportunities to sneak attack.

It is impossible to get out.

The three Mahayana beasts who nested in the wishful house and did not show up have already told them how many Mahayana monks there are outside, and they also know that there is an ambush on the ground.

Yuan Dayuan Er and Xiong Shan said that there was a group of monsters ambushing on the ground, the number of them was over a hundred, and the number of big monsters of the twelfth rank was no less than fifty.

The cultivating families in Guiji City are all human races, and there is a team of monsters on the ground, which can only come from other cities or tribes.

The Nao clan and the beast clan joined forces to intercept the road, so naturally there would be no future troubles. Even if they really handed over all the storage bags, they would not be able to leave alive.

After knowing the purpose of the Nao family, Xuan Shao and Yan Shao did not throw away magic treasures such as talisman treasures, nor used the spirit boat that was traveling at a speed of tens of thousands of miles to escape, because they knew that the Nao family had a backup.

The Nao clan and a certain clan joined forces to seize the treasure, and they must have made a careful plan. Even if they can break out of the encirclement now, they will inevitably be surrounded and hunted down later.

The number of magic treasure talismans is limited, and they will be gone when they are used up.

Weighing the pros and cons, Xuan Shao, Yan Shao and his friends agree that preserving strength is the first priority.

Anyway, the main purpose of Naoshi's interception is to make money. If Naoshi wants the spirit boat, he must be wary of it. As long as they don't go out, the Naoshi family can't help them for a while.

They just need to hold their breath and deal with Naoshi until the little loli/little fairy finds them, and all troubles will be solved.

Before it was time to go all out, the three Mahayana beasts could hold their breath and stayed in the wishful room and resolutely refused to show their faces.

The four humanoid beasts were also calm and calm.

The eyes of the four friends rolled around, looking for an opportunity to strike.

The sword slashed by Nao's Nascent Soul guard landed on the mask of the spirit boat, and the magic sword collided with the golden mask, like a hand-to-hand encounter, sparks burst out of the collision.

The golden mask of the spirit boat did not move at all, but the blade of the magic sword guarded by the Naoshi Yuanying burst into several holes.

The Naoshi Mahayanas staring at the dharma sword in Yuan Ying's hands, seeing the result of the dharma sword colliding with the barrier of the spirit boat defense array, secretly took a deep breath, it's too strong!

Nascent Soul's full blow, the barrier of the spirit boat did not even shake, but the magic sword collapsed, the defense level of the spirit boat must have reached the top level.

The higher the defense of the spirit boat, the more precious it is.

After witnessing the test results, the Naoshi Mahayanas swore to win the spirit boat.

A Mahayana stepped forward, walked to the side of the family Nascent Soul cultivator, threw the little Nascent Soul into the crowd, and he himself took out a dharma sword and slashed at the spirit boat barrier.

The Mahayana-level cultivator made a move, which was naturally incomparable to Nascent Soul. The Dharma sword in his hand glowed with golden light silently. The Dharma sword was wrapped in golden light, and it slashed on the surface of the barrier with lightning speed.

The sound of the goldware colliding was deafening, and there was also a spark.

The golden barrier only shook slightly, but the magic sword was bounced several feet high,
The dharma sword didn't collapse, but Naoshi Mahayana clearly felt the tingling in his tiger's mouth.

I didn't damage the defense of the spirit boat with all my strength, which shows how strong the barrier of the spirit boat is.

He didn't believe in evil, and slashed out with a sword again.

Amidst the ear-piercing sound of metal collisions, there was another random measurement of sparks.

At the same moment when Nao's Mahayana's sword slashed through the barrier of the spirit boat, several large nets flew out from the spirit boat, heading towards Nao's Mahayana pocket nets from all directions.

In the Mars of the flying test, Naoshi Mahayana saw a gray flying towards him, and retreated rapidly, and that retreat just crashed into the gray and white net that was pocketed from behind him.

The big net that opened its mouth catches fish, and when the mouth of the net is closed, it is pulled into the spirit boat barrier by a thin net.

At the same time, the other three nets also disappeared without a sound.

"Catch it, catch it!"

"Little Guozi, you are awesome, you can hit it with one hit."

Inside the spirit boat, Shui Dun, Bai Yin and Ying Sheng clapped their hands and laughed when they saw the big fish pulled back by Cucurbit Baby.

"Luck and luck." The gourd boy who pulled back the fishnet raised his head triumphantly, and at the same time quickly tied the mouth of the fishnet to prevent the guy inside from knocking through the mouth of the net and running out.

"Oh, Xiao Guozi, your technique of casting nets is too strong."

Xuan Shaoyan Xing was also in admiration. No wonder the little loli always gave the beasts some magic weapons. The little beasts reacted faster than them. Like this time, the timing of the shot was just right, and it would be any one of them to make the shot. , may not be successful.

"This time, I was lucky enough to catch the twelfth-order fish. The main reason is that this fish is too stupid. He even ran to the vicinity of the spirit boat. He delivered the goods to the door. Of course, I have to accept it." Huluwa said modestly. .

Xuan Shao ran to gourd baby's side, quickly rubbed gourd baby's head, and quickly jumped two steps away, looking at the prisoner with a smile: "Hey, with this fish in hand, we are more confident. "

"Even without this fish, we are not afraid." Yan Xing rolled his eyes.

"That's the reason, but it's better to have fish in hand than to have no fish in hand. This young master has decided that once they chop up the spirit boat, I'll stab this guy, and everyone will fight against each other."

"Then you have to seal this guy's consciousness and spiritual power first, Brother Ape, Brother Xiong, I leave this guy to you." Calabash Baby knew how to perform their duties, and threw the fishnet into the Ruyi House.

His cultivation base is low, and he can't step up and seal the spiritual consciousness and spiritual power of the twelfth-order monk. The Vajra Ape and the Long-eared Bear are big monsters in the late Mahayana, and they can.

Vajra ape and long-eared bear staying in Ruyi's room were also overjoyed when they saw Cucurbita return a human monk. With the captives in hand, they also had an extra bargaining chip in the negotiation.

After the gourd baby throws the fishing net in, Yuan Da will do the sealing work.

Ape throws the fishnet into his wishful house, then unties the mouth of the net, shakes the person out, controls the monk with his spiritual sense the moment he leaves the fishnet, and then seals it.

Sealed all the spiritual powers of the Mahayana monks of the human race, slipped them out and put them in the wishful room where they stayed, and fed him a spirit transformation pill.

"It's done. He ate the Spiritual Pill, let's see how he runs." After feeding the Mahayana of the human race to eat the Spiritual Pill, Yuan Da patted it with satisfaction: "It's still the little fairy who is so thoughtful, even the medicine like the Spiritual Pill It’s all prepared for us, and it will come in handy this time.”

"Be prepared, the little fairy is the most witty and mighty."

"It's safer not to take away his storage device."


Yuan Erxiongshan was also screaming with excitement, the little fairy was worried about the safety of the two brothers on the southbound road, and quietly gave them a lot of good things for self-defense.

The three beasts did what they said, and they went all over the human monk, searching for everything on him, whether it was a magic weapon or a storage device, and pulled it all off.

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